File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 asr_online.h百度语音识别模块接口头文件. TODO: 还需要添加版权、版本等信息
 awaken_offline.h科大讯飞离线唤醒模块接口定义头文件. TODO: 还需要添加版权、版本等信息
 msp_cmn.hMobile Speech Platform Common Interface Header File
 nlp_feedback.h语音识别结果处理与机器人交互模块. TODO: 还需要添加版权、版本等信息
 qise.hIFLY Speech Evaluation Header File
 qisr.hIFLY Speech Recognizer Header File
 qtts.hIFLY Speech Synthesizer Header File
 rapidjson.hCommon definitions and configuration
 xfei_speech_recog.h科大讯飞语音识别模块接口头文件. TODO: 还需要添加版权、版本等信息

Author(s): wangxiaoyun
autogenerated on Sat Oct 10 2020 03:27:54