Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
3dpose.cpp | Conversions between ROS and ViSP structures representing a 3D pose |
3dpose.h | Conversions between ROS and ViSP structures representing a 3D pose |
camera.cpp | Conversions between ROS and ViSP structures representing camera parameters |
camera.h | Conversions between ROS and ViSP structures representing camera parameters |
convert_cam_param_file.cpp | Command line tool to convert a ViSP camera parameter file to a INI/YAML file compatible with ROS drivers |
image.cpp | Implements conversions between ViSP and ROS image types |
image.h | Defines conversions between ViSP and ROS image types |
vpQuaternionVector.cpp | Defines a quaternion and common operations on it |
vpQuaternionVector.h | Class that consider the case of a quaternion and basic operations on it |