▼CBaseBinaryEdge | |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebBinaryEdge< 1, double, VertexPose, VertexPose > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgePreferRotDir | Edge defining the cost function for penalzing a specified turning direction, in particular left resp. right turns |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeShortestPath | Edge defining the cost function for minimizing the Euclidean distance between two consectuive poses |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebBinaryEdge< 2, double, VertexPose, VertexPose > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeKinematicsCarlike | Edge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a carlike mobile robot |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeKinematicsDiffDrive | Edge defining the cost function for satisfying the non-holonomic kinematics of a differential drive mobile robot |
Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebBinaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi, VertexXj > | Base edge connecting two vertices in the TEB optimization problem |
▼Cnav_core::BaseLocalPlanner [external] | |
Cteb_local_planner::TebLocalPlannerROS | Implements the actual abstract navigation stack routines of the teb_local_planner plugin |
▼CBaseMultiEdge | |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebMultiEdge< 2, const geometry_msgs::Twist * > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeAccelerationGoal | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the end of the trajectory |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeAccelerationStart | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the beginning of the trajectory |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebMultiEdge< 2, double > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeAcceleration | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeVelocity | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational velocity |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebMultiEdge< 3, const geometry_msgs::Twist * > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeAccelerationHolonomicGoal | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the end of the trajectory |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeAccelerationHolonomicStart | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration at the beginning of the trajectory |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebMultiEdge< 3, double > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeAccelerationHolonomic | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational acceleration |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeVelocityHolonomic | Edge defining the cost function for limiting the translational and rotational velocity according to x,y and theta |
Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebMultiEdge< D, E > | Base edge connecting two vertices in the TEB optimization problem |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseRobotFootprintModel | Abstract class that defines the interface for robot footprint/contour models |
Cteb_local_planner::CircularRobotFootprint | Class that defines the a robot of circular shape |
Cteb_local_planner::LineRobotFootprint | Class that approximates the robot with line segment (zero-width) |
Cteb_local_planner::PointRobotFootprint | |
Cteb_local_planner::PolygonRobotFootprint | Class that approximates the robot with a closed polygon |
Cteb_local_planner::TwoCirclesRobotFootprint | Class that approximates the robot with two shifted circles |
▼CBaseUnaryEdge | |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebUnaryEdge< 1, const Eigen::Vector2d *, VertexPose > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeViaPoint | Edge defining the cost function for pushing a configuration towards a via point |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebUnaryEdge< 1, const Obstacle *, VertexPose > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeObstacle | Edge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from obstacles |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebUnaryEdge< 1, double, VertexTimeDiff > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeTimeOptimal | Edge defining the cost function for minimizing transition time of the trajectory |
▼Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebUnaryEdge< 2, const Obstacle *, VertexPose > | |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeDynamicObstacle | Edge defining the cost function for keeping a distance from dynamic (moving) obstacles |
Cteb_local_planner::EdgeInflatedObstacle | Edge defining the cost function for keeping a minimum distance from inflated obstacles |
Cteb_local_planner::BaseTebUnaryEdge< D, E, VertexXi > | Base edge connecting a single vertex in the TEB optimization problem |
▼CBaseVertex | |
Cteb_local_planner::VertexPose | This class stores and wraps a SE2 pose (position and orientation) into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o |
Cteb_local_planner::VertexTimeDiff | This class stores and wraps a time difference into a vertex that can be optimized via g2o |
▼Cteb_local_planner::EquivalenceClass | Abstract class that defines an interface for computing and comparing equivalence classes |
Cteb_local_planner::HSignature | The H-signature defines an equivalence relation based on homology in terms of complex calculus |
Cteb_local_planner::HSignature3d | The H-signature in three dimensions (here: x-y-t) defines an equivalence relation based on homology using theorems from electro magnetism |
Cteb_local_planner::FailureDetector | This class implements methods in order to detect if the robot got stucked or is oscillating |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig::GoalTolerance | Goal tolerance related parameters |
▼Cteb_local_planner::GraphSearchInterface | Base class for graph based path planning / homotopy class sampling |
Cteb_local_planner::lrKeyPointGraph | |
Cteb_local_planner::ProbRoadmapGraph | |
Cteb_local_planner::HcGraphVertex | Vertex in the graph that is used to find homotopy classes (only stores 2D positions) |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig::HomotopyClasses | |
▼Cteb_local_planner::Obstacle | Abstract class that defines the interface for modelling obstacles |
Cteb_local_planner::CircularObstacle | Implements a 2D circular obstacle (point obstacle plus radius) |
Cteb_local_planner::LineObstacle | Implements a 2D line obstacle |
Cteb_local_planner::PointObstacle | Implements a 2D point obstacle |
Cteb_local_planner::PolygonObstacle | Implements a polygon obstacle with an arbitrary number of vertices |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig::Obstacles | Obstacle related parameters |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig::Optimization | Optimization related parameters |
▼Cteb_local_planner::PlannerInterface | This abstract class defines an interface for local planners |
Cteb_local_planner::HomotopyClassPlanner | Local planner that explores alternative homotopy classes, create a plan for each alternative and finally return the robot controls for the current best path (repeated in each sampling interval) |
Cteb_local_planner::TebOptimalPlanner | This class optimizes an internal Timed Elastic Band trajectory using the g2o-framework |
CPointRobotShape | Class that defines a point-robot |
Cteb_local_planner::PoseSE2 | This class implements a pose in the domain SE2: The pose consist of the position x and y and an orientation given as angle theta [-pi, pi] |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig::Recovery | Recovery/backup related parameters |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig::Robot | Robot related parameters |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig | Config class for the teb_local_planner and its components |
Cteb_local_planner::TebVisualization | Forward Declaration |
Cteb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | Class that defines a trajectory modeled as an elastic band with augmented tempoarl information |
Cteb_local_planner::TebConfig::Trajectory | Trajectory related parameters |
Cteb_local_planner::FailureDetector::VelMeasurement | |