Go to the documentation of this file.
20 namespace Visualization {
24  {
25  }
28  {
29  }
31  void GaussianKernelVisualizer::setSigmaMultiplicator(const float pSigmaMultiplicator)
32  {
33  mSigmaMultiplicator = pSigmaMultiplicator;
34  }
37  {
38  // Check, if pointer is valid.
39  if(!pPose)
40  throw std::out_of_range("Invalid pointer: absolute pose of primary scene object.");
42  // Set absolute position of the primary scene object.
43  mParentPose = pPose;
44  }
47  unsigned int& pMarkerId,
48  const Eigen::Vector3d& pMean,
49  const Eigen::Matrix3d& pCovariance)
50  {
51  // Check, if publisher is available.
52  if(!pPublisher)
53  throw std::invalid_argument("Empty ros::publisher cannot be used to publish marker messages.");
55  // Marker array that will contain the visualization messages for the covariance ellipse and the rings.
56  visualization_msgs::MarkerArray modelMarkers;
58  /************************************
59  * Create surface model.
60  ************************************/
62  // Check for errors with non 3D-positions.
63  try {
64  // Light gray color for ellipse because we already use color codes in the rings.
65  std_msgs::ColorRGBA pEllipseColor;
66  pEllipseColor.r = pEllipseColor.g = pEllipseColor.b = 0.45;
67  pEllipseColor.a = 0.33;
69  // Generate marker message that differs for other object locations in same scene by color.
70  modelMarkers.markers.push_back(generateCovarianceEllipsoidMarker(pMarkerId++, visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE, std::vector<std::vector<float> >(), pEllipseColor, pMean, pCovariance));
71  }
72  catch(std::exception& exception) {
73  std::cerr << exception.what() << std::endl;
74  }
76  /************************************
77  * Create wire frame model (rings).
78  ************************************/
80  // Wire-frame model of ellipsoid expressed by multiple closen 3D point sequences as integers in [mm].
81  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > > integerWireFrame;
83  // Access one of the ellipse-shaped wires making up the wire-frame.
84  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >::iterator wireIterator;
86  // Access one of the points in the polygon representing a wire in the frame.
87  std::vector<std::vector<int> >::iterator pointInterator;
89  // Access one of the coordinates of a point.
90  std::vector<int>::iterator coordinatesIterator;
92  // Calculation of ellipse polygon is based on integers, so we express size of ellipsoid that way.
93  std::vector<int> ellipsoidHalfAxes;
95  // Transform dimensions of ellipsoid back to half-axes and scale from unit usually used in ROS [m] to [mm].
96  ellipsoidHalfAxes.push_back(static_cast<int>((0.5f * modelMarkers.markers[0].scale.x * 1000.0f) / mSigmaMultiplicator));
97  ellipsoidHalfAxes.push_back(static_cast<int>((0.5f * modelMarkers.markers[0].scale.y * 1000.0f) / mSigmaMultiplicator));
98  ellipsoidHalfAxes.push_back(static_cast<int>((0.5f * modelMarkers.markers[0].scale.z * 1000.0f) / mSigmaMultiplicator));
100  // Calculate integer polygon points for the wire-frame to be visualized. Discretization is hard-coded to 1 degree as this is as we don't care.
101  calculateCoordinatePlaneEllipses(ellipsoidHalfAxes, 5, integerWireFrame);
103  // Wire-frame model of ellipsoid expressed by multiple closen 3D point sequences as floating points in [m].
104  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<float> > > floatWireFrame;
106  // Go through all wires.
107  for(wireIterator = integerWireFrame.begin(); wireIterator != integerWireFrame.end(); wireIterator++)
108  {
109  // One wire of the frame scaled down to [m] newly created for conversion from integer to float.
110  std::vector<std::vector<float> > pointSequence;
112  // Go through all points of a polygon.
113  for(pointInterator = wireIterator->begin(); pointInterator != wireIterator->end(); pointInterator++)
114  {
115  // One point of the wire scaled down to [m] newly created for conversion from integer to float.
116  std::vector<float> point;
118  // Go through all coordinates of a point.
119  for(coordinatesIterator = pointInterator->begin();coordinatesIterator != pointInterator->end(); coordinatesIterator++)
120  {
121  // Here real conversion of data types and scaling to [m] takes place.
122  point.push_back(static_cast<float>(*coordinatesIterator) / 1000.0f);
123  }
125  // Add floating point polygon point to already calculated elements of wire.
126  pointSequence.push_back(point);
127  }
129  // Add newly calculated wire to floating point frame.
130  floatWireFrame.push_back(pointSequence);
131  }
133  // Check for errors with non 3D-positions.
134  try {
135  double factor = 1.0;
136  std_msgs::ColorRGBA pRingColor;
137  pRingColor.r = getColor(0).r * factor;
138  pRingColor.g = getColor(0).g * factor;
139  pRingColor.b = getColor(0).b * factor;
140  pRingColor.a = 1.0;
142  // Generate all marker messages. Width of wires is set to five [mm] as this seems plausible and we don't think people should care about.
143  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < floatWireFrame.size(); i++)
144  {
145  // Create the marker containing the ring.
146  visualization_msgs::Marker marker = generateCovarianceEllipsoidMarker(pMarkerId++, visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST, floatWireFrame[i], pRingColor, pMean, pCovariance);
148  // Add marker to marker array.
149  modelMarkers.markers.push_back(marker);
150  }
151  } catch(std::exception& exception) {
152  std::cerr << exception.what() << std::endl;
153  }
155  /************************************
156  * Create coordinate system.
157  ************************************/
159  // Generate all three axis of the covariance ellipse coordinate system.
160 // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
161 // modelMarkers.markers.push_back(generateAxis(pMarkerId++, i, pMean, pCovariance));
163  /************************************
164  * Create arrow from the parent position to the kernel.
165  ************************************/
166  modelMarkers.markers.push_back(generateArrowMessage(pMarkerId, mParentPose->point->getEigen(), mParentPose->point->getEigen() + mParentPose->quat->getEigen().toRotationMatrix() * pMean));
167  modelMarkers.markers.push_back(generateSphereMessage(pMarkerId, mParentPose->point->getEigen()));
169  /************************************
170  * Publish the results.
171  ************************************/
173  // Publish the marker array.
174  pPublisher->publish(modelMarkers);
175  }
177  void GaussianKernelVisualizer::calculateCoordinatePlaneEllipses(const std::vector<int>& pEllipsoidHalfAxes,
178  const int pDiscretizationResolution,
179  std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int> > >& pEllipsePolygons)
180  {
181  // Check whether we got size values for all three dimensions.
182  if(pEllipsoidHalfAxes.size() != 3)
183  throw std::length_error("Only supporting three dimensional ellipsoids at the moment, not " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pEllipsoidHalfAxes.size()) + "D.");
185  // Make sure no points remain from other calculations.
186  pEllipsePolygons.clear();
188  // Vector containing half axis indices of ellipses for each possible coordinate plane.
189  std::vector<cv::Point> coordinatePlaneHalfAxisIndices;
191  // First use x axis as normal of cross secting plane and choose ellipsoid half axes in that plane as ellipse half axes.
192  coordinatePlaneHalfAxisIndices.push_back(cv::Point(1, 2));
194  // Then y axis.
195  coordinatePlaneHalfAxisIndices.push_back(cv::Point(0, 2));
197  // Then z axis.
198  coordinatePlaneHalfAxisIndices.push_back(cv::Point(0, 1));
200  // Go through all possible coordinate planes.
201  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < coordinatePlaneHalfAxisIndices.size(); i++)
202  {
203  // Polygon representing ellipse (in coordinate plane currently taken into account) in 3D space.
204  std::vector<std::vector<int> > threeDEllipsePolygon;
206  // Two dimensional representation (in corresponding coordinate plane) of ellipse polygon.
207  std::vector<cv::Point> twoDEllipsePolygon;
209  // Multiply the half axes of the ellipsoid with a multiplicator parameter set for visualization purposes. Then assign 3D half axes to 2D half axes according to which coordinate plane is taken into account.
210  cv::Size ellipseHalfAxes(static_cast<float>( * mSigmaMultiplicator, static_cast<float>( * mSigmaMultiplicator);
212  // Calculate sequence of points representing entire non-rotated ellipse centered in origin lying in coordinate plane currently taken into account. Estimate half axes based on indices.
213  cv::ellipse2Poly(cv::Point(0, 0), ellipseHalfAxes, 0, 0, 360, pDiscretizationResolution, twoDEllipsePolygon);
215  // Go through all 2D points constituting polygon.
216  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < twoDEllipsePolygon.size(); j++) {
218  // Create three dimensional point initialized with zeros as only two coordinates (in the coordinate plane) are going to be non-zero.
219  std::vector<int> threeDPolygonPoint(3, 0);
221  // X coordinate of polygon point corresponds to half axis coordinate assigned to x coordinate of coordinate plane.
222 =;
224  // Y coordinate of polygon point corresponds to half axis coordinate assigned to y coordinate of coordinate plane.
225 =;
227  // Complete 3D coordinate plane ellipse with another polygon point.
228  threeDEllipsePolygon.push_back(threeDPolygonPoint);
229  }
231  // Add entire ellipse for one of the three coordinate planes to results container.
232  pEllipsePolygons.push_back(threeDEllipsePolygon);
233  }
234  }
236  visualization_msgs::Marker GaussianKernelVisualizer::generateCovarianceEllipsoidMarker(const unsigned int pMarkerId,
237  const int pMarkerShape, const std::vector<std::vector<float> >& pWireFramePolygons,
238  const std_msgs::ColorRGBA& pColor,
239  const Eigen::Vector3d& pMean,
240  const Eigen::Matrix3d& pCovariance)
241  {
242  if(pMarkerShape != visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE && pMarkerShape != visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST)
243  throw std::invalid_argument("Chosen marker shape is not supported to visualize.");
245  // The message that will contain the visualization marker.
246  visualization_msgs::Marker msg;
248  // Use the learners frame_id relative to which all locations in this model are given.
249  msg.header.frame_id = getFrameId();
251  // Set timestamp. See the TF tutorials for information on this.
252  msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
254  // Marker namespace are associated to different types of shapes used to represent object location distributions.
255  msg.ns = getNamespace();
257  // Markers with different namespaces but same id represent same object location distribution with different shapes.
258 = pMarkerId;
260  // The marker type decides on shape of marker and accordingly how marker parameters are interpreted by RViz.
261  // Here we choose a sphere.
262  msg.type = pMarkerShape;
264  // We always want to show a marker by publishing ros messages here.
265  msg.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
267  // Columns of eigen matrix are eigen vectors representing the axes of the coordinate frame of the ellipsoid. Therefore eigen matrix is equal to an orientation matrix of the ellipsoid. This solver calculates the eigen matrix and vectors.
268  Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> es(pCovariance);
270  // Create the rotation matrix that is required for rotating the base vectors of the covariance ellipse into the world coordinate system.
271  Eigen::Matrix3d rotationFromParentToWorld = mParentPose->quat->getEigen().toRotationMatrix();
273  // Extract the tree base vectors and rotate them according to the relative orientation of this secondary scene object to the primary scene object.
274  Eigen::Vector3d baseX = rotationFromParentToWorld * es.eigenvectors().col(0);
275  Eigen::Vector3d baseY = rotationFromParentToWorld * es.eigenvectors().col(1);
276  Eigen::Vector3d baseZ = rotationFromParentToWorld * es.eigenvectors().col(2);
278  // We need to rotate the position of the covariance ellipse based on the orientation of the parent object.
279  Eigen::Vector3d positionInParentFrame = rotationFromParentToWorld * pMean;
281  // The position of the ellipsoid is equal to the mean vector of the normal distribution.
282  Eigen::Vector3d position = mParentPose->point->getEigen();
283  tf::Vector3 tfEllipsoidPosition(position[0] + positionInParentFrame[0],
284  position[1] + positionInParentFrame[1],
285  position[2] + positionInParentFrame[2]);
287  // Calculate the cross product of the first and second eigenvector.
288  Eigen::Vector3d cross = baseY.cross(baseX);
290  // The new base coordinate system for the covariance ellipse.
291  tf::Matrix3x3 tfRotationMatrixOrientation;
293  // Extract eigen values of covariance matrix which represent the relative scaling factors for the axes of the coordinate frame of the ellipoid extracted above or the variances in the diagonalized matrix.
294  Eigen::Vector3d squaredEllipsoidLengths;
296  // Transform ellipsoid orientation matrix to ros tf representation to be able to transform it to a quaternion.
297  // Based on wolfram alpha the first and second eigen vectors should be inverted. But the visual inspection (based on the learning samples
298  // and the coordinate frame of the ellipse shows, that the right combination is e0, e1, -e2.
299  // If it is not right hand, order is e0,e2,e21 Otherwise order is e0,e1,e2.
300  if(std::signbit(cross[0]) != std::signbit(baseZ[0]) ||
301  std::signbit(cross[1]) != std::signbit(baseZ[1]) ||
302  std::signbit(cross[2]) != std::signbit(baseZ[2]))
303  {
304  tfRotationMatrixOrientation = tf::Matrix3x3(baseX[0], -baseZ[0], baseY[0],
305  baseX[1], -baseZ[1], baseY[1],
306  baseX[2], -baseZ[2], baseY[2]);
308  squaredEllipsoidLengths = Eigen::Vector3d(es.eigenvalues()[0], es.eigenvalues()[2], es.eigenvalues()[1]);
310  } else {
311  tfRotationMatrixOrientation = tf::Matrix3x3(baseX[0], baseY[0], -baseZ[0],
312  baseX[1], baseY[1], -baseZ[1],
313  baseX[2], baseY[2], -baseZ[2]);
315  squaredEllipsoidLengths = es.eigenvalues();
316  }
318  // Get transform needed for conversion to ros pose msg representation.
319  tf::Transform tfEllipsoidPose(tfRotationMatrixOrientation, tfEllipsoidPosition);
321  // Fill marker pose with tf transform.
322  tf::poseTFToMsg(tfEllipsoidPose, msg.pose);
324  // Scale position.
325  msg.pose.position.x *= getScaleFactor();
326  msg.pose.position.y *= getScaleFactor();
327  msg.pose.position.z *= getScaleFactor();
329  // Apply the given color and alpha value.
330  msg.color = pColor;
332  // If surface model of ellipsoid is desired, set size of ellipsoid directly in marker using scale parameter
333  if(pMarkerShape == visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE)
334  {
335  // Multiply the relative lengths (square roots of corresponding eigen values) of the half axes of the ellipse with a multiplicator parameter set for visualization purposes. Then double value as scale does not represent radius, but diameter of the marker.
336  msg.scale.x = 2.0f * std::sqrt(squaredEllipsoidLengths[0]) * getScaleFactor() * mSigmaMultiplicator;
337  msg.scale.y = 2.0f * std::sqrt(squaredEllipsoidLengths[1]) * getScaleFactor() * mSigmaMultiplicator;
338  msg.scale.z = 2.0f * std::sqrt(squaredEllipsoidLengths[2]) * getScaleFactor() * mSigmaMultiplicator;
339  } else {
341  // Access a point on the ellipse-shaped polygon.
342  std::vector<std::vector<float> >::const_iterator polygonPointIterator = pWireFramePolygons.begin();
344  // Geometry_msgs representation of 3D point for polygon point...
345  geometry_msgs::Point rosPolygonPoint;
347  // needed for insertion into marker message.
348  stlVectorToPointMsg(*polygonPointIterator, rosPolygonPoint);
350  // Add starting of first segment of ellipse to points array containing all segments as pairs of starting- and endpoints.
351  msg.points.push_back(rosPolygonPoint);
353  // Go through all points in the polygon ignoring first try.
354  for(polygonPointIterator++; polygonPointIterator != pWireFramePolygons.end(); polygonPointIterator++)
355  {
356  // Add end point of segment already being processed.
357  stlVectorToPointMsg(*polygonPointIterator, rosPolygonPoint);
358  msg.points.push_back(rosPolygonPoint);
360  // Add starting point of next segment
361  msg.points.push_back(rosPolygonPoint);
362  }
364  // Close the loop with the polygon segment [end(),begin()].
365  stlVectorToPointMsg(*(pWireFramePolygons.begin()), rosPolygonPoint);
366  msg.points.push_back(rosPolygonPoint);
368  // Nevertheless the width of the wires is set solely using x component of scale parameter.
369  msg.scale.x = 0.005;
370  }
372  // How long the object should last before being automatically deleted. (Here forever.)
373  msg.lifetime = ros::Duration();
375  return msg;
376  }
378  visualization_msgs::Marker GaussianKernelVisualizer::generateAxis(const unsigned int pMarkerId,
379  const unsigned int pAxis,
380  const Eigen::Vector3d& pMean,
381  const Eigen::Matrix3d& pCovariance)
382  {
383  visualization_msgs::Marker msg;
385  // Columns of eigen matrix are eigen vectors representing the axes of the coordinate frame of the ellipsoid. Therefore eigen matrix is equal to an orientation matrix of the ellipsoid. This solver calculates the eigen matrix and vectors.
386  Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> es(pCovariance);
388  /***************************************************************************************************************************************************
389  * Before we start we need to choose the second and third axis (based on the eigenvectors) so that they form a right hand coordinate system.
390  * Therefore we calulate the cross product of the first and every other eigenvector.
391  * The eigenvector, that creates a right hand coordinate system, is choosen.
392  ***************************************************************************************************************************************************/
394  // This will be the axis number to use.
395  unsigned int axisForRightHandFrame = pAxis;
397  // Extract the axes.
398  Eigen::Vector3d firstAxis = es.eigenvectors().col(0) * std::sqrt(es.eigenvalues()[0]);
399  Eigen::Vector3d secondAxis = es.eigenvectors().col(1) * std::sqrt(es.eigenvalues()[1]);
400  Eigen::Vector3d thirdAxis = es.eigenvectors().col(2) * std::sqrt(es.eigenvalues()[2]);
402  // Calculate the cross product of the first and second eigenvector.
403  Eigen::Vector3d cross = secondAxis.cross(firstAxis);
405  // If it is right hand, order is e0,e1,e2. Otherwise (as considered here) order is e0,e2,e1.
406  if(std::signbit(cross[0]) != std::signbit(thirdAxis[0]) ||
407  std::signbit(cross[1]) != std::signbit(thirdAxis[1]) ||
408  std::signbit(cross[2]) != std::signbit(thirdAxis[2]))
409  {
410  if(pAxis == 1) axisForRightHandFrame = 2;
411  if(pAxis == 2) axisForRightHandFrame = 1;
412  }
414  /***************************************************************************************************************************************************
415  * Continue with the visualization.
416  ***************************************************************************************************************************************************/
418  // Use the learners frame_id relative to which all locations in this model are given.
419  msg.header.frame_id = getFrameId();
421  // Set timestamp. See the TF tutorials for information on this.
422  msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
424  // Marker namespace are associated to different types of shapes used to represent object location distributions.
425  msg.ns = getNamespace();
427  // Markers with different namespaces but same id represent same object location distribution with different shapes.
428 = pMarkerId;
430  // The marker type decides on shape of marker and accordingly how marker parameters are interpreted by RViz.
431  // Here we choose a sphere.
432  msg.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
434  // We always want to show a marker by publishing ros messages here.
435  msg.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
437  // Arrows should be pretty small. Don't set z here, because we are using start and endpoint here.
438  msg.scale.x = msg.scale.y = 0.005;
440  // Create the rotation matrix that is required for rotating the base vectors of the covariance ellipse into the world coordinate system.
441  Eigen::Matrix3d rotationFromParentToWorld = mParentPose->quat->getEigen().toRotationMatrix();
443  // Extract the axis vector and rotate it from the parent coordinate frame into world coordinates.
444  // The axis vector is composed of the eigenvector scaled by the eigen value.
445  Eigen::Vector3d axis = rotationFromParentToWorld * (es.eigenvectors().col(axisForRightHandFrame) * std::sqrt(es.eigenvalues()[axisForRightHandFrame]));
447  // We need to rotate the position of the covariance ellipse based on the orientation of the parent object.
448  Eigen::Vector3d positionInParentFrame = rotationFromParentToWorld * pMean;
450  // Extract position of parent object.
451  Eigen::Vector3d position = mParentPose->point->getEigen();
453  // Create the starting point.
454  geometry_msgs::Point start;
455  start.x = (position[0] + positionInParentFrame[0]) * getScaleFactor();
456  start.y = (position[1] + positionInParentFrame[1]) * getScaleFactor();
457  start.z = (position[2] + positionInParentFrame[2]) * getScaleFactor();
458  msg.points.push_back(start);
460  // Create the point to point to ;).
461  geometry_msgs::Point stop;
462  stop.x = ((position[0] + positionInParentFrame[0]) + (axis[0] * mSigmaMultiplicator)) * getScaleFactor();
463  stop.y = ((position[1] + positionInParentFrame[1]) + (axis[1] * mSigmaMultiplicator)) * getScaleFactor();
464  stop.z = ((position[2] + positionInParentFrame[2]) + (axis[2] * mSigmaMultiplicator)) * getScaleFactor();
465  msg.points.push_back(stop);
467  // Set the colors based on the axis number. The axis with the biggest eigenvalue will be the new X axis.
468  // So the colors RGB stand for the axis XYZ.
469  msg.color.b = (pAxis == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
470  msg.color.g = (pAxis - 1 == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
471  msg.color.r = (pAxis - 2 == 0) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
472  msg.color.a = 1.0;
474  // Return the message.
475  return msg;
476  }
478  visualization_msgs::MarkerArray GaussianKernelVisualizer::generateSamplesMarker(const unsigned int pMarkerId, const std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Eigen::Quaternion<double> > >& pSamples)
479  {
480  // ONE MESSAGE TO RULE THEM ALL! Well, kind of. Stop talking, Sauron :=)!
481  visualization_msgs::MarkerArray msgArray;
482  visualization_msgs::Marker msg;
484  // Set time and frame id.
485  msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
486  msg.header.frame_id = getFrameId();
488  // Namespace will represent the nature of the message.
489  msg.ns = getNamespace();
491  // Every sample has its own id.
492 = pMarkerId;
494  // Point is represented by a sphere.
495  msg.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE_LIST;
497  // We always want to show a marker by publishing ros messages here.
498  msg.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
500  // Iterate over all samples and add them to the visualization marker.
501  for(boost::shared_ptr<Eigen::Quaternion<double> > sample : pSamples)
502  {
503  geometry_msgs::Point point;
504  point.x = sample->x() * getScaleFactor();
505  point.y = sample->y() * getScaleFactor();
506  point.z = sample->z() * getScaleFactor();
507  msg.points.push_back(point);
508  }
510  // Draw the points relative to the parent scene object.
511  Eigen::Vector3d position = mParentPose->point->getEigen();
512  msg.pose.position.x = position[0] * getScaleFactor();
513  msg.pose.position.y = position[1] * getScaleFactor();
514  msg.pose.position.z = position[2] * getScaleFactor();
516  Eigen::Quaternion<double> orientation = mParentPose->quat->getEigen();
517  msg.pose.orientation.w = orientation.w();
518  msg.pose.orientation.x = orientation.x();
519  msg.pose.orientation.y = orientation.y();
520  msg.pose.orientation.z = orientation.z();
522  // Spheres shall be very small, but must be scaled, too.
523  msg.scale.x = msg.scale.y = msg.scale.z = 0.0025 * getScaleFactor();
525  // And black! We love black!
526  msg.color.r = 0.0;
527  msg.color.g = 0.0;
528  msg.color.b = 0.0;
529  msg.color.a = 1.0;
531  // Add message to marker array.
532  msgArray.markers.push_back(msg);
534  // Return the message containing all samples.
535  return msgArray;
536  }
538  visualization_msgs::Marker GaussianKernelVisualizer::generateSphereMessage(unsigned int& pMarkerId, Eigen::Vector3d pPos)
539  {
540  visualization_msgs::Marker msg;
542  // Set time and frame id.
543  msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
544  msg.header.frame_id = getFrameId();
546  // Scale it to be very small and long.
547  msg.scale.x = msg.scale.y = msg.scale.z = 0.01;
549  // This should be an arrow.
550  msg.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE;
552  // Namespace will represent the nature of the message.
553  msg.ns = getNamespace();
555  // Markers with different namespaces but same id represent same object location distribution with different shapes.
556 = pMarkerId++;
558  // We always want to show a marker by publishing ros messages here.
559  msg.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
561  // Set position.
562  msg.pose.position.x = pPos[0];
563  msg.pose.position.y = pPos[1];
564  msg.pose.position.z = pPos[2];
565  msg.pose.orientation.x = 0.0;
566  msg.pose.orientation.y = 0.0;
567  msg.pose.orientation.z = 0.0;
568  msg.pose.orientation.w = 1.0;
570  // Take the second color, it stands for the secondary scene object.
571  double factor = 0.5;
572  msg.color.r = getColor(0).r * factor;
573  msg.color.g = getColor(0).g * factor;
574  msg.color.b = getColor(0).b * factor;
575  msg.color.a = 1.0;
577  // Return the link message message.
578  return msg;
579  }
581  visualization_msgs::Marker GaussianKernelVisualizer::generateArrowMessage(unsigned int& pMarkerId, Eigen::Vector3d pFrom, Eigen::Vector3d pTo)
582  {
583  visualization_msgs::Marker msg;
585  // Set time and frame id.
586  msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
587  msg.header.frame_id = getFrameId();
589  // Scale it to be very small and long.
590 // msg.scale.x = 0.006;
591 // msg.scale.y = 0.013;
592 // msg.scale.z = 0.06;
593  msg.scale.x = 0.012;
594  msg.scale.y = 0.026;
595  msg.scale.z = 0.06;
597  // This should be an arrow.
598  msg.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
600  // Namespace will represent the nature of the message.
601  msg.ns = getNamespace();
603  // Markers with different namespaces but same id represent same object location distribution with different shapes.
604 = pMarkerId++;
606  // We always want to show a marker by publishing ros messages here.
607  msg.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
609  // Create the starting point.
610  geometry_msgs::Point start;
611  start.x = pFrom[0] * getScaleFactor();
612  start.y = pFrom[1] * getScaleFactor();
613  start.z = pFrom[2] * getScaleFactor();
614  msg.points.push_back(start);
616  // Create the end point.
617  geometry_msgs::Point stop;
618  stop.x = pTo[0] * getScaleFactor();
619  stop.y = pTo[1] * getScaleFactor();
620  stop.z = pTo[2] * getScaleFactor();
621  msg.points.push_back(stop);
623  // Take the second color, it stands for the secondary scene object.
624  double factor = 0.5;
625  msg.color.r = getColor(0).r * factor;
626  msg.color.g = getColor(0).g * factor;
627  msg.color.b = getColor(0).b * factor;
628  msg.color.a = 1.0;
630  // Return the link message message.
631  return msg;
632  }
634  template <class T> void GaussianKernelVisualizer::stlVectorToPointMsg(const std::vector<T> pPositionVector, geometry_msgs::Point& pROSPositionMsg)
635  {
636  // pPositionVector must represent a position to be converted.
637  if(pPositionVector.size() != 3)
638  throw std::invalid_argument("pPositionVector is not a position in terms of dimensionality.");
640  // Copy position information per dimension.
641  pROSPositionMsg.x =;
642  pROSPositionMsg.y =;
643  pROSPositionMsg.z =;
644  }
645 }
void calculateCoordinatePlaneEllipses(const std::vector< int > &pEllipsoidHalfAxes, const int pDiscretizationResolution, std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< int > > > &pEllipsePolygons)
visualization_msgs::Marker generateArrowMessage(unsigned int &pMarkerId, Eigen::Vector3d pFrom, Eigen::Vector3d pTo)
void setSigmaMultiplicator(const float pSigmaMultiplicator)
TFSIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 cross(const Vector3 &v) const
void setParentPose(boost::shared_ptr< ISM::Pose > pPose)
const std_msgs::ColorRGBA getColor(unsigned int pNumber)
static void poseTFToMsg(const Pose &bt, geometry_msgs::Pose &msg)
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray generateSamplesMarker(const unsigned int pMarkerId, const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr< Eigen::Quaternion< double > > > &pSamples)
visualization_msgs::Marker generateSphereMessage(unsigned int &pMarkerId, Eigen::Vector3d pPos)
static Time now()
void publishKernel(boost::shared_ptr< ros::Publisher > pPublisher, unsigned int &pMarkerId, const Eigen::Vector3d &pMean, const Eigen::Matrix3d &pCovariance)
visualization_msgs::Marker generateAxis(const unsigned int pMarkerId, const unsigned int pAxis, const Eigen::Vector3d &pMean, const Eigen::Matrix3d &pCovariance)
visualization_msgs::Marker generateCovarianceEllipsoidMarker(const unsigned int pMarkerId, const int pMarkerShape, const std::vector< std::vector< float > > &pWireFramePolygons, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &pColor, const Eigen::Vector3d &pMean, const Eigen::Matrix3d &pCovariance)
void stlVectorToPointMsg(const std::vector< T > pPositionVector, geometry_msgs::Point &pROSPositionMsg)

Author(s): Gehrung Joachim, Meißner Pascal
autogenerated on Sat Nov 9 2019 03:49:12