▼NSickToolbox | |
CSickBadChecksumException | Thrown when a received message has an invalid checksum |
CSickBufferMonitor | |
CSickConfigException | Thrown when the driver detects (or the Sick reports) an invalid config |
CSickErrorException | Thrown when Sick returns an error code or an unexpected response |
CSickException | Provides a base exception class from which to derive other Sick exceptions |
CSickIOException | Thrown instance where the driver can't read,write,drain,flush,... the buffers |
CSickLIDAR | Provides an abstract parent for all Sick LIDAR devices |
CSickMessage | Provides an abstract parent for all Sick messages |
▼CSickPLS | A general class for interfacing w/ SickPLS laser range finders |
Csick_pls_baud_status_tag | A structure for aggregating the data that collectively define the baud config |
Csick_pls_operating_status_tag | A structure for aggregating the data that collectively defines the operating status of the device |
Csick_pls_scan_profile_b0_tag | A structure for aggregating the data that define a scan profile obtained from reply B0 (See page 49 Telegram listing) |
CSickPLSBufferMonitor | A class for monitoring the receive buffer when interfacing with a Sick PLS LIDAR |
CSickPLSMessage | A class to represent all messages sent to and from the Sick PLS |
CSickThreadException | Thrown when error occurs during thread initialization, and uninitialization |
CSickTimeoutException | Makes handling timeouts much easier |