qpOASES-3.2.0/interfaces/matlab/qpOASES_matlab_utils.cpp File Reference
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returnValue allocateOutputs (int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int_t nV, int_t nC=0, int_t nP=1, int_t handle=-1)
int_t allocateQPInstance (int_t nV, int_t nC, HessianType hessianType, BooleanType isSimplyBounded, const Options *options)
BooleanType containsInf (const real_t *const data, uint_t dim)
BooleanType containsNaN (const real_t *const data, uint_t dim)
BooleanType containsNaNorInf (const mxArray *prhs[], int_t rhs_index, bool mayContainInf)
returnValue convertFortranToC (const real_t *const M_for, int_t nV, int_t nC, real_t *const M)
void deleteQPInstance (int_t handle)
QPInstancegetQPInstance (int_t handle)
BooleanType hasOptionsValue (const mxArray *optionsPtr, const char *const optionString, double **optionValue)
bool mxIsScalar (const mxArray *pm)
returnValue obtainOutputs (int_t k, QProblemB *qp, returnValue returnvalue, int_t _nWSRout, double _cpuTime, int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int_t nV, int_t nC=0, int_t handle=-1)
returnValue setupAuxiliaryInputs (const mxArray *auxInput, uint_t nV, uint_t nC, HessianType *hessianType, double **x0, double **guessedBounds, double **guessedConstraints, double **R)
returnValue setupConstraintMatrix (const mxArray *prhsA, int_t nV, int_t nC, Matrix **A, sparse_int_t **Air, sparse_int_t **Ajc, real_t **Av)
returnValue setupHessianMatrix (const mxArray *prhsH, int_t nV, SymmetricMatrix **H, sparse_int_t **Hir, sparse_int_t **Hjc, real_t **Hv)
returnValue setupOptions (Options *options, const mxArray *optionsPtr, int_t &nWSRin, real_t &maxCpuTime)
returnValue smartDimensionCheck (real_t **input, uint_t m, uint_t n, BooleanType emptyAllowed, const mxArray *prhs[], int_t idx)

Function Documentation

returnValue allocateOutputs ( int  nlhs,
mxArray *  plhs[],
int_t  nV,
int_t  nC = 0,
int_t  nP = 1,
int_t  handle = -1 
int_t allocateQPInstance ( int_t  nV,
int_t  nC,
HessianType  hessianType,
BooleanType  isSimplyBounded,
const Options options 
BooleanType containsInf ( const real_t *const  data,
uint_t  dim 
BooleanType containsNaN ( const real_t *const  data,
uint_t  dim 
BooleanType containsNaNorInf ( const mxArray *  prhs[],
int_t  rhs_index,
bool  mayContainInf 
returnValue convertFortranToC ( const real_t *const  M_for,
int_t  nV,
int_t  nC,
real_t *const  M 
void deleteQPInstance ( int_t  handle)
QPInstance* getQPInstance ( int_t  handle)
BooleanType hasOptionsValue ( const mxArray *  optionsPtr,
const char *const  optionString,
double **  optionValue 
bool mxIsScalar ( const mxArray *  pm)
returnValue obtainOutputs ( int_t  k,
QProblemB qp,
returnValue  returnvalue,
int_t  _nWSRout,
double  _cpuTime,
int  nlhs,
mxArray *  plhs[],
int_t  nV,
int_t  nC = 0,
int_t  handle = -1 
returnValue setupAuxiliaryInputs ( const mxArray *  auxInput,
uint_t  nV,
uint_t  nC,
HessianType hessianType,
double **  x0,
double **  guessedBounds,
double **  guessedConstraints,
double **  R 
returnValue setupConstraintMatrix ( const mxArray *  prhsA,
int_t  nV,
int_t  nC,
Matrix **  A,
sparse_int_t **  Air,
sparse_int_t **  Ajc,
real_t **  Av 
returnValue setupHessianMatrix ( const mxArray *  prhsH,
int_t  nV,
SymmetricMatrix **  H,
sparse_int_t **  Hir,
sparse_int_t **  Hjc,
real_t **  Hv 
returnValue setupOptions ( Options options,
const mxArray *  optionsPtr,
int_t nWSRin,
real_t maxCpuTime 
returnValue smartDimensionCheck ( real_t **  input,
uint_t  m,
uint_t  n,
BooleanType  emptyAllowed,
const mxArray *  prhs[],
int_t  idx 

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:21