Here is going to be described, in details, how to setup a simple example and to generate optimized code for and NMPC application using the ACADO Code Generation Tool (CGT). We also sketch how to run the generated code.
For an MHE and more challenging examples, please study the examples in the examples/code_generation/mhe_mpc
folder. There you can also find examples for Matlab MEX and Simulink interfaces.
We consider the following tutorial example: a crane with mass , line length
, excitation angle
, and horizontal trolley position
. Our control input is the acceleration
of the trolley. With
being the trolley velocity and
being the angular velocity of the mass point, the system can be described by a simple but non-linear differential equation system:
where is a positive damping constant and we use the parameters
, and
Our aim is to repeatedly solve the following Optimal Control Problem (OCP):
where describes the discretized system dynamics, previously described. For simplicity, we will define reference functions as follows:
together with the weighting matrices . For this example, we chose to use
control (prediction) intervals, and sampling time of
In order to generate optimized code for this tutorial example using the CGT, the following steps are required:
We will now describe these steps in detail.
We will now discuss step-by-step a possible nonlinear MPC formulation of the tutorial example. The full source code can also be found at examples/code_generation/getting_started.cpp
. Please consult the ACADO User's Manual for more details on the ACADO syntax.
At the top four differential states and one control input are declared. Afterwards, an ODE comprising the four differential equations describing the crane dynamics are defined.
The above code snippet starts with defining the weighting matrices and reference function of the objective function. Afterwards, an OCP is defined over the time horizon to be divided into 10 control intervals of equal length. Finally, the weighting matrices for the objective function are set (note that defining an end term is optional) and the OCP constraints are defined. Including the system dynamics into the constraints is mandatory, specifying limits on the control input or differential states is optional.
All options and possible values are explained in detail in the ACADO User's Manual. We will shortly continue to prepare the specified target directory getting_started_export for the code export.
Finally, you need to compile this source file. You will need to rerun the make
command in the main build folder. Please consult the toolkit web-page for further instruction on how to compile the code.
The target directory has to be given relative to the location of the compiled source file that exports the code. Moreover, the CGT expects the target directory to contain the source code of a suitable QP solver. In case you are using the provided makefile to compile the generated code and wish to use Matlab MEX or Simulink interface, you will need to create a folder called qpoases
in the main export folder. An embedded variant of this code comes along with your ACADO toolkit installation; you can find it at external_packages/qpoases
. Do not rename it as the CGT expects the qpOASES code to be located within the sub-directory qpoases
of your target directory.
After compiling your nonlinear MPC problem formulation and preparing the desired target directory, you can actually export optimized C-code implementing a complete nonlinear MPC algorithm. For doing so, it is sufficient to simply run the compiled source file containing you problem formulation. Afterwards, you will find all necessary files within the target directory.
Unless deactivated via the export options, the target directory also contains the generated file test.c
with a main function template to run the generated nonlinear MPC algorithm. Let us browse through this file explaining the main steps:
At the beginning, the automatically generated header acado_common.h
containing all forward declarations required to run the generated nonlinear MPC algorithm and the (optional) helper file acado_auxiliary_functions.h
is included. A couple of global constants are defined in acado_common.h
for convenience that contain the number of differential states, control inputs, control intervals, respectively. Please study this file. Moreover, global variables are declared: acadoVariables
will be used later to call the algorithm, while acadoWorkspace
is only used internally to store intermediate results.
Before actually calling the nonlinear MPC algorithm, the struct acadoVariables
needs to be initialised. acadoVariables.x
and acadoVariables.u
contain the initialisations of the differential states and control inputs at all interval points, respectively. acadoVariables.y
and acadoVariables.yN
contain the possibly time-varying reference values, respectively. Moreover, the array acadoVariables.x0
is initialised, whose dimension matches that of the differential states. At each call of the nonlinear MPC algorithm, it contains the current state measurement (or estimate), i.e. within the MPC formulation. Finally, the first step of the real-time iteration scheme is prepared.
This code snippet illustrates how to call the real-time iteration algorithm. At each sampling instant, the user obtains the current state measurement. This measurement is then passed to the feedback step to obtain the optimized control inputs. Afterwards, initialization of control inputs and states might be shifted and the next iteration is prepared by calling preparationStep()
This sample main function illustrates the main steps to use the auto-generated nonlinear MPC algorithm. More algorithmic details can be found in the manual.
Unless deactivated via the export options, the target directory also contains a basic Makefile
to facilitate compilation of the exported code and this sample main function. This Makefile
can also create the library libacado_exported_rti.a
which can be used for linking with external applications.
For more info, please go to the folder examples/code_generation/mpc_mhe
and execute the example. Afterwards, in the export folder getting_started_export
you will find Matlab MEX and Simulink demos which you can also execute and see performance of the exported code.