Go to the documentation of this file.
00028 #include "sr_robot_lib/sr_muscle_robot_lib.hpp"
00029 #include <string>
00030 #include <utility>
00031 #include <map>
00032 #include <vector>
00033 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
00035 #include <sys/time.h>
00037 #include <ros/ros.h>
00039 #include <controller_manager_msgs/ListControllers.h>
00042 #define error_flag_names palm_0300_edc_error_flag_names
00045 using std::vector;
00046 using std::string;
00047 using std::pair;
00048 using std::map;
00049 using std::ostringstream;
00050 using sr_actuator::SrMuscleActuator;
00051 using shadow_joints::CalibrationMap;
00052 using shadow_joints::Joint;
00053 using shadow_joints::JointToSensor;
00054 using shadow_joints::JointToMuscle;
00055 using shadow_joints::MuscleWrapper;
00056 using shadow_joints::MuscleDriver;
00057 using shadow_joints::PartialJointToSensor;
00058 using generic_updater::MuscleUpdater;
00059 using boost::shared_ptr;
00060 using boost::static_pointer_cast;
00061 using boost::shared_ptr;
00063 namespace shadow_robot
00064 {
00065   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00066   const double SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::timeout = 5.0;
00068   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00069   SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::SrMuscleRobotLib(hardware_interface::HardwareInterface *hw,
00070                                                               ros::NodeHandle nh, ros::NodeHandle nhtilde,
00071                                                               string device_id, string joint_prefix)
00072           : SrRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>(hw, nh, nhtilde, device_id, joint_prefix),
00073             muscle_current_state(operation_mode::device_update_state::INITIALIZATION), init_max_duration(timeout),
00074             lock_init_timeout_(shared_ptr<boost::mutex>(new boost::mutex())),
00076             // Create a one-shot timer
00077             check_init_timeout_timer(this->nh_tilde.createTimer(init_max_duration,
00078                                                                 boost::bind(
00079                                                                         &SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType,
00080                                                                                 CommandType>::init_timer_callback,
00081                                                                         this, _1), true)),
00082             pressure_calibration_map_(read_pressure_calibration())
00083   {
00084 #ifdef DEBUG_PUBLISHER
00085     this->debug_muscle_indexes_and_data.resize(this->nb_debug_publishers_const);
00086     for (int i = 0; i < this->nb_debug_publishers_const; ++i)
00087     {
00088       ostringstream ss;
00089       ss << "srh/debug_" << i;
00090       this->debug_publishers.push_back(this->node_handle.template advertise<std_msgs::Int16>(ss.str().c_str(), 100));
00091     }
00092 #endif
00093   }
00095   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00096   CalibrationMap SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::read_pressure_calibration()
00097   {
00098     ROS_INFO("Reading pressure calibration");
00099     CalibrationMap pressure_calibration;
00100     string param_name = "sr_pressure_calibrations";
00102     XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue calib;
00103     this->nodehandle_.getParam(param_name, calib);
00104     ROS_ASSERT(calib.getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
00105     // iterate on all the joints
00106     for (int32_t index_cal = 0; index_cal < calib.size(); ++index_cal)
00107     {
00108       // check the calibration is well formatted:
00109       // first joint name, then calibration table
00110       ROS_ASSERT(calib[index_cal][0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeString);
00111       ROS_ASSERT(calib[index_cal][1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
00113       string joint_name = static_cast<string> (calib[index_cal][0]);
00114       vector<joint_calibration::Point> calib_table_tmp;
00116       // now iterates on the calibration table for the current joint
00117       for (int32_t index_table = 0; index_table < calib[index_cal][1].size(); ++index_table)
00118       {
00119         ROS_ASSERT(calib[index_cal][1][index_table].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeArray);
00120         // only 2 values per calibration point: raw and calibrated (doubles)
00121         ROS_ASSERT(calib[index_cal][1][index_table].size() == 2);
00122         ROS_ASSERT(calib[index_cal][1][index_table][0].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble);
00123         ROS_ASSERT(calib[index_cal][1][index_table][1].getType() == XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble);
00126         joint_calibration::Point point_tmp;
00127         point_tmp.raw_value = static_cast<double> (calib[index_cal][1][index_table][0]);
00128         point_tmp.calibrated_value = static_cast<double> (calib[index_cal][1][index_table][1]);
00129         calib_table_tmp.push_back(point_tmp);
00130       }
00132       pressure_calibration.insert(joint_name, shared_ptr<shadow_robot::JointCalibration>(
00133               new shadow_robot::JointCalibration(calib_table_tmp)));
00134     }
00136     return pressure_calibration;
00137   }
00139   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00140   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::update(StatusType *status_data)
00141   {
00142     // read the PIC idle time
00143     this->main_pic_idle_time = status_data->idle_time_us;
00144     if (status_data->idle_time_us < this->main_pic_idle_time_min)
00145     {
00146       this->main_pic_idle_time_min = status_data->idle_time_us;
00147     }
00149     // get the current timestamp
00150     struct timeval tv;
00151     double timestamp = 0.0;
00152     if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL))
00153     {
00154       ROS_WARN("SrMuscleRobotLib: Failed to get system time, timestamp in state will be zero");
00155     }
00156     else
00157     {
00158       timestamp = static_cast<double>(tv.tv_sec) + static_cast<double>(tv.tv_usec) / 1.0e+6;
00159     }
00161     // First we read the tactile sensors information
00162     this->update_tactile_info(status_data);
00164     // then we read the muscle drivers information
00165     for (vector<MuscleDriver>::iterator muscle_driver_tmp = this->muscle_drivers_vector_.begin();
00166          muscle_driver_tmp != this->muscle_drivers_vector_.end();
00167          ++muscle_driver_tmp)
00168     {
00169       read_muscle_driver_data(muscle_driver_tmp, status_data);
00170     }
00172     // then we read the joints informations
00173     for (vector<Joint>::iterator joint_tmp = this->joints_vector.begin();
00174          joint_tmp != this->joints_vector.end();
00175          ++joint_tmp)
00176     {
00177       if (!joint_tmp->has_actuator)
00178       {
00179         continue;
00180       }
00182       SrMuscleActuator *actuator = this->get_joint_actuator(joint_tmp);
00183       shared_ptr<MuscleWrapper> muscle_wrapper = static_pointer_cast<MuscleWrapper>(joint_tmp->actuator_wrapper);
00185       // Fill in the tactiles.
00186       if (this->tactiles != NULL)
00187       {
00188         actuator->muscle_state_.tactiles_ = this->tactiles->get_tactile_data();
00189       }
00191       this->process_position_sensor_data(joint_tmp, status_data, timestamp);
00193       // if no muscle is associated to this joint, then continue
00194       if ((muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0] == -1))
00195       {
00196         continue;
00197       }
00199       read_additional_muscle_data(joint_tmp, status_data);
00200     }  // end for joint
00201   }  // end update()
00203   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00204   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::build_command(CommandType *command)
00205   {
00206     if (muscle_current_state == operation_mode::device_update_state::INITIALIZATION)
00207     {
00208       muscle_current_state = muscle_updater_->build_init_command(command);
00209     }
00210     else
00211     {
00212       // build the muscle command
00213       muscle_current_state = muscle_updater_->build_command(command);
00214     }
00216     // Build the tactile sensors command
00217     this->build_tactile_command(command);
00220     // Now we chose the command to send to the muscle
00221     // by default we send a valve demand, but if we have a reset command,
00222     // then we send the reset.
00223     if (reset_muscle_driver_queue.empty())
00224     {
00225       command->to_muscle_data_type = MUSCLE_DEMAND_VALVES;
00227       // loop on all the joints and update their muscle: we're sending commands to all the muscles.
00228       for (vector<Joint>::iterator joint_tmp = this->joints_vector.begin();
00229            joint_tmp != this->joints_vector.end();
00230            ++joint_tmp)
00231       {
00232         if (joint_tmp->has_actuator)
00233         {
00234           shared_ptr<MuscleWrapper> muscle_wrapper = static_pointer_cast<MuscleWrapper>(joint_tmp->actuator_wrapper);
00235           SrMuscleActuator *muscle_actuator = static_cast<SrMuscleActuator *> (muscle_wrapper->actuator);
00237           unsigned int muscle_driver_id_0 = muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0];
00238           unsigned int muscle_driver_id_1 = muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1];
00239           unsigned int muscle_id_0 = muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[0];
00240           unsigned int muscle_id_1 = muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[1];
00242           if (!this->nullify_demand_)
00243           {
00244             set_valve_demand(&(command->muscle_data[(muscle_driver_id_0 * 10 + muscle_id_0) / 2]),
00245                              muscle_actuator->muscle_command_.valve_[0], ((uint8_t) muscle_id_0) & 0x01);
00246             set_valve_demand(&(command->muscle_data[(muscle_driver_id_1 * 10 + muscle_id_1) / 2]),
00247                              muscle_actuator->muscle_command_.valve_[1], ((uint8_t) muscle_id_1) & 0x01);
00249             muscle_actuator->muscle_state_.last_commanded_valve_[0] = muscle_actuator->muscle_command_.valve_[0];
00250             muscle_actuator->muscle_state_.last_commanded_valve_[1] = muscle_actuator->muscle_command_.valve_[1];
00251           }
00252           else
00253           {
00254             // We want to send a demand of 0
00255             set_valve_demand(&(command->muscle_data[(muscle_driver_id_0 * 10 + muscle_id_0) / 2]), 0,
00256                              ((uint8_t) muscle_id_0) & 0x01);
00257             set_valve_demand(&(command->muscle_data[(muscle_driver_id_1 * 10 + muscle_id_1) / 2]), 0,
00258                              ((uint8_t) muscle_id_1) & 0x01);
00260             muscle_actuator->muscle_state_.last_commanded_valve_[0] = 0;
00261             muscle_actuator->muscle_state_.last_commanded_valve_[1] = 0;
00262           }
00264 #ifdef DEBUG_PUBLISHER
00265            // publish the debug values for the given muscles.
00266            // NB: debug_muscle_indexes_and_data is smaller
00267            //     than debug_publishers.
00268            int publisher_index = 0;
00269            shared_ptr<pair<int, int> > debug_pair;
00270            if (this->debug_mutex.try_lock())
00271            {
00272              BOOST_FOREACH(debug_pair, this->debug_muscle_indexes_and_data)
00273              {
00274                if (debug_pair != NULL)
00275                {
00276                  MuscleWrapper* actuator_wrapper = static_cast<MuscleWrapper*> (joint_tmp->actuator_wrapper.get());
00277                  // check if we want to publish some data for the current muscle
00278                  if (debug_pair->first == actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[0])
00279                  {
00280                    // check if it's the correct data
00281                    if (debug_pair->second == -1)
00282                    {
00283                      this-> = joint_tmp->actuator_wrapper->actuator->command_.effort_;
00284                      this->debug_publishers[publisher_index].publish(this->msg_debug);
00285                    }
00286                  }
00287                }
00288                publisher_index++;
00289              }
00291              this->debug_mutex.unlock();
00292            }  // end try_lock
00293 #endif
00294         }  // end if has_actuator
00295       }  // end for each joint
00296     }  // endif
00297     else
00298     {
00299       // we have some reset command waiting.
00300       // We'll send all of them
00301       command->to_muscle_data_type = MUSCLE_SYSTEM_RESET;
00303       while (!reset_muscle_driver_queue.empty())
00304       {
00305         int16_t muscle_driver_id = reset_muscle_driver_queue.front();
00306         reset_muscle_driver_queue.pop();
00308         // reset the CAN messages counters for the muscle driver we're going to reset.
00309         for (vector<MuscleDriver>::iterator driver = this->muscle_drivers_vector_.begin();
00310              driver != this->muscle_drivers_vector_.end();
00311              ++driver)
00312         {
00313           if (driver->muscle_driver_id == muscle_driver_id)
00314           {
00315             driver->can_msgs_transmitted_ = 0;
00316             driver->can_msgs_received_ = 0;
00317           }
00318         }
00320         // we send the MUSCLE_SYSTEM_RESET_KEY
00321         // and the muscle_driver_id (on the bus)
00322         crc_unions::union16 to_send;
00323         to_send.byte[1] = MUSCLE_SYSTEM_RESET_KEY >> 8;
00324         if (muscle_driver_id > 1)
00325         {
00326           to_send.byte[0] = muscle_driver_id - 2;
00327         }
00328         else
00329         {
00330           to_send.byte[0] = muscle_driver_id;
00331         }
00333         command->muscle_data[muscle_driver_id * 5] = to_send.byte[0];
00334         command->muscle_data[muscle_driver_id * 5 + 1] = to_send.byte[1];
00335       }
00336     }  // end if reset queue not empty
00337   }
00339   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00340   inline void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::set_valve_demand(uint8_t *muscle_data_byte_to_set,
00341                                                                           int8_t valve_value, uint8_t shift)
00342   {
00343     uint8_t tmp_valve = 0;
00345     // The encoding we want for the negative integers is represented in two's complement,
00346     // but based on a 4 bit data size instead of 8 bit, so
00347     // we'll have to do it manually
00348     if (valve_value < 0)
00349     {
00350       // Take the value as positive
00351       tmp_valve = -valve_value;
00352       // Do a bitwise inversion on the 4 lowest bytes only
00353       tmp_valve = (~tmp_valve) & 0x0F;
00354       // Add one
00355       tmp_valve = tmp_valve + 1;
00356     }
00357     else  // Positive representation is straightforward
00358     {
00359       tmp_valve = valve_value & 0x0F;
00360     }
00362     // A shift of 0 means that we want to write the value on the 4 least significant bits
00363     // shift of 1 means that we want to write the value on the 4 most significant bits
00365     // We zero the 4 bits that we want to write our valve value on
00366     *muscle_data_byte_to_set &= (0xF0 >> (shift * 4));
00367     // We write our valve value on those 4 bits
00368     *muscle_data_byte_to_set |= (tmp_valve << (shift * 4));
00369   }
00371   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00372   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::add_diagnostics(vector<diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus> &vec,
00373                                                                   diagnostic_updater::DiagnosticStatusWrapper &d)
00374   {
00375     for (vector<Joint>::iterator joint = this->joints_vector.begin();
00376          joint != this->joints_vector.end();
00377          ++joint)
00378     {
00379       ostringstream name("");
00380       string prefix = this->device_id_.empty() ? this->device_id_ : (this->device_id_ + " ");
00381       name << prefix << "SRDMuscle " << joint->joint_name;
00382 = name.str();
00384       if (joint->has_actuator)
00385       {
00386         shared_ptr<MuscleWrapper> actuator_wrapper = static_pointer_cast<MuscleWrapper>(joint->actuator_wrapper);
00387         SrMuscleActuator *actuator = get_joint_actuator(joint);
00389         if (actuator_wrapper->actuator_ok)
00390         {
00391           if (actuator_wrapper->bad_data)
00392           {
00393             d.summary(d.WARN, "WARNING, bad CAN data received");
00395             d.clear();
00396             d.addf("Muscle ID 0", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[0]);
00397             d.addf("Muscle driver ID 0", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0]);
00398             d.addf("Muscle ID 1", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[1]);
00399             d.addf("Muscle driver ID 1", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1]);
00400           }
00401           else  // the data is good
00402           {
00403             d.summary(d.OK, "OK");
00405             d.clear();
00406             d.addf("Muscle ID 0", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[0]);
00407             d.addf("Muscle driver ID 0", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0]);
00408             d.addf("Muscle ID 1", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[1]);
00409             d.addf("Muscle driver ID 1", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1]);
00411             d.addf("Unfiltered position", "%f", actuator->muscle_state_.position_unfiltered_);
00413             d.addf("Last Commanded Valve 0", "%d", actuator->muscle_state_.last_commanded_valve_[0]);
00414             d.addf("Last Commanded Valve 1", "%d", actuator->muscle_state_.last_commanded_valve_[1]);
00416             d.addf("Unfiltered Pressure 0", "%u", actuator->muscle_state_.pressure_[0]);
00417             d.addf("Unfiltered Pressure 1", "%u", actuator->muscle_state_.pressure_[1]);
00419             d.addf("Position", "%f", actuator->state_.position_);
00420           }
00421         }
00422         else
00423         {
00424           d.summary(d.ERROR, "Muscle error");
00425           d.clear();
00426           d.addf("Muscle ID 0", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[0]);
00427           d.addf("Muscle driver ID 0", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0]);
00428           d.addf("Muscle ID 1", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[1]);
00429           d.addf("Muscle driver ID 1", "%d", actuator_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1]);
00430         }
00431       }
00432       else
00433       {
00434         d.summary(d.OK, "No muscle associated to this joint");
00435         d.clear();
00436       }
00437       vec.push_back(d);
00438     }  // end for each joints
00440     for (vector<MuscleDriver>::iterator muscle_driver = this->muscle_drivers_vector_.begin();
00441          muscle_driver != this->muscle_drivers_vector_.end();
00442          ++muscle_driver)
00443     {
00444       ostringstream name("");
00445       name << "Muscle driver " << muscle_driver->muscle_driver_id;
00446 = name.str();
00448       if (muscle_driver->driver_ok)
00449       {
00450         if (muscle_driver->bad_data)
00451         {
00452           d.summary(d.WARN, "WARNING, bad CAN data received");
00454           d.clear();
00455           d.addf("Muscle Driver ID", "%d", muscle_driver->muscle_driver_id);
00456         }
00457         else  // the data is good
00458         {
00459           d.summary(d.OK, "OK");
00461           d.clear();
00462           d.addf("Muscle Driver ID", "%d", muscle_driver->muscle_driver_id);
00463           d.addf("Serial Number", "%d", muscle_driver->serial_number);
00464           d.addf("Assembly date", "%d / %d / %d", muscle_driver->assembly_date_day, muscle_driver->assembly_date_month,
00465                  muscle_driver->assembly_date_year);
00467           d.addf("Number of CAN messages received", "%lld", muscle_driver->can_msgs_received_);
00468           d.addf("Number of CAN messages transmitted", "%lld", muscle_driver->can_msgs_transmitted_);
00470           if (muscle_driver->firmware_modified_)
00471           {
00472             d.addf("Firmware git revision (server / pic / modified)", "%d / %d / True",
00473                    muscle_driver->server_firmware_git_revision_, muscle_driver->pic_firmware_git_revision_);
00474           }
00475           else
00476           {
00477             d.addf("Firmware git revision (server / pic / modified)", "%d / %d / False",
00478                    muscle_driver->server_firmware_git_revision_, muscle_driver->pic_firmware_git_revision_);
00479           }
00480         }
00481       }
00482       else
00483       {
00484         d.summary(d.ERROR, "Muscle Driver error");
00485         d.clear();
00486         d.addf("Muscle Driver ID", "%d", muscle_driver->muscle_driver_id);
00487       }
00489       vec.push_back(d);
00490     }  // end for each muscle driver
00491   }
00493   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00494   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::read_additional_muscle_data(vector<Joint>::iterator joint_tmp,
00495                                                                               StatusType *status_data)
00496   {
00497     if (!joint_tmp->has_actuator)
00498     {
00499       return;
00500     }
00502     int packet_offset_muscle_0 = 0;
00503     int packet_offset_muscle_1 = 0;
00505     shared_ptr<MuscleWrapper> muscle_wrapper = static_pointer_cast<MuscleWrapper>(joint_tmp->actuator_wrapper);
00507     // Every muscle driver sends two muscle_data_packet containing pressures from 5 muscles each
00508     if (muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[0] >= NUM_PRESSURE_SENSORS_PER_MESSAGE)
00509     {
00510       packet_offset_muscle_0 = 1;
00511     }
00513     if (muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[1] >= NUM_PRESSURE_SENSORS_PER_MESSAGE)
00514     {
00515       packet_offset_muscle_1 = 1;
00516     }
00518     // check the masks to see if the CAN messages arrived from the muscle driver
00519     // the flag should be set to 1 for each muscle driver CAN message
00520     // (a muscle driver sends 2 separate CAN messages with 5 muscle pressures each.
00521     // Every actuator (every joint) has two muscles, so we check both flags to decide that the actuator is OK
00522     muscle_wrapper->actuator_ok = sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(status_data->which_muscle_data_arrived,
00523                                                                         muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0] * 2 +
00524                                                                         packet_offset_muscle_0)
00525                                   && sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(status_data->which_muscle_data_arrived,
00526                                                                            muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1] * 2 +
00527                                                                            packet_offset_muscle_1);
00529     /*
00530     // check the masks to see if a bad CAN message arrived
00531     // the flag should be 0
00532     muscle_wrapper->bad_data =
00533             sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(status_data->which_pressure_data_had_errors,
00534                                                   muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0] * 10 +
00535                                                           muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[0]) &&
00536                     sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(status_data->which_pressure_data_had_errors,
00537                                                           muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1] * 10 +
00538                                                                   muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[1]);
00539      */
00541     if (muscle_wrapper->actuator_ok)
00542     {
00543       SrMuscleActuator *actuator = static_cast<SrMuscleActuator *> (joint_tmp->actuator_wrapper->actuator);
00544       MuscleWrapper *actuator_wrapper = static_cast<MuscleWrapper *> (joint_tmp->actuator_wrapper.get());
00546 #ifdef DEBUG_PUBLISHER
00547       int publisher_index = 0;
00548       // publish the debug values for the given muscles.
00549       // NB: debug_muscle_indexes_and_data is smaller
00550       //     than debug_publishers.
00551       shared_ptr<pair<int, int> > debug_pair;
00553       if (this->debug_mutex.try_lock())
00554       {
00555         BOOST_FOREACH(debug_pair, this->debug_muscle_indexes_and_data)
00556         {
00557           if (debug_pair != NULL)
00558           {
00559             // check if we want to publish some data for the current muscle
00560             if (debug_pair->first == actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[0])
00561             {
00562               // if < 0, then we're not asking for a FROM_MOTOR_DATA_TYPE
00563               if (debug_pair->second > 0)
00564               {
00565                 // check if it's the correct data
00566                 if (debug_pair->second == status_data->muscle_data_type)
00567                 {
00568                   // @todo do something meaningful here
00569                   // this-> = status_data->muscle_data_packet[0].misc;
00570                   this-> = 0;
00571                   this->debug_publishers[publisher_index].publish(this->msg_debug);
00572                 }
00573               }
00574             }
00575           }
00576           publisher_index++;
00577         }
00579         this->debug_mutex.unlock();
00580       }  // end try_lock
00581 #endif
00583       // we received the data and it was correct
00584       unsigned int p1 = 0;
00585       switch (status_data->muscle_data_type)
00586       {
00587         case MUSCLE_DATA_PRESSURE:
00588           // Calibrate the raw values to bar pressure values.
00589           for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
00590           {
00591             p1 = get_muscle_pressure(muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[i], muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[i], status_data);
00592             string name = joint_tmp->joint_name + "_" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(i);
00593             // XXX: If the joint isn't found we crash
00594             // ROS_INFO_STREAM("Calib: "<<name);
00595             pressure_calibration_tmp_ = pressure_calibration_map_.find(name);
00596             double bar = pressure_calibration_tmp_->compute(static_cast<double> (p1));
00597             if (bar < 0.0)
00598             {
00599               bar = 0.0;
00600             }
00601             actuator->muscle_state_.pressure_[i] = static_cast<int16u> (bar);
00602           }
00603           // Raw values
00604           // actuator->state_.pressure_[0] = static_cast<int16u>(
00605           //         get_muscle_pressure(muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0],
00606           //                             muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[0],
00607           //                             status_data));
00608           // actuator->state_.pressure_[1] = static_cast<int16u>(
00609           //         get_muscle_pressure(muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1],
00610           //                             muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[1],
00611           //                             status_data));
00612           // ROS_WARN("DriverID: %u MuscleID: %u Pressure 0: %u", muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[0],
00613           //          muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[0], actuator->state_.pressure_[0]);
00614           // ROS_WARN("DriverID: %u MuscleID: %u Pressure 1: %u", muscle_wrapper->muscle_driver_id[1],
00615           //          muscle_wrapper->muscle_id[1], actuator->state_.pressure_[1]);
00617 #ifdef DEBUG_PUBLISHER
00618         if (actuator_wrapper->muscle_id[0] == 8)
00619         {
00620          // ROS_ERROR_STREAM("SGL " <<actuator->state_.strain_gauge_left_);
00621          // this-> = actuator->state_.strain_gauge_left_;
00622          // this->debug_publishers[0].publish(this->msg_debug);
00623         }
00624 #endif
00625           break;
00628         default:
00629           break;
00630       }
00631     }
00632   }
00634   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00635   unsigned int SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::get_muscle_pressure(int muscle_driver_id, int muscle_id,
00636                                                                               StatusType *status_data)
00637   {
00638     unsigned int muscle_pressure = 0;
00639     int packet_offset = 0;
00640     int muscle_index = muscle_id;
00642     // Every muscle driver sends two muscle_data_packet containing pressures from 5 muscles each
00643     if (muscle_id >= NUM_PRESSURE_SENSORS_PER_MESSAGE)
00644     {
00645       packet_offset = 1;
00646       muscle_index = muscle_id - NUM_PRESSURE_SENSORS_PER_MESSAGE;
00647     }
00649     switch (muscle_index)
00650     {
00651       case 0:
00652         muscle_pressure =
00653                 (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure0_H << 8)
00654                 + (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure0_M << 4)
00655                 + status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure0_L;
00656         break;
00658       case 1:
00659         muscle_pressure =
00660                 (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure1_H << 8)
00661                 + (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure1_M << 4)
00662                 + status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure1_L;
00663         break;
00665       case 2:
00666         muscle_pressure =
00667                 (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure2_H << 8)
00668                 + (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure2_M << 4)
00669                 + status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure2_L;
00670         break;
00672       case 3:
00673         muscle_pressure =
00674                 (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure3_H << 8)
00675                 + (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure3_M << 4)
00676                 + status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure3_L;
00677         break;
00679       case 4:
00680         muscle_pressure =
00681                 (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure4_H << 8)
00682                 + (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure4_M << 4)
00683                 + status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_id * 2 + packet_offset].packed.pressure4_L;
00684         break;
00686       default:
00687         ROS_ERROR("Incorrect muscle index: %d", muscle_index);
00688         break;
00689     }
00691     return muscle_pressure;
00692   }
00694   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00695   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::read_muscle_driver_data(
00696           vector<MuscleDriver>::iterator muscle_driver_tmp, StatusType *status_data)
00697   {
00698     // check one the masks (e.g. the first) for this muscle driver to see if
00699     // the CAN messages arrived correctly from the muscle driver
00700     // the flag should be set to 1 for each message in this driver.
00701     muscle_driver_tmp->driver_ok = sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(status_data->which_muscle_data_arrived,
00702                                                                          muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2);
00703     /*
00704    // check the masks to see if a bad CAN message arrived
00705    // the flag should be 0
00706     muscle_driver_tmp->bad_data = sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(status_data->which_pressure_data_had_errors,
00707                                                                         muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2 );
00708      */
00710     if (muscle_driver_tmp->driver_ok)
00711     {
00712       // we received the data and it was correct
00713       set_muscle_driver_data_received_flags(status_data->muscle_data_type, muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id);
00715       switch (status_data->muscle_data_type)
00716       {
00717         case MUSCLE_DATA_PRESSURE:
00718           // We don't do anything here. This will be treated in a per-joint loop in read_additional_muscle_data
00719           break;
00721         case MUSCLE_DATA_CAN_STATS:
00722           // For the moment all the CAN data statistics for a muscle driver are contained
00723           // in the first packet coming from that driver
00724           // these are 16 bits values and will overflow -> we compute the real value.
00725           // This needs to be updated faster than the overflowing period (which should be roughly every 30s)
00726           muscle_driver_tmp->can_msgs_received_ = sr_math_utils::counter_with_overflow(
00727                   muscle_driver_tmp->can_msgs_received_,
00728                   static_cast<int16u> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id *
00729                                                                        2].misc.can_msgs_rx));
00730           muscle_driver_tmp->can_msgs_transmitted_ = sr_math_utils::counter_with_overflow(
00731                   muscle_driver_tmp->can_msgs_transmitted_,
00732                   static_cast<int16u> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id *
00733                                                                        2].misc.can_msgs_tx));
00735           // CAN bus errors
00736           muscle_driver_tmp->can_err_rx = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00737                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2].misc.can_err_rx);
00738           muscle_driver_tmp->can_err_tx = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00739                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2].misc.can_err_tx);
00740           break;
00742         case MUSCLE_DATA_SLOW_MISC:
00743           // We received a slow data:
00744           // the slow data type is not transmitted anymore (as it was in the muscle hand protocol)
00745           // Instead, all the information (of every data type) is contained in the 2 packets
00746           // that come from every muscle driver
00747           // So in fact this message is not "slow" anymore.
00748           muscle_driver_tmp->pic_firmware_git_revision_ = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00749                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2].slow_0.SVN_revision);
00750           muscle_driver_tmp->server_firmware_git_revision_ = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00751                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2].slow_0.SVN_server);
00752           muscle_driver_tmp->firmware_modified_ =
00753                   static_cast<bool> (static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00754                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2].slow_0.SVN_modified));
00756           muscle_driver_tmp->serial_number = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00757                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2 + 1].slow_1.serial_number);
00758           muscle_driver_tmp->assembly_date_year = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00759                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2 + 1].slow_1.assembly_date_YYYY);
00760           muscle_driver_tmp->assembly_date_month = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00761                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2 + 1].slow_1.assembly_date_MM);
00762           muscle_driver_tmp->assembly_date_day = static_cast<unsigned int> (status_data->muscle_data_packet[
00763                   muscle_driver_tmp->muscle_driver_id * 2 + 1].slow_1.assembly_date_DD);
00764           break;
00766         default:
00767           break;
00768       }
00770       // Mutual exclusion with the the initialization timeout
00771       boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(*lock_init_timeout_);
00773       // Check the message to see if everything has already been received
00774       if (muscle_current_state == operation_mode::device_update_state::INITIALIZATION)
00775       {
00776         if ((check_muscle_driver_data_received_flags())
00777             || (muscle_updater_->update_state == operation_mode::device_update_state::OPERATION))
00778         {
00779           muscle_updater_->update_state = operation_mode::device_update_state::OPERATION;
00780           muscle_current_state = operation_mode::device_update_state::OPERATION;
00781           // stop the timer
00782           check_init_timeout_timer.stop();
00784           ROS_INFO("All muscle data initialized.");
00785         }
00786       }
00787     }
00788   }
00790   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00791   inline void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::set_muscle_driver_data_received_flags(unsigned int msg_type,
00792                                                                                                int muscle_driver_id)
00793   {
00794     if (muscle_current_state == operation_mode::device_update_state::INITIALIZATION)
00795     {
00796       map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = from_muscle_driver_data_received_flags_.find(msg_type);
00797       if (it != from_muscle_driver_data_received_flags_.end())
00798       {
00799         it->second = it->second | (1 << muscle_driver_id);
00800       }
00801     }
00802   }
00804   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00805   inline bool SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::check_muscle_driver_data_received_flags()
00806   {
00807     map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = from_muscle_driver_data_received_flags_.begin();
00808     for (; it != from_muscle_driver_data_received_flags_.end(); ++it)
00809     {
00810       // We want to detect when the flag for every driver is checked,
00811       // so, for NUM_MUSCLE_DRIVERS = 4 we want to have 00001111
00812       if (it->second != (1 << NUM_MUSCLE_DRIVERS) - 1)
00813       {
00814         return false;
00815       }
00816     }
00817     return true;
00818   }
00820   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00821   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::calibrate_joint(vector<Joint>::iterator joint_tmp,
00822                                                                   StatusType *status_data)
00823   {
00824     SrMuscleActuator *actuator = get_joint_actuator(joint_tmp);
00826     actuator->muscle_state_.raw_sensor_values_.clear();
00827     actuator->muscle_state_.calibrated_sensor_values_.clear();
00829     if (joint_tmp->joint_to_sensor.calibrate_after_combining_sensors)
00830     {
00831       // first we combine the different sensors and then we
00832       // calibrate the value we obtained. This is used for
00833       // some compound sensors ( THJ5 = cal(THJ5A + THJ5B))
00834       double raw_position = 0.0;
00835       // when combining the values, we use the coefficient imported
00836       // from the sensor_to_joint.yaml file (in sr_edc_launch/config)
00838       BOOST_FOREACH(PartialJointToSensor joint_to_sensor, joint_tmp->joint_to_sensor.joint_to_sensor_vector)
00839             {
00840               int tmp_raw = status_data->sensors[joint_to_sensor.sensor_id];
00841               actuator->muscle_state_.raw_sensor_values_.push_back(tmp_raw);
00842               raw_position += static_cast<double> (tmp_raw) * joint_to_sensor.coeff;
00843             }
00845       // and now we calibrate
00846       this->calibration_tmp = this->calibration_map.find(joint_tmp->joint_name);
00847       actuator->muscle_state_.position_unfiltered_ = this->calibration_tmp->compute(static_cast<double> (raw_position));
00848     }
00849     else
00850     {
00851       // we calibrate the different sensors first and we combine the calibrated
00852       // values. This is used in the joint 0s for example ( J0 = cal(J1)+cal(J2) )
00853       double calibrated_position = 0.0;
00854       PartialJointToSensor joint_to_sensor;
00855       string sensor_name;
00857       ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Combining actuator " << joint_tmp->joint_name);
00859       for (unsigned int index_joint_to_sensor = 0;
00860            index_joint_to_sensor < joint_tmp->joint_to_sensor.joint_to_sensor_vector.size();
00861            ++index_joint_to_sensor)
00862       {
00863         joint_to_sensor = joint_tmp->joint_to_sensor.joint_to_sensor_vector[index_joint_to_sensor];
00864         sensor_name = joint_tmp->joint_to_sensor.sensor_names[index_joint_to_sensor];
00866         // get the raw position
00867         int raw_pos = status_data->sensors[joint_to_sensor.sensor_id];
00868         // push the new raw values
00869         actuator->muscle_state_.raw_sensor_values_.push_back(raw_pos);
00871         // calibrate and then combine
00872         this->calibration_tmp = this->calibration_map.find(sensor_name);
00873         double tmp_cal_value = this->calibration_tmp->compute(static_cast<double> (raw_pos));
00875         // push the new calibrated values.
00876         actuator->muscle_state_.calibrated_sensor_values_.push_back(tmp_cal_value);
00878         calibrated_position += tmp_cal_value * joint_to_sensor.coeff;
00880         ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("      -> " << sensor_name << " raw = " << raw_pos << " calibrated = " << calibrated_position);
00881       }
00882       actuator->muscle_state_.position_unfiltered_ = calibrated_position;
00883       ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("          => " << actuator->muscle_state_.position_unfiltered_);
00884     }
00885   }  // end calibrate_joint()
00887   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00888   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::process_position_sensor_data(vector<Joint>::iterator joint_tmp,
00889                                                                                StatusType *status_data,
00890                                                                                double timestamp)
00891   {
00892     SrMuscleActuator *actuator = get_joint_actuator(joint_tmp);
00894     // calibrate the joint and update the position.
00895     calibrate_joint(joint_tmp, status_data);
00897     // filter the position and velocity
00898     pair<double, double> pos_and_velocity = joint_tmp->pos_filter.compute(actuator->muscle_state_.position_unfiltered_,
00899                                                                           timestamp);
00900     // reset the position to the filtered value
00901     actuator->state_.position_ = pos_and_velocity.first;
00902     // set the velocity to the filtered velocity
00903     actuator->state_.velocity_ = pos_and_velocity.second;
00904   }
00906   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00907   vector<pair<string, bool> > SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::humanize_flags(int flag)
00908   {
00909     vector<pair<string, bool> > flags;
00911     // 16 is the number of flags
00912     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
00913     {
00914       pair<string, bool> new_flag;
00915       // if the flag is set add the name
00916       if (sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(flag, i))
00917       {
00918         if (sr_math_utils::is_bit_mask_index_true(SERIOUS_ERROR_FLAGS, i))
00919         {
00920           new_flag.second = true;
00921         }
00922         else
00923         {
00924           new_flag.second = false;
00925         }
00927         new_flag.first = error_flag_names[i];
00928         flags.push_back(new_flag);
00929       }
00930     }
00931     return flags;
00932   }
00934   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00935   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::reinitialize_motors()
00936   {
00937     // Mutual exclusion with the the initialization timeout
00938     boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(*lock_init_timeout_);
00940     // stop the timer just in case it was still running
00941     check_init_timeout_timer.stop();
00942     // Create a new MuscleUpdater object
00943     muscle_updater_ = shared_ptr<MuscleUpdater<CommandType> >(
00944             new MuscleUpdater<CommandType>(muscle_update_rate_configs_vector,
00945                                            operation_mode::device_update_state::INITIALIZATION));
00946     muscle_current_state = operation_mode::device_update_state::INITIALIZATION;
00947     // To reschedule the one-shot timer
00948     check_init_timeout_timer.setPeriod(init_max_duration);
00949     check_init_timeout_timer.start();
00950   }
00952   template<class StatusType, class CommandType>
00953   void SrMuscleRobotLib<StatusType, CommandType>::init_timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent &event)
00954   {
00955     // Mutual exclusion with the the initialization timeout
00956     boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(*lock_init_timeout_);
00958     if (muscle_current_state == operation_mode::device_update_state::INITIALIZATION)
00959     {
00960       muscle_updater_->update_state = operation_mode::device_update_state::OPERATION;
00961       muscle_current_state = operation_mode::device_update_state::OPERATION;
00962       ROS_ERROR_STREAM(
00963               "Muscle Initialization Timeout: the static information in the diagnostics may not be up to date.");
00964     }
00965   }
00967   // Only to ensure that the template class is compiled for the types we are interested in
00968   template
00970 }  // namespace shadow_robot
00972 /* For the emacs weenies in the crowd.
00973  Local Variables:
00974  c-basic-offset: 2
00975  End:
00976  */

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic, Toni Oliver
autogenerated on Mon Jul 1 2019 20:06:26