Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* This file is part of RGBDSLAM.
00002  * 
00003  * RGBDSLAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00004  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00005  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00006  * (at your option) any later version.
00007  * 
00008  * RGBDSLAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00009  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00011  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00012  * 
00013  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00014  * along with RGBDSLAM.  If not, see <>.
00015  */
00018 #include "node.h"
00019 #include <cmath>
00020 #include <ctime>
00021 #include <Eigen/Geometry>
00022 #include "pcl/ros/conversions.h"
00023 #include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h>
00024 #include <pcl/common/transformation_from_correspondences.h>
00025 //#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
00026 #include <qtconcurrentrun.h>
00027 #include <QtConcurrentMap> 
00029 #ifdef USE_SIFT_GPU
00030 #include "sift_gpu_wrapper.h"
00031 #endif
00033 //#include <math.h>
00034 #include <fstream>
00035 #ifdef USE_ICP_BIN
00036 #include "gicp-fallback.h"
00037 #endif
00039 #ifdef USE_ICP_CODE
00040 #include "../external/gicp/transform.h"
00041 #endif
00043 //#include <iostream>
00044 #include "misc.h"
00045 #include <pcl/filters/voxel_grid.h>
00046 #include <opencv/highgui.h>
00048 QMutex Node::gicp_mutex;
00049 QMutex Node::siftgpu_mutex;
00051 Node::Node(const cv::Mat& visual, 
00052            const cv::Mat& depth,
00053            const cv::Mat& detection_mask,
00054            const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& cam_info, 
00055            std_msgs::Header depth_header,
00056            cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector,
00057            cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorExtractor> extractor) :
00058   id_(0), 
00059   pc_col(new pointcloud_type()),
00060   flannIndex(NULL),
00061   base2points_(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), depth_header.stamp, ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string>("base_frame_name"), depth_header.frame_id),
00062   ground_truth_transform_(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), depth_header.stamp, ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string>("ground_truth_frame_name"), ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string>("base_frame_name")),
00063   odom_transform_(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), depth_header.stamp, "missing_odometry", depth_header.frame_id),
00064   initial_node_matches_(0)
00065 {
00066   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00067   pc_col->header = depth_header;
00068   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00070 #ifdef USE_SIFT_GPU
00071   std::vector<float> descriptors;
00072   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") == "SIFTGPU"){
00073     SiftGPUWrapper* siftgpu = SiftGPUWrapper::getInstance();
00074     siftgpu->detect(visual, feature_locations_2d_, descriptors);
00075     ROS_FATAL_COND(descriptors.size()==0, "Can't run SiftGPU");
00076     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", "Feature Detection and Descriptor Extraction runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00077   } else 
00078 #endif
00079   {
00080     ROS_FATAL_COND(detector.empty(), "No valid detector!");
00081     detector->detect( visual, feature_locations_2d_, detection_mask);// fill 2d locations
00082     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", "Feature Detection runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00083   }
00085   // project pixels to 3dPositions and create search structures for the gicp
00086 #ifdef USE_SIFT_GPU
00087   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") == "SIFTGPU"){
00088     projectTo3DSiftGPU(feature_locations_2d_, feature_locations_3d_, depth, cam_info, descriptors, feature_descriptors_); 
00089   }
00090   else
00091 #endif
00092   {
00093     projectTo3D(feature_locations_2d_, feature_locations_3d_, depth, cam_info);
00094     struct timespec starttime2; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime2);
00095     extractor->compute(visual, feature_locations_2d_, feature_descriptors_); //fill feature_descriptors_ with information 
00096     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime2.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime2.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", "Feature Extraction runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00097   }
00098   assert(feature_locations_2d_.size() == feature_locations_3d_.size());
00099   assert(feature_locations_3d_.size() == (unsigned int)feature_descriptors_.rows); 
00100   ROS_INFO_NAMED("statistics", "Feature Count of Node:\t%d", (int)feature_locations_2d_.size());
00101   size_t max_keyp = ps->get<int>("max_keypoints");
00102   if(feature_locations_2d_.size() > max_keyp) {
00103     feature_locations_2d_.resize(max_keyp);
00104     feature_locations_3d_.resize(max_keyp);
00105     feature_descriptors_ = feature_descriptors_.rowRange(0,max_keyp);
00106   }
00107   //computeKeypointDepthStats(depth, feature_locations_2d_);
00109 #ifdef USE_ICP_CODE
00110   if(ps->get<bool>("use_icp")){
00111     ROS_ERROR("ICP cannot be used without PointCloud. Wrong Node Constructor");
00112   }
00113   gicp_initialized = false;
00114   gicp_point_set_ = NULL;
00115 #endif
00116   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00118 }
00130 Node::Node(const cv::Mat visual,
00131            cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector,
00132            cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorExtractor> extractor,
00133            pointcloud_type::Ptr point_cloud,
00134            const cv::Mat detection_mask) : 
00135   id_(0),
00136   pc_col(point_cloud),
00137   flannIndex(NULL),
00138   base2points_(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), point_cloud->header.stamp,ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string>("base_frame_name"), point_cloud->header.frame_id),
00139   ground_truth_transform_(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), point_cloud->header.stamp, ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string>("ground_truth_frame_name"), ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string>("base_frame_name")),
00140   odom_transform_(tf::Transform::getIdentity(), point_cloud->header.stamp, "missing_odometry", point_cloud->header.frame_id),
00141   initial_node_matches_(0)
00142 {
00143   //cv::namedWindow("matches");
00144   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00146   ROS_INFO_STREAM("Construction of Node with " << ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") << " Features");
00147   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00149 #ifdef USE_SIFT_GPU
00150   std::vector<float> descriptors;
00151   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") == "SIFTGPU"){
00152     SiftGPUWrapper* siftgpu = SiftGPUWrapper::getInstance();
00153     siftgpu->detect(visual, feature_locations_2d_, descriptors);
00154     ROS_FATAL_COND(descriptors.size() ==0, "Can't run SiftGPU");
00155     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", "Feature Detection and Descriptor Extraction runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00156   } else 
00157 #endif
00158   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") != "GICP")
00159   {
00160     ROS_FATAL_COND(detector.empty(), "No valid detector!");
00161     detector->detect( visual, feature_locations_2d_, detection_mask);// fill 2d locations
00162     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", "Feature Detection runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00163   }
00165   // project pixels to 3dPositions and create search structures for the gicp
00166 #ifdef USE_SIFT_GPU
00167   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") == "SIFTGPU")
00168   {
00169     // removes also unused descriptors from the descriptors matrix
00170     // build descriptor matrix and sets siftgpu_descriptors!
00171     projectTo3DSiftGPU(feature_locations_2d_, feature_locations_3d_, pc_col, descriptors, feature_descriptors_); //takes less than 0.01 sec
00172   }
00173   else 
00174 #endif
00175   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") != "GICP")
00176   {
00177     projectTo3D(feature_locations_2d_, feature_locations_3d_, pc_col); //takes less than 0.01 sec
00178     // projectTo3d need a dense cloud to use the,px.y)-Call
00179     struct timespec starttime2; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime2);
00180     extractor->compute(visual, feature_locations_2d_, feature_descriptors_); //fill feature_descriptors_ with information 
00181     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime2.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime2.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", "Feature Extraction runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00182   }
00184   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") != "GICP")
00185   {
00186     assert(feature_locations_2d_.size() == feature_locations_3d_.size());
00187     assert(feature_locations_3d_.size() == (unsigned int)feature_descriptors_.rows); 
00188     ROS_INFO_NAMED("statistics", "Feature Count of Node:\t%d", (int)feature_locations_2d_.size());
00189     size_t max_keyp = ps->get<int>("max_keypoints");
00190     if(feature_locations_2d_.size() > max_keyp) {
00191       feature_locations_2d_.resize(max_keyp);
00192       feature_locations_3d_.resize(max_keyp);
00193       feature_descriptors_ = feature_descriptors_.rowRange(0,max_keyp);
00194     }
00195     assert(feature_locations_2d_.size() == feature_locations_3d_.size());
00196     assert(feature_locations_3d_.size() == (unsigned int)feature_descriptors_.rows); 
00197   }
00199 #ifdef USE_ICP_CODE
00200   gicp_initialized = false;
00201   gicp_point_set_ = NULL;
00202   if(!ps->get<bool>("store_pointclouds") && ps->get<bool>("use_icp")) 
00203   {//if clearing out point clouds, the icp structure needs to be built before
00204     gicp_mutex.lock();
00205     gicp_point_set_ = this->getGICPStructure();
00206     gicp_mutex.unlock();
00207   }
00208 #endif
00210   if((!ps->get<bool>("use_glwidget") ||
00211       !ps->get<bool>("use_gui")) &&
00212      !ps->get<bool>("store_pointclouds"))
00213   {
00214     ROS_WARN("Clearing out points");
00215     this->clearPointCloud();
00216   } else if(ps->get<double>("voxelfilter_size") > 0.0) {
00217     double vfs = ps->get<double>("voxelfilter_size");
00218     pcl::VoxelGrid<point_type> sor;
00219     sor.setLeafSize(vfs,vfs,vfs);
00220     pointcloud_type::ConstPtr const_cloud_ptr = boost::make_shared<pointcloud_type> (*pc_col);                                                                 
00221     sor.setInputCloud (const_cloud_ptr);
00222     sor.filter (*pc_col);
00223   }
00224   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00226 }
00228 Node::~Node() {
00229     delete flannIndex;
00230 }
00232 void Node::setOdomTransform(tf::StampedTransform gt){
00233     odom_transform_ = gt;
00234 }
00235 void Node::setGroundTruthTransform(tf::StampedTransform gt){
00236     ground_truth_transform_ = gt;
00237 }
00238 void Node::setBase2PointsTransform(tf::StampedTransform& b2p){
00239     base2points_ = b2p;
00240 }
00241 tf::StampedTransform Node::getOdomTransform(){
00242     return odom_transform_;
00243 }
00244 tf::StampedTransform Node::getGroundTruthTransform(){
00245     return ground_truth_transform_;
00246 }
00247 tf::StampedTransform Node::getBase2PointsTransform(){
00248     return base2points_;
00249 }
00251 void Node::publish(ros::Time timestamp, ros::Publisher pub){
00252   /*
00253     sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloudMessage;
00254     pcl::toROSMsg((*pc_col),cloudMessage);
00255     ROS_INFO_STREAM("Headers: " << pc_col->header.frame_id << " " << cloudMessage.header.frame_id);
00256     cloudMessage.header.frame_id = frame;
00257     cloudMessage.header.stamp = timestamp;
00258     pub.publish(cloudMessage);
00259     */
00260   pc_col->header.stamp = timestamp; //to sync with tf
00261   pub.publish(pc_col);
00262   ROS_INFO("Pointcloud with id %i sent with frame %s", id_, pc_col->header.frame_id.c_str());
00263 }
00265 #ifdef USE_ICP_CODE
00266 bool Node::getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP_code(const Node* target_node,
00267                                                 Eigen::Matrix4f& transformation,
00268                                                 const Eigen::Matrix4f& initial_transformation)
00269 {
00270   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00271   dgc_transform_t initial;
00272   Eigen2GICP(initial_transformation,initial);
00274   dgc_transform_t final_trafo;
00275   dgc_transform_identity(final_trafo);
00277   gicp_mutex.lock();
00278         dgc::gicp::GICPPointSet* gicp_point_set = this->getGICPStructure();
00279   ROS_INFO("this'  (%d) Point Set: %d", this->id_, gicp_point_set->Size());
00280         dgc::gicp::GICPPointSet* target_gicp_point_set = target_node->getGICPStructure();
00281   ROS_INFO("others (%d) Point Set: %d", target_node->id_, target_gicp_point_set->Size());
00282   int iterations = gicp_max_iterations;
00283   if(gicp_point_set->Size() > Node::gicp_min_point_cnt && 
00284      target_gicp_point_set->Size() > Node::gicp_min_point_cnt)
00285   {
00286    iterations = target_gicp_point_set->AlignScan(gicp_point_set, initial, final_trafo, gicp_d_max);
00287    GICP2Eigen(final_trafo,transformation);
00288   } else {
00289     ROS_WARN("GICP Point Sets not big enough. Skipping ICP");
00290   }
00291   gicp_mutex.unlock();
00294   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00295   return iterations <= gicp_max_iterations;
00296 }
00298 void Node::clearGICPStructure() const
00299 {
00300     gicp_mutex.lock();
00301     delete gicp_point_set_; gicp_point_set_ = NULL;
00302     gicp_mutex.unlock();
00303 }
00304 dgc::gicp::GICPPointSet* Node::getGICPStructure(unsigned int max_count) const
00305 {
00306   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00307   if(max_count == 0) max_count = ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("gicp_max_cloud_size");
00308   //Use Cache
00309   if(gicp_point_set_ != NULL){
00310     return gicp_point_set_;
00311   }
00313   dgc::gicp::GICPPointSet* gicp_point_set = new dgc::gicp::GICPPointSet();
00315   dgc::gicp::GICPPoint g_p;
00316   g_p.range = -1;
00317   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
00318     for(int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
00319       g_p.C[k][l] = (k == l)?1:0;
00320     }
00321   }
00323   std::vector<dgc::gicp::GICPPoint> non_NaN;
00324   for (unsigned int i=0; i<(*pc_col).points.size(); i++ ){
00325     point_type&  p = (*pc_col);
00326     if (!isnan(p.z)) { // add points to candidate pointset for icp
00327       g_p.x=p.x;
00328       g_p.y=p.y;
00329       g_p.z=p.z;
00330       non_NaN.push_back(g_p);
00331     }
00332   }
00333   float step = non_NaN.size()/static_cast<float>(max_count);
00334   step =  step < 1.0 ? 1.0 : step; //only skip, don't use points more than once
00335   for (float i=0; i<non_NaN.size(); i+=step ){
00336     gicp_point_set->AppendPoint(non_NaN[static_cast<unsigned int>(i)]);
00337   }
00338   ROS_INFO("GICP point set size: %i", gicp_point_set->Size() );
00340   if(gicp_point_set->Size() > Node::gicp_min_point_cnt){
00341     // build search structure for gicp:
00342     gicp_point_set->SetDebug(true);
00343     gicp_point_set->SetGICPEpsilon(gicp_epsilon);
00344     gicp_point_set->BuildKDTree();
00345     gicp_point_set->ComputeMatrices();
00346     gicp_point_set->SetMaxIterationInner(8); // as in test_gicp->cpp
00347     gicp_point_set->SetMaxIteration(gicp_max_iterations);
00348     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00349   }
00350   else
00351   {
00352     ROS_WARN("GICP point set too small, this node will not be algined with GICP!");
00353   }
00354   //ROS_INFO_STREAM("time for creating the structure: " << ((std::clock()-starttime_gicp*1.0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
00355   //ROS_INFO_STREAM("current: " << std::clock() << " " << "start_time: " << starttime_gicp);
00357   gicp_point_set_ = gicp_point_set;
00358   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00359   return gicp_point_set;
00360 }
00361 #endif
00363 #ifdef USE_ICP_BIN
00364 bool Node::getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP_bin(const Node* target_node,
00365     Eigen::Matrix4f& transformation,
00366     const Eigen::Matrix4f* initial_transformation){
00367   std::clock_t starttime_icp = std::clock();
00369   bool converged;
00371   pointcloud_type::Ptr target_cloud = target_node->pc_col;
00372   if (initial_transformation != NULL)
00373   {
00374     pointcloud_type pc2;
00375     pcl::transformPointCloud((*pc_col),pc2,*initial_transformation);
00376     converged = gicpfallback(pc2, *target_cloud, transformation);
00377   }
00378   else {
00379     converged = gicpfallback((*pc_col),*target_cloud, transformation); }
00381   // Paper
00382   // clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00384   return converged;
00385 }
00386 #endif
00388 // build search structure for descriptor matching
00389 void Node::buildFlannIndex() {
00390   if (flannIndex == NULL
00391       && ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string> ("matcher_type") == "FLANN" 
00392       && ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string> ("feature_detector_type") != "GICP"
00393       && ParameterServer::instance()->get<std::string> ("feature_extractor_type") != "ORB")
00394   {
00395     struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00396     //KDTreeIndexParams When passing an object of this type the index constructed will 
00397     //consist of a set of randomized kd-trees which will be searched in parallel.
00398     flannIndex = new cv::flann::Index(feature_descriptors_, cv::flann::KDTreeIndexParams(16));
00399     ROS_INFO("Built flannIndex (address %p) for Node %i", flannIndex, this->id_);
00400     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00401   }
00402 }
00406 //TODO: This function seems to be resistant to parallelization probably due to knnSearch
00407 unsigned int Node::featureMatching(const Node* other, std::vector<cv::DMatch>* matches) const 
00408 {
00409   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00410   assert(matches->size()==0);
00411   // number of neighbours found (two, to compare the best matches for distinctness
00412   const int k = 2;
00413   //unsigned int one_nearest_neighbour = 0, two_nearest_neighbours = 0;
00415   // number of neighbors found (has to be two, see l. 57)
00416   double sum_distances = 0.0;
00417   ParameterServer* ps = ParameterServer::instance();
00418   //const int min_kp = ps->get<int> ("min_keypoints");
00420   //using siftgpu, if available and wanted
00421   if(ps->get<std::string>("feature_detector_type") == "GICP"){
00422     return 0;
00423   }
00424 #ifdef USE_SIFT_GPU
00425   if (ps->get<std::string> ("matcher_type") == "SIFTGPU") {
00426     siftgpu_mutex.lock();
00427     sum_distances = SiftGPUWrapper::getInstance()->match(siftgpu_descriptors, feature_descriptors_.rows, other->siftgpu_descriptors, other->feature_descriptors_.rows, matches);
00428     siftgpu_mutex.unlock();
00429   }
00430   else
00431 #endif
00432   //using BruteForceMatcher for ORB features
00433   if (ps->get<std::string> ("matcher_type") == "BRUTEFORCE" || 
00434       ps->get<std::string> ("feature_extractor_type") == "ORB")
00435   {
00436     cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher;
00437     std::string brute_force_type("BruteForce"); //L2 per default
00438     if(ps->get<std::string> ("feature_extractor_type") == "ORB"){
00439       brute_force_type.append("-HammingLUT");
00440     }
00441     matcher = cv::DescriptorMatcher::create(brute_force_type);
00442     std::vector< std::vector<cv::DMatch> > bruteForceMatches;
00443     matcher->knnMatch(feature_descriptors_, other->feature_descriptors_, bruteForceMatches, k);
00444     double max_dist_ratio_fac = ps->get<double>("nn_distance_ratio");
00445     //if ((int)bruteForceMatches.size() < min_kp) max_dist_ratio_fac = 1.0; //if necessary use possibly bad descriptors
00446     srand((long)std::clock());
00447     std::set<int> train_indices;
00448     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bruteForceMatches.size(); i++) {
00449         cv::DMatch m1 = bruteForceMatches[i][0];
00450         cv::DMatch m2 = bruteForceMatches[i][1];
00451         float dist_ratio_fac = m1.distance / m2.distance;
00452         if (dist_ratio_fac < max_dist_ratio_fac) {//this check seems crucial to matching quality
00453             int train_idx = m1.trainIdx;
00454             if(train_indices.count(train_idx) > 0)
00455               continue; //FIXME: Keep better
00457             train_indices.insert(train_idx);
00458             sum_distances += m1.distance;
00459             m1.distance = dist_ratio_fac + (float)rand()/(1000.0*RAND_MAX); //add a small random offset to the distance, since later the dmatches are inserted to a set, which omits duplicates and the duplicates are found via the less-than function, which works on the distance. Therefore we need to avoid equal distances, which happens very often for ORB
00460             matches->push_back(m1);
00461         } 
00463     }
00464     //matcher->match(feature_descriptors_, other->feature_descriptors_, *matches);
00465   } 
00466   else if (ps->get<std::string>("matcher_type") == "FLANN" && 
00467            ps->get<std::string>("feature_extractor_type") != "ORB")
00468   {
00469     if (other->flannIndex == NULL) {
00470         ROS_FATAL("Node %i in featureMatching: flann Index of Node %i was not initialized", this->id_, other->id_);
00471         return -1;
00472     }
00473     int start_feature = 0;
00474     int sufficient_matches = ps->get<int>("sufficient_matches");
00475     int num_segments = feature_descriptors_.rows / (sufficient_matches+100.0); //compute number of segments
00476     if(sufficient_matches <= 0 || num_segments <= 0){
00477       num_segments=1;
00478       sufficient_matches = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
00479     }
00480     int num_features = feature_descriptors_.rows / num_segments;                               //compute features per chunk
00481     for(int seg = 1; start_feature < feature_descriptors_.rows && seg <= num_segments;  seg++){ //search for matches chunkwise
00482       // compare
00483       //
00484       cv::Mat indices(num_features, k, CV_32S);
00485       cv::Mat dists(num_features, k, CV_32F);
00486       cv::Mat relevantDescriptors = feature_descriptors_.rowRange(start_feature, start_feature+num_features);
00488       // get the best two neighbors
00489       struct timespec flannstarttime, flannfinish; double flannelapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &flannstarttime);
00490       other->flannIndex->knnSearch(relevantDescriptors, indices, dists, k, cv::flann::SearchParams(64));
00491       clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &flannfinish); flannelapsed = (flannfinish.tv_sec - flannstarttime.tv_sec); flannelapsed += (flannfinish.tv_nsec - flannstarttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(flannelapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", "Flann knnsearch runtime: "<< flannelapsed <<" s");
00493       //64: The number of times the tree(s) in the index should be recursively traversed. A higher value for this parameter would give better search precision, but also take more time. If automatic configuration was used when the index was created, the number of checks required to achieve the specified precision was also computed, in which case this parameter is ignored.
00495       int* indices_ptr = indices.ptr<int> (0);
00496       float* dists_ptr = dists.ptr<float> (0);
00498       cv::DMatch match;
00499       double avg_ratio = 0.0;
00500       double max_dist_ratio_fac = ps->get<double>("nn_distance_ratio");
00501       std::set<int> train_indices;
00502       for(int i = 0; i < indices.rows; ++i) {
00503         float dist_ratio_fac =  static_cast<float>(dists_ptr[2 * i]) / static_cast<float>(dists_ptr[2 * i + 1]);
00504         avg_ratio += dist_ratio_fac;
00505         //if (indices.rows < min_kp) dist_ratio_fac = 1.0; //if necessary use possibly bad descriptors
00506         if (max_dist_ratio_fac > dist_ratio_fac) {
00507           int train_idx = indices_ptr[2 * i];
00508           if(train_indices.count(train_idx) > 0)
00509             continue; //FIXME: Keep better
00511           train_indices.insert(train_idx);
00512           match.queryIdx = i;
00513           match.trainIdx = train_idx;
00514           match.distance = dist_ratio_fac; //dists_ptr[2 * i];
00515           sum_distances += match.distance;
00517           assert(match.trainIdx < other->feature_descriptors_.rows);
00518           assert(match.queryIdx < feature_descriptors_.rows);
00519           matches->push_back(match);
00520         }
00521       }
00522       ROS_INFO("Feature Matches between Nodes %3d (%4d features) and %3d (%4d features) in segment %d/%d (features %d to %d of first node):\t%4d. Percentage: %f%%, Avg NN Ratio: %f",
00523                 this->id_, (int)this->feature_locations_2d_.size(), other->id_, (int)other->feature_locations_2d_.size(), seg, num_segments, start_feature, start_feature+num_features, 
00524                 (int)matches->size(), (100.0*matches->size())/((float)start_feature+num_features), avg_ratio / (start_feature+num_features));
00525       if((int)matches->size() > sufficient_matches){
00526         ROS_INFO("Enough matches. Skipping remaining segments");
00527         break;
00528       }
00529       if((int)matches->size()*num_segments/(float)seg < 0.5*ps->get<int>("min_matches")){
00530         ROS_INFO("Predicted not enough feature matches, aborting matching process");
00531         break;
00532       }
00533       start_feature += num_features;
00534     }//for
00535   }
00536   else {
00537       ROS_FATAL_STREAM("Cannot match features:\nNo valid combination for " <<
00538                        "matcher_type ("           << ps->get<std::string>("matcher_type") << ") and " <<
00539                        "feature_extractor_type (" << ps->get<std::string>("feature_extractor_type") << ") chosen.");
00540   }
00542   ROS_INFO_NAMED("statistics", "count_matrix(%3d, %3d) =  %4d;",
00543                  this->id_+1, other->id_+1, (int)matches->size());
00544   ROS_INFO_NAMED("statistics", "dista_matrix(%3d, %3d) =  %f;",
00545                  this->id_+1, other->id_+1, sum_distances/ (float)matches->size());
00546   ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("statistics", "Feature Matches between Nodes %3d (%4d features) and %3d (%4d features):\t%4d",
00547                   this->id_, (int)this->feature_locations_2d_.size(),
00548                   other->id_, (int)other->feature_locations_2d_.size(),
00549                   (int)matches->size());
00551   //ROS_INFO("matches size: %i, rows: %i", (int) matches->size(), feature_descriptors_.rows);
00553   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00554   //assert(one_nearest_neighbour+two_nearest_neighbours > 0);
00555   //return static_cast<float>(one_nearest_neighbour) / static_cast<float>(one_nearest_neighbour+two_nearest_neighbours);
00556   return matches->size();
00557 }
00561 #ifdef USE_SIFT_GPU
00562 void Node::projectTo3DSiftGPU(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& feature_locations_2d,
00563                               std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> >& feature_locations_3d,
00564                               const cv::Mat& depth,
00565                               const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& cam_info,
00566                               std::vector<float>& descriptors_in, cv::Mat& descriptors_out)
00567 {
00569   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00571   double depth_scaling = ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("depth_scaling_factor");
00572   float x,y;//temp point, 
00573   //principal point and focal lengths:
00574   float cx = cam_info->K[2]; //(cloud_msg->width >> 1) - 0.5f;
00575   float cy = cam_info->K[5]; //(cloud_msg->height >> 1) - 0.5f;
00576   float fx = 1.0f / cam_info->K[0]; 
00577   float fy = 1.0f / cam_info->K[4]; 
00578   cv::Point2f p2d;
00580   if(feature_locations_3d.size()){
00581     ROS_INFO("There is already 3D Information in the FrameInfo, clearing it");
00582     feature_locations_3d.clear();
00583   }
00585   std::list<int> featuresUsed;
00587   int index = -1;
00588   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < feature_locations_2d.size(); /*increment at end of loop*/){
00589     ++index;
00591     p2d = feature_locations_2d[i].pt;
00592     float Z;
00593     if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_feature_min_depth")){
00594       Z = getMinDepthInNeighborhood(depth, p2d, feature_locations_2d[i].size);
00595     } else {
00596       Z =<float>(p2d.y, p2d.x) * depth_scaling;
00597     }
00598     // Check for invalid measurements
00599     if (std::isnan (Z))
00600     {
00601       ROS_DEBUG("Feature %d has been extracted at NaN depth. Omitting", i);
00602       feature_locations_2d.erase(feature_locations_2d.begin()+i);
00603       continue;
00604     }
00605     x = (p2d.x - cx) * Z * fx;
00606     y = (p2d.y - cy) * Z * fy;
00608     feature_locations_3d.push_back(Eigen::Vector4f(x,y, Z, 1.0));
00609     featuresUsed.push_back(index);  //save id for constructing the descriptor matrix
00610     i++; //Only increment if no element is removed from vector
00611   }
00613   //create descriptor matrix
00614   int size = feature_locations_3d.size();
00615   descriptors_out = cv::Mat(size, 128, CV_32F);
00616   siftgpu_descriptors.resize(size * 128);
00617   for (int y = 0; y < size && featuresUsed.size() > 0; ++y) {
00618     int id = featuresUsed.front();
00619     featuresUsed.pop_front();
00621     for (int x = 0; x < 128; ++x) {
00622<float>(y, x) = descriptors_in[id * 128 + x];
00623       siftgpu_descriptors[y * 128 + x] = descriptors_in[id * 128 + x];
00624     }
00625   }
00626   /*
00627   //create descriptor matrix
00628   int size = feature_locations_3d.size();
00629   descriptors_out = cv::Mat(size, 128, CV_32F);
00630   for (int y = 0; y < size && featuresUsed.size() > 0; ++y) {
00631     int id = featuresUsed.front();
00632     featuresUsed.pop_front();
00634     for (int x = 0; x < 128; ++x) {
00635<float>(y, x) = descriptors_in[id * 128 + x];
00636     }
00637   }
00638   */
00640   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00641 }
00643 void Node::projectTo3DSiftGPU(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& feature_locations_2d,
00644                               std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> >& feature_locations_3d,
00645                               const pointcloud_type::Ptr point_cloud, 
00646                               std::vector<float>& descriptors_in, cv::Mat& descriptors_out)
00647 {
00649   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00651   cv::Point2f p2d;
00653   if(feature_locations_3d.size()){
00654     ROS_INFO("There is already 3D Information in the FrameInfo, clearing it");
00655     feature_locations_3d.clear();
00656   }
00658   std::list<int> featuresUsed;
00660   int index = -1;
00661   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < feature_locations_2d.size(); /*increment at end of loop*/){
00662     ++index;
00664     p2d = feature_locations_2d[i].pt;
00665     point_type p3d = point_cloud->at((int) p2d.x,(int) p2d.y);
00667     // Check for invalid measurements
00668     if ( isnan(p3d.x) || isnan(p3d.y) || isnan(p3d.z))
00669     {
00670       ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(__FILE__, "Feature %d has been extracted at NaN depth. Omitting", i);
00671       feature_locations_2d.erase(feature_locations_2d.begin()+i);
00672       continue;
00673     }
00675     feature_locations_3d.push_back(Eigen::Vector4f(p3d.x, p3d.y, p3d.z, 1.0));
00676     featuresUsed.push_back(index);  //save id for constructing the descriptor matrix
00677     i++; //Only increment if no element is removed from vector
00678   }
00680   //create descriptor matrix
00681   int size = feature_locations_3d.size();
00682   descriptors_out = cv::Mat(size, 128, CV_32F);
00683   siftgpu_descriptors.resize(size * 128);
00684   for (int y = 0; y < size && featuresUsed.size() > 0; ++y) {
00685     int id = featuresUsed.front();
00686     featuresUsed.pop_front();
00688     for (int x = 0; x < 128; ++x) {
00689<float>(y, x) = descriptors_in[id * 128 + x];
00690       siftgpu_descriptors[y * 128 + x] = descriptors_in[id * 128 + x];
00691     }
00692   }
00694   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00695 }
00696 #endif
00698 void Node::projectTo3D(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& feature_locations_2d,
00699                        std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> >& feature_locations_3d,
00700                        pointcloud_type::ConstPtr point_cloud)
00701 {
00702   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00704   cv::Point2f p2d;
00706   if(feature_locations_3d.size()){
00707     ROS_INFO("There is already 3D Information in the FrameInfo, clearing it");
00708     feature_locations_3d.clear();
00709   }
00711   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < feature_locations_2d.size(); /*increment at end of loop*/){
00712     p2d = feature_locations_2d[i].pt;
00713     if (p2d.x >= point_cloud->width || p2d.x < 0 ||
00714         p2d.y >= point_cloud->height || p2d.y < 0 ||
00715         std::isnan(p2d.x) || std::isnan(p2d.y)){ //TODO: Unclear why points should be outside the image or be NaN
00716       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Ignoring invalid keypoint: " << p2d); //Does it happen at all? If not, remove this code block
00717       feature_locations_2d.erase(feature_locations_2d.begin()+i);
00718       continue;
00719     }
00721     point_type p3d = point_cloud->at((int) p2d.x,(int) p2d.y);
00723     // Check for invalid measurements
00724     if ( isnan(p3d.x) || isnan(p3d.y) || isnan(p3d.z))
00725     {
00726       ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(__FILE__, "Feature %d has been extracted at NaN depth. Omitting", i);
00727       feature_locations_2d.erase(feature_locations_2d.begin()+i);
00728       continue;
00729     }
00731     feature_locations_3d.push_back(Eigen::Vector4f(p3d.x, p3d.y, p3d.z, 1.0));
00732     i++; //Only increment if no element is removed from vector
00733   }
00735   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00736 }
00738 void Node::projectTo3D(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint>& feature_locations_2d,
00739                        std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> >& feature_locations_3d,
00740                        const cv::Mat& depth,
00741                        const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& cam_info)
00742 {
00743   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00744   double depth_scaling = ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("depth_scaling_factor");
00745   float x,y;//temp point, 
00746   //principal point and focal lengths:
00747   float cx = cam_info->K[2]; //(cloud_msg->width >> 1) - 0.5f;
00748   float cy = cam_info->K[5]; //(cloud_msg->height >> 1) - 0.5f;
00749   float fx = 1.0f / cam_info->K[0]; 
00750   float fy = 1.0f / cam_info->K[4]; 
00752   cv::Point2f p2d;
00754   if(feature_locations_3d.size()){
00755     ROS_INFO("There is already 3D Information in the FrameInfo, clearing it");
00756     feature_locations_3d.clear();
00757   }
00759   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < feature_locations_2d.size(); /*increment at end of loop*/){
00760     p2d = feature_locations_2d[i].pt;
00761     if (p2d.x >= depth.cols || p2d.x < 0 ||
00762         p2d.y >= depth.rows || p2d.y < 0 ||
00763         std::isnan(p2d.x) || std::isnan(p2d.y)){ //TODO: Unclear why points should be outside the image or be NaN
00764       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Ignoring invalid keypoint: " << p2d); //Does it happen at all? If not, remove this code block
00765       feature_locations_2d.erase(feature_locations_2d.begin()+i);
00766       continue;
00767     }
00768     float Z;
00769     if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_feature_min_depth")){
00770       Z = getMinDepthInNeighborhood(depth, p2d, feature_locations_2d[i].size);
00771     } else {
00772       Z =<float>(p2d.y, p2d.x) * depth_scaling;
00773     }
00774     // Check for invalid measurements
00775     if(std::isnan (Z))
00776     {
00777       ROS_DEBUG("Feature %d has been extracted at NaN depth. Omitting", i);
00778       feature_locations_2d.erase(feature_locations_2d.begin()+i);
00779       continue;
00780     }
00781     x = (p2d.x - cx) * Z * fx;
00782     y = (p2d.y - cy) * Z * fy;
00784     feature_locations_3d.push_back(Eigen::Vector4f(x,y, Z, 1.0));
00785     i++; //Only increment if no element is removed from vector
00786   }
00788   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00789 }
00791 template<class CONTAINER>
00792 void Node::computeInliersAndError(const CONTAINER& matches,
00793                                   const Eigen::Matrix4f& transformation,
00794                                   const std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> >& origins,
00795                                   const std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > origins_depth_stats,
00796                                   const std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> >& earlier,
00797                                   const std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > targets_depth_stats,
00798                                   std::vector<cv::DMatch>& inliers, //output var
00799                                   double& mean_error,
00800                                   std::vector<double>& errors,
00801                                   double squaredMaxInlierDistInM) const
00802 { //output var
00804   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00806   inliers.clear();
00807   errors.clear();
00809   std::vector<std::pair<float,int> > dists;
00811   assert(matches.size() > 0);
00812   mean_error = 0.0;
00813   BOOST_FOREACH(const cv::DMatch& m, matches)
00814   {
00815     const Eigen::Vector4f& origin = origins[m.queryIdx];
00816     const Eigen::Vector4f& target = earlier[m.trainIdx];
00817     if(origin(2) == 0.0 || target(2) == 0.0){
00818        ROS_WARN_STREAM("Invalid point. Query Pt " << m.queryIdx << ":\n" << origin << "\nTarget Pt " << m.trainIdx << ":\n" << target);
00819        continue;
00820     }
00821     double mahal_dist = errorFunction2(origin, target, transformation);
00822     if(mahal_dist > squaredMaxInlierDistInM)
00823       continue; //ignore outliers
00824     if(!(mahal_dist >= 0.0)){
00825       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Mahalanobis_ML_Error: "<<mahal_dist);
00826       ROS_WARN_STREAM("Transformation for error !>= 0:\n" << transformation << "Matches: " << matches.size());
00827       continue;
00828     }
00829     inliers.push_back(m); //include inlier
00830     mean_error += mahal_dist;
00831     errors.push_back(mahal_dist );
00832   }
00834   if (inliers.size()<3){ //at least the samples should be inliers
00835     ROS_WARN_COND(inliers.size() > 3, "No inliers at all in %d matches!", (int)matches.size()); // only warn if this checks for all initial matches
00836     mean_error = 1e9;
00837   } else {
00838     mean_error /= inliers.size();
00839     mean_error = sqrt(mean_error);
00840   }
00841   if(!(mean_error>0)) ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Transformation for mean error !> 0: " << transformation);
00842   if(!(mean_error>0)) ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(mean_error << " " << inliers.size());
00843   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
00845 }
00847 template<class CONTAINER>
00848 Eigen::Matrix4f Node::getTransformFromMatchesUmeyama(const Node* earlier_node, CONTAINER matches) const 
00849 {
00850   Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, Eigen::Dynamic> to(3,matches.size()), from(3,matches.size());
00851   typename CONTAINER::const_iterator it = matches.begin();
00852   for (int i = 0 ;it!=matches.end(); it++, i++) {
00853     int this_id    = it->queryIdx;
00854     int earlier_id = it->trainIdx;
00856     from.col(i) = this->feature_locations_3d_[this_id].head<3>();
00857     to.col(i) = earlier_node->feature_locations_3d_[earlier_id].head<3>();
00858   }
00859   Eigen::Matrix4f res = Eigen::umeyama(from, to, false);
00860   return res;
00861 }
00863 template<class CONTAINER>
00864 Eigen::Matrix4f Node::getTransformFromMatches(const Node* earlier_node,
00865                                               const CONTAINER & matches,
00866                                               bool& valid, 
00867                                               const float max_dist_m) const 
00868 {
00869   pcl::TransformationFromCorrespondences tfc;
00870   valid = true;
00871   std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> t, f;
00873   BOOST_FOREACH(const cv::DMatch& m, matches)
00874   {
00875     Eigen::Vector3f from = this->feature_locations_3d_[m.queryIdx].head<3>();
00876     Eigen::Vector3f to = earlier_node->feature_locations_3d_[m.trainIdx].head<3>();
00878     //Validate that 3D distances are corresponding
00879     if (max_dist_m > 0) {  //storing is only necessary, if max_dist is given
00880       if(f.size() >= 1)
00881       {
00882         float delta_f = (from - f.back()).squaredNorm();//distance to the previous query point
00883         float delta_t = (to   - t.back()).squaredNorm();//distance from one to the next train point
00885         if ( abs(delta_f-delta_t) > max_dist_m * max_dist_m ) {
00886           valid = false;
00887           return Eigen::Matrix4f();
00888         }
00889       }
00890       f.push_back(from);
00891       t.push_back(to);    
00892     }
00894     tfc.add(from, to,1.0);// 1.0/(to(2)*to(2)));//the further, the less weight b/c of quadratic accuracy decay
00895   }
00897   // get relative movement from samples
00898   return tfc.getTransformation().matrix();
00899 }
00904 bool Node::getRelativeTransformationTo(const Node* earlier_node,
00905                                        std::vector<cv::DMatch>* initial_matches,
00906                                        Eigen::Matrix4f& resulting_transformation,
00907                                        float& rmse, 
00908                                        std::vector<cv::DMatch>& matches) const
00909 {
00910   struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
00912   assert(initial_matches != NULL);
00913   matches.clear();
00915   if(initial_matches->size() <= (unsigned int) ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("min_matches")){
00916     ROS_INFO("Only %d feature matches between %d and %d (minimal: %i)",(int)initial_matches->size() , this->id_, earlier_node->id_, ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("min_matches"));
00917     return false;
00918   }
00920   //unsigned int min_inlier_threshold = int(initial_matches->size()*0.2);
00921   unsigned int min_inlier_threshold = (unsigned int) ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("min_matches");
00922   if(min_inlier_threshold > 0.75 * initial_matches->size()){
00923     ROS_WARN("Lowering min_inlier_threshold from %d to %d, because there are only %d matches to begin with", min_inlier_threshold, (int) (0.75 * initial_matches->size()), (int)initial_matches->size());
00924     min_inlier_threshold = 0.75 * initial_matches->size();
00925   }
00927   std::vector<cv::DMatch> inlier; //holds those feature correspondences that support the transformation
00928   double inlier_error; //all squared errors
00929   srand((long)std::clock());
00931   // a point is an inlier if it's no more than max_dist_m m from its partner apart
00932   const float max_dist_m = ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("max_dist_for_inliers");
00933   const int ransac_iterations = ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("ransac_iterations");
00934   std::vector<double> dummy;
00936   // best values of all iterations 
00937   double best_error = 1e6,  best_error_coarse = 1e6;
00938   unsigned int best_inlier = 0,  valid_iterations = 0;//, best_inlier_cnt = 0;
00939   unsigned int best_inlier_coarse = 0;
00941   Eigen::Matrix4f transformation;
00942   Eigen::Matrix4f transformationU;
00944   //INITIALIZATION STEP WITH RANDOM SAMPLES ###############################################
00945   const unsigned int sample_size = 3;// chose this many randomly from the correspondences:
00946   for (int n_iter = 0; n_iter < ransac_iterations; n_iter++) {
00947     //generate a map of samples. Using a map solves the problem of drawing a sample more than once
00948     std::set<cv::DMatch> sample_matches;
00949     while(sample_matches.size() < sample_size){
00950       int id = rand() % initial_matches->size();
00951       sample_matches.insert(initial_matches->at(id));
00952     }
00954     bool valid; // valid is false iff the sampled points clearly aren't inliers themself 
00956     transformation = getTransformFromMatches(earlier_node, sample_matches,valid,max_dist_m);
00957     //ROS_INFO_STREAM("tfc:\n" <<  transformation);
00958     //transformationU = getTransformFromMatchesUmeyama(earlier_node, sample_matches);
00959     //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Umeyama:\n" <<  transformationU);
00960     if (!valid) continue; // valid is false iff the sampled points aren't inliers themself 
00961     if(transformation!=transformation) continue; //Contains NaN
00962     //test whether samples are inliers (more strict than before)
00963     computeInliersAndError(sample_matches, transformation, 
00964                            this->feature_locations_3d_, 
00965                            this->feature_depth_stats_, 
00966                            earlier_node->feature_locations_3d_, 
00967                            earlier_node->feature_depth_stats_, 
00968                            inlier, inlier_error,  /*output*/
00969                            dummy, max_dist_m*max_dist_m); 
00971     ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(__FILE__, "Transformation from and for %u samples results in an error of %f and %i inliers.", sample_size, inlier_error, (int)inlier.size());
00972     if(inlier_error > 1000) continue; //most possibly a false match in the samples
00973 /*
00975     computeInliersAndError(*initial_matches, transformationU, 
00976                            this->feature_locations_3d_, 
00977                            this->feature_depth_stats_, 
00978                            earlier_node->feature_locations_3d_, 
00979                            earlier_node->feature_depth_stats_, 
00980                            inlier, inlier_error, 
00981                            dummy, max_dist_m*max_dist_m*4); //use twice the distance (4x squared dist) to get more inliers for refinement
00982     ROS_INFO_NAMED("statistics", "Umeyama Transforma from %u samples results in an error of %f and %i inliers for all matches (%i).", sample_size, inlier_error, (int)inlier.size(), (int)initial_matches->size());
00983     */
00985     computeInliersAndError(*initial_matches, transformation, 
00986                            this->feature_locations_3d_, 
00987                            this->feature_depth_stats_, 
00988                            earlier_node->feature_locations_3d_, 
00989                            earlier_node->feature_depth_stats_, 
00990                            inlier, inlier_error,  /*output*/
00991                            dummy, max_dist_m*max_dist_m*4); //use twice the distance (4x squared dist) to get more inliers for refinement
00992     ROS_DEBUG_NAMED("statistics", "TFC Transformation from %u samples results in an error of %f and %i inliers for all matches (%i).", sample_size, inlier_error, (int)inlier.size(), (int)initial_matches->size());
00994     if(inlier.size() < min_inlier_threshold || inlier_error > max_dist_m){
00995       ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(__FILE__, "Skipped iteration: inliers: %i (min %i), inlier_error: %.2f (max %.2f)", (int)inlier.size(), (int) min_inlier_threshold,  inlier_error*100, max_dist_m*100);
00996       continue; //hopeless case
00997     }
00998     //Inferior to coarse estimates?
00999     if (inlier.size() < best_inlier_coarse && inlier_error > best_error_coarse) {
01000       continue; //hopeless case
01001     }
01002     best_inlier_coarse = inlier.size();
01003     best_error_coarse = inlier_error;
01004     //Totally superior?
01005     if (inlier.size() > best_inlier && inlier_error < best_error) {
01006       best_inlier = inlier.size();
01007       best_error = inlier_error;
01008     }
01010     ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(__FILE__, "Refining iteration from %i samples: all matches: %i, inliers: %i, inlier_error: %f", (int)sample_size, (int)initial_matches->size(), (int)inlier.size(), inlier_error);
01011     valid_iterations++;
01012     assert(inlier_error>=0);
01014     //Performance hacks:
01015     if (inlier.size() > initial_matches->size()*0.5) n_iter+=10;
01016     if (inlier.size() > initial_matches->size()*0.8) n_iter+=20; 
01018     if (inlier_error < best_error) { //copy this to the result
01019       resulting_transformation = transformation;
01020       matches = inlier;
01021       assert(matches.size()>= min_inlier_threshold);
01022       //best_inlier_cnt = inlier.size();
01023       rmse = inlier_error;
01024       best_error = inlier_error;
01025     }
01028     //REFINEMENT STEP FROM INLIERS ###############################################
01029     double new_inlier_error;
01030     transformation = getTransformFromMatches(earlier_node, matches, valid); // compute new trafo from all inliers:
01031     if(transformation!=transformation) continue; //Contains NaN
01032     computeInliersAndError(*initial_matches, transformation,
01033                            this->feature_locations_3d_, 
01034                            this->feature_depth_stats_, 
01035                            earlier_node->feature_locations_3d_,
01036                            earlier_node->feature_depth_stats_, 
01037                            inlier, new_inlier_error, dummy, max_dist_m*max_dist_m);
01038     ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(__FILE__, "Refined Transformation from all matches (%i) results in an error of %f and %i inliers for all matches.", (int)initial_matches->size(), inlier_error, (int)inlier.size());
01040     if(inlier.size() < min_inlier_threshold || new_inlier_error > max_dist_m){
01041       continue;
01042     }
01043     //Totally superior?
01044     if (inlier.size() > best_inlier && new_inlier_error < best_error) {
01045       best_inlier = inlier.size();
01046       best_error = inlier_error;
01047       resulting_transformation = transformation;
01048       matches = inlier;
01049       assert(matches.size()>= min_inlier_threshold);
01050       //assert(matches.size()>= ((float)initial_matches->size())*min_inlier_ratio);
01051       rmse = new_inlier_error;
01052       best_error = new_inlier_error;
01053     }
01054   } //iterations
01056   ROS_INFO("%i good iterations (from %i), inlier pct %i, inlier cnt: %i, error: %.2f cm",valid_iterations, ransac_iterations, (int) (matches.size()*1.0/initial_matches->size()*100),(int) matches.size(),rmse*100);
01057   // ROS_INFO("best overall: inlier: %i, error: %.2f",best_inlier_invalid, best_error_invalid*100);
01059   clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
01060   bool enough_absolute = matches.size() >= min_inlier_threshold;
01061   return enough_absolute;
01062 }
01065 #ifdef USE_ICP_CODE
01066 void Node::Eigen2GICP(const Eigen::Matrix4f& m, dgc_transform_t g_m){
01067   for(int i=0;i<4; i++)
01068     for(int j=0;j<4; j++)
01069       g_m[i][j] = m(i,j);
01071 }
01072 void Node::GICP2Eigen(const dgc_transform_t g_m, Eigen::Matrix4f& m){
01073   for(int i=0;i<4; i++)
01074     for(int j=0;j<4; j++)
01075       m(i,j) = g_m[i][j];
01076 }
01078 void Node::gicpSetIdentity(dgc_transform_t m){
01079   for(int i=0;i<4; i++)
01080     for(int j=0;j<4; j++)
01081       if (i==j)
01082         m[i][j] = 1;
01083       else
01084         m[i][j] = 0;
01085 }
01086 #endif
01090 MatchingResult Node::matchNodePair(const Node* older_node)
01091 {
01092   MatchingResult mr;
01093   bool found_transformation = false;
01094   if(initial_node_matches_ > ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("max_connections")) return mr; //enough is enough
01095   const unsigned int min_matches = (unsigned int) ParameterServer::instance()->get<int>("min_matches");// minimal number of feature correspondences to be a valid candidate for a link
01096   // struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
01098   this->featureMatching(older_node, &mr.all_matches); 
01100   ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(__FILE__, "found %i inital matches",(int) mr.all_matches.size());
01101   if (mr.all_matches.size() < min_matches){
01102       ROS_INFO("Too few inliers between %i and %i for RANSAC method. Only %i correspondences to begin with.",
01103                older_node->id_,this->id_,(int)mr.all_matches.size());
01104   } 
01105   else {//All good for feature based transformation estimation
01106       found_transformation = getRelativeTransformationTo(older_node,&mr.all_matches, mr.ransac_trafo, mr.rmse, mr.inlier_matches); 
01107       //Statistics
01108       float nn_ratio = 0.0;
01109       if(found_transformation){
01110         double w = 1.0 + (double)mr.inlier_matches.size()-(double)min_matches;
01111         for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mr.inlier_matches.size(); i++){
01112           nn_ratio += mr.inlier_matches[i].distance;
01113         }
01114         nn_ratio /= mr.inlier_matches.size();
01115         mr.final_trafo = mr.ransac_trafo;
01116         mr.edge.informationMatrix =   Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6>::Identity()*(w*w); //TODO: What do we do about the information matrix? Scale with inlier_count. Should rmse be integrated?)
01117         ROS_INFO("RANSAC found a valid transformation with %d inliers matches with average ratio %f",(int) mr.inlier_matches.size(), nn_ratio);
01118       } else {
01119         for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mr.all_matches.size(); i++){
01120           nn_ratio += mr.all_matches[i].distance;
01121         }
01122         nn_ratio /= mr.all_matches.size();
01123         ROS_WARN("RANSAC found no valid trafo, but had initially %d feature matches with average ratio %f",(int) mr.all_matches.size(), nn_ratio);
01124       }
01125   } 
01127 #ifdef USE_ICP_CODE
01128   if(ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_icp")){
01129       if((int)this->id_ - (int)older_node->id_ >= 5){ //This is an "old node" that won't be compared via gicp anymore
01130         //clearGICPStructure();//save some memory, not too important though
01131       }
01132       else if(!found_transformation && initial_node_matches_ == 0) //no matches were found, and frames are not too far apart => identity is a good initial guess.
01133       {
01134           ROS_INFO("Falling back to GICP for Transformation between Nodes %d and %d",this->id_ , older_node->id_);
01135           if(getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP_code(older_node,mr.icp_trafo, mr.ransac_trafo) && //converged
01136              !((mr.icp_trafo.array() != mr.icp_trafo.array()).any())) //No NaNs
01137           {
01138               ROS_INFO("GICP Successful");
01139               found_transformation = true;
01140               mr.final_trafo = mr.icp_trafo;    
01141               mr.edge.informationMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6>::Identity()*(1000); //TODO: What do we do about the information matrix? 
01142               //translation not as accurate as rotation
01143               mr.edge.informationMatrix(0,0) = 200;
01144               mr.edge.informationMatrix(1,1) = 200;
01145               mr.edge.informationMatrix(2,2) = 200;
01146           }
01147       }
01148   }
01149 #endif  
01150       //TODO: This code is outdated. Adapt it to match USE_ICP_CODE section
01151 #ifdef USE_ICP_BIN
01152   if(!found_transformation && (this->id_ - older_node->id_ < 5) && 
01153      initial_node_matches_ == 0 && ParameterServer::instance()->get<bool>("use_icp"))
01154   {//GICP Stuff only if no matches were found, but frames are not too far apart (s.t. the identity is a good initial guess.
01155       ROS_INFO("Falling back to GICP binary");
01156       // improve transformation by using the generalized ICP
01157       // std::clock_t starttime_gicp1 = std::clock();
01158       bool converged = getRelativeTransformationTo_ICP_bin(older_node,mr.icp_trafo, &mr.ransac_trafo);
01159       //ROS_INFO_STREAM("Paper: ICP1: " << ((std::clock()-starttime_gicp1*1.0) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC));
01161       ROS_INFO("icp: inliers: %i", (int)mr.inlier_matches.size());
01162       if(converged){ 
01163         found_transformation = true; 
01164         mr.final_trafo = mr.ransac_trafo * mr.icp_trafo;
01166         std::vector<double> errors;
01167         double error;
01168         std::vector<cv::DMatch> inliers;
01169         // check if icp improves alignment:
01170         computeInliersAndError(mr.inlier_matches, mr.final_trafo,
01171                                this->feature_locations_3d_, 
01172                                this->feature_depth_stats_, 
01173                                older_node->feature_locations_3d_,
01174                                older_node->feature_depth_stats_, 
01175                                inliers, error, errors, 0.04*0.04); 
01177         for (uint i=0; i<errors.size(); i++)
01178         {
01179           ROS_INFO_COND("error: " << round(errors[i]*10000)/100 );
01180         }
01182         ROS_INFO_COND("error was: " << mr.rmse << " and is now: " << error );
01184         double roll, pitch, yaw, dist;
01185         mat2components(mr.ransac_trafo, roll, pitch, yaw, dist);
01186         ROS_INFO_COND("ransac: " << roll << " "<< pitch << " "<< yaw << "   "<< dist );
01188         mat2components(mr.icp_trafo, roll, pitch, yaw, dist);
01189         ROS_INFO_COND("icp: " << roll << " "<< pitch << " "<< yaw << "   "<< dist );
01191         mat2components(mr.final_trafo, roll, pitch, yaw, dist);
01192         ROS_INFO_COND("final: " << roll << " "<< pitch << " "<< yaw << "   "<< dist );
01193         ROS_INFO_COND("ransac: " << std::endl << mr.ransac_trafo );
01194         ROS_INFO_COND("icp: " << std::endl << mr.icp_trafo );
01195         ROS_INFO_COND("total: " << std::endl << mr.final_trafo );
01198         if (error > (mr.rmse+0.02))
01199         {
01200           ROS_WARN("#### icp-error is too large, ignoring the connection");
01201         }
01202         else
01203           mr.final_trafo = mr.ransac_trafo * mr.icp_trafo;    
01204       }
01205       ROS_INFO_COND(!converged, "ICP did not converge.");
01206       w = (double)mr.inlier_matches.size();
01207       mr.edge.informationMatrix =   Eigen::Matrix<double,6,6>::Identity()*(w*w); //TODO: What do we do about the information matrix? Scale with inlier_count. Should rmse be integrated?)
01208   }
01209 #endif
01211   if(found_transformation) {
01212       ROS_INFO("Returning Valid Edge");
01213       ++initial_node_matches_; //trafo is accepted
01214       //This signals a valid result:
01215       mr.edge.id1 = older_node->id_;//and we have a valid transformation
01216       mr.edge.id2 = this->id_; //since there are enough matching features,
01217       mr.edge.mean = eigen2G2O(mr.final_trafo.cast<double>());//we insert an edge between the frames
01218   }
01219   return mr;
01220 }
01222 void Node::clearFeatureInformation(){
01223   //clear only points, by swapping data with empty vector (so mem really gets freed)
01224         std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> > f_l_3d;  
01225   f_l_3d.swap(feature_locations_3d_);
01226         std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> f_l_2d; 
01227   f_l_2d.swap(feature_locations_2d_);
01228   feature_descriptors_.release();
01229 }
01230 void Node::addPointCloud(pointcloud_type::Ptr new_pc){
01231   pc_col = new_pc;
01232 }
01233 void Node::clearPointCloud(){
01234   //clear only points, by swapping data with empty vector (so mem really gets freed)
01235   pc_col->width = 0;
01236   pc_col->height = 0;
01237   pointcloud_type pc_empty;
01238   pc_empty.points.swap(pc_col->points);
01239 }
01241 /*TODO use this to discount features at depth jumps (or duplicate them -> sensed position + minimum position
01242 void Node::computeKeypointDepthStats(const cv::Mat& depth_img, const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints)
01243 {
01244     ROS_INFO("Computing Keypoint Depth Statistics");
01245     struct timespec starttime, finish; double elapsed; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &starttime);
01246     BOOST_FOREACH(cv::KeyPoint kp, keypoints)
01247     { 
01248       int radius = kp.size/2;
01249       int left =;
01250       int top  =;
01251       double nearest=0.0, farthest=0.0;
01252       cv::Mat keypoint_neighbourhood(depth_img, cv::Rect(left, top, (int)kp.size, (int)kp.size));
01253       ROS_DEBUG("Nearest: %f, Farthest: %f", nearest, farthest);
01254       if(isnan(nearest)) nearest = 1.0;
01255       if(isnan(farthest)) farthest = 10.0;
01256       cv::minMaxLoc(keypoint_neighbourhood, &nearest, &farthest);
01257       feature_depth_stats_.push_back(std::make_pair(nearest, farthest)); 
01258     }
01259     clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &finish); elapsed = (finish.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec); elapsed += (finish.tv_nsec - starttime.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0; ROS_INFO_STREAM_COND_NAMED(elapsed > ParameterServer::instance()->get<double>("min_time_reported"), "timings", __FUNCTION__ << " runtime: "<< elapsed <<" s");
01260 }
01261 */
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Author(s): Felix Endres, Juergen Hess, Nikolas Engelhard
autogenerated on Wed Dec 26 2012 15:53:08