BagSubscriber< M > | |
GLViewer | OpenGL based display of the 3d model |
Graphical_UI | Constructs a QT GUI for easy control of RGBD-SLAM |
GraphManager | Computes a globally optimal trajectory from transformations between Node-pairs |
LoadedEdge3D | |
LoadedEdgeComparator3D | |
MatchingResult | |
Node | Holds the data for one graph node and provides functionality to compute relative transformations to other Nodes |
OpenNIListener | Handles most of the ROS-based communication |
ParameterServer | Getting values from parameter server. This class is used for getting the parameters from the parameter server |
QtROS | Sets up a thread for ROS event processing |
RosUi | Headless version of the Graphical_UI |
SiftGPUWrapper | Interface for SiftGPU The class is used as an interface to SiftGPU. It's a singleton class |