Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
collvoid Namespace Reference


class  Agent
struct  ConvexHullPoint
struct  Line
struct  Obstacle
class  ROSAgent
class  Vector2
struct  VelocitySample
struct  VO


typedef boost::shared_ptr< AgentAgentPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ROSAgent


double abs (const Vector2 &vector)
double absSqr (const Vector2 &vector)
void addAccelerationConstraintsXY (double max_vel_x, double acc_lim_x, double max_vel_y, double acc_lim_y, Vector2 cur_vel, double heading, double sim_period, bool holo_robot, std::vector< Line > &additional_orca_lines)
void addCircleLineIntersections (std::vector< VelocitySample > &samples, const Vector2 &pref_vel, double max_speed, bool use_truncation, const Vector2 &point, const Vector2 &dir)
void addIntersectPoint (std::vector< VelocitySample > &samples, const Vector2 &pref_vel, double max_speed, bool use_truncation, Vector2 point, const std::vector< VO > &truncated_vos)
void addMovementConstraintsDiff (double error, double T, double max_vel_x, double max_vel_th, double heading, double v_max_ang, std::vector< Line > &additional_orca_lines)
void addMovementConstraintsDiffSimple (double max_track_speed, double heading, std::vector< Line > &additional_orca_lines)
void addRayVelocitySamples (std::vector< VelocitySample > &samples, const Vector2 &pref_vel, Vector2 point1, Vector2 dir1, Vector2 point2, Vector2 dir2, double max_speed, int TYPE)
void amclPoseArrayWeightedCallback (const amcl::PoseArrayWeighted::ConstPtr &msg)
double angleBetween (const Vector2 &one, const Vector2 &two)
double atan (const Vector2 &vector)
double beta (double T, double theta, double v_max_ang)
double CalcArea (std::vector< Vector2 > list)
Vector2 calculateClearpathVelocity (std::vector< VelocitySample > &samples, const std::vector< VO > &truncated_vos, const std::vector< Line > &additional_constraints, const Vector2 &pref_vel, double max_speed, bool use_truncation)
double calculateMaxTrackSpeedAngle (double T, double theta, double error, double max_vel_x, double max_vel_th, double v_max_ang)
Vector2 calculateNewVelocitySampled (std::vector< VelocitySample > &samples, const std::vector< VO > &truncated_vos, const Vector2 &pref_vel, double max_speed, bool use_truncation)
double calculateVelCosts (const Vector2 &test_vel, const std::vector< VO > &truncated_vos, const Vector2 &pref_vel, double max_speed, bool use_truncation)
double calcVstar (double vh, double theta)
double calcVstarError (double T, double theta, double error)
bool compareConvexHullPointsPosition (const ConvexHullPoint &p1, const ConvexHullPoint &p2)
bool comparePoint (const Vector2 &p1, const Vector2 &p2)
bool compareVectorsLexigraphically (const ConvexHullPoint &v1, const ConvexHullPoint &v2)
bool compareVelocitySamples (const VelocitySample &p1, const VelocitySample &p2)
void computeNewLocUncertainty ()
void computeNewMinkowskiFootprint ()
std::vector< ConvexHullPointconvexHull (std::vector< ConvexHullPoint > P, bool sorted)
VO createHRVO (Vector2 &position1, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint2, Vector2 &vel2)
VO createHRVO (Vector2 &position1, double radius1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, double radius2, Vector2 &vel2)
VO createObstacleVO (Vector2 &position1, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint2)
VO createObstacleVO (Vector2 &position1, double radius1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, double radius2)
VO createObstacleVO (Vector2 &position1, double radius1, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint1, Vector2 &obst1, Vector2 &obst2)
Line createOrcaLine (Agent *me, Agent *other, double trunc_time, double timestep, double left_pref, double cur_allowed_error)
Line createOrcaLine (double combinedRadius, const Vector2 &relativePosition, const Vector2 &me_vel, const Vector2 &other_vel, double trunc_time, double timestep, double left_pref, double cur_allowed_error, bool controlled)
VO createRVO (Vector2 &position1, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint2, Vector2 &vel2)
VO createRVO (Vector2 &position1, double radius1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, double radius2, Vector2 &vel2)
void createSamplesWithinMovementConstraints (std::vector< VelocitySample > &samples, double cur_vel_x, double cur_vel_y, double cur_vel_theta, double acc_lim_x, double acc_lim_y, double acc_lim_theta, double min_vel_x, double max_vel_x, double min_vel_y, double max_vel_y, double min_vel_theta, double max_vel_theta, double heading, Vector2 pref_vel, double sim_period, int num_samples, bool holo_robot)
Line createStationaryAgent (Agent *me, Agent *other)
VO createTruncVO (VO &vo, double time)
VO createVO (Vector2 &position1, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint1, Vector2 &position2, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint2, Vector2 &vel2)
VO createVO (Vector2 &position1, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, const std::vector< Vector2 > &footprint2, Vector2 &vel2, int TYPE)
VO createVO (Vector2 &position1, double radius1, Vector2 &vel1, Vector2 &position2, double radius2, Vector2 &vel2, int TYPE)
VO createVO (Vector2 &position1, double radius1, Vector2 &position2, double radius2, Vector2 &vel2)
double cross (const ConvexHullPoint &O, const ConvexHullPoint &A, const ConvexHullPoint &B)
double det (const Vector2 &vector1, const Vector2 &vector2)
double distSqPointLineSegment (const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b, const Vector2 &c)
 Computes the squared distance from a line segment with the specified endpoints to a specified point.
void fillMarkerWithROSAgent (visualization_msgs::MarkerArray &marker, ROSAgent *agent, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space)
double gamma (double T, double theta, double error, double v_max_ang)
Vector2 intersectTwoLines (Vector2 point1, Vector2 dir1, Vector2 point2, Vector2 dir2)
Vector2 intersectTwoLines (Line line1, Line line2)
bool isInsideVO (VO vo, Vector2 point, bool use_truncation)
bool isWithinAdditionalConstraints (const std::vector< Line > &additional_constraints, const Vector2 &point)
double left (const Vector2 &pointLine, const Vector2 &dirLine, const Vector2 &point)
bool leftOf (const Vector2 &pointLine, const Vector2 &dirLine, const Vector2 &point)
bool linearProgram1 (const std::vector< Line > &lines, size_t lineNo, float radius, const Vector2 &optVelocity, bool dirOpt, Vector2 &result)
size_t linearProgram2 (const std::vector< Line > &lines, float radius, const Vector2 &optVelocity, bool dirOpt, Vector2 &result)
void linearProgram3 (const std::vector< Line > &lines, size_t numObstLines, size_t beginLine, float radius, Vector2 &result)
std::vector< Vector2minkowskiSum (const std::vector< Vector2 > polygon1, const std::vector< Vector2 > polygon2)
Vector2 normal (const Vector2 &vector)
Vector2 normalize (const Vector2 &vector)
void odomCallback (const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &msg)
Vector2 operator* (float s, const Vector2 &vector)
Vector2 projectPointOnLine (const Vector2 &pointLine, const Vector2 &dirLine, const Vector2 &point)
void publishHoloSpeed (Vector2 pos, Vector2 vel, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space, ros::Publisher speed_pub)
void publishMePosition (ROSAgent *me, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space, ros::Publisher me_pub)
void publishNeighborPositions (std::vector< AgentPtr > &neighbors, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space, ros::Publisher neighbors_pub)
void publishObstacleLines (const std::vector< Obstacle > &obstacles_lines, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space, ros::Publisher line_pub)
void publishOrcaLines (const std::vector< Line > &orca_lines, Vector2 &position, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space, ros::Publisher line_pub)
void publishPoints (Vector2 &pos, const std::vector< VelocitySample > &points, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space, ros::Publisher samples_pub)
void publishVOs (Vector2 &pos, const std::vector< VO > &truncated_vos, bool use_truncation, std::string base_frame, std::string name_space, ros::Publisher vo_pub)
bool rightOf (const Vector2 &pointLine, const Vector2 &dirLine, const Vector2 &point)
Vector2 rotateVectorByAngle (double x, double y, double ang)
Vector2 rotateVectorByAngle (const Vector2 &vec, double ang)
double sign (double x)
double signedDistPointToLineSegment (const Vector2 &a, const Vector2 &b, const Vector2 &c)
 Computes the sign from a line connecting the specified points to a specified point.
double sqr (double a)


std::string base_frame_
double cur_loc_unc_radius_
double eps_
geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped footprint_msg_
double footprint_radius_
std::string global_frame_
std::vector< Vector2minkowski_footprint_
std::string odom_frame_
std::vector< std::pair< double,
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > > 
double radius_

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Agent> collvoid::AgentPtr

Definition at line 114 of file Agent.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ROSAgent> collvoid::ROSAgentPtr

Definition at line 246 of file ROSAgent.h.

Function Documentation

double collvoid::abs ( const Vector2 &  vector) [inline]

Definition at line 197 of file Vector2.h.

double collvoid::absSqr ( const Vector2 &  vector) [inline]

Definition at line 202 of file Vector2.h.

void collvoid::addAccelerationConstraintsXY ( double  max_vel_x,
double  acc_lim_x,
double  max_vel_y,
double  acc_lim_y,
Vector2  cur_vel,
double  heading,
double  sim_period,
bool  holo_robot,
std::vector< Line > &  additional_orca_lines 

Definition at line 164 of file orca.cpp.

void collvoid::addCircleLineIntersections ( std::vector< VelocitySample > &  samples,
const Vector2 &  pref_vel,
double  max_speed,
bool  use_truncation,
const Vector2 &  point,
const Vector2 &  dir 

Definition at line 489 of file clearpath.cpp.

void collvoid::addIntersectPoint ( std::vector< VelocitySample > &  samples,
const Vector2 &  pref_vel,
double  max_speed,
bool  use_truncation,
Vector2  point,
const std::vector< VO > &  truncated_vos 
void collvoid::addMovementConstraintsDiff ( double  error,
double  T,
double  max_vel_x,
double  max_vel_th,
double  heading,
double  v_max_ang,
std::vector< Line > &  additional_orca_lines 

Definition at line 252 of file orca.cpp.

void collvoid::addMovementConstraintsDiffSimple ( double  max_track_speed,
double  heading,
std::vector< Line > &  additional_orca_lines 

Definition at line 225 of file orca.cpp.

void collvoid::addRayVelocitySamples ( std::vector< VelocitySample > &  samples,
const Vector2 &  pref_vel,
Vector2  point1,
Vector2  dir1,
Vector2  point2,
Vector2  dir2,
double  max_speed,
int  TYPE 

Definition at line 516 of file clearpath.cpp.

void collvoid::amclPoseArrayWeightedCallback ( const amcl::PoseArrayWeighted::ConstPtr &  msg)

Definition at line 183 of file helper.cpp.

double collvoid::angleBetween ( const Vector2 &  one,
const Vector2 &  two 
) [inline]

Definition at line 222 of file Vector2.h.

double collvoid::atan ( const Vector2 &  vector) [inline]

Definition at line 206 of file Vector2.h.

double collvoid::beta ( double  T,
double  theta,
double  v_max_ang 

Definition at line 298 of file orca.cpp.

double collvoid::CalcArea ( std::vector< Vector2 >  list)

Definition at line 275 of file helper.cpp.

Vector2 collvoid::calculateClearpathVelocity ( std::vector< VelocitySample > &  samples,
const std::vector< VO > &  truncated_vos,
const std::vector< Line > &  additional_constraints,
const Vector2 &  pref_vel,
double  max_speed,
bool  use_truncation 

Definition at line 669 of file clearpath.cpp.

double collvoid::calculateMaxTrackSpeedAngle ( double  T,
double  theta,
double  error,
double  max_vel_x,
double  max_vel_th,
double  v_max_ang 

Definition at line 314 of file orca.cpp.

Vector2 collvoid::calculateNewVelocitySampled ( std::vector< VelocitySample > &  samples,
const std::vector< VO > &  truncated_vos,
const Vector2 &  pref_vel,
double  max_speed,
bool  use_truncation 

Definition at line 627 of file clearpath.cpp.

double collvoid::calculateVelCosts ( const Vector2 &  test_vel,
const std::vector< VO > &  truncated_vos,
const Vector2 &  pref_vel,
double  max_speed,
bool  use_truncation 

Definition at line 655 of file clearpath.cpp.

double collvoid::calcVstar ( double  vh,
double  theta 

Definition at line 306 of file orca.cpp.

double collvoid::calcVstarError ( double  T,
double  theta,
double  error 

Definition at line 310 of file orca.cpp.

bool collvoid::compareConvexHullPointsPosition ( const ConvexHullPoint &  p1,
const ConvexHullPoint &  p2 

Definition at line 59 of file helper.cpp.

bool collvoid::comparePoint ( const Vector2 &  p1,
const Vector2 &  p2 

Definition at line 63 of file helper.cpp.

bool collvoid::compareVectorsLexigraphically ( const ConvexHullPoint &  v1,
const ConvexHullPoint &  v2 

Definition at line 843 of file clearpath.cpp.

bool collvoid::compareVelocitySamples ( const VelocitySample &  p1,
const VelocitySample &  p2 

Definition at line 883 of file clearpath.cpp.

Definition at line 68 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 105 of file helper.cpp.

std::vector< ConvexHullPoint > collvoid::convexHull ( std::vector< ConvexHullPoint >  P,
bool  sorted 

Definition at line 854 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createHRVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint2,
Vector2 &  vel2 

Definition at line 315 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createHRVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
double  radius1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
double  radius2,
Vector2 &  vel2 

Definition at line 423 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createObstacleVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint2 
VO collvoid::createObstacleVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
double  radius1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
double  radius2 
VO collvoid::createObstacleVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
double  radius1,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint1,
Vector2 &  obst1,
Vector2 &  obst2 

Definition at line 78 of file clearpath.cpp.

Line collvoid::createOrcaLine ( Agent *  me,
Agent *  other,
double  trunc_time,
double  timestep,
double  left_pref,
double  cur_allowed_error 

Definition at line 70 of file orca.cpp.

Line collvoid::createOrcaLine ( double  combinedRadius,
const Vector2 &  relativePosition,
const Vector2 &  me_vel,
const Vector2 &  other_vel,
double  trunc_time,
double  timestep,
double  left_pref,
double  cur_allowed_error,
bool  controlled 

Definition at line 78 of file orca.cpp.

VO collvoid::createRVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint2,
Vector2 &  vel2 

Definition at line 307 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createRVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
double  radius1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
double  radius2,
Vector2 &  vel2 

Definition at line 417 of file clearpath.cpp.

void collvoid::createSamplesWithinMovementConstraints ( std::vector< VelocitySample > &  samples,
double  cur_vel_x,
double  cur_vel_y,
double  cur_vel_theta,
double  acc_lim_x,
double  acc_lim_y,
double  acc_lim_theta,
double  min_vel_x,
double  max_vel_x,
double  min_vel_y,
double  max_vel_y,
double  min_vel_theta,
double  max_vel_theta,
double  heading,
Vector2  pref_vel,
double  sim_period,
int  num_samples,
bool  holo_robot 

Definition at line 558 of file clearpath.cpp.

Line collvoid::createStationaryAgent ( Agent *  me,
Agent *  other 

Definition at line 151 of file orca.cpp.

VO collvoid::createTruncVO ( VO &  vo,
double  time 

Definition at line 444 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint1,
Vector2 &  position2,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint2,
Vector2 &  vel2 

Definition at line 194 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
const std::vector< Vector2 > &  footprint2,
Vector2 &  vel2,
int  TYPE 

Definition at line 365 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
double  radius1,
Vector2 &  vel1,
Vector2 &  position2,
double  radius2,
Vector2 &  vel2,
int  TYPE 

Definition at line 378 of file clearpath.cpp.

VO collvoid::createVO ( Vector2 &  position1,
double  radius1,
Vector2 &  position2,
double  radius2,
Vector2 &  vel2 

Definition at line 391 of file clearpath.cpp.

double collvoid::cross ( const ConvexHullPoint &  O,
const ConvexHullPoint &  A,
const ConvexHullPoint &  B 

Definition at line 847 of file clearpath.cpp.

double collvoid::det ( const Vector2 &  vector1,
const Vector2 &  vector2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 210 of file Vector2.h.

double collvoid::distSqPointLineSegment ( const Vector2 &  a,
const Vector2 &  b,
const Vector2 &  c 
) [inline]

Computes the squared distance from a line segment with the specified endpoints to a specified point.

aThe first endpoint of the line segment.
bThe second endpoint of the line segment.
cThe point to which the squared distance is to be calculated.
The squared distance from the line segment to the point.

Definition at line 91 of file Utils.h.

void collvoid::fillMarkerWithROSAgent ( visualization_msgs::MarkerArray &  marker,
ROSAgent *  agent,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space 

Definition at line 265 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

double collvoid::gamma ( double  T,
double  theta,
double  error,
double  v_max_ang 

Definition at line 302 of file orca.cpp.

Vector2 collvoid::intersectTwoLines ( Vector2  point1,
Vector2  dir1,
Vector2  point2,
Vector2  dir2 

Definition at line 887 of file clearpath.cpp.

Vector2 collvoid::intersectTwoLines ( Line  line1,
Line  line2 

Definition at line 910 of file clearpath.cpp.

bool collvoid::isInsideVO ( VO  vo,
Vector2  point,
bool  use_truncation 

Definition at line 472 of file clearpath.cpp.

bool collvoid::isWithinAdditionalConstraints ( const std::vector< Line > &  additional_constraints,
const Vector2 &  point 

Definition at line 479 of file clearpath.cpp.

double collvoid::left ( const Vector2 &  pointLine,
const Vector2 &  dirLine,
const Vector2 &  point 
) [inline]

Definition at line 119 of file Utils.h.

bool collvoid::leftOf ( const Vector2 &  pointLine,
const Vector2 &  dirLine,
const Vector2 &  point 
) [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file Utils.h.

bool collvoid::linearProgram1 ( const std::vector< Line > &  lines,
size_t  lineNo,
float  radius,
const Vector2 &  optVelocity,
bool  dirOpt,
Vector2 &  result 

Definition at line 341 of file orca.cpp.

size_t collvoid::linearProgram2 ( const std::vector< Line > &  lines,
float  radius,
const Vector2 &  optVelocity,
bool  dirOpt,
Vector2 &  result 

Definition at line 408 of file orca.cpp.

void collvoid::linearProgram3 ( const std::vector< Line > &  lines,
size_t  numObstLines,
size_t  beginLine,
float  radius,
Vector2 &  result 

Definition at line 438 of file orca.cpp.

std::vector< Vector2 > collvoid::minkowskiSum ( const std::vector< Vector2 >  polygon1,
const std::vector< Vector2 >  polygon2 

Definition at line 821 of file clearpath.cpp.

Vector2 collvoid::normal ( const Vector2 &  vector) [inline]

Definition at line 218 of file Vector2.h.

Vector2 collvoid::normalize ( const Vector2 &  vector) [inline]

Definition at line 214 of file Vector2.h.

void collvoid::odomCallback ( const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &  msg)

Definition at line 230 of file helper.cpp.

Vector2 collvoid::operator* ( float  s,
const Vector2 &  vector 
) [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file Vector2.h.

Vector2 collvoid::projectPointOnLine ( const Vector2 &  pointLine,
const Vector2 &  dirLine,
const Vector2 &  point 
) [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file Utils.h.

void collvoid::publishHoloSpeed ( Vector2  pos,
Vector2  vel,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space,
ros::Publisher  speed_pub 

Definition at line 36 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

void collvoid::publishMePosition ( ROSAgent *  me,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space,
ros::Publisher  me_pub 

Definition at line 245 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

void collvoid::publishNeighborPositions ( std::vector< AgentPtr > &  neighbors,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space,
ros::Publisher  neighbors_pub 

Definition at line 253 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

void collvoid::publishObstacleLines ( const std::vector< Obstacle > &  obstacles_lines,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space,
ros::Publisher  line_pub 

Definition at line 214 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

void collvoid::publishOrcaLines ( const std::vector< Line > &  orca_lines,
Vector2 &  position,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space,
ros::Publisher  line_pub 

Definition at line 187 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

void collvoid::publishPoints ( Vector2 &  pos,
const std::vector< VelocitySample > &  points,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space,
ros::Publisher  samples_pub 

Definition at line 135 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

void collvoid::publishVOs ( Vector2 &  pos,
const std::vector< VO > &  truncated_vos,
bool  use_truncation,
std::string  base_frame,
std::string  name_space,
ros::Publisher  vo_pub 

Definition at line 62 of file collvoid_publishers.cpp.

bool collvoid::rightOf ( const Vector2 &  pointLine,
const Vector2 &  dirLine,
const Vector2 &  point 
) [inline]

Definition at line 127 of file Utils.h.

Vector2 collvoid::rotateVectorByAngle ( double  x,
double  y,
double  ang 
) [inline]

Definition at line 229 of file Vector2.h.

Vector2 collvoid::rotateVectorByAngle ( const Vector2 &  vec,
double  ang 
) [inline]

Definition at line 236 of file Vector2.h.

double collvoid::sign ( double  x) [inline]

Definition at line 131 of file Utils.h.

double collvoid::signedDistPointToLineSegment ( const Vector2 &  a,
const Vector2 &  b,
const Vector2 &  c 
) [inline]

Computes the sign from a line connecting the specified points to a specified point.

aThe first point on the line.
bThe second point on the line.
cThe point to which the signed distance is to be calculated.
Positive when the point c lies to the left of the line ab.

Definition at line 114 of file Utils.h.

double collvoid::sqr ( double  a) [inline]

Definition at line 135 of file Utils.h.

Variable Documentation

std::string collvoid::base_frame_

Definition at line 45 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 47 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 50 of file helper.cpp.

geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped collvoid::footprint_msg_

Definition at line 49 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 47 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 45 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 48 of file helper.cpp.

std::string collvoid::odom_frame_

Definition at line 45 of file helper.cpp.

std::vector<std::pair<double, geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> > collvoid::pose_array_weighted_

Definition at line 46 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 47 of file helper.cpp.

Definition at line 44 of file helper.cpp.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Daniel Claes
autogenerated on Sun Aug 25 2013 10:10:23