_vmVariables | |
Aseba::AbsentNodeTab | |
Aseba::AbstractTreeNode | |
Enki::ActivationObject | |
Aseba::AeslBreakpointSidebar | |
Aseba::AeslEditor | |
Aseba::AeslEditorSidebar | |
Aseba::AeslEditorUserData | |
Aseba::AeslHighlighter | |
Aseba::AeslLineNumberSidebar | |
Enki::AreaActivating | |
Aseba::ArithmeticAssignmentNode | |
Aseba::ArrayAccessOutOfBounds | Exception: an array acces attempted to read past memory |
Aseba::ArrayReadNode | |
Aseba::ArrayWriteNode | |
AsebaCan | |
Enki::AsebaFeedableEPuck | |
AsebaLocalEventDescription | |
Enki::AsebaMarxbot | The aseba-enabled version of the marXbot robot |
AsebaNativeFunctionArgumentDescription | |
AsebaNativeFunctionDescription | |
Aseba::AsebaNetworkInterface | DBus interface for aseba network |
AsebaNode | |
AsebaVariableDescription | |
AsebaVMDescription | |
AsebaVMState | |
Aseba::AssignmentNode | |
Enki::AsebaMarxbot::BaseVariables | |
basic_string | |
Aseba::BasicFormatableString< charT > | |
Aseba::BinaryArithmeticNode | |
Aseba::BlockNode | Node for L"block", i.e. a vector of statements |
Aseba::BootloaderAck | Message for bootloader: acknowledge, with optional error code |
Aseba::BootloaderDataRead | Message for bootloader: data from the flash |
Aseba::BootloaderDescription | Message for bootloader: description of the flash memory layout |
Aseba::BootloaderInterface | Manage interactions with an aseba-compatible bootloader |
Aseba::BootloaderPageDataWrite | Message for bootloader: data for flash |
Aseba::BootloaderReadPage | Message for bootloader: read a page of flash |
Aseba::BootloaderReset | Message for bootloader: reset node |
Aseba::BootloaderWritePage | Message for bootloader: write a page of flash |
Aseba::BreakpointClear | Clear a breakpoint on a node |
Aseba::BreakpointClearAll | Clear all breakpoints on a node |
Aseba::BreakpointSet | Set a breakpoint on a node |
Aseba::BreakpointSetResult | A breakpoint has been set |
Aseba::BytecodeElement | A bytecode element |
Aseba::BytecodeVector | Bytecode array in the form of a dequeue, for construction |
Aseba::ByteSwapper | ByteSwapper, code inspired by DPS (http://dps.epfl.ch/), released in GPL |
Aseba::CallNode | |
Aseba::CallSubNode | |
CanFrame | |
CanStream | |
Enki::ChallengeApplication | |
Enki::ChallengeViewer | |
Aseba::ClickableLabel | |
Aseba::CmdBootloaderInterface | |
Aseba::CmdMessage | Commands messages talk to a specific node |
Aseba::AeslHighlighter::CommentBlockRule | |
Aseba::CommonDefinitions | Definitions common to several nodes, such as events or some constants |
Aseba::CompilationLogDialog | |
Aseba::NodeTab::CompilationResult | |
Aseba::Compiler | Aseba Event Scripting Language compiler |
Aseba::CompilerTranslator | |
Aseba::ConfigDialog | |
Aseba::ConfigPage | |
Aseba::DashelConnectionDialog | |
Aseba::DashelInterface | |
Aseba::DashelTarget | |
Aseba::Description | Description of a node, local events and native functions are omitted and further received by other messages |
Aseba::DescriptionsManager | |
Aseba::Disconnected | A node has disconnected from the network |
Enki::AsebaMarxbot::DistanceSensorVariables | |
Aseba::DivisionByZero | Exception: division by zero |
Enki::Door | |
Aseba::DraggableListWidget | |
Aseba::Dump | |
Aseba::HexFile::EarlyEOF | |
Aseba::EditorPage | |
Aseba::EditorsPlotsTabWidget | |
Aseba::EmitNode | |
Enki::EPuckFeeder | |
Enki::EPuckFeeding | |
Aseba::Error | Compilation error |
Aseba::BootloaderInterface::Error | An error in link with the bootloader |
Aseba::HexFile::Error | |
Aseba::ErrorMessages | Return error messages based on error ID (needed to translate messages for other applications) |
Enki::AsebaMarxbot::Event | |
EventDataWrapper | |
Aseba::EventDeclNode | |
Aseba::EventExecutionKilled | Exception: an event execution was killed by a new event |
Aseba::EventFilterInterface | DBus interface for an event filter |
EventLogger | |
Aseba::Exec | Execute an external command upon a given message |
Aseba::ExecutionStateChanged | The Program Counter or the flags have changed |
Enki::FeedableEPuck | |
Enki::FeederModel | |
fifo | |
Aseba::HexFile::FileOpeningError | |
Aseba::FindDialog | |
Aseba::FixedWidthTableView | |
wikidot::fixurl::FixURL | |
Aseba::ThymioFlasherDialog::FlashResult | |
Aseba::FoldedIfWhenNode | |
Aseba::FoldedWhileNode | |
Aseba::FunctionParametersDialog | Dialog that let the user choose setup parameters for functions |
Aseba::GeneralPage | |
Aseba::GetDescription | Request nodes to send their description |
Aseba::GetExecutionState | Request the current execution state of a node |
Aseba::GetVariables | Read some variables from a node |
Aseba::HelpBrowser | |
Aseba::HelpViewer | |
Aseba::HexFile | |
Aseba::AeslHighlighter::HighlightingRule | |
Aseba::Hub | |
Aseba::IfWhenNode | |
Aseba::ImmediateNode | |
Aseba::HexFile::InvalidRecord | |
Aseba::InvasivePlugin | To access private members of MainWindow and its children, a plugin must inherit from this class |
LanguageSelectionDialog | |
Aseba::LinearCameraViewPlugin | |
Aseba::LinearCameraViewVariablesDialog | |
Aseba::LoadNode | |
Aseba::TargetDescription::LocalEvent | Description of local event; |
Aseba::LocalEventDescription | Description of a local event available on a node, the description of the node itself must have been sent first |
Aseba::LocalVirtualMachine | The virtual machine running in local |
Aseba::MainWindow | |
Enki::MarxbotViewer | |
Aseba::MaskableNamedValuesVectorModel | |
Aseba::MemoryVectorNode | |
Aseba::Message | Parent class of any message exchanged over the network |
Aseba::MessageTypesInitializer | Static class that fills a table of known messages types in its constructor |
Aseba::ModelAggregator | |
Aseba::ModelAggregator::ModelDescription | |
Aseba::TreeChainsawFilter::ModelIndexLink | |
Enki::AsebaMarxbot::Module | |
Enki::AsebaMarxbot::MotorVariables | |
wikidot::myparser::MyParser | |
Aseba::NamedValue | A name - value pair |
Aseba::NamedValuesVector | Generic vector of name - value pairs |
Aseba::NamedValuesVectorModel | |
Aseba::TargetDescription::NamedVariable | Description of target VM named variable |
Aseba::NamedVariableDescription | Description of a named variable available on a node, the description of the node itself must have been sent first |
Aseba::TargetDescription::NativeFunction | Description of target VM native function |
Aseba::NativeFunctionDescription | Description of a native function available on a node, the description of the node itself must have been sent first |
Aseba::TargetDescription::NativeFunctionParameter | Typed parameter of native functions |
Aseba::NewNamedValueDialog | |
Aseba::Node | An abstract node of syntax tree |
Aseba::DashelTarget::Node | |
Aseba::DescriptionsManager::NodeDescription | Potentially partial Descriptions of nodes along with their reception status |
Aseba::NodeSpecificError | A node as produced an error specific to it |
Aseba::NodeTab | |
Aseba::NodeToolInterface | A tool that is specific to a node |
Aseba::NodeToolInterfaces | A list of NodeToolInterface pointers |
Aseba::NodeToolRegistrar | Node tools are available per product id |
Aseba::NodeToolRegistrer | |
wikidot::orderedset::OrderedSet | |
Aseba::Pause | Pause a node |
Aseba::Player | |
Enki::PlaygroundViewer | |
Aseba::PreLinkBytecode | Bytecode use for compilation previous to linking |
private_settings | |
Aseba::ProgramNode | Node for L"program", i.e. a block node with some special behaviour later on |
Enki::AsebaMarxbot::ProximitySensorVariables | |
Aseba::QtBootloaderInterface | |
Aseba::Reboot | Reboot a node, useful to go into its bootloader, if present |
Aseba::ReconnectionDialog | |
Aseba::Recorder | |
Aseba::AsebaNetworkInterface::RequestData | |
Aseba::Reset | Reset a node |
Aseba::ReturnNode | |
Aseba::Run | Run a node |
Enki::ScoreModifier | |
Aseba::ScriptTab | |
Aseba::SetBytecode | Upload bytecode to a node |
Aseba::SetVariables | Set some variables on a node |
Aseba::SignalingDescriptionsManager | Provides a signal/slot interface for the description manager |
Aseba::Sleep | |
Enki::SlidingDoor | |
Aseba::SourcePos | Position in a source file or string. First is line, second is column |
Aseba::ThymioSoundAction::Speaker | |
Aseba::SpinBoxDelegate | |
Aseba::Step | Step a node |
Aseba::Stop | Stop a node |
Aseba::StoreNode | |
Aseba::SubDeclNode | |
Aseba::Compiler::SubroutineDescriptor | Description of a subroutine |
Aseba::Switch | |
Aseba::Target | The interface to an aseba network. Used to interact with the nodes |
Aseba::TargetDescription | Description of target VM |
Aseba::TargetFunctionsModel | |
Aseba::TargetVariablesModel | |
Aseba::ThymioButtonSet::ThymioAddButton | |
Aseba::ThymioButton::ThymioBody | |
Aseba::ThymioBootloaderDialog | |
Aseba::ThymioButton | |
Aseba::ThymioButtonSet | |
Aseba::ThymioButtonsEvent | |
Aseba::ThymioCircleAction | |
Aseba::ThymioClapEvent | |
Aseba::ThymioClickableButton | |
Aseba::ThymioColorAction | |
Aseba::ThymioCompiler | |
Aseba::ThymioFaceButton | |
Aseba::ThymioFlasherDialog | |
Aseba::ThymioIRButton | |
Aseba::ThymioIRButtonSet | |
Aseba::ThymioIRCodeGenerator | |
Aseba::ThymioIRSyntaxChecker | |
Aseba::ThymioIRTypeChecker | |
Aseba::ThymioIRVisitor | |
Aseba::ThymioMemoryAction | |
Aseba::ThymioMoveAction | |
Aseba::ThymioProxEvent | |
Aseba::ThymioProxGroundEvent | |
Aseba::ThymioPushButton | |
Aseba::ThymioButtonSet::ThymioRemoveButton | |
Aseba::ThymioScene | |
Aseba::ThymioSoundAction | |
Aseba::ThymioTapEvent | |
Aseba::ThymioVisualProgramming | |
Aseba::Compiler::Token | A token is a parsed element of inputs |
Aseba::TranslatableError | |
Aseba::TreeChainsawFilter | |
Aseba::TargetFunctionsModel::TreeItem | |
Aseba::TupleVectorNode | |
Aseba::UnaryArithmeticAssignmentNode | |
Aseba::UnaryArithmeticNode | |
Aseba::UnifiedTime | Time or durations, in milliseconds |
Aseba::HexFile::UnknownRecordType | |
Aseba::UserMessage | Any message sent by a script on a node |
Aseba::TargetVariablesModel::Variable | |
Aseba::VariableListener | Classes that want to listen to variable changes should inherit from this class |
Enki::AsebaFeedableEPuck::Variables | |
Aseba::Variables | Content of some variables |
AsebaNode::Variables | |
Aseba::WhileNode | |
Aseba::ConfigPage::WidgetCache< T > | |
wikidot::parser::WikidotParser | |
wikidot::tree::WikiNode | |
Aseba::WriteBytecode | Save the current bytecode of a node |
Aseba::HexFile::WrongCheckSum | |