This is a ROS message definition.
# RXM-ALM (0x02 0x30)
# GPS Aiding Almanach Input/Output Message
# This message is provided considered obsolete, please use AID-ALM instead!
# - If the WEEK Value is 0, DWRD0 to DWRD7 are not sent as the almanach is not
# available for the given SV.
# - DWORD0 to DWORD7 contain the 8 words following the Hand-Over Word ( HOW )
# from the GPS navigation message, either pages 1 to 24 of sub-frame 5 or
# pages 2 to 10 of subframe 4. See IS-GPS-200 for a full description of the
# contents of the Almanac pages.
# - In DWORD0 to DWORD7, the parity bits have been removed, and the 24 bits of
# data are located in Bits 0 to 23. Bits 24 to 31 shall be ignored.
# - Example: Parameter e (Eccentricity) from Almanach Subframe 4/5, Word 3,
# Bits 69-84 within the subframe can be found in DWRD0, Bits 15-0 whereas
# Bit 0 is the LSB.
uint8 CLASS_ID = 2
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 48
uint32 svid # SV ID for which this Almanach Data is
# (Valid Range: 1 .. 32 or 51, 56, 63).
uint32 week # Issue Date of Almanach (GPS week number)
# Start of optional block
uint32[] dwrd # Almanach Words
# End of optional block