This is a ROS message definition.
# NAV-TIMEUTC (0x01 0x21)
# UTC Time Solution
uint8 CLASS_ID = 1
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 33
uint32 i_tow # GPS Millisecond time of week [ms]
uint32 t_acc # Time Accuracy Estimate [ns]
int32 nano # Fraction of second, range -1e9 .. 1e9 (UTC) [ns]
uint16 year # Year, range 1999..2099 (UTC) [y]
uint8 month # Month, range 1..12 (UTC) [month]
uint8 day # Day of Month, range 1..31 (UTC) [d]
uint8 hour # Hour of Day, range 0..23 (UTC) [h]
uint8 min # Minute of Hour, range 0..59 (UTC) [min]
uint8 sec # Seconds of Minute, range 0..60 (UTC) [s] (60 for
# leap second)
uint8 valid # Validity Flags
uint8 VALID_TOW = 1 # Valid Time of Week
uint8 VALID_WKN = 2 # Valid Week Number
uint8 VALID_UTC = 4 # Valid Leap Seconds, i.e. Leap Seconds already known
uint8 VALID_UTC_STANDARD_MASK = 240 # UTC standard Identifier Bit mask:
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0 # Information not available
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_CRL = 16 # Communications Research Labratory
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_NIST = 32 # National Institute of Standards and
# Technology (NIST)
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_USNO = 48 # U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO)
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_BIPM = 64 # International Bureau of Weights and
# Measures (BIPM)
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_EL = 80 # European Laboratory (tbd)
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_SU = 96 # Former Soviet Union (SU)
uint8 UTC_STANDARD_NTSC = 112 # National Time Service Center, China