This is a ROS message definition.
# AID-HUI (0x0B 0x02)
# GPS Health, UTC and ionosphere parameters
# All UBX-AID messages are deprecated; use UBX-MGA messages instead.
# This message contains a health bit mask, UTC time and Klobuchar parameters. For more
# information on these parameters, please see the ICD-GPS-200 documentation.
uint8 CLASS_ID = 11
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 2
uint32 health # Bitmask, every bit represents a GPS SV (1-32).
# If the bit is set the SV is healthy.
float64 utc_a0 # UTC - parameter A0
float64 utc_a1 # UTC - parameter A1
int32 utc_tow # UTC - reference time of week
int16 utc_wnt # UTC - reference week number
int16 utc_ls # UTC - time difference due to leap seconds before event
int16 utc_wnf # UTC - week number when next leap second event occurs
int16 utc_dn # UTC - day of week when next leap second event occurs
int16 utc_lsf # UTC - time difference due to leap seconds after event
int16 utc_spare # UTC - Spare to ensure structure is a multiple of 4
# bytes
float32 klob_a0 # Klobuchar - alpha 0 [s]
float32 klob_a1 # Klobuchar - alpha 1 [s/semicircle]
float32 klob_a2 # Klobuchar - alpha 2 [s/semicircle^2]
float32 klob_a3 # Klobuchar - alpha 3 [s/semicircle^3]
float32 klob_b0 # Klobuchar - beta 0 [s]
float32 klob_b1 # Klobuchar - beta 1 [s/semicircle]
float32 klob_b2 # Klobuchar - beta 2 [s/semicircle^2]
float32 klob_b3 # Klobuchar - beta 3 [s/semicircle^3]
uint32 flags # flags
uint32 FLAGS_HEALTH = 1 # Healthmask field in this message is valid
uint32 FLAGS_UTC = 2 # UTC parameter fields in this message are valid
uint32 FLAGS_KLOB = 4 # Klobuchar parameter fields in this message are
# valid