This is a ROS message definition.


# ESF-MEAS (0x10 0x02)
# External Sensor Fusion Measurements
# Possible data types for the data field are described in the ESF Measurement
# Data section

uint8 CLASS_ID = 16
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 2

uint32 time_tag               # Time tag of measurement generated by external
                             # sensor

uint16 flags                 # Flags. Set all unused bits to zero:
uint16 FLAGS_TIME_MARK_SENT_MASK = 3   # Time mark signal was supplied just
                                       # prior to sending this message: 0 =
uint16 TIME_MARK_NONE = 0
uint16 TIME_MARK_EXT0 = 1
uint16 TIME_MARK_EXT = 2
uint16 FLAGS_TIME_MARK_EDGE = 4        # Trigger on rising (0) or falling
                                       # (1) edge of time mark signal
uint16 FLAGS_CALIB_T_TAG_VALID = 8     # Calibration time tag available.
                                       # Always set to zero.

uint16 id                              # Identification number of data provider

# Start of repeated block (N times)
uint32[] data                # data, see mask below
uint32 DATA_FIELD_MASK = 16777215     # data
uint32 DATA_TYPE_MASK = 1056964608    # type of data (1..63)
uint32 DATA_TYPE_SHIFT = 24
uint32 DATA_TYPE_NONE = 0                     # data field contains no data
uint32 DATA_TYPE_Z_AXIS_GYRO = 5              # z-axis gyroscope angular rate
                                              # [deg/s *2^-12 signed]
uint32 DATA_TYPE_WHEEL_TICKS_FRONT_LEFT = 6   # front-left wheel ticks
                                              # Bits 0-22: unsigned tick value.
                                              # Bit 23: direction indicator
                                              # (0=forward, 1=backward)
uint32 DATA_TYPE_WHEEL_TICKS_FRONT_RIGHT = 7  # front-right wheel ticks
                                              # Bits 0-22: unsigned tick value.
                                              # Bit 23: direction indicator
                                              # (0=forward, 1=backward)
uint32 DATA_TYPE_WHEEL_TICKS_REAR_LEFT = 8    # rear-left wheel ticks
                                              # Bits 0-22: unsigned tick value.
                                              # Bit 23: direction indicator
                                              # (0=forward, 1=backward)
uint32 DATA_TYPE_WHEEL_TICKS_REAR_RIGHT = 9   # rear-right wheel ticks
                                              # Bits 0-22: unsigned tick value.
                                              # Bit 23: direction indicator
                                              # (0=forward, 1=backward)
uint32 DATA_TYPE_SINGLE_TICK = 10             # single tick (speed tick)
                                              # Bits 0-22: unsigned tick value.
                                              # Bit 23: direction indicator
                                              # (0=forward, 1=backward)
uint32 DATA_TYPE_SPEED = 11                   # speed m/s * 1e-3 signed
uint32 DATA_TYPE_GYRO_TEMPERATURE = 12        # gyroscope temperature
                                              # [deg Celsius * 1e-2 signed]
uint32 DATA_TYPE_GYRO_ANG_RATE_Y = 13         # y-axis gyroscope angular rate
                                              # [deg/s *2^-12 signed]
uint32 DATA_TYPE_GYRO_ANG_RATE_X = 14         # x-axis gyroscope angular rate
                                              # [deg/s *2^-12 signed]
uint32 DATA_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER_X = 16         # x-axis accelerometer specific
                                              # [force m/s^2 *2^-10 signed]
uint32 DATA_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER_Y = 17         # y-axis accelerometer specific
                                              # [force m/s^2 *2^-10 signed]
uint32 DATA_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER_Z = 18         # z-axis accelerometer specific
                                              # [force m/s^2 *2^-10 signed]

# End of repeated block

# Start of optional block (size is either 0 or 1)
uint32[] calib_t_tag           # Receiver local time calibrated.
                             # This field must not be supplied when
                             # calibTtagValid is set to 0 [ms]
# End of optional block