This is a ROS message definition.
# NAV-POSLLH (0x01 0x02)
# Geodetic Position Solution
# See important comments concerning validity of position given in section
# Navigation Output Filters.
# This message outputs the Geodetic position in the currently selected
# Ellipsoid. The default is the WGS84 Ellipsoid, but can be changed with the
# message CFG-DAT.
uint8 CLASS_ID = 1
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 2
uint32 i_tow # GPS Millisecond Time of Week [ms]
int32 lon # Longitude [deg / 1e-7]
int32 lat # Latitude [deg / 1e-7]
int32 height # Height above Ellipsoid [mm]
int32 h_msl # Height above mean sea level [mm]
uint32 h_acc # Horizontal Accuracy Estimate [mm]
uint32 v_acc # Vertical Accuracy Estimate [mm]