This is a ROS message definition.
# CFG-RST (0x06 0x04)
# Reset Receiver / Clear Backup Data Structures
# Don't expect this message to be acknowledged by the receiver.
# - Newer FW version won't acknowledge this message at all.
# - Older FW version will acknowledge this message but the acknowledge may not
# be sent completely before the receiver is reset.
uint8 CLASS_ID = 6
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 4
uint16 nav_bbr_mask # BBR Sections to clear.
# The following Special Sets apply:
uint16 NAV_BBR_HOT_START = 0 # Hot start the device
uint16 NAV_BBR_WARM_START = 1 # Warm start the device
uint16 NAV_BBR_COLD_START = 65535 # Cold start the device
uint16 NAV_BBR_EPH = 1 # Ephemeris
uint16 NAV_BBR_ALM = 2 # Almanac
uint16 NAV_BBR_HEALTH = 4 # Health
uint16 NAV_BBR_KLOB = 8 # Klobuchar parameters
uint16 NAV_BBR_POS = 16 # Position
uint16 NAV_BBR_CLKD = 32 # Clock Drift
uint16 NAV_BBR_OSC = 64 # Oscillator Parameter
uint16 NAV_BBR_UTC = 128 # UTC Correction + GPS Leap Seconds Parameters
uint16 NAV_BBR_RTC = 256 # RTC
uint16 NAV_BBR_AOP = 32768 # Autonomous Orbit Parameters
uint8 reset_mode # Reset Type:
uint8 RESET_MODE_HW_IMMEDIATE = 0 # Hardware reset (Watchdog) immediately
uint8 RESET_MODE_SW = 1 # Controlled Software reset
uint8 RESET_MODE_GNSS = 2 # Controlled Software reset (GNSS only)
uint8 RESET_MODE_HW_AFTER_SHUTDOWN = 4 # Hardware reset (Watchdog) after
# shutdown
uint8 RESET_MODE_GNSS_STOP = 8 # Controlled GNSS stop
uint8 RESET_MODE_GNSS_START = 9 # Controlled GNSS start
uint8 reserved1 # Reserved