This is a ROS message definition.


# CFG-ANT (0x06 0x13)
# Antenna Control Settings

uint8 CLASS_ID = 6
uint8 MESSAGE_ID = 19

uint16 flags                  # Antenna Flag Mask
uint16 FLAGS_SVCS = 1         # Enable Antenna Supply Voltage Control Signal
uint16 FLAGS_SCD = 2          # Enable Short Circuit Detection
uint16 FLAGS_OCD = 4          # Enable Open Circuit Detection
uint16 FLAGS_PDWN_ON_SCD = 8  # Power Down Antenna supply if Short Circuit is
                              # detected. (only in combination with Bit 1)
uint16 FLAGS_RECOVERY = 16    # Enable automatic recovery from short state

uint16 pins                   # Antenna Pin Configuration
uint16 PIN_SWITCH_MASK = 31   # PIO-Pin used for switching antenna supply
                              # (internal to TIM-LP/TIM-LF)
uint16 PIN_SCD_MASK = 992     # PIO-Pin used for detecting a short in the
                              # antenna supply
uint16 PIN_OCD_MASK = 31744   # PIO-Pin used for detecting open/not connected
                              # antenna
uint16 PIN_RECONFIG = 32678   # if set to one, and this command is sent to the
                              # receiver, the receiver will reconfigure the
                              # pins as specified.