
This is a ROS message definition.


# This expresses a object in a 3D space
int32[] ids                  # possible ids of the detected object (empty if no id could be identified/assigned)
int32   shape                # shape type (possible types are listed below)
float64[] shape_variables    # variables correspoding to the shape of the object (possible types are listed below)
float64[] ids_confidence     # confidence of the possible ids in [0, 1]
geometry_msgs/Pose pose      # pose of the detected object
geometry_msgs/Twist twist    # twist of the detected object

# SHAPE_TYPE                      # SHAPE_VARIABLES
# ====================================================
int32 SHAPE_UNKOWN           = 0  # []
int32 SHAPE_POINT            = 1  # []
int32 SHAPE_CIRCLE           = 2  # [radius]
int32 SHAPE_ELLIPSE          = 3  # [radius1, radius2]
int32 SHAPE_SQUARE           = 4  # [width]
int32 SHAPE_RECTANGLE        = 5  # [length, width]
int32 SHAPE_HULL             = 6  # [p0, p1, p2, ...]
int32 SHAPE_LINE             = 7  # [] or [length] 

int32 SHAPE_SPHERE           = 102
int32 SHAPE_ELLIPSOID        = 103
int32 SHAPE_CUBE             = 104
int32 SHAPE_BOX              = 105
int32 SHAPE_MESH             = 106

int32 SHAPE_TRAFFIC_CONE     = 201 # [radius, color(1 = blue, 2 = yellow, 3 = red)] 
int32 SHAPE_DOOR             = 202 # [width, height, opening angle (0=closed), nr of door leafs, clockwise (0) counterclockwise (1)]
int32 SHAPE_MAP_DOOR         = 212 # for doors already mapped, same parameters as usual door
int32 SHAPE_PERSON           = 203
int32 SHAPE_VEHICLE          = 204
int32 SHAPE_FIDUCIAL         = 205
int32 SHAPE_CONE             = 206 # [radius, height]