Changelog for package realsense2_camera

4.55.1 (2024-05-28)

  • PR #3106 from SamerKhshiboun: Remove unused parameter _is_profile_exist

  • PR #3098 from kadiredd: ROS live cam test fixes

  • PR #3094 from kadiredd: ROSCI infra for live camera testing

  • PR #3066 from SamerKhshiboun: Revert Foxy Build Support (From Source)

  • PR #3052 from Arun-Prasad-V: Support for selecting profile for each stream_type

  • PR #3056 from SamerKhshiboun: Add documentation for RealSense ROS2 Wrapper Windows installation

  • PR #3049 from Arun-Prasad-V: Applying Colorizer filter to Aligned-Depth image

  • PR #3053 from Nir-Az: Fix Coverity issues + remove empty warning log

  • PR #3007 from Arun-Prasad-V: Skip updating Exp 1,2 & Gain 1,2 when HDR is disabled

  • PR #3042 from kadiredd: Assert Fail if camera not found

  • PR #3008 from Arun-Prasad-V: Renamed GL GPU enable param

  • PR #2989 from Arun-Prasad-V: Dynamically switching b/w CPU & GPU processing

  • PR #3001 from deep0294: Update ReadMe to run ROS2 Unit Test

  • PR #2998 from SamerKhshiboun: fix calibration intrinsic fail

  • PR #2987 from SamerKhshiboun: Remove D465 SKU

  • PR #2984 from deep0294: Fix All Profiles Test

  • PR #2956 from Arun-Prasad-V: Extending LibRS’s GL support to RS ROS2

  • PR #2953 from Arun-Prasad-V: Added urdf & mesh files for D405 model

  • PR #2940 from Arun-Prasad-V: Fixing the data_type of ROS Params exposure & gain

  • PR #2948 from Arun-Prasad-V: Disabling HDR during INIT

  • PR #2934 from Arun-Prasad-V: Disabling hdr while updating exposure & gain values

  • PR #2946 from gwen2018: fix ros random crash with error hw monitor command for asic temperature failed

  • PR #2865 from PrasRsRos: add live camera tests

  • PR #2891 from Arun-Prasad-V: revert PR2872

  • PR #2853 from Arun-Prasad-V: Frame latency for the ‘/topic’ provided by user

  • PR #2872 from Arun-Prasad-V: Updating _camera_name with RS node’s name

  • PR #2878 from Arun-Prasad-V: Updated ros2 examples and readme

  • PR #2841 from SamerKhshiboun: Remove Dashing, Eloquent, Foxy, L500 and SR300 support

  • PR #2868 from Arun-Prasad-V: Fix Pointcloud topic frame_id

  • PR #2849 from Arun-Prasad-V: Create /imu topic only when motion streams enabled

  • PR #2847 from Arun-Prasad-V: Updated rs_launch param names

  • PR #2839 from Arun-Prasad: Added ros2 examples

  • PR #2861 from SamerKhshiboun: fix readme and nodefactory for ros2 run

  • PR #2859 from PrasRsRos: Fix tests (topic now has camera name)

  • PR #2857 from lge-ros2: Apply camera name in topics

  • PR #2840 from SamerKhshiboun: Support Depth, IR and Color formats in ROS2

  • PR #2764 from lge-ros2 : support modifiable camera namespace

  • PR #2830 from SamerKhshiboun: Add RGBD + reduce changes between hkr and development

  • PR #2811 from Arun-Prasad-V: Exposing stream formats params to user

  • PR #2825 from SamerKhshiboun: Fix align_depth + add test

  • PR #2822 from Arun-Prasad-V: Updated rs_launch configurations

  • PR #2726 from PrasRsRos: Integration test template

  • PR #2742 from danielhonies:Update

  • PR #2806 from Arun-Prasad-V: Enabling RGB8 Infrared stream

  • PR #2799 from SamerKhshiboun: Fix overriding frames on same topics/CV-images due to a bug in PR2759

  • PR #2759 from SamerKhshiboun: Cleanups and name fixes

  • Contributors: (=YG=) Hyunseok Yang, Arun Prasad, Arun-Prasad-V, Daniel Honies, Hyunseok, Madhukar Reddy Kadireddy, Nir, Nir Azkiel, PrasRsRos, Samer Khshiboun, SamerKhshiboun, deep0294, gwen2018, nairps

4.54.1 (2023-06-27)

  • Applying AlignDepth filter after Pointcloud

  • Publish /aligned_depth_to_color topic only when color frame present

  • Support Iron distro

  • Protect empty string dereference

  • Fix: /tf and /static_tf topics’ inconsistencies

  • Revamped the TF related code

  • Fixing TF frame links b/w multi camera nodes when using custom names

  • Updated TF descriptions in launch py and readme

  • Fixing /tf topic has only TFs of last started sensor

  • add D430i support

  • Fix Swapped TFs Axes

  • replace stereo module with depth module

  • use rs2_to_ros to replace stereo module with depth moudle

  • calculate extriniscs twice in two opposite ways to save inverting rotation matrix

  • fix matrix rotation

  • Merge branch ‘ros2-development’ into readme_fix

  • invert translation

  • Added ‘publish_tf’ param in rs launch files

  • Indentation corrections

  • Fix: Don’t publish /tf when publish_tf is false

  • use playback device for rosbags

  • Avoid configuring dynamic_tf_broadcaster within tf_publish_rate param’s callback

  • Fix lower FPS in D405, D455

  • update to support enable_auto_exposure and manual exposure

  • fix timestamp calculation metadata header to be aligned with metadata json timestamp

  • Expose USB port in DeviceInfo service

  • Use latched QoS for Extrinsic topic when intra-process is used

  • add cppcheck to GHA

  • Fix Apache License Header and Intel Copyrights

  • apply copyrights and license on project

  • Enable intra-process communication for point clouds

  • Fix ros2 parameter descriptions and range values

  • T265 clean up

  • fix float_to_double method

  • realsense2_camera/src/sensor_params.cpp

  • remove T265 device from ROS Wrapper - step1

  • Enable D457

  • Fix hdr_merge filter initialization in ros2 launch

  • if default profile is not defined, take the first available profile as default

  • changed to static_cast and added descriptor name and type

  • remove extra ‘;’

  • remove unused variable format_str

  • publish point cloud via unique shared pointer

  • make source backward compatible to older versions of cv_bridge and rclcpp

  • add hdr_merge.enable and depth_module.hdr_enabled to

  • fix compilation errors

  • fix tabs

  • if default profile is not defined, take the first available profile as default

  • Fix ros2 sensor controls steps and add control default value to param description

  • Publish static transforms when intra porocess communication is enabled

  • Properly read camera config files in

  • fix deprecated API

  • Add D457

  • Windows bring-up

  • publish actual IMU optical frame ID in IMU messages

  • Publish static tf for IMU frames

  • fix extrinsics calculation

  • fix ordered_pc arg prefix

  • publish IMU frames only if unite/sync imu method is not none

  • Publish static tf for IMU frames

  • add D430i support

  • Contributors: Arun Prasad, Arun Prasad V, Arun-Prasad-V, Christian Rauch, Daniel Honies, Gilad Bretter, Nir Azkiel, NirAz, Pranav Dhulipala, Samer Khshiboun, SamerKhshiboun, Stephan Wirth, Xiangyu, Yadunund, nvidia

4.51.1 (2022-09-13)

  • Fix crash when activating IMU & aligned depth together

  • Fix rosbag device loading by preventing set_option to HDR/Gain/Exposure

  • Support ROS2 Humble

  • Publish real frame rate of realsense camera node topics/publishers

  • No need to start/stop sensors for align depth changes

  • Fix colorizer filter which returns null reference ptr

  • Fix align_depth enable/disable

  • Add colorizer.enable to

  • Add copyright and license to all ROS2-beta source files

  • Fix CUDA suffix for pointcloud and align_depth topics

  • Add ROS build farm pre-release to ci

  • Contributors: Eran, NirAz, SamerKhshiboun

4.0.4 (2022-03-20)

  • fix required packages for building debians for ros2-beta branch

  • Contributors: NirAz

4.0.3 (2022-03-16)

  • Support intra-process zero-copy

  • Update README

  • Fix Galactic deprecated-declarations compilation warning

  • Fix Eloquent compilation error

  • Contributors: Eran, Nir-Az, SamerKhshiboun

4.0.2 (2022-02-24)

  • version 4.4.0 changed to 4.0.0 in CHANGELOG

  • add frequency monitoring to /diagnostics topic.

  • fix to recognize message type from topic name. (Naive)

  • move diagnostic updater for stream frequencies into the RosSensor class.

  • add frequency monitoring to /diagnostics topic.

  • fix galactic issue with undeclaring parameters

  • fix to support Rolling.

  • fix dynamic_params syntax.

  • fix issue with Galactic parameters set by default to static which prevents them from being undeclared.

  • Contributors: Haowei Wen, doronhi, remibettan

4.0.1 (2022-02-01)

  • fix reset issue when multiple devices are connected

  • fix /rosout issue

  • fix PID for D405 device

  • fix bug: frame_id is based on camera_name

  • unite_imu_method is now changeable in runtime.

  • fix motion module default values.

  • add missing extrinsics topics

  • fix crash when camera disconnects.

  • fix header timestamp for metadata messages.

  • Contributors: nomumu, JamesChooWK, benlev, doronhi

4.0.0 (2021-11-17)

  • changed parameters: - “stereo_module”, “l500_depth_sensor” are replaced by “depth_module” - for video streams: <module>.profile replaces <stream>_width, <stream>_height, <stream>_fps - removed paramets <stream>_frame_id, <stream>_optical_frame_id. frame_ids are defined by camera_name - “filters” is removed. All filters (or post-processing blocks) are enabled/disabled using “<filter>.enable” - “align_depth” is replaced with “align_depth.enable” - “allow_no_texture_points”, “ordered_pc” replaced by “pointcloud.allow_no_texture_points”, “pointcloud.ordered_pc” - “pointcloud_texture_stream”, “pointcloud_texture_index” are replaced by “pointcloud.stream_filter”, “pointcloud.stream_index_filter”

  • Allow enable/disable of sensors in runtime.

  • Allow enable/disable of filters in runtime.