Go to the documentation of this file.
46 #include "gnsstk_export.h"
static const double we;
71 {
return std::make_shared<GLOCNavEph>(*
this); }
186 bool simplified)
std::shared_ptr< NavData > NavDataPtr
Factories instantiate these in response to find() requests.
GLOCSatType Mj
What satellite j is and what it transmits.
bool validate() const override
GLOCRegime RjT
Regime for generation of clock data.
CommonTime getUserTime() const override
Triple vel
Satellite velocity at tb in km/s.
bool getXvt(const CommonTime &when, Xvt &xvt, const ObsID &=ObsID()) override
uint8_t PS
Number of strings from this type 10 to the next.
Triple acc
Satellite acceleration at tb in km/s**2.
uint8_t EjT
Age of clock (6-hour intervals).
uint8_t EjE
Age of ephemeris (6-hour intervals).
Triple pos
Satellite position at tb in km.
static double factorToSigma(int8_t factor)
CommonTime Toe
Reference time, combining N4, NT and tb.
double tauDelta
Offset of L3OCP time to L3OCD time.
GLOCRegime RjE
Regime for generation of ephemeris data.
Triple apcOffset
L3OC APC offset from center of mass.
void dump(std::ostream &s, DumpDetail dl) const override
bool isSVID(uint8_t sv) const
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT double we
double freqBias
Satellite relative frequency bias (gamma^j).
GLOCNavHeader header11
Header (incl xmit time) data from string 11.
Values for Word M in the ephemeris (immediate) and almanac data.
NavDataPtr clone() const override
Create a deep copy of this object.
double taucdot
Rate of correction for GLONASS to Moscow time.
double clkBias
Satellite clock bias in sec (tau^j).
double tauGPS
Fractional part of offset from GPS to GLONASS time.
Sets the nav message type and all other data members to 0.
double tauc
Correction for GLONASS to Moscow time.
void dumpTerse(std::ostream &s) const
int8_t FjE
Accuracy factors dependent on ephemeris errors.
Regime for data generation (RjE, RjT, see ICD
int8_t FjT
Accuracy factors dependent on clock errors.
uint8_t N4
Number of leap years since 1996.
Specify level of detail for dump output.
Vector< double > derivative(const Vector< double > &inState, const Vector< double > &accel, const Vector< double > <, bool simplified) const
Long-term dynamic model parameters.
uint16_t NT
Day within four-year interval N4.
double driftRate
Half rate of relative deviation of carrier freq.
GLOCNavHeader header12
Header (incl xmit time) data from string 12.
unsigned long tb
Instant in Moscow time this data relates to.
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:39