Go to the documentation of this file.
147 double correction = 0)
const noexcept;
169 std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os,
const Xvt& xvt) noexcept;
181 #endif // GNSSTK_XVT_INCLUDE
Default constructor.
@ Unknown
Health state is unknown.
@ Healthy
Satellite is healthy, PVT valid.
double getRelativityCorr() noexcept
access the relativity correction, in seconds
RefFrame frame
reference frame of this data
@ Unavailable
Orbit information was not available, PVT invalid.
double getClockBias() noexcept
access the clock bias, in second
Triple v
satellite velocity in ECEF Cartesian, meters/second
virtual ~Xvt()
Triple getVel() noexcept
access the velocity in m/s
double relcorr
relativity correction (standard 2R.V/c^2 term), seconds
@ Uninitialized
Health status has not been set.
Triple x
Sat position ECEF Cartesian (X,Y,Z) meters.
double preciseRho(const Triple &rxPos, const EllipsoidModel &ellipsoid, double correction=0) const noexcept
double getClockDrift() noexcept
access the clock drift, in second/second
double clkdrift
satellite clock drift in seconds/second
Triple getPos() noexcept
access the position, ECEF Cartesian in meters
HealthStatus health
Health status of satellite at ref time.
@ Degraded
Sat is in a degraded state, recommend do not use.
double clkbias
Sat clock correction in seconds.
virtual double computeRelativityCorrection(void)
@ Unhealthy
Sat is marked unhealthy, do not use PVT.
@ Unused
Sat health is not used in computing this PVT.
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:42