Go to the documentation of this file.
72 Deltatpr = ti - almTime;
79 W = Deltatpr / (
Tav + DeltaTA);
84 setTdr(
double DeltaTA,
double DeltaTdotA)
86 Tdr =
Tav + DeltaTA + (2*W + 1) * DeltaTdotA;
100 double E0Term1 = (1.0 - epsilonA) / (1.0 + epsilonA);
101 double E0Term2 = sqrt(E0Term1) *
tan(uncorrected.getomega() / 2.0);
102 E0 = -2.0 * atan(E0Term2);
109 L1 = uncorrected.getomega() + E0 - (epsilonA *
114 setL(
double DeltaTA,
double DeltaTdotA)
116 L =
L1 + n * (Deltatpr - ((
Tav+DeltaTA)*W) - (DeltaTdotA*W*W));
124 (2.0 * uncorrected.geta() * uncorrected.geta()));
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT double ae
Equatorial radius of Earth in km.
void setData(double B, double Lk, const Uncorrected &uncor)
gnsstk::Matrix< double > L1
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT double Tav
Tav</cp> as defined in ICD-GLONASS-CDMA-L3 section
double deltaT
Draconic orbital period offset.
double L1
Mean longitude at ascending node.
static const GNSSTK_EXPORT double J20
Second degree coefficient of normal potential, table 4.1.
const double PI
GPS value of PI; also specified by GAL.
void setData(double L, const Uncorrected &uncor, const Deltas &delta1, const Deltas &delta2)
Xvt getXvt(const gnsstk::CommonTime &toi)
void setW(double DeltaTA)
double sin(gnsstk::Angle x)
void setL1(double epsilonA)
Xvt getXvt(const GLOCNavAlm &alm, const gnsstk::CommonTime &toi)
double ecc
Eccentricity at tlambdaA.
double Tdr
Mean draconic period in orbit W+1.
void setData(const GLOCNavAlm &alm, double Tdr, double n, double Deltatpr)
Corrected corrected
Corrected parameters (stage 9).
CommonTime Toa
Reference time for almanac.
void setE0(double epsilonA)
Uncorrected uncorrected
Uncorrected parameters (stage 1-9-ish).
void setL(double DeltaTA, double DeltaTdotA)
double tan(gnsstk::Angle x)
void setDeltatpr(const gnsstk::CommonTime &almTime, const gnsstk::CommonTime &ti)
double L
Current mean longitude of SV.
Deltas k1
Delta values for k=1.
Deltas k2
Delta values for k=2.
double Deltatpr
Time diff in seconds from ref to interest.
double deltaTdot
Draconic orbital period rate.
double B
Correction scale factor.
void setTdr(double DeltaTA, double DeltaTdotA)
autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:39