▼Ngazebo | |
CGazeboRos | |
CGazeboRosBlockLaser | |
CGazeboRosBumper | A Bumper controller |
CGazeboRosCamera | |
CGazeboRosCameraUtils | |
CGazeboRosDepthCamera | |
CGazeboRosDiffDrive | |
CGazeboRosElevator | ROS implementation of the Elevator plugin |
CGazeboRosF3D | GazeboRosF3D controller This is a controller that simulates a 6 dof force sensor |
CGazeboRosForce | |
CGazeboRosFT | GazeboRosFT controller This is a controller that simulates a 6 dof force sensor |
CGazeboRosHandOfGod | |
CGazeboRosHarness | See the Gazebo documentation about the HarnessPlugin. This ROS wrapper exposes two topics: |
CGazeboRosIMU | |
CGazeboRosImuSensor | Gazebo Ros imu sensor plugin |
CGazeboRosJointPoseTrajectory | |
CGazeboRosJointStatePublisher | |
CGazeboRosLaser | |
CGazeboRosMultiCamera | |
CGazeboRosOpenniKinect | |
CGazeboRosP3D | |
CGazeboRosPlanarMove | |
CGazeboRosProjector | |
CGazeboRosProsilica | |
CGazeboRosRange | |
CGazeboRosSkidSteerDrive | |
CGazeboRosTemplate | |
▼CGazeboRosTricycleDrive | |
CTricycleDriveCmd | |
CGazeboRosTriggeredCamera | |
CGazeboRosTriggeredMultiCamera | |
CGazeboRosVacuumGripper | |
CGazeboRosVideo | |
CGazeboRosWheelSlip | See the Gazebo documentation about the WheelSlipPlugin. This ROS wrapper exposes two parameters via dynamic reconfigure: |
CMultiCameraPlugin | |
CVideoVisual | |
▼Ngazebo_plugins | |
▼Nset_pose | |
CSimIfaceControl | |
▼Nset_wrench | |
CSimIfaceControl | |
▼Ntest_bumper | |
CBumperTest | |
▼Ntest_link_pose | |
CLinkPoseTest | |
▼Ntest_range | |
CTestRangePlugin | |
CCameraTest | |
CDepthCameraTest | |
CDistortionTest | |
CMultiCameraTest | |
CPubMessagePair | Container for a (ROS publisher, outgoing message) pair. We'll have queues of these. Templated on a ROS message type |
CPubMultiQueue | A collection of PubQueue objects, potentially of different types. This class is the programmer's interface to this queuing system |
CPubQueue | A queue of outgoing messages. Instead of calling publish() directly, you can push() messages here to defer ROS serialization and locking. Templated on a ROS message type |
CTriggeredCameraTest | |
CVisionReconfigure |