Crviz::BitAllocator | Allocation manager for bit positions within a 32-bit word |
Crviz::PluginlibFactory< Type >::BuiltInClassRecord | |
Crviz::FrameManager::CacheEntry | |
Crviz::FrameManager::CacheKey | |
►Crviz::CameraBase | Generic interface for a camera |
Crviz::OrbitCamera | An orbital camera, controlled by yaw, pitch, distance, and focal point |
Crviz::PointCloudCommon::CloudInfo | |
Crviz::Color | |
Crviz::Config | Configuration data storage class |
Crviz::DepthTraits< T > | |
Crviz::DepthTraits< float > | |
Crviz::DepthTraits< uint16_t > | |
Crviz::EffortVisual | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
Crviz::InteractiveMarkerControl | |
►Cexception | |
Crviz::MultiLayerDepthException | |
►Crviz::Factory | Abstract superclass representing the ability to get a list of class IDs and the ability to get name, description, and package strings for each. Actually instantiating objects must be done by subclasses specialized for specific types |
►Crviz::ClassIdRecordingFactory< Display > | |
►Crviz::PluginlibFactory< Display > | |
►Crviz::DisplayFactory | |
Crviz::MockDisplayFactory | |
►Crviz::ClassIdRecordingFactory< Panel > | |
►Crviz::PluginlibFactory< Panel > | |
Crviz::PanelFactory | |
►Crviz::ClassIdRecordingFactory< rviz::Tool > | |
Crviz::PluginlibFactory< rviz::Tool > | |
►Crviz::ClassIdRecordingFactory< rviz::ViewController > | |
Crviz::PluginlibFactory< rviz::ViewController > | |
►Crviz::ClassIdRecordingFactory< Type > | Templated factory which informs objects created by it what their class identifier string was |
Crviz::PluginlibFactory< Type > | |
►CFrameListener | |
Crviz::OgreRenderQueueClearer | |
Crviz::Grid | Displays a grid of cells, drawn with lines |
Crviz::SelectionManager::Highlight | |
Crviz::IndexAndMessage | |
Crviz::PluginGroup::Info | |
►Crviz::InteractiveObject | Abstract base class of things in the scene which handle mouse events |
Crviz::InteractiveMarkerControl | |
►CIOStream | |
Crviz::ResourceIOStream | |
►CIOSystem | |
Crviz::ResourceIOSystem | |
Crviz::LexicalTopicInfo | |
Crviz::Robot::LinkFactory | |
►Crviz::LinkUpdater | |
Crviz::TFLinkUpdater | |
►CListener | |
Crviz::SelectionHandler::Listener | |
►CListener | |
Crviz::InteractiveMarkerControl | |
Crviz::RenderPanel | |
►CListener | |
Crviz::SelectionManager | |
►CLogListener | |
Crviz::RosLogListener | |
Crviz::Config::MapIterator | Iterator class for looping over all entries in a Map type Config Node |
►Crviz::MarkerBase | |
Crviz::ArrowMarker | |
Crviz::LineListMarker | |
Crviz::LineStripMarker | |
Crviz::MeshResourceMarker | |
Crviz::PointsMarker | |
Crviz::ShapeMarker | |
Crviz::TextViewFacingMarker | |
Crviz::TriangleListMarker | |
Crviz::InteractiveMarker::MenuNode | |
►CMovableObject | |
Crviz::MovableText | |
Crviz::PointCloud | A visual representation of a set of points |
Crviz::MultiLayerDepth | |
Crviz::Config::Node | |
►Cnumpunct | |
CCommaFloat | |
►Crviz::Object | Base class for visible objects, providing a minimal generic interface |
Crviz::Arrow | An arrow consisting of a cylinder and a cone |
Crviz::Axes | An object that displays a set of X/Y/Z axes, with X=Red, Y=Green, Z=Blue |
Crviz::BillboardLine | An object that displays a multi-segment line strip rendered as billboards |
Crviz::CovarianceVisual | CovarianceVisual consisting in a ellipse for position and 2D ellipses along the axis for orientation |
Crviz::Line | |
►Crviz::Shape | |
Crviz::MeshShape | This class allows constructing Ogre shapes manually, from triangle lists |
Crviz::OgreLogging | Convenience interface to Ogre logging |
Crviz::PoseArrayDisplay::OgrePose | |
Crviz::VisualizationFrame::PanelRecord | |
Crviz::Picked | |
Crviz::PluginGroup | |
Crviz::PointCloud::Point | Representation of a point, with x/y/z position and r/g/b color |
Crviz::PointStampedVisual | |
Crviz::Preferences | |
►CQAbstractItemModel | |
Crviz::PropertyTreeModel | |
►CQAction | |
Crviz::IntegerAction | |
►CQComboBox | |
►Crviz::ComboBox | |
Crviz::EditableComboBox | |
Crviz::EmbeddableComboBox | |
►CQDialog | |
Crviz::AddDisplayDialog | |
Crviz::LoadingDialog | |
Crviz::NewObjectDialog | |
Crviz::PreferencesDialog | |
►CQDockWidget | |
Crviz::PanelDockWidget | Dock widget class for docking widgets into VisualizationFrame |
►CQItemSelectionModel | |
Crviz::PropertySelectionModel | |
►CQLineEdit | |
Crviz::FloatEdit | |
►Crviz::LineEditWithButton | |
Crviz::ColorEditor | |
►CQMainWindow | |
Crviz::VisualizationFrame | The main rviz window |
►CQMessageBox | |
Crviz::WaitForMasterDialog | |
►CQObject | |
CMyObject | |
CRosSpinner | |
►Crviz::DisplayContext | Pure-virtual base class for objects which give Display subclasses context in which to work |
Crviz::MockContext | |
Crviz::VisualizationManager | Central manager class of rviz, holding all the Displays, Tools, ViewControllers, and other managers |
Crviz::FrameInfo | Internal class needed only by TFDisplay |
Crviz::FrameManager | Helper class for transforming data into Ogre's world frame (the fixed frame) |
Crviz::InteractiveMarker | |
Crviz::JointInfo | |
Crviz::MockPropertyChangeReceiver | |
Crviz::MouseClick | Class for capturing mouse clicks |
Crviz::PointCloudCommon | Displays a point cloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud |
►Crviz::PointCloudTransformer | |
Crviz::AxisColorPCTransformer | |
Crviz::FlatColorPCTransformer | |
Crviz::IntensityPCTransformer | |
►Crviz::RGB8PCTransformer | |
Crviz::MONO8PCTransformer | |
Crviz::RGBF32PCTransformer | |
Crviz::XYZPCTransformer | |
►Crviz::Property | A single element of a property tree, with a name, value, description, and possibly children |
►Crviz::BoolProperty | Property specialized to provide getter for booleans |
Crviz::CovarianceProperty | Property specialized to provide getter for booleans |
►Crviz::Display | |
►Crviz::_RosTopicDisplay | Helper superclass for MessageFilterDisplay, needed because Qt's moc and c++ templates don't work nicely together. Not intended to be used directly |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::AccelStamped > | |
►Crviz::ScrewDisplay< geometry_msgs::AccelStamped > | |
Crviz::AccelStampedDisplay | |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::PointStamped > | |
Crviz::PointStampedDisplay | |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped > | |
Crviz::PolygonDisplay | Displays a geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped message |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::PoseArray > | |
Crviz::PoseArrayDisplay | Displays a geometry_msgs/PoseArray message as a bunch of line-drawn arrows |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > | |
Crviz::PoseDisplay | Accumulates and displays the pose from a geometry_msgs::PoseStamped message |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped > | |
Crviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplay | Displays the pose from a geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped message |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::TwistStamped > | |
►Crviz::ScrewDisplay< geometry_msgs::TwistStamped > | |
Crviz::TwistStampedDisplay | |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped > | |
►Crviz::ScrewDisplay< geometry_msgs::WrenchStamped > | |
Crviz::WrenchStampedDisplay | |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< nav_msgs::GridCells > | |
Crviz::GridCellsDisplay | Displays a nav_msgs::GridCells message |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< nav_msgs::Odometry > | |
Crviz::OdometryDisplay | Accumulates and displays the pose from a nav_msgs::Odometry message |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< nav_msgs::Path > | |
Crviz::PathDisplay | Displays a nav_msgs::Path message |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::FluidPressure > | |
Crviz::FluidPressureDisplay | Displays an FluidPressure message of type sensor_msgs::FluidPressure |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::Illuminance > | |
Crviz::IlluminanceDisplay | Displays an Illuminance message of type sensor_msgs::Illuminance |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::JointState > | |
Crviz::EffortDisplay | |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::LaserScan > | |
Crviz::LaserScanDisplay | Visualizes a laser scan, received as a sensor_msgs::LaserScan |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::PointCloud > | |
Crviz::PointCloudDisplay | Displays a point cloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 > | |
Crviz::PointCloud2Display | Displays a point cloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::Range > | |
Crviz::RangeDisplay | Displays a sensor_msgs::Range message as a cone |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::RelativeHumidity > | |
Crviz::RelativeHumidityDisplay | Displays a RelativeHumidity message of type sensor_msgs::RelativeHumidity |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< sensor_msgs::Temperature > | |
Crviz::TemperatureDisplay | Displays a Temperature message of type sensor_msgs::Temperature |
►Crviz::MessageFilterDisplay< MessageType > | Display subclass using a tf2_ros::MessageFilter, templated on the ROS message type |
Crviz::ScrewDisplay< MessageType > | |
Crviz::AxesDisplay | Displays a set of XYZ axes at the origin of a chosen frame |
Crviz::DepthCloudDisplay | |
Crviz::DisplayGroup | A Display object which stores other Displays as children |
Crviz::FailedDisplay | A FailedDisplay instance represents a Display class we tried and failed to instantiate |
Crviz::GridDisplay | Displays a grid in either the XY, YZ, or XZ plane |
►Crviz::ImageDisplayBase | Display subclass for subscribing and displaying to image messages |
Crviz::CameraDisplay | |
Crviz::ImageDisplay | |
Crviz::InteractiveMarkerDisplay | Displays Interactive Markers |
Crviz::MapDisplay | Displays a map along the XY plane |
►Crviz::MarkerDisplay | Displays "markers" sent in by other ROS nodes on the "visualization_marker" topic |
Crviz::MarkerArrayDisplay | Display for an array of markers. The MarkerDisplay class handles MarkerArray messages. This is just a wrapper to let MarkerArray topics get selected in the topic browser |
Crviz::MockDisplay | |
Crviz::RobotModelDisplay | Uses a robot xml description to display the pieces of a robot at the transforms broadcast by rosTF |
Crviz::TFDisplay | Displays a visual representation of the TF hierarchy |
►Crviz::DisplayVisibilityProperty | |
Crviz::DisplayGroupVisibilityProperty | |
Crviz::MarkerNamespace | Manager of a single marker namespace. Keeps a hash from marker IDs to MarkerBasePtr, and creates or destroys them when |
Crviz::ColorProperty | |
Crviz::FailureProperty | |
Crviz::FloatProperty | Property specialized to enforce floating point max/min |
Crviz::IconizedProperty | |
Crviz::IntProperty | Property specialized to provide max/min enforcement for integers |
Crviz::QuaternionProperty | |
►Crviz::StatusProperty | |
Crviz::StatusList | |
►Crviz::StringProperty | Property specialized for string values |
►Crviz::EditableEnumProperty | Editable Enum property |
►Crviz::RosTopicProperty | |
Crviz::RosFilteredTopicProperty | |
Crviz::TfFrameProperty | |
Crviz::EnumProperty | Enum property |
Crviz::RegexFilterProperty | |
Crviz::VectorProperty | |
►Crviz::ViewController | |
Crviz::FailedViewController | A FailedViewController instance represents a ViewController class we tried and failed to instantiate |
►Crviz::FramePositionTrackingViewController | Base class of ViewControllers which have a "Target Frame" which is a TF frame whose position they track |
Crviz::FixedOrientationOrthoViewController | |
►Crviz::FPSViewController | A first-person camera, controlled by yaw, pitch, roll, and position |
Crviz::FrameViewController | A camera tied to a given frame |
►Crviz::OrbitViewController | An orbital camera, controlled by yaw, pitch, distance, and focal point |
Crviz::ThirdPersonFollowerViewController | Like the orbit view controller, but focal point moves only in the x-y plane |
Crviz::XYOrbitViewController | Like the orbit view controller, but focal point moves only in the x-y plane |
Crviz::ViewControllerContainer | Container property for ViewControllers which gets the drag/drop right for the funky way Current-View is always the first entry |
Crviz::Robot | |
Crviz::RobotJoint | Contains any data we need from a joint in the robot |
Crviz::RobotLink | Contains any data we need from a link in the robot |
Crviz::SelectionManager | |
►Crviz::Tool | |
Crviz::FailedTool | A FailedTool instance represents a Tool class we tried and failed to instantiate |
Crviz::FocusTool | |
Crviz::InteractionTool | |
Crviz::MeasureTool | |
Crviz::MoveTool | |
Crviz::PointTool | |
►Crviz::PoseTool | |
Crviz::GoalTool | |
Crviz::InitialPoseTool | |
Crviz::SelectionTool | |
Crviz::ToolManager | |
Crviz::ViewManager | |
Crviz::VisualizerApp | |
Crviz::WidgetGeometryChangeDetector | Utility class for watching for events which indicate that widget geometry has changed |
►CQSplashScreen | |
Crviz::SplashScreen | |
►CQSplitter | |
Crviz::PropertyTreeWithHelp | |
►CQStyledItemDelegate | |
Crviz::PropertyTreeDelegate | |
►CQTreeView | |
Crviz::PropertyTreeWidget | |
►CQTreeWidget | |
Crviz::DisplayTypeTree | Widget for selecting a display by display type |
►CQValidator | |
Crviz::RegexValidator | |
►CQWidget | |
CMyFrame | |
►Crviz::Panel | |
Crviz::DisplaysPanel | |
Crviz::FailedPanel | |
Crviz::HelpPanel | |
Crviz::SelectionPanel | |
Crviz::TimePanel | |
Crviz::ToolPropertiesPanel | |
Crviz::ViewsPanel | Panel for choosing the view controller and saving and restoring viewpoints |
►Crviz::RenderWidget | |
►Crviz::QtOgreRenderWindow | |
CImageView | |
Crviz::RenderPanel | |
Crviz::ScaledImageWidget | A widget for showing a scaled version of an image (QPixmap) |
Crviz::ScreenshotDialog | A dialog for grabbing a screen shot |
Crviz::SplitterHandle | A tall skinny invisible widget providing left-right sliding column separator adjustment for a two-column QTreeView via mouse drags. Shows splitter cursor when mouse hovers over it. Uses event filtering to catch resize events for the parent |
Crviz::TopicDisplayWidget | Widget for selecting a display by topic |
►CRenderable | |
Crviz::MovableText | |
►CRenderQueueListener | |
Crviz::SelectionManager | |
Crviz::RenderSystem | |
►CRenderTargetListener | |
Crviz::CameraDisplay | |
Crviz::QtOgreRenderWindow | |
Crviz::RGBA | |
Crviz::ROSImageTexture | |
►Cruntime_error | |
Crviz::UnsupportedImageEncoding | |
►Crviz::ScrewVisual | |
Crviz::WrenchVisual | |
Crviz::SelectionData | |
►Crviz::SelectionHandler | |
Crviz::FrameSelectionHandler | |
Crviz::MarkerSelectionHandler | |
Crviz::PointCloudSelectionHandler | |
Crviz::PoseDisplaySelectionHandler | |
Crviz::PoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler | |
Crviz::RobotLinkSelectionHandler | |
►CSimpleRenderable | |
Crviz::PointCloudRenderable | |
►Cstringstream | |
Crviz::UniformStringStream | Std::stringstream subclass which defaults to the "C" locale, so serialization of numbers is uniform across locales |
Crviz::Swatch | |
Crviz::PointCloudCommon::TransformerInfo | |
Crviz::ViewportMouseEvent | |
►CVisitor | |
Crviz::AlphaSetter | |
Crviz::PickColorSetter | |
Crviz::VisualizationManagerPrivate | |
►Crviz::WindowManagerInterface | |
Crviz::VisualizationFrame | The main rviz window |
Crviz::YamlConfigReader | |
Crviz::YamlConfigWriter | |