►Nrviz | |
C_RosTopicDisplay | Helper superclass for MessageFilterDisplay, needed because Qt's moc and c++ templates don't work nicely together. Not intended to be used directly |
CAccelStampedDisplay | |
CAddDisplayDialog | |
CAlphaSetter | |
CArrow | An arrow consisting of a cylinder and a cone |
CArrowMarker | |
CAxes | An object that displays a set of X/Y/Z axes, with X=Red, Y=Green, Z=Blue |
CAxesDisplay | Displays a set of XYZ axes at the origin of a chosen frame |
CAxisColorPCTransformer | |
CBillboardLine | An object that displays a multi-segment line strip rendered as billboards |
CBitAllocator | Allocation manager for bit positions within a 32-bit word |
CBoolProperty | Property specialized to provide getter for booleans |
CCameraBase | Generic interface for a camera |
CCameraDisplay | |
CClassIdRecordingFactory | Templated factory which informs objects created by it what their class identifier string was |
CColor | |
CColorEditor | |
CColorProperty | |
CComboBox | |
►CConfig | Configuration data storage class |
CMapIterator | Iterator class for looping over all entries in a Map type Config Node |
CNode | |
CCovarianceProperty | Property specialized to provide getter for booleans |
CCovarianceVisual | CovarianceVisual consisting in a ellipse for position and 2D ellipses along the axis for orientation |
CDepthCloudDisplay | |
CDepthTraits | |
CDepthTraits< float > | |
CDepthTraits< uint16_t > | |
CDisplay | |
CDisplayContext | Pure-virtual base class for objects which give Display subclasses context in which to work |
CDisplayFactory | |
CDisplayGroup | A Display object which stores other Displays as children |
CDisplayGroupVisibilityProperty | |
CDisplaysPanel | |
CDisplayTypeTree | Widget for selecting a display by display type |
CDisplayVisibilityProperty | |
CEditableComboBox | |
CEditableEnumProperty | Editable Enum property |
CEffortDisplay | |
CEffortVisual | |
CEmbeddableComboBox | |
CEnumProperty | Enum property |
CFactory | Abstract superclass representing the ability to get a list of class IDs and the ability to get name, description, and package strings for each. Actually instantiating objects must be done by subclasses specialized for specific types |
CFailedDisplay | A FailedDisplay instance represents a Display class we tried and failed to instantiate |
CFailedPanel | |
CFailedTool | A FailedTool instance represents a Tool class we tried and failed to instantiate |
CFailedViewController | A FailedViewController instance represents a ViewController class we tried and failed to instantiate |
CFailureProperty | |
CFixedOrientationOrthoViewController | |
CFlatColorPCTransformer | |
CFloatEdit | |
CFloatProperty | Property specialized to enforce floating point max/min |
CFluidPressureDisplay | Displays an FluidPressure message of type sensor_msgs::FluidPressure |
CFocusTool | |
CFPSViewController | A first-person camera, controlled by yaw, pitch, roll, and position |
CFrameInfo | Internal class needed only by TFDisplay |
►CFrameManager | Helper class for transforming data into Ogre's world frame (the fixed frame) |
CCacheEntry | |
CCacheKey | |
CFramePositionTrackingViewController | Base class of ViewControllers which have a "Target Frame" which is a TF frame whose position they track |
CFrameSelectionHandler | |
CFrameViewController | A camera tied to a given frame |
CGoalTool | |
CGrid | Displays a grid of cells, drawn with lines |
CGridCellsDisplay | Displays a nav_msgs::GridCells message |
CGridDisplay | Displays a grid in either the XY, YZ, or XZ plane |
CHelpPanel | |
CIconizedProperty | |
CIlluminanceDisplay | Displays an Illuminance message of type sensor_msgs::Illuminance |
CImageDisplay | |
CImageDisplayBase | Display subclass for subscribing and displaying to image messages |
CIndexAndMessage | |
CInitialPoseTool | |
CIntegerAction | |
CIntensityPCTransformer | |
CInteractionTool | |
►CInteractiveMarker | |
CMenuNode | |
CInteractiveMarkerControl | |
CInteractiveMarkerDisplay | Displays Interactive Markers |
CInteractiveObject | Abstract base class of things in the scene which handle mouse events |
CIntProperty | Property specialized to provide max/min enforcement for integers |
CJointInfo | |
CLaserScanDisplay | Visualizes a laser scan, received as a sensor_msgs::LaserScan |
CLexicalTopicInfo | |
CLine | |
CLineEditWithButton | |
CLineListMarker | |
CLineStripMarker | |
CLinkUpdater | |
CLoadingDialog | |
CMapDisplay | Displays a map along the XY plane |
CMarkerArrayDisplay | Display for an array of markers. The MarkerDisplay class handles MarkerArray messages. This is just a wrapper to let MarkerArray topics get selected in the topic browser |
CMarkerBase | |
CMarkerDisplay | Displays "markers" sent in by other ROS nodes on the "visualization_marker" topic |
CMarkerNamespace | Manager of a single marker namespace. Keeps a hash from marker IDs to MarkerBasePtr, and creates or destroys them when |
CMarkerSelectionHandler | |
CMeasureTool | |
CMeshResourceMarker | |
CMeshShape | This class allows constructing Ogre shapes manually, from triangle lists |
CMessageFilterDisplay | Display subclass using a tf2_ros::MessageFilter, templated on the ROS message type |
CMockContext | |
CMockDisplay | |
CMockDisplayFactory | |
CMockPropertyChangeReceiver | |
CMONO8PCTransformer | |
CMouseClick | Class for capturing mouse clicks |
CMovableText | |
CMoveTool | |
CMultiLayerDepth | |
CMultiLayerDepthException | |
CNewObjectDialog | |
CObject | Base class for visible objects, providing a minimal generic interface |
COdometryDisplay | Accumulates and displays the pose from a nav_msgs::Odometry message |
COgreLogging | Convenience interface to Ogre logging |
COgreRenderQueueClearer | |
COrbitCamera | An orbital camera, controlled by yaw, pitch, distance, and focal point |
COrbitViewController | An orbital camera, controlled by yaw, pitch, distance, and focal point |
CPanel | |
CPanelDockWidget | Dock widget class for docking widgets into VisualizationFrame |
CPanelFactory | |
CPathDisplay | Displays a nav_msgs::Path message |
CPickColorSetter | |
CPicked | |
►CPluginGroup | |
CInfo | |
►CPluginlibFactory | |
CBuiltInClassRecord | |
►CPointCloud | A visual representation of a set of points |
CPoint | Representation of a point, with x/y/z position and r/g/b color |
CPointCloud2Display | Displays a point cloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 |
►CPointCloudCommon | Displays a point cloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud |
CCloudInfo | |
CTransformerInfo | |
CPointCloudDisplay | Displays a point cloud of type sensor_msgs::PointCloud |
CPointCloudRenderable | |
CPointCloudSelectionHandler | |
CPointCloudTransformer | |
CPointsMarker | |
CPointStampedDisplay | |
CPointStampedVisual | |
CPointTool | |
CPolygonDisplay | Displays a geometry_msgs::PolygonStamped message |
►CPoseArrayDisplay | Displays a geometry_msgs/PoseArray message as a bunch of line-drawn arrows |
COgrePose | |
CPoseDisplay | Accumulates and displays the pose from a geometry_msgs::PoseStamped message |
CPoseDisplaySelectionHandler | |
CPoseTool | |
CPoseWithCovarianceDisplay | Displays the pose from a geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped message |
CPoseWithCovarianceDisplaySelectionHandler | |
CPreferences | |
CPreferencesDialog | |
CProperty | A single element of a property tree, with a name, value, description, and possibly children |
CPropertySelectionModel | |
CPropertyTreeDelegate | |
CPropertyTreeModel | |
CPropertyTreeWidget | |
CPropertyTreeWithHelp | |
CQtOgreRenderWindow | |
CQuaternionProperty | |
CRangeDisplay | Displays a sensor_msgs::Range message as a cone |
CRegexFilterProperty | |
CRegexValidator | |
CRelativeHumidityDisplay | Displays a RelativeHumidity message of type sensor_msgs::RelativeHumidity |
CRenderPanel | |
CRenderSystem | |
CRenderWidget | |
CResourceIOStream | |
CResourceIOSystem | |
CRGB8PCTransformer | |
CRGBF32PCTransformer | |
►CRobot | |
CLinkFactory | |
CRobotJoint | Contains any data we need from a joint in the robot |
CRobotLink | Contains any data we need from a link in the robot |
CRobotLinkSelectionHandler | |
CRobotModelDisplay | Uses a robot xml description to display the pieces of a robot at the transforms broadcast by rosTF |
CRosFilteredTopicProperty | |
CROSImageTexture | |
CRosLogListener | |
CRosTopicProperty | |
CScaledImageWidget | A widget for showing a scaled version of an image (QPixmap) |
CScreenshotDialog | A dialog for grabbing a screen shot |
CScrewDisplay | |
CScrewVisual | |
CSelectionData | |
►CSelectionHandler | |
CListener | |
►CSelectionManager | |
CHighlight | |
CSelectionPanel | |
CSelectionTool | |
CShape | |
CShapeMarker | |
CSplashScreen | |
CSplitterHandle | A tall skinny invisible widget providing left-right sliding column separator adjustment for a two-column QTreeView via mouse drags. Shows splitter cursor when mouse hovers over it. Uses event filtering to catch resize events for the parent |
CStatusList | |
CStatusProperty | |
CStringProperty | Property specialized for string values |
CSwatch | |
CTemperatureDisplay | Displays a Temperature message of type sensor_msgs::Temperature |
CTextViewFacingMarker | |
CTFDisplay | Displays a visual representation of the TF hierarchy |
CTfFrameProperty | |
CTFLinkUpdater | |
CThirdPersonFollowerViewController | Like the orbit view controller, but focal point moves only in the x-y plane |
CTimePanel | |
CTool | |
CToolManager | |
CToolPropertiesPanel | |
CTopicDisplayWidget | Widget for selecting a display by topic |
CTriangleListMarker | |
CTwistStampedDisplay | |
CUniformStringStream | Std::stringstream subclass which defaults to the "C" locale, so serialization of numbers is uniform across locales |
CUnsupportedImageEncoding | |
CVectorProperty | |
CViewController | |
CViewControllerContainer | Container property for ViewControllers which gets the drag/drop right for the funky way Current-View is always the first entry |
CViewManager | |
CViewportMouseEvent | |
CViewsPanel | Panel for choosing the view controller and saving and restoring viewpoints |
►CVisualizationFrame | The main rviz window |
CPanelRecord | |
CVisualizationManager | Central manager class of rviz, holding all the Displays, Tools, ViewControllers, and other managers |
CVisualizationManagerPrivate | |
CVisualizerApp | |
CWaitForMasterDialog | |
CWidgetGeometryChangeDetector | Utility class for watching for events which indicate that widget geometry has changed |
CWindowManagerInterface | |
CWrenchStampedDisplay | |
CWrenchVisual | |
CXYOrbitViewController | Like the orbit view controller, but focal point moves only in the x-y plane |
CXYZPCTransformer | |
CYamlConfigReader | |
CYamlConfigWriter | |
CCommaFloat | |
CImageView | |
CMyFrame | |
CMyObject | |
CRosSpinner | |