Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * OpenVINS: An Open Platform for Visual-Inertial Research
3  * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Patrick Geneva
4  * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Guoquan Huang
5  * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 OpenVINS Contributors
6  * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Kevin Eckenhoff
7  *
8  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11  * (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
20  */
22 #include "Propagator.h"
24 #include "state/State.h"
25 #include "state/StateHelper.h"
26 #include "utils/print.h"
27 #include "utils/quat_ops.h"
29 using namespace ov_core;
30 using namespace ov_type;
31 using namespace ov_msckf;
33 void Propagator::propagate_and_clone(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double timestamp) {
35  // If the difference between the current update time and state is zero
36  // We should crash, as this means we would have two clones at the same time!!!!
37  if (state->_timestamp == timestamp) {
38  PRINT_ERROR(RED "Propagator::propagate_and_clone(): Propagation called again at same timestep at last update timestep!!!!\n" RESET);
39  std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
40  }
42  // We should crash if we are trying to propagate backwards
43  if (state->_timestamp > timestamp) {
44  PRINT_ERROR(RED "Propagator::propagate_and_clone(): Propagation called trying to propagate backwards in time!!!!\n" RESET);
45  PRINT_ERROR(RED "Propagator::propagate_and_clone(): desired propagation = %.4f\n" RESET, (timestamp - state->_timestamp));
46  std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
47  }
49  //===================================================================================
50  //===================================================================================
51  //===================================================================================
53  // Set the last time offset value if we have just started the system up
54  if (!have_last_prop_time_offset) {
55  last_prop_time_offset = state->_calib_dt_CAMtoIMU->value()(0);
56  have_last_prop_time_offset = true;
57  }
59  // Get what our IMU-camera offset should be (t_imu = t_cam + calib_dt)
60  double t_off_new = state->_calib_dt_CAMtoIMU->value()(0);
62  // First lets construct an IMU vector of measurements we need
63  double time0 = state->_timestamp + last_prop_time_offset;
64  double time1 = timestamp + t_off_new;
65  std::vector<ov_core::ImuData> prop_data;
66  {
67  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(imu_data_mtx);
68  prop_data = Propagator::select_imu_readings(imu_data, time0, time1);
69  }
71  // We are going to sum up all the state transition matrices, so we can do a single large multiplication at the end
72  // Phi_summed = Phi_i*Phi_summed
73  // Q_summed = Phi_i*Q_summed*Phi_i^T + Q_i
74  // After summing we can multiple the total phi to get the updated covariance
75  // We will then add the noise to the IMU portion of the state
76  Eigen::MatrixXd Phi_summed = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15, state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15);
77  Eigen::MatrixXd Qd_summed = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15, state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15);
78  double dt_summed = 0;
80  // Loop through all IMU messages, and use them to move the state forward in time
81  // This uses the zero'th order quat, and then constant acceleration discrete
82  if (prop_data.size() > 1) {
83  for (size_t i = 0; i < prop_data.size() - 1; i++) {
85  // Get the next state Jacobian and noise Jacobian for this IMU reading
86  Eigen::MatrixXd F, Qdi;
87  predict_and_compute(state,, + 1), F, Qdi);
89  // Next we should propagate our IMU covariance
90  // Pii' = F*Pii*F.transpose() + G*Q*G.transpose()
91  // Pci' = F*Pci and Pic' = Pic*F.transpose()
92  // NOTE: Here we are summing the state transition F so we can do a single mutiplication later
93  // NOTE: Phi_summed = Phi_i*Phi_summed
94  // NOTE: Q_summed = Phi_i*Q_summed*Phi_i^T + G*Q_i*G^T
95  Phi_summed = F * Phi_summed;
96  Qd_summed = F * Qd_summed * F.transpose() + Qdi;
97  Qd_summed = 0.5 * (Qd_summed + Qd_summed.transpose());
98  dt_summed += + 1).timestamp -;
99  }
100  }
101  assert(std::abs((time1 - time0) - dt_summed) < 1e-4);
103  // Last angular velocity (used for cloning when estimating time offset)
104  // Remember to correct them before we store them
105  Eigen::Vector3d last_a = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
106  Eigen::Vector3d last_w = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
107  if (!prop_data.empty()) {
108  Eigen::Matrix3d Dw = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_dw->value());
109  Eigen::Matrix3d Da = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_da->value());
110  Eigen::Matrix3d Tg = State::Tg(state->_calib_imu_tg->value());
111  last_a = state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU->Rot() * Da * ( - 1).am - state->_imu->bias_a());
112  last_w = state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU->Rot() * Dw * ( - 1).wm - state->_imu->bias_g() - Tg * last_a);
113  }
115  // Do the update to the covariance with our "summed" state transition and IMU noise addition...
116  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Type>> Phi_order;
117  Phi_order.push_back(state->_imu);
118  if (state->_options.do_calib_imu_intrinsics) {
119  Phi_order.push_back(state->_calib_imu_dw);
120  Phi_order.push_back(state->_calib_imu_da);
121  if (state->_options.do_calib_imu_g_sensitivity) {
122  Phi_order.push_back(state->_calib_imu_tg);
123  }
124  if (state->_options.imu_model == StateOptions::ImuModel::KALIBR) {
125  Phi_order.push_back(state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU);
126  } else {
127  Phi_order.push_back(state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU);
128  }
129  }
130  StateHelper::EKFPropagation(state, Phi_order, Phi_order, Phi_summed, Qd_summed);
132  // Set timestamp data
133  state->_timestamp = timestamp;
134  last_prop_time_offset = t_off_new;
136  // Now perform stochastic cloning
137  StateHelper::augment_clone(state, last_w);
138 }
140 bool Propagator::fast_state_propagate(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double timestamp, Eigen::Matrix<double, 13, 1> &state_plus,
141  Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12> &covariance) {
143  // First we will store the current calibration / estimates of the state
144  if (!cache_imu_valid) {
145  cache_state_time = state->_timestamp;
146  cache_state_est = state->_imu->value();
147  cache_state_covariance = StateHelper::get_marginal_covariance(state, {state->_imu});
148  cache_t_off = state->_calib_dt_CAMtoIMU->value()(0);
149  cache_imu_valid = true;
150  }
152  // First lets construct an IMU vector of measurements we need
153  double time0 = cache_state_time + cache_t_off;
154  double time1 = timestamp + cache_t_off;
155  std::vector<ov_core::ImuData> prop_data;
156  {
157  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(imu_data_mtx);
158  prop_data = Propagator::select_imu_readings(imu_data, time0, time1, false);
159  }
160  if (prop_data.size() < 2)
161  return false;
163  // Biases
164  Eigen::Vector3d bias_g = cache_state_est.block(10, 0, 3, 1);
165  Eigen::Vector3d bias_a = cache_state_est.block(13, 0, 3, 1);
167  // IMU intrinsic calibration estimates (static)
168  Eigen::Matrix3d Dw = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_dw->value());
169  Eigen::Matrix3d Da = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_da->value());
170  Eigen::Matrix3d Tg = State::Tg(state->_calib_imu_tg->value());
171  Eigen::Matrix3d R_ACCtoIMU = state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU->Rot();
172  Eigen::Matrix3d R_GYROtoIMU = state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU->Rot();
174  // Loop through all IMU messages, and use them to move the state forward in time
175  // This uses the zero'th order quat, and then constant acceleration discrete
176  for (size_t i = 0; i < prop_data.size() - 1; i++) {
178  // Time elapsed over interval
179  auto data_minus =;
180  auto data_plus = + 1);
181  double dt = data_plus.timestamp - data_minus.timestamp;
183  // Corrected imu acc measurements with our current biases
184  Eigen::Vector3d a_hat1 = R_ACCtoIMU * Da * ( - bias_a);
185  Eigen::Vector3d a_hat2 = R_ACCtoIMU * Da * ( - bias_a);
186  Eigen::Vector3d a_hat = 0.5 * (a_hat1 + a_hat2);
188  // Corrected imu gyro measurements with our current biases
189  Eigen::Vector3d w_hat1 = R_GYROtoIMU * Dw * (data_minus.wm - bias_g - Tg * a_hat1);
190  Eigen::Vector3d w_hat2 = R_GYROtoIMU * Dw * (data_plus.wm - bias_g - Tg * a_hat2);
191  Eigen::Vector3d w_hat = 0.5 * (w_hat1 + w_hat2);
193  // Current state estimates
194  Eigen::Matrix3d R_Gtoi = quat_2_Rot(cache_state_est.block(0, 0, 4, 1));
195  Eigen::Vector3d v_iinG = cache_state_est.block(7, 0, 3, 1);
196  Eigen::Vector3d p_iinG = cache_state_est.block(4, 0, 3, 1);
198  // State transition and noise matrix
199  // TODO: should probably track the correlations with the IMU intrinsics if we are calibrating
200  // TODO: currently this just does a quick discrete prediction using only the previous marg IMU uncertainty
201  Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 15> F = Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 15>::Zero();
202  F.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = exp_so3(-w_hat * dt);
203  F.block(0, 9, 3, 3).noalias() = -exp_so3(-w_hat * dt) * Jr_so3(-w_hat * dt) * dt;
204  F.block(9, 9, 3, 3).setIdentity();
205  F.block(6, 0, 3, 3).noalias() = -R_Gtoi.transpose() * skew_x(a_hat * dt);
206  F.block(6, 6, 3, 3).setIdentity();
207  F.block(6, 12, 3, 3) = -R_Gtoi.transpose() * dt;
208  F.block(12, 12, 3, 3).setIdentity();
209  F.block(3, 0, 3, 3).noalias() = -0.5 * R_Gtoi.transpose() * skew_x(a_hat * dt * dt);
210  F.block(3, 6, 3, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
211  F.block(3, 12, 3, 3) = -0.5 * R_Gtoi.transpose() * dt * dt;
212  F.block(3, 3, 3, 3).setIdentity();
213  Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 12> G = Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 12>::Zero();
214  G.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = -exp_so3(-w_hat * dt) * Jr_so3(-w_hat * dt) * dt;
215  G.block(6, 3, 3, 3) = -R_Gtoi.transpose() * dt;
216  G.block(3, 3, 3, 3) = -0.5 * R_Gtoi.transpose() * dt * dt;
217  G.block(9, 6, 3, 3).setIdentity();
218  G.block(12, 9, 3, 3).setIdentity();
220  // Construct our discrete noise covariance matrix
221  // Note that we need to convert our continuous time noises to discrete
222  // Equations (129) amd (130) of Trawny tech report
223  Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 15> Qd = Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 15>::Zero();
224  Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12> Qc = Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12>::Zero();
225  Qc.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = _noises.sigma_w_2 / dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
226  Qc.block(3, 3, 3, 3) = _noises.sigma_a_2 / dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
227  Qc.block(6, 6, 3, 3) = _noises.sigma_wb_2 * dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
228  Qc.block(9, 9, 3, 3) = _noises.sigma_ab_2 * dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
229  Qd = G * Qc * G.transpose();
230  Qd = 0.5 * (Qd + Qd.transpose());
231  cache_state_covariance = F * cache_state_covariance * F.transpose() + Qd;
233  // Propagate the mean forward
234  cache_state_est.block(0, 0, 4, 1) = rot_2_quat(exp_so3(-w_hat * dt) * R_Gtoi);
235  cache_state_est.block(4, 0, 3, 1) = p_iinG + v_iinG * dt + 0.5 * R_Gtoi.transpose() * a_hat * dt * dt - 0.5 * _gravity * dt * dt;
236  cache_state_est.block(7, 0, 3, 1) = v_iinG + R_Gtoi.transpose() * a_hat * dt - _gravity * dt;
237  }
239  // Move the time forward
240  // This time will now be in the IMU clock, so reset the toff to zero
241  cache_state_time = time1;
242  cache_t_off = 0.0;
244  // Now record what the predicted state should be
245  Eigen::Vector4d q_Gtoi = cache_state_est.block(0, 0, 4, 1);
246  Eigen::Vector3d v_iinG = cache_state_est.block(7, 0, 3, 1);
247  Eigen::Vector3d p_iinG = cache_state_est.block(4, 0, 3, 1);
248  state_plus.setZero();
249  state_plus.block(0, 0, 4, 1) = q_Gtoi;
250  state_plus.block(4, 0, 3, 1) = p_iinG;
251  state_plus.block(7, 0, 3, 1) = quat_2_Rot(q_Gtoi) * v_iinG; // local frame v_iini
252  Eigen::Vector3d last_a = R_ACCtoIMU * Da * ( - 1).am - bias_a);
253  Eigen::Vector3d last_w = R_GYROtoIMU * Dw * ( - 1).wm - bias_g - Tg * last_a);
254  state_plus.block(10, 0, 3, 1) = last_w;
256  // Do a covariance propagation for our velocity (needs to be in local frame)
257  // TODO: more properly do the covariance of the angular velocity here...
258  // TODO: it should be dependent on the state bias, thus correlated with the pose..
259  covariance.setZero();
260  Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 15> Phi = Eigen::Matrix<double, 15, 15>::Identity();
261  Phi.block(6, 6, 3, 3) = quat_2_Rot(q_Gtoi);
262  Eigen::MatrixXd covariance_tmp = Phi * cache_state_covariance * Phi.transpose();
263  covariance.block(0, 0, 9, 9) = covariance_tmp.block(0, 0, 9, 9);
264  double dt = - 1).timestamp - - 2).timestamp;
265  covariance.block(9, 9, 3, 3) = _noises.sigma_w_2 / dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
266  return true;
267 }
269 std::vector<ov_core::ImuData> Propagator::select_imu_readings(const std::vector<ov_core::ImuData> &imu_data, double time0, double time1,
270  bool warn) {
272  // Our vector imu readings
273  std::vector<ov_core::ImuData> prop_data;
275  // Ensure we have some measurements in the first place!
276  if (imu_data.empty()) {
277  if (warn)
278  PRINT_WARNING(YELLOW "Propagator::select_imu_readings(): No IMU measurements. IMU-CAMERA are likely messed up!!!\n" RESET);
279  return prop_data;
280  }
282  // Loop through and find all the needed measurements to propagate with
283  // Note we split measurements based on the given state time, and the update timestamp
284  for (size_t i = 0; i < imu_data.size() - 1; i++) {
287  // If the next timestamp is greater then our current state time
288  // And the current is not greater then it yet...
289  // Then we should "split" our current IMU measurement
290  if ( + 1).timestamp > time0 && < time0) {
291  ov_core::ImuData data = Propagator::interpolate_data(, + 1), time0);
292  prop_data.push_back(data);
293  // PRINT_DEBUG("propagation #%d = CASE 1 = %.3f => %.3f\n", (int)i, data.timestamp -,
294  // time0 -;
295  continue;
296  }
299  // If our imu measurement is right in the middle of our propagation period
300  // Then we should just append the whole measurement time to our propagation vector
301  if ( >= time0 && + 1).timestamp <= time1) {
302  prop_data.push_back(;
303  // PRINT_DEBUG("propagation #%d = CASE 2 = %.3f\n", (int)i, -;
304  continue;
305  }
308  // If the current timestamp is greater then our update time
309  // We should just "split" the NEXT IMU measurement to the update time,
310  // NOTE: we add the current time, and then the time at the end of the interval (so we can get a dt)
311  // NOTE: we also break out of this loop, as this is the last IMU measurement we need!
312  if ( + 1).timestamp > time1) {
313  // If we have a very low frequency IMU then, we could have only recorded the first integration (i.e. case 1) and nothing else
314  // In this case, both the current IMU measurement and the next is greater than the desired intepolation, thus we should just cut the
315  // current at the desired time Else, we have hit CASE2 and this IMU measurement is not past the desired propagation time, thus add the
316  // whole IMU reading
317  if ( > time1 && i == 0) {
318  // This case can happen if we don't have any imu data that has occured before the startup time
319  // This means that either we have dropped IMU data, or we have not gotten enough.
320  // In this case we can't propgate forward in time, so there is not that much we can do.
321  break;
322  } else if ( > time1) {
323  ov_core::ImuData data = interpolate_data( - 1),, time1);
324  prop_data.push_back(data);
325  // PRINT_DEBUG("propagation #%d = CASE 3.1 = %.3f => %.3f\n", (int)i, -,
326  // - time0);
327  } else {
328  prop_data.push_back(;
329  // PRINT_DEBUG("propagation #%d = CASE 3.2 = %.3f => %.3f\n", (int)i, -,
330  // - time0);
331  }
332  // If the added IMU message doesn't end exactly at the camera time
333  // Then we need to add another one that is right at the ending time
334  if ( - 1).timestamp != time1) {
335  ov_core::ImuData data = interpolate_data(, + 1), time1);
336  prop_data.push_back(data);
337  // PRINT_DEBUG("propagation #%d = CASE 3.3 = %.3f => %.3f\n", (int)i, data.timestamp -,
338  // data.timestamp - time0);
339  }
340  break;
341  }
342  }
344  // Check that we have at least one measurement to propagate with
345  if (prop_data.empty()) {
346  if (warn)
349  "Propagator::select_imu_readings(): No IMU measurements to propagate with (%d of 2). IMU-CAMERA are likely messed up!!!\n" RESET,
350  (int)prop_data.size());
351  return prop_data;
352  }
354  // If we did not reach the whole integration period
355  // (i.e., the last inertial measurement we have is smaller then the time we want to reach)
356  // Then we should just "stretch" the last measurement to be the whole period
357  // TODO: this really isn't that good of logic, we should fix this so the above logic is exact!
358  if ( - 1).timestamp != time1) {
359  if (warn)
360  PRINT_DEBUG(YELLOW "Propagator::select_imu_readings(): Missing inertial measurements to propagate with (%f sec missing)!\n" RESET,
361  (time1 - - 1).timestamp));
362  ov_core::ImuData data = interpolate_data( - 2), - 1), time1);
363  prop_data.push_back(data);
364  // PRINT_DEBUG("propagation #%d = CASE 3.4 = %.3f => %.3f\n", (int)(imu_data.size() - 2), data.timestamp -,
365  // data.timestamp - time0);
366  }
368  // Loop through and ensure we do not have any zero dt values
369  // This would cause the noise covariance to be Infinity
370  // TODO: we should actually fix this by properly implementing this function and doing unit tests on it...
371  for (size_t i = 0; i < prop_data.size() - 1; i++) {
372  if (std::abs( + 1).timestamp - < 1e-12) {
373  if (warn)
374  PRINT_WARNING(YELLOW "Propagator::select_imu_readings(): Zero DT between IMU reading %d and %d, removing it!\n" RESET, (int)i,
375  (int)(i + 1));
376  prop_data.erase(prop_data.begin() + i);
377  i--;
378  }
379  }
381  // Check that we have at least one measurement to propagate with
382  if (prop_data.size() < 2) {
383  if (warn)
386  "Propagator::select_imu_readings(): No IMU measurements to propagate with (%d of 2). IMU-CAMERA are likely messed up!!!\n" RESET,
387  (int)prop_data.size());
388  return prop_data;
389  }
391  // Success :D
392  return prop_data;
393 }
395 void Propagator::predict_and_compute(std::shared_ptr<State> state, const ov_core::ImuData &data_minus, const ov_core::ImuData &data_plus,
396  Eigen::MatrixXd &F, Eigen::MatrixXd &Qd) {
398  // Time elapsed over interval
399  double dt = data_plus.timestamp - data_minus.timestamp;
400  // assert(data_plus.timestamp>data_minus.timestamp);
402  // IMU intrinsic calibration estimates (static)
403  Eigen::Matrix3d Dw = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_dw->value());
404  Eigen::Matrix3d Da = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_da->value());
405  Eigen::Matrix3d Tg = State::Tg(state->_calib_imu_tg->value());
407  // Corrected imu acc measurements with our current biases
408  Eigen::Vector3d a_hat1 = - state->_imu->bias_a();
409  Eigen::Vector3d a_hat2 = - state->_imu->bias_a();
410  Eigen::Vector3d a_hat_avg = .5 * (a_hat1 + a_hat2);
412  // Convert "raw" imu to its corrected frame using the IMU intrinsics
413  Eigen::Vector3d a_uncorrected = a_hat_avg;
414  Eigen::Matrix3d R_ACCtoIMU = state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU->Rot();
415  a_hat1 = R_ACCtoIMU * Da * a_hat1;
416  a_hat2 = R_ACCtoIMU * Da * a_hat2;
417  a_hat_avg = R_ACCtoIMU * Da * a_hat_avg;
419  // Corrected imu gyro measurements with our current biases and gravity sensitivity
420  Eigen::Vector3d w_hat1 = data_minus.wm - state->_imu->bias_g() - Tg * a_hat1;
421  Eigen::Vector3d w_hat2 = data_plus.wm - state->_imu->bias_g() - Tg * a_hat2;
422  Eigen::Vector3d w_hat_avg = .5 * (w_hat1 + w_hat2);
424  // Convert "raw" imu to its corrected frame using the IMU intrinsics
425  Eigen::Vector3d w_uncorrected = w_hat_avg;
426  Eigen::Matrix3d R_GYROtoIMU = state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU->Rot();
427  w_hat1 = R_GYROtoIMU * Dw * w_hat1;
428  w_hat2 = R_GYROtoIMU * Dw * w_hat2;
429  w_hat_avg = R_GYROtoIMU * Dw * w_hat_avg;
431  // Pre-compute some analytical values for the mean and covariance integration
432  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 18> Xi_sum = Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 18>::Zero(3, 18);
433  if (state->_options.integration_method == StateOptions::IntegrationMethod::RK4 ||
434  state->_options.integration_method == StateOptions::IntegrationMethod::ANALYTICAL) {
435  compute_Xi_sum(state, dt, w_hat_avg, a_hat_avg, Xi_sum);
436  }
438  // Compute the new state mean value
439  Eigen::Vector4d new_q;
440  Eigen::Vector3d new_v, new_p;
441  if (state->_options.integration_method == StateOptions::IntegrationMethod::ANALYTICAL) {
442  predict_mean_analytic(state, dt, w_hat_avg, a_hat_avg, new_q, new_v, new_p, Xi_sum);
443  } else if (state->_options.integration_method == StateOptions::IntegrationMethod::RK4) {
444  predict_mean_rk4(state, dt, w_hat1, a_hat1, w_hat2, a_hat2, new_q, new_v, new_p);
445  } else {
446  predict_mean_discrete(state, dt, w_hat_avg, a_hat_avg, new_q, new_v, new_p);
447  }
449  // Allocate state transition and continuous-time noise Jacobian
450  F = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15, state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15);
451  Eigen::MatrixXd G = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15, 12);
452  if (state->_options.integration_method == StateOptions::IntegrationMethod::RK4 ||
453  state->_options.integration_method == StateOptions::IntegrationMethod::ANALYTICAL) {
454  compute_F_and_G_analytic(state, dt, w_hat_avg, a_hat_avg, w_uncorrected, a_uncorrected, new_q, new_v, new_p, Xi_sum, F, G);
455  } else {
456  compute_F_and_G_discrete(state, dt, w_hat_avg, a_hat_avg, w_uncorrected, a_uncorrected, new_q, new_v, new_p, F, G);
457  }
459  // Construct our discrete noise covariance matrix
460  // Note that we need to convert our continuous time noises to discrete
461  // Equations (129) amd (130) of Trawny tech report
462  Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12> Qc = Eigen::Matrix<double, 12, 12>::Zero();
463  Qc.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = std::pow(_noises.sigma_w, 2) / dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
464  Qc.block(3, 3, 3, 3) = std::pow(_noises.sigma_a, 2) / dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
465  Qc.block(6, 6, 3, 3) = std::pow(_noises.sigma_wb, 2) / dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
466  Qc.block(9, 9, 3, 3) = std::pow(_noises.sigma_ab, 2) / dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
468  // Compute the noise injected into the state over the interval
469  Qd = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15, state->imu_intrinsic_size() + 15);
470  Qd = G * Qc * G.transpose();
471  Qd = 0.5 * (Qd + Qd.transpose());
473  // Now replace imu estimate and fej with propagated values
474  Eigen::Matrix<double, 16, 1> imu_x = state->_imu->value();
475  imu_x.block(0, 0, 4, 1) = new_q;
476  imu_x.block(4, 0, 3, 1) = new_p;
477  imu_x.block(7, 0, 3, 1) = new_v;
478  state->_imu->set_value(imu_x);
479  state->_imu->set_fej(imu_x);
480 }
482 void Propagator::predict_mean_discrete(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double dt, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_hat, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_hat,
483  Eigen::Vector4d &new_q, Eigen::Vector3d &new_v, Eigen::Vector3d &new_p) {
485  // Pre-compute things
486  double w_norm = w_hat.norm();
487  Eigen::Matrix4d I_4x4 = Eigen::Matrix4d::Identity();
488  Eigen::Matrix3d R_Gtoi = state->_imu->Rot();
490  // Orientation: Equation (101) and (103) and of Trawny indirect TR
491  Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 4> bigO;
492  if (w_norm > 1e-12) {
493  bigO = cos(0.5 * w_norm * dt) * I_4x4 + 1 / w_norm * sin(0.5 * w_norm * dt) * Omega(w_hat);
494  } else {
495  bigO = I_4x4 + 0.5 * dt * Omega(w_hat);
496  }
497  new_q = quatnorm(bigO * state->_imu->quat());
498  // new_q = rot_2_quat(exp_so3(-w_hat*dt)*R_Gtoi);
500  // Velocity: just the acceleration in the local frame, minus global gravity
501  new_v = state->_imu->vel() + R_Gtoi.transpose() * a_hat * dt - _gravity * dt;
503  // Position: just velocity times dt, with the acceleration integrated twice
504  new_p = state->_imu->pos() + state->_imu->vel() * dt + 0.5 * R_Gtoi.transpose() * a_hat * dt * dt - 0.5 * _gravity * dt * dt;
505 }
507 void Propagator::predict_mean_rk4(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double dt, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_hat1, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_hat1,
508  const Eigen::Vector3d &w_hat2, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_hat2, Eigen::Vector4d &new_q,
509  Eigen::Vector3d &new_v, Eigen::Vector3d &new_p) {
511  // Pre-compute things
512  Eigen::Vector3d w_hat = w_hat1;
513  Eigen::Vector3d a_hat = a_hat1;
514  Eigen::Vector3d w_alpha = (w_hat2 - w_hat1) / dt;
515  Eigen::Vector3d a_jerk = (a_hat2 - a_hat1) / dt;
517  // y0 ================
518  Eigen::Vector4d q_0 = state->_imu->quat();
519  Eigen::Vector3d p_0 = state->_imu->pos();
520  Eigen::Vector3d v_0 = state->_imu->vel();
522  // k1 ================
523  Eigen::Vector4d dq_0 = {0, 0, 0, 1};
524  Eigen::Vector4d q0_dot = 0.5 * Omega(w_hat) * dq_0;
525  Eigen::Vector3d p0_dot = v_0;
526  Eigen::Matrix3d R_Gto0 = quat_2_Rot(quat_multiply(dq_0, q_0));
527  Eigen::Vector3d v0_dot = R_Gto0.transpose() * a_hat - _gravity;
529  Eigen::Vector4d k1_q = q0_dot * dt;
530  Eigen::Vector3d k1_p = p0_dot * dt;
531  Eigen::Vector3d k1_v = v0_dot * dt;
533  // k2 ================
534  w_hat += 0.5 * w_alpha * dt;
535  a_hat += 0.5 * a_jerk * dt;
537  Eigen::Vector4d dq_1 = quatnorm(dq_0 + 0.5 * k1_q);
538  // Eigen::Vector3d p_1 = p_0+0.5*k1_p;
539  Eigen::Vector3d v_1 = v_0 + 0.5 * k1_v;
541  Eigen::Vector4d q1_dot = 0.5 * Omega(w_hat) * dq_1;
542  Eigen::Vector3d p1_dot = v_1;
543  Eigen::Matrix3d R_Gto1 = quat_2_Rot(quat_multiply(dq_1, q_0));
544  Eigen::Vector3d v1_dot = R_Gto1.transpose() * a_hat - _gravity;
546  Eigen::Vector4d k2_q = q1_dot * dt;
547  Eigen::Vector3d k2_p = p1_dot * dt;
548  Eigen::Vector3d k2_v = v1_dot * dt;
550  // k3 ================
551  Eigen::Vector4d dq_2 = quatnorm(dq_0 + 0.5 * k2_q);
552  // Eigen::Vector3d p_2 = p_0+0.5*k2_p;
553  Eigen::Vector3d v_2 = v_0 + 0.5 * k2_v;
555  Eigen::Vector4d q2_dot = 0.5 * Omega(w_hat) * dq_2;
556  Eigen::Vector3d p2_dot = v_2;
557  Eigen::Matrix3d R_Gto2 = quat_2_Rot(quat_multiply(dq_2, q_0));
558  Eigen::Vector3d v2_dot = R_Gto2.transpose() * a_hat - _gravity;
560  Eigen::Vector4d k3_q = q2_dot * dt;
561  Eigen::Vector3d k3_p = p2_dot * dt;
562  Eigen::Vector3d k3_v = v2_dot * dt;
564  // k4 ================
565  w_hat += 0.5 * w_alpha * dt;
566  a_hat += 0.5 * a_jerk * dt;
568  Eigen::Vector4d dq_3 = quatnorm(dq_0 + k3_q);
569  // Eigen::Vector3d p_3 = p_0+k3_p;
570  Eigen::Vector3d v_3 = v_0 + k3_v;
572  Eigen::Vector4d q3_dot = 0.5 * Omega(w_hat) * dq_3;
573  Eigen::Vector3d p3_dot = v_3;
574  Eigen::Matrix3d R_Gto3 = quat_2_Rot(quat_multiply(dq_3, q_0));
575  Eigen::Vector3d v3_dot = R_Gto3.transpose() * a_hat - _gravity;
577  Eigen::Vector4d k4_q = q3_dot * dt;
578  Eigen::Vector3d k4_p = p3_dot * dt;
579  Eigen::Vector3d k4_v = v3_dot * dt;
581  // y+dt ================
582  Eigen::Vector4d dq = quatnorm(dq_0 + (1.0 / 6.0) * k1_q + (1.0 / 3.0) * k2_q + (1.0 / 3.0) * k3_q + (1.0 / 6.0) * k4_q);
583  new_q = quat_multiply(dq, q_0);
584  new_p = p_0 + (1.0 / 6.0) * k1_p + (1.0 / 3.0) * k2_p + (1.0 / 3.0) * k3_p + (1.0 / 6.0) * k4_p;
585  new_v = v_0 + (1.0 / 6.0) * k1_v + (1.0 / 3.0) * k2_v + (1.0 / 3.0) * k3_v + (1.0 / 6.0) * k4_v;
586 }
588 void Propagator::compute_Xi_sum(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double dt, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_hat, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_hat,
589  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 18> &Xi_sum) {
591  // Decompose our angular velocity into a direction and amount
592  double w_norm = w_hat.norm();
593  double d_th = w_norm * dt;
594  Eigen::Vector3d k_hat = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
595  if (w_norm > 1e-12) {
596  k_hat = w_hat / w_norm;
597  }
599  // Compute useful identities used throughout
600  Eigen::Matrix3d I_3x3 = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
601  double d_t2 = std::pow(dt, 2);
602  double d_t3 = std::pow(dt, 3);
603  double w_norm2 = std::pow(w_norm, 2);
604  double w_norm3 = std::pow(w_norm, 3);
605  double cos_dth = std::cos(d_th);
606  double sin_dth = std::sin(d_th);
607  double d_th2 = std::pow(d_th, 2);
608  double d_th3 = std::pow(d_th, 3);
609  Eigen::Matrix3d sK = ov_core::skew_x(k_hat);
610  Eigen::Matrix3d sK2 = sK * sK;
611  Eigen::Matrix3d sA = ov_core::skew_x(a_hat);
613  // Integration components will be used later
614  Eigen::Matrix3d R_ktok1, Xi_1, Xi_2, Jr_ktok1, Xi_3, Xi_4;
615  R_ktok1 = ov_core::exp_so3(-w_hat * dt);
616  Jr_ktok1 = ov_core::Jr_so3(-w_hat * dt);
618  // Now begin the integration of each component
619  // Based on the delta theta, let's decide which integration will be used
620  bool small_w = (w_norm < 1.0 / 180 * M_PI / 2);
621  if (!small_w) {
623  // first order rotation integration with constant omega
624  Xi_1 = I_3x3 * dt + (1.0 - cos_dth) / w_norm * sK + (dt - sin_dth / w_norm) * sK2;
626  // second order rotation integration with constant omega
627  Xi_2 = 1.0 / 2 * d_t2 * I_3x3 + (d_th - sin_dth) / w_norm2 * sK + (1.0 / 2 * d_t2 - (1.0 - cos_dth) / w_norm2) * sK2;
629  // first order integration with constant omega and constant acc
630  Xi_3 = 1.0 / 2 * d_t2 * sA + (sin_dth - d_th) / w_norm2 * sA * sK + (sin_dth - d_th * cos_dth) / w_norm2 * sK * sA +
631  (1.0 / 2 * d_t2 - (1.0 - cos_dth) / w_norm2) * sA * sK2 +
632  (1.0 / 2 * d_t2 + (1.0 - cos_dth - d_th * sin_dth) / w_norm2) * (sK2 * sA + * sK) -
633  (3 * sin_dth - 2 * d_th - d_th * cos_dth) / w_norm2 * * sK2;
635  // second order integration with constant omega and constant acc
636  Xi_4 = 1.0 / 6 * d_t3 * sA + (2 * (1.0 - cos_dth) - d_th2) / (2 * w_norm3) * sA * sK +
637  ((2 * (1.0 - cos_dth) - d_th * sin_dth) / w_norm3) * sK * sA + ((sin_dth - d_th) / w_norm3 + d_t3 / 6) * sA * sK2 +
638  ((d_th - 2 * sin_dth + 1.0 / 6 * d_th3 + d_th * cos_dth) / w_norm3) * (sK2 * sA + * sK) +
639  (4 * cos_dth - 4 + d_th2 + d_th * sin_dth) / w_norm3 * * sK2;
641  } else {
643  // first order rotation integration with constant omega
644  Xi_1 = dt * (I_3x3 + sin_dth * sK + (1.0 - cos_dth) * sK2);
646  // second order rotation integration with constant omega
647  Xi_2 = 1.0 / 2 * dt * Xi_1;
649  // first order integration with constant omega and constant acc
650  Xi_3 = 1.0 / 2 * d_t2 *
651  (sA + sin_dth * (-sA * sK + sK * sA + * sK2) + (1.0 - cos_dth) * (sA * sK2 + sK2 * sA + * sK));
653  // second order integration with constant omega and constant acc
654  Xi_4 = 1.0 / 3 * dt * Xi_3;
655  }
657  // Store the integrated parameters
658  Xi_sum.setZero();
659  Xi_sum.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = R_ktok1;
660  Xi_sum.block(0, 3, 3, 3) = Xi_1;
661  Xi_sum.block(0, 6, 3, 3) = Xi_2;
662  Xi_sum.block(0, 9, 3, 3) = Jr_ktok1;
663  Xi_sum.block(0, 12, 3, 3) = Xi_3;
664  Xi_sum.block(0, 15, 3, 3) = Xi_4;
665 }
667 void Propagator::predict_mean_analytic(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double dt, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_hat, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_hat,
668  Eigen::Vector4d &new_q, Eigen::Vector3d &new_v, Eigen::Vector3d &new_p,
669  Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 18> &Xi_sum) {
671  // Pre-compute things
672  Eigen::Matrix3d R_Gtok = state->_imu->Rot();
673  Eigen::Vector4d q_ktok1 = ov_core::rot_2_quat(Xi_sum.block(0, 0, 3, 3));
674  Eigen::Matrix3d Xi_1 = Xi_sum.block(0, 3, 3, 3);
675  Eigen::Matrix3d Xi_2 = Xi_sum.block(0, 6, 3, 3);
677  // Use our integrated Xi's to move the state forward
678  new_q = ov_core::quat_multiply(q_ktok1, state->_imu->quat());
679  new_v = state->_imu->vel() + R_Gtok.transpose() * Xi_1 * a_hat - _gravity * dt;
680  new_p = state->_imu->pos() + state->_imu->vel() * dt + R_Gtok.transpose() * Xi_2 * a_hat - 0.5 * _gravity * dt * dt;
681 }
683 void Propagator::compute_F_and_G_analytic(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double dt, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_hat,
684  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_hat, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_uncorrected,
685  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_uncorrected, const Eigen::Vector4d &new_q, const Eigen::Vector3d &new_v,
686  const Eigen::Vector3d &new_p, const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 18> &Xi_sum, Eigen::MatrixXd &F,
687  Eigen::MatrixXd &G) {
689  // Get the locations of each entry of the imu state
690  int local_size = 0;
691  int th_id = local_size;
692  local_size += state->_imu->q()->size();
693  int p_id = local_size;
694  local_size += state->_imu->p()->size();
695  int v_id = local_size;
696  local_size += state->_imu->v()->size();
697  int bg_id = local_size;
698  local_size += state->_imu->bg()->size();
699  int ba_id = local_size;
700  local_size += state->_imu->ba()->size();
702  // If we are doing calibration, we can define their "local" id in the state transition
703  int Dw_id = -1;
704  int Da_id = -1;
705  int Tg_id = -1;
706  int th_atoI_id = -1;
707  int th_wtoI_id = -1;
708  if (state->_options.do_calib_imu_intrinsics) {
709  Dw_id = local_size;
710  local_size += state->_calib_imu_dw->size();
711  Da_id = local_size;
712  local_size += state->_calib_imu_da->size();
713  if (state->_options.do_calib_imu_g_sensitivity) {
714  Tg_id = local_size;
715  local_size += state->_calib_imu_tg->size();
716  }
717  if (state->_options.imu_model == StateOptions::ImuModel::KALIBR) {
718  th_wtoI_id = local_size;
719  local_size += state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU->size();
720  } else {
721  th_atoI_id = local_size;
722  local_size += state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU->size();
723  }
724  }
726  // The change in the orientation from the end of the last prop to the current prop
727  // This is needed since we need to include the "k-th" updated orientation information
728  Eigen::Matrix3d R_k = state->_imu->Rot();
729  Eigen::Vector3d v_k = state->_imu->vel();
730  Eigen::Vector3d p_k = state->_imu->pos();
731  if (state->_options.do_fej) {
732  R_k = state->_imu->Rot_fej();
733  v_k = state->_imu->vel_fej();
734  p_k = state->_imu->pos_fej();
735  }
736  Eigen::Matrix3d dR_ktok1 = quat_2_Rot(new_q) * R_k.transpose();
738  Eigen::Matrix3d Dw = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_dw->value());
739  Eigen::Matrix3d Da = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_da->value());
740  Eigen::Matrix3d Tg = State::Tg(state->_calib_imu_tg->value());
741  Eigen::Matrix3d R_atoI = state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU->Rot();
742  Eigen::Matrix3d R_wtoI = state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU->Rot();
743  Eigen::Vector3d a_k = R_atoI * Da * a_uncorrected;
744  Eigen::Vector3d w_k = R_wtoI * Dw * w_uncorrected; // contains gravity correction already
746  Eigen::Matrix3d Xi_1 = Xi_sum.block(0, 3, 3, 3);
747  Eigen::Matrix3d Xi_2 = Xi_sum.block(0, 6, 3, 3);
748  Eigen::Matrix3d Jr_ktok1 = Xi_sum.block(0, 9, 3, 3);
749  Eigen::Matrix3d Xi_3 = Xi_sum.block(0, 12, 3, 3);
750  Eigen::Matrix3d Xi_4 = Xi_sum.block(0, 15, 3, 3);
752  // for th
753  F.block(th_id, th_id, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1;
754  F.block(p_id, th_id, 3, 3) = -skew_x(new_p - p_k - v_k * dt + 0.5 * _gravity * dt * dt) * R_k.transpose();
755  F.block(v_id, th_id, 3, 3) = -skew_x(new_v - v_k + _gravity * dt) * R_k.transpose();
757  // for p
758  F.block(p_id, p_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
760  // for v
761  F.block(p_id, v_id, 3, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
762  F.block(v_id, v_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
764  // for bg
765  F.block(th_id, bg_id, 3, 3) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw;
766  F.block(p_id, bg_id, 3, 3) = R_k.transpose() * Xi_4 * R_wtoI * Dw;
767  F.block(v_id, bg_id, 3, 3) = R_k.transpose() * Xi_3 * R_wtoI * Dw;
768  F.block(bg_id, bg_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
770  // for ba
771  F.block(th_id, ba_id, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg * R_atoI * Da;
772  F.block(p_id, ba_id, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * (Xi_2 + Xi_4 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * R_atoI * Da;
773  F.block(v_id, ba_id, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * (Xi_1 + Xi_3 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * R_atoI * Da;
774  F.block(ba_id, ba_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
776  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the omega intrinsics Dw part
777  if (Dw_id != -1) {
778  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Dw = compute_H_Dw(state, w_uncorrected);
779  F.block(th_id, Dw_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_dw->size()) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * H_Dw;
780  F.block(p_id, Dw_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_dw->size()) = -R_k.transpose() * Xi_4 * R_wtoI * H_Dw;
781  F.block(v_id, Dw_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_dw->size()) = -R_k.transpose() * Xi_3 * R_wtoI * H_Dw;
782  F.block(Dw_id, Dw_id, state->_calib_imu_dw->size(), state->_calib_imu_dw->size()).setIdentity();
783  }
785  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the acc intrinsics Da part
786  if (Da_id != -1) {
787  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Da = compute_H_Da(state, a_uncorrected);
788  F.block(th_id, Da_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_da->size()) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg * R_atoI * H_Da;
789  F.block(p_id, Da_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_da->size()) = R_k.transpose() * (Xi_2 + Xi_4 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * R_atoI * H_Da;
790  F.block(v_id, Da_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_da->size()) = R_k.transpose() * (Xi_1 + Xi_3 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * R_atoI * H_Da;
791  F.block(Da_id, Da_id, state->_calib_imu_da->size(), state->_calib_imu_da->size()).setIdentity();
792  }
794  // add the state transition matrix of the Tg part
795  if (Tg_id != -1) {
796  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Tg = compute_H_Tg(state, a_k);
797  F.block(th_id, Tg_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_tg->size()) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * H_Tg;
798  F.block(p_id, Tg_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_tg->size()) = R_k.transpose() * Xi_4 * R_wtoI * Dw * H_Tg;
799  F.block(v_id, Tg_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_tg->size()) = R_k.transpose() * Xi_3 * R_wtoI * Dw * H_Tg;
800  F.block(Tg_id, Tg_id, state->_calib_imu_tg->size(), state->_calib_imu_tg->size()).setIdentity();
801  }
803  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the R_ACCtoIMU part
804  if (th_atoI_id != -1) {
805  F.block(th_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg * ov_core::skew_x(a_k);
806  F.block(p_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3) = R_k.transpose() * (Xi_2 + Xi_4 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * ov_core::skew_x(a_k);
807  F.block(v_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3) = R_k.transpose() * (Xi_1 + Xi_3 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * ov_core::skew_x(a_k);
808  F.block(th_atoI_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
809  }
811  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the R_GYROtoIMU part
812  if (th_wtoI_id != -1) {
813  F.block(th_id, th_wtoI_id, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * ov_core::skew_x(w_k);
814  F.block(p_id, th_wtoI_id, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * Xi_4 * ov_core::skew_x(w_k);
815  F.block(v_id, th_wtoI_id, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * Xi_3 * ov_core::skew_x(w_k);
816  F.block(th_wtoI_id, th_wtoI_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
817  }
819  // construct the G part
820  G.block(th_id, 0, 3, 3) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw;
821  G.block(p_id, 0, 3, 3) = R_k.transpose() * Xi_4 * R_wtoI * Dw;
822  G.block(v_id, 0, 3, 3) = R_k.transpose() * Xi_3 * R_wtoI * Dw;
823  G.block(th_id, 3, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg * R_atoI * Da;
824  G.block(p_id, 3, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * (Xi_2 + Xi_4 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * R_atoI * Da;
825  G.block(v_id, 3, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * (Xi_1 + Xi_3 * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg) * R_atoI * Da;
826  G.block(bg_id, 6, 3, 3) = dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
827  G.block(ba_id, 9, 3, 3) = dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
828 }
830 void Propagator::compute_F_and_G_discrete(std::shared_ptr<State> state, double dt, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_hat,
831  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_hat, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_uncorrected,
832  const Eigen::Vector3d &a_uncorrected, const Eigen::Vector4d &new_q, const Eigen::Vector3d &new_v,
833  const Eigen::Vector3d &new_p, Eigen::MatrixXd &F, Eigen::MatrixXd &G) {
835  // Get the locations of each entry of the imu state
836  int local_size = 0;
837  int th_id = local_size;
838  local_size += state->_imu->q()->size();
839  int p_id = local_size;
840  local_size += state->_imu->p()->size();
841  int v_id = local_size;
842  local_size += state->_imu->v()->size();
843  int bg_id = local_size;
844  local_size += state->_imu->bg()->size();
845  int ba_id = local_size;
846  local_size += state->_imu->ba()->size();
848  // If we are doing calibration, we can define their "local" id in the state transition
849  int Dw_id = -1;
850  int Da_id = -1;
851  int Tg_id = -1;
852  int th_atoI_id = -1;
853  int th_wtoI_id = -1;
854  if (state->_options.do_calib_imu_intrinsics) {
855  Dw_id = local_size;
856  local_size += state->_calib_imu_dw->size();
857  Da_id = local_size;
858  local_size += state->_calib_imu_da->size();
859  if (state->_options.do_calib_imu_g_sensitivity) {
860  Tg_id = local_size;
861  local_size += state->_calib_imu_tg->size();
862  }
863  if (state->_options.imu_model == StateOptions::ImuModel::KALIBR) {
864  th_wtoI_id = local_size;
865  local_size += state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU->size();
866  } else {
867  th_atoI_id = local_size;
868  local_size += state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU->size();
869  }
870  }
872  // This is the change in the orientation from the end of the last prop to the current prop
873  // This is needed since we need to include the "k-th" updated orientation information
874  Eigen::Matrix3d R_k = state->_imu->Rot();
875  Eigen::Vector3d v_k = state->_imu->vel();
876  Eigen::Vector3d p_k = state->_imu->pos();
877  if (state->_options.do_fej) {
878  R_k = state->_imu->Rot_fej();
879  v_k = state->_imu->vel_fej();
880  p_k = state->_imu->pos_fej();
881  }
882  Eigen::Matrix3d dR_ktok1 = quat_2_Rot(new_q) * R_k.transpose();
884  // This is the change in the orientation from the end of the last prop to the current prop
885  // This is needed since we need to include the "k-th" updated orientation information
886  Eigen::Matrix3d Dw = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_dw->value());
887  Eigen::Matrix3d Da = State::Dm(state->_options.imu_model, state->_calib_imu_da->value());
888  Eigen::Matrix3d Tg = State::Tg(state->_calib_imu_tg->value());
889  Eigen::Matrix3d R_atoI = state->_calib_imu_ACCtoIMU->Rot();
890  Eigen::Matrix3d R_wtoI = state->_calib_imu_GYROtoIMU->Rot();
891  Eigen::Vector3d a_k = R_atoI * Da * a_uncorrected;
892  Eigen::Vector3d w_k = R_wtoI * Dw * w_uncorrected; // contains gravity correction already
893  Eigen::Matrix3d Jr_ktok1 = Jr_so3(log_so3(dR_ktok1));
895  // for theta
896  F.block(th_id, th_id, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1;
897  // F.block(th_id, bg_id, 3, 3) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_so3(w_hat * dt) * dt * R_wtoI_fej * Dw_fej;
898  F.block(th_id, bg_id, 3, 3) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw;
899  F.block(th_id, ba_id, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg * R_atoI * Da;
901  // for position
902  F.block(p_id, th_id, 3, 3) = -skew_x(new_p - p_k - v_k * dt + 0.5 * _gravity * dt * dt) * R_k.transpose();
903  F.block(p_id, p_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
904  F.block(p_id, v_id, 3, 3) = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() * dt;
905  F.block(p_id, ba_id, 3, 3) = -0.5 * R_k.transpose() * dt * dt * R_atoI * Da;
907  // for velocity
908  F.block(v_id, th_id, 3, 3) = -skew_x(new_v - v_k + _gravity * dt) * R_k.transpose();
909  F.block(v_id, v_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
910  F.block(v_id, ba_id, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * dt * R_atoI * Da;
912  // for bg
913  F.block(bg_id, bg_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
915  // for ba
916  F.block(ba_id, ba_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
918  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the omega intrinsics Dw part
919  if (Dw_id != -1) {
920  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Dw = compute_H_Dw(state, w_uncorrected);
921  F.block(th_id, Dw_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_dw->size()) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * H_Dw;
922  F.block(Dw_id, Dw_id, state->_calib_imu_dw->size(), state->_calib_imu_dw->size()).setIdentity();
923  }
925  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the acc intrinsics Da part
926  if (Da_id != -1) {
927  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Da = compute_H_Da(state, a_uncorrected);
928  F.block(th_id, Da_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_da->size()) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Tg * R_atoI * H_Da;
929  F.block(p_id, Da_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_da->size()) = 0.5 * R_k.transpose() * dt * dt * R_atoI * H_Da;
930  F.block(v_id, Da_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_da->size()) = R_k.transpose() * dt * R_atoI * H_Da;
931  F.block(Da_id, Da_id, state->_calib_imu_da->size(), state->_calib_imu_da->size()).setIdentity();
932  }
934  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the gravity sensitivity Tg part
935  if (Tg_id != -1) {
936  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Tg = compute_H_Tg(state, a_k);
937  F.block(th_id, Tg_id, 3, state->_calib_imu_tg->size()) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * H_Tg;
938  F.block(Tg_id, Tg_id, state->_calib_imu_tg->size(), state->_calib_imu_tg->size()).setIdentity();
939  }
941  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the R_ACCtoIMU part
942  if (th_atoI_id != -1) {
943  F.block(th_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg * ov_core::skew_x(a_k);
944  F.block(p_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3) = 0.5 * R_k.transpose() * dt * dt * ov_core::skew_x(a_k);
945  F.block(v_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3) = R_k.transpose() * dt * ov_core::skew_x(a_k);
946  F.block(th_atoI_id, th_atoI_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
947  }
949  // begin to add the state transition matrix for the R_GYROtoIMU part
950  if (th_wtoI_id != -1) {
951  F.block(th_id, th_wtoI_id, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * ov_core::skew_x(w_k);
952  F.block(th_wtoI_id, th_wtoI_id, 3, 3).setIdentity();
953  }
955  // Noise jacobian
956  G.block(th_id, 0, 3, 3) = -dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw;
957  G.block(th_id, 3, 3, 3) = dR_ktok1 * Jr_ktok1 * dt * R_wtoI * Dw * Tg * R_atoI * Da;
958  G.block(v_id, 3, 3, 3) = -R_k.transpose() * dt * R_atoI * Da;
959  G.block(p_id, 3, 3, 3) = -0.5 * R_k.transpose() * dt * dt * R_atoI * Da;
960  G.block(bg_id, 6, 3, 3) = dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
961  G.block(ba_id, 9, 3, 3) = dt * Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
962 }
964 Eigen::MatrixXd Propagator::compute_H_Dw(std::shared_ptr<State> state, const Eigen::Vector3d &w_uncorrected) {
966  Eigen::Matrix3d I_3x3 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(3, 3);
967  Eigen::Vector3d e_1 = I_3x3.block(0, 0, 3, 1);
968  Eigen::Vector3d e_2 = I_3x3.block(0, 1, 3, 1);
969  Eigen::Vector3d e_3 = I_3x3.block(0, 2, 3, 1);
970  double w_1 = w_uncorrected(0);
971  double w_2 = w_uncorrected(1);
972  double w_3 = w_uncorrected(2);
973  assert(state->_options.do_calib_imu_intrinsics);
975  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Dw = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3, 6);
976  if (state->_options.imu_model == StateOptions::ImuModel::KALIBR) {
977  H_Dw << w_1 * I_3x3, w_2 * e_2, w_2 * e_3, w_3 * e_3;
978  } else {
979  H_Dw << w_1 * e_1, w_2 * e_1, w_2 * e_2, w_3 * I_3x3;
980  }
981  return H_Dw;
982 }
984 Eigen::MatrixXd Propagator::compute_H_Da(std::shared_ptr<State> state, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_uncorrected) {
986  Eigen::Matrix3d I_3x3 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(3, 3);
987  Eigen::Vector3d e_1 = I_3x3.block(0, 0, 3, 1);
988  Eigen::Vector3d e_2 = I_3x3.block(0, 1, 3, 1);
989  Eigen::Vector3d e_3 = I_3x3.block(0, 2, 3, 1);
990  double a_1 = a_uncorrected(0);
991  double a_2 = a_uncorrected(1);
992  double a_3 = a_uncorrected(2);
993  assert(state->_options.do_calib_imu_intrinsics);
995  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Da = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3, 6);
996  if (state->_options.imu_model == StateOptions::ImuModel::KALIBR) {
997  H_Da << a_1 * I_3x3, a_2 * e_2, a_2 * e_3, a_3 * e_3;
998  } else {
999  H_Da << a_1 * e_1, a_2 * e_1, a_2 * e_2, a_3 * I_3x3;
1000  }
1001  return H_Da;
1002 }
1004 Eigen::MatrixXd Propagator::compute_H_Tg(std::shared_ptr<State> state, const Eigen::Vector3d &a_inI) {
1006  Eigen::Matrix3d I_3x3 = Eigen::MatrixXd::Identity(3, 3);
1007  double a_1 = a_inI(0);
1008  double a_2 = a_inI(1);
1009  double a_3 = a_inI(2);
1010  assert(state->_options.do_calib_imu_intrinsics);
1011  assert(state->_options.do_calib_imu_g_sensitivity);
1013  Eigen::MatrixXd H_Tg = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(3, 9);
1014  H_Tg << a_1 * I_3x3, a_2 * I_3x3, a_3 * I_3x3;
1015  return H_Tg;
1016 }
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > Jr_so3(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > &w)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > skew_x(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > &w)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > quat_multiply(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > &q, const Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > &p)
#define PRINT_DEBUG(x...)
Extended Kalman Filter estimator.
Definition: VioManager.h:46
#define PRINT_ERROR(x...)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > exp_so3(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > &w)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > wm
Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 4 > Omega(Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > w)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > rot_2_quat(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > &rot)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > quat_2_Rot(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > &q)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > am
Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > quatnorm(Eigen::Matrix< double, 4, 1 > q_t)
#define RESET
void setIdentity(geometry_msgs::Transform &tx)
double timestamp
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > log_so3(const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > &R)
#define PRINT_WARNING(x...)

Author(s): Patrick Geneva , Kevin Eckenhoff , Guoquan Huang
autogenerated on Mon Dec 16 2024 03:06:54