2 参数介绍

rslidar_sdk读取配置文件 config.yaml,得到所有的参数。config.yamlrslidar_sdk/config文件夹中。


config.yaml包括两部分:common部分 和 lidar部分。


2.1 common部分


  msg_source: 1                                         
  send_packet_ros: false                               
  send_point_cloud_ros: false                           
  • msg_source

  • send_packet_ros

    • true – 雷达Packet消息将通过ROS/ROS2发出

      *雷达ROS packet消息为速腾聚创自定义ROS消息,用户使用ROS/ROS2 echo命令不能查看消息的具体内容。这个功能用于录制ROS/ROS2的Packet包,更多使用细节,请参考msg_source=2的情况。

  • send_point_cloud_ros

    • true – 雷达点云消息将通过ROS/ROS2发出

    点云消息的类型为ROS官方定义的点云类型sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, 用户可以使用Rviz直接查看点云。用户可以录制ROS/ROS2的点云包,但点云包的体积非常大,所以不建议这么做。更好的方式是录制Packet包,请参考send_packet_ros=true的情况。

2.2 lidar部分


  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSM1             #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar
      imu_port: 0                  #  IMU port of lidar(only for RSAIRY, RSE1), 0 means no imu.
                                   #  If you want to use IMU, please first set ENABLE_IMU_DATA_PARSE to ON in CMakeLists.txt 
      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS 
  • lidar_type


  • msop_port, difop_port, imu_port

    接收MSOP/DIFOP/IMU Packet的msop端口号、difop端口号、 Imu端口号。 若收不到消息,请优先确认这些参数是否配置正确。

  • user_layer_bytes, tail_layer_bytes


  • min_distance, max_distance


  • use_lidar_clock

    • true – 使用雷达时间作为消息时间戳。

    • false – 使用电脑主机时间作为消息时间戳。

  • dense_points

    输出的点云中是否剔除NAN points。默认值为false。

    • true 为剔除,

    • false为不剔除。

  • ts_first_point


  • start_angle, end_angle

    点云消息的起始角度和结束角度。这个设置是软件屏蔽,将区域外的点设置为NAN点,不会减小每帧点云的体积。 start_angle和end_angle的范围是0~360°,起始角可以大于结束角.

  • pcap_path

    pcap包的路径。当 msg_source=3 时有效。

  • pcap_rate

    pcap包播放的倍率。当 msg_source=3 时有效。

  • pcap_repeat

    pcap包是否重复播放。当 msg_source=3 时有效。

2.3 示例

2.3.1 单台雷达


  msg_source: 1                         # 0: not use Lidar
                                        # 1: packet message comes from online Lidar
                                        # 2: packet message comes from ROS or ROS2
                                        # 3: packet message comes from Pcap file
  send_packet_ros: false                # true: Send packets through ROS or ROS2(Used to record packet)
  send_point_cloud_ros: true            # true: Send point cloud through ROS or ROS2
  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSM1             #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar
      imu_port: 0                  #  IMU port of lidar(only for RSAIRY, RSE1), 0 means no imu.
                                   #  If you want to use IMU, please first set ENABLE_IMU_DATA_PARSE to ON in CMakeLists.txt 
      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS 

2.3.2 多台雷达



  msg_source: 1                                         
  send_packet_ros: false                               
  send_point_cloud_ros: true                           
  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSM1             #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar
      imu_port: 0                  #  IMU port of lidar(only for RSAIRY, RSE1), 0 means no imu.
                                   #  If you want to use IMU, please first set ENABLE_IMU_DATA_PARSE to ON in CMakeLists.txt 
      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /left/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /left/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /left/rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /left/rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS 

  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSE1           #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar

      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /right/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /right/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /right/rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /right/rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS