2 Introduction to Parameters

rslidar_sdk reads parameters from the configuration file config.yaml, which is stored in rslidar_sdk/config.

config.yaml contains two parts, the common part and the lidar part.

rslidar_sdk supports multi-LiDARs case. The common part is shared by all LiDARs, while in the lidar part, each child node is for an individual Lidar.

config.yaml is indentation sensitive! Please make sure the indentation is not changed after adjusting the parameters!

2.1 Common

The common part specifies the source of LiDAR packets, and where to publish point clouds and packets.

  msg_source: 1                                         
  send_packet_ros: false                               
  send_point_cloud_ros: false                           

The ROS Packet message is of a customized message type, so you can’t print its content via the ROS echo command. This option is used to record off-line Packet rosbags. For more details, please refer to the case of msg_source=2.

  • send_point_cloud_ros

    • true – The LiDAR point cloud will be sent to ROS/ROS2.

    The ROS point cloud type is the ROS official defined type – sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, so it can be visualized on the ROS rviz tool directly. It is not suggested to record the point cloud to rosbag, because its size may be very large. Please record Packets instead. Refer to the case of msg_source=2.

2.2 lidar

The lidar part needs to be adjusted for every LiDAR seperately.

  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSM1             #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar
      imu_port: 0                  #  IMU port of lidar(only for RSAIRY, RSE1), 0 means no imu.
                                   #  If you want to use IMU, please first set ENABLE_IMU_DATA_PARSE to ON in CMakeLists.txt 
      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS    
  • lidar_type

    Supported LiDAR types are listed in the README file.

  • msop_port, difop_port, imu_port

    The MSOP/DIFOP/IMU port to receive LiDAR packets. If no data is received, please check these parameters first.

  • user_layer_bytes, tail_layer_bytes

    The number of bytes of the user layer and tail layer.

  • min_distance, max_distance

    The minimum distance and maximum distance of the point cloud.

  • use_lidar_clock

    • true – Use the Lidar clock as the message timestamp

    • false – Use the host machine clock as the message timestamp

  • dense_points

    Whether to discard NAN points. The default value is false.

    • Discard if true

    • reserve if false.

  • ts_first_point

    Stamp the point cloud with the first point or the last one. Stamp with the first point if true, else stamp with the last point if false. The default value is false.

  • start_angle, end_angle

    The start angle and end angle of the point cloud, which should be in the range of 0~360°. start_angle can be larger than end_angle.

  • pcap_path

    The full path of the PCAP file. Valid if msg_source = 3.

  • ros_send_by_rows

    Meaningful only for Mechanical Lidars, and valid if dense_points = false。

    • true – send point cloud row by row

    • false – send point cloud clolumn by column

2.3 Examples

2.3.1 Single Lidar Case

Connect to 1 LiDAR of RSM1, and send point cloud to ROS.

  msg_source: 1                         # 0: not use Lidar
                                        # 1: packet message comes from online Lidar
                                        # 2: packet message comes from ROS or ROS2
                                        # 3: packet message comes from Pcap file
  send_packet_ros: false                # true: Send packets through ROS or ROS2(Used to record packet)
  send_point_cloud_ros: true            # true: Send point cloud through ROS or ROS2
  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSM1             #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar
      imu_port: 0                  #  IMU port of lidar(only for RSAIRY, RSE1), 0 means no imu.
                                   #  If you want to use IMU, please first set ENABLE_IMU_DATA_PARSE to ON in CMakeLists.txt 
      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS 

2.3.2 Multi Lidar Case

Connect to 1 LiDAR of RSM1, and 1 LiDAR of RSE1, and send point cloud to ROS.

Pay attention to the indentation of the lidar part

  msg_source: 1                                         
  send_packet_ros: false                               
  send_point_cloud_ros: true                           
  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSM1             #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar
      imu_port: 0                  #  IMU port of lidar(only for RSAIRY, RSE1), 0 means no imu.
                                   #  If you want to use IMU, please first set ENABLE_IMU_DATA_PARSE to ON in CMakeLists.txt 
      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /left/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /left/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /left/rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /left/rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS 

  - driver:
      lidar_type: RSE1           #  LiDAR type - RS16, RS32, RSBP, RSAIRY, RSHELIOS, RSHELIOS_16P, RS128, RS80, RS48, RSP128, RSP80, RSP48, 
                                   #               RSM1, RSM1_JUMBO, RSM2, RSM3, RSE1, RSMX.
      msop_port: 6699              #  Msop port of lidar
      difop_port: 7788             #  Difop port of lidar

      user_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of user layer. thers is no user layer if it is 0         
      tail_layer_bytes: 0          #  Bytes of tail layer. thers is no tail layer if it is 0

      min_distance: 0.2            #  Minimum distance of point cloud
      max_distance: 200            #  Maximum distance of point cloud
      use_lidar_clock: true        #  true--Use the lidar clock as the message timestamp
                                   #  false-- Use the system clock as the timestamp
      dense_points: false          #  true: discard NAN points; false: reserve NAN points
      ts_first_point: true         #  true: time-stamp point cloud with the first point; false: with the last point;   
                                   #  these parameters are used from mechanical lidar

      start_angle: 0               #  Start angle of point cloud
      end_angle: 360               #  End angle of point cloud

                                   #  When msg_source is 3, the following parameters will be used
      pcap_repeat: true            #  true: The pcap bag will repeat play   
      pcap_rate: 1.0               #  Rate to read the pcap file
      pcap_path: /home/robosense/lidar.pcap #The path of pcap file

      ros_frame_id: rslidar                           #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
      ros_recv_packet_topic: /right/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
      ros_send_packet_topic: /right/rslidar_packets          #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
      ros_send_imu_data_topic: /right/rslidar_imu_data         #Topic used to send imu data through ROS
      ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /right/rslidar_points      #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS