Class OusterDriver

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class OusterDriver : public lifecycle_interface::LifecycleInterface

A lifecycle interface implementation of a Ouster OS-1 Lidar driver in ROS2.

Subclassed by ros2_ouster::OS1Driver

Public Types

using DataProcessorMap = std::multimap<ClientState, DataProcessorInterface*>
using DataProcessorMapIt = DataProcessorMap::iterator

Public Functions

OusterDriver(std::unique_ptr<SensorInterface> sensor, const rclcpp::NodeOptions &options)

A constructor for ros2_ouster::OusterDriver.


options – Node options for lifecycle node interfaces


A destructor for ros2_ouster::OusterDriver.

virtual void onConfigure() override

lifecycle node’s implementation of configure step which will configure ROS interfaces and allocate resources

virtual void onActivate() override

lifecycle node’s implementation of activate step which will activate ROS interfaces and start processing information

virtual void onDeactivate() override

lifecycle node’s implementation of deactivate step which will deactivate ROS interfaces and stop processing information

virtual void onError() override

lifecycle node’s implementation of error step which will handle errors in the lifecycle node system

virtual void onShutdown() override

lifecycle node’s implementation of shutdown step which will shut down the lifecycle node

virtual void onCleanup() override

lifecycle node’s implementation of cleanup step which will deallocate resources