File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
cylinder.cpp [code]Class representing cylinder shapes
cylinder.h [code]Class representing cylinder shapes
dominant_color.cpp [code]Class representing a dominant color
dominant_color.h [code]Class representing a dominant color
io.cpp [code]Description:
io.h [code]Description:
label_defines.h [code]Defines some commonly used labels for primitive geometries
minimal_rectangle_2d.h [code]Description:
point_types.h [code]Definition of PCL point types
point_types.hpp [code]Definition of PCL point types
polygon.cpp [code]Class representing polygon shapes
polygon.h [code]Class representing polygon shapes
ros_msg_conversions.h [code]Conversion functions between shape message and class representations
sensor_model.h [code]Description:
shape.cpp [code]Parent class representing geometric shapes
shape.h [code]Parent class representing geometric shapes
stop_watch.h [code]Precise Stopwatch
test_cylinder.cpp [code]?
test_minimal_rectangle.cpp [code]Description:
test_polygon.cpp [code]Description: Tests for polygon class

Author(s): Georg Arbeiter
autogenerated on Wed Aug 26 2015 11:02:19