Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
rtc Namespace Reference


class  Array
class  Array1
class  Array2
class  Array3
class  ASCIIInputHandler
class  ASCIIOutputHandler
class  BinaryInputHandler
class  BinaryOutputHandler
class  BoundingBox
struct  camera_pose_t
class  Duration
class  DurationBase
class  EigenSystem
class  EulerAngles
class  Exception
class  Face3D
class  Functor
class  GraphicsHelper
class  Image
class  InputHandler
class  IOObject
class  LinearSystem
class  Mat
class  Mesh3D
class  Mesh3DHelper
class  Mesh3DNode
class  MeshSet3D
class  MeshSet3DHelper
class  MeshSet3DNode
class  MeshSet3DVBONode
class  OutputHandler
class  Point2D
class  Point3D
class  Point3DKdTree
class  Pose2D
class  Pose3D
class  PrincipalComponentAnalysis
class  Quaternion
class  rect
class  Renderer
class  RenderManager
class  RenderNode
class  Rotation
class  Rotation2D
class  size
class  SMat
class  SMat2
class  SMat3
class  SMat4
class  SMat5
class  SMat6
class  Texture
struct  TextureHandle
class  Time
class  TimeBase
class  Transform
class  Transform2D
struct  TriMeshTraits
class  VarMat
class  VarSMat
class  VarVec
class  Vec
class  Vec2
class  Vec3
class  Vec4
class  Vec5
class  Vec6
class  Vertex3D
class  WallDuration
class  WallTime


typedef Array1< bool > Array1b
typedef Array1< char > Array1c
typedef Array1< double > Array1d
typedef Array1< float > Array1f
typedef Array1< int > Array1i
typedef Array1< unsigned char > Array1uc
typedef Array2< bool > Array2b
typedef Array2< char > Array2c
typedef Array2< double > Array2d
typedef Array2< float > Array2f
typedef Array2< int > Array2i
typedef Array2< unsigned char > Array2uc
typedef Array3< bool > Array3b
typedef Array3< char > Array3c
typedef Array3< double > Array3d
typedef Array3< float > Array3f
typedef Array3< int > Array3i
typedef Array3< unsigned char > Array3uc
typedef struct rtc::camera_pose_tcamera_pose_p
typedef TriMesh::Color Color
typedef TriMesh::ConstEdgeIter ConstEdgeIter
typedef TriMesh::ConstFaceFaceIter ConstFaceFaceIter
typedef TriMesh::ConstFaceIter ConstFaceIter
typedef TriMesh::ConstVertexIter ConstVertexIter
typedef void(* display_func )(void)
typedef TriMesh::EdgeHandle EdgeHandle
typedef TriMesh::EdgeIter EdgeIter
typedef OpenMesh::EPropHandleT
< double > 
typedef EulerAngles< double > EulerAnglesd
typedef EulerAngles< float > EulerAnglesf
typedef TriMesh::FaceHandle FaceHandle
typedef TriMesh::FaceIter FaceIter
typedef TriMesh::FaceVertexIter FaceVertexIter
typedef std::vector< FaceHandleFHandles
typedef OpenMesh::FPropHandleT
< int > 
typedef TriMesh::HalfedgeHandle HalfedgeHandle
typedef void(* idle_func )(void)
typedef Image< Vec3fImage3f
typedef Image< Vec3ucImage3uc
typedef Image< Vec4ucImage4uc
typedef Image< unsigned char > Imageuc
typedef void(* keyboard_func )(unsigned char, int, int)
typedef LinearSystem< double, 2 > LinearSystem2d
typedef LinearSystem< float, 2 > LinearSystem2f
typedef LinearSystem< double, 3 > LinearSystem3d
typedef LinearSystem< float, 3 > LinearSystem3f
typedef LinearSystem< double, 4 > LinearSystem4d
typedef LinearSystem< float, 4 > LinearSystem4f
typedef LinearSystem< double, 5 > LinearSystem5d
typedef LinearSystem< float, 5 > LinearSystem5f
typedef LinearSystem< double, 6 > LinearSystem6d
typedef LinearSystem< float, 6 > LinearSystem6f
typedef void(* motion_func )(int, int)
typedef void(* mouse_func )(int, int, int, int)
typedef TriMesh::Normal Normal
typedef void(* passive_motion_func )(int, int)
typedef TriMesh::Point Point
typedef Point2D< double > Point2Dd
typedef Point2D< float > Point2Df
typedef Point2D< int > Point2Di
typedef Point2D< unsigned int > Point2Dui
typedef Point3D< double > Point3Dd
typedef Point3D< float > Point3Df
typedef Point3D< int > Point3Di
typedef Point3D< unsigned int > Point3Dui
typedef Pose3D< double > Pose3Dd
typedef Pose3D< float > Pose3Df
typedef Quaternion< double > Quaterniond
typedef Quaternion< float > Quaternionf
typedef rect< double > rectd
typedef rect< float > rectf
typedef rect< unsigned int > rectui
typedef Rotation2D< double > Rotation2Dd
typedef Rotation2D< float > Rotation2Df
typedef Rotation< double > Rotationd
typedef Rotation< float > Rotationf
typedef size< double > sized
typedef size< float > sizef
typedef size< unsigned int > sizeui
typedef SMat2< bool > SMat2b
typedef SMat2< char > SMat2c
typedef SMat2< double > SMat2d
typedef SMat2< float > SMat2f
typedef SMat2< int > SMat2i
typedef SMat2< unsigned char > SMat2uc
typedef SMat3< bool > SMat3b
typedef SMat3< char > SMat3c
typedef SMat3< double > SMat3d
typedef SMat3< float > SMat3f
typedef SMat3< int > SMat3i
typedef SMat3< unsigned char > SMat3uc
typedef SMat4< bool > SMat4b
typedef SMat4< char > SMat4c
typedef SMat4< double > SMat4d
typedef SMat4< float > SMat4f
typedef SMat4< int > SMat4i
typedef SMat4< unsigned char > SMat4uc
typedef SMat5< bool > SMat5b
typedef SMat5< char > SMat5c
typedef SMat5< double > SMat5d
typedef SMat5< float > SMat5f
typedef SMat5< int > SMat5i
typedef SMat5< unsigned char > SMat5uc
typedef SMat6< bool > SMat6b
typedef SMat6< char > SMat6c
typedef SMat6< double > SMat6d
typedef SMat6< float > SMat6f
typedef SMat6< int > SMat6i
typedef SMat6< unsigned char > SMat6uc
typedef void(* timer_func )(void)
typedef Transform2D< double > Transform2Dd
typedef Transform2D< float > Transform2Df
typedef Transform< double > Transformd
typedef Transform< float > Transformf
< TriMeshTraits
typedef VarMat< bool > VarMatb
typedef VarMat< char > VarMatc
typedef VarMat< double > VarMatd
typedef VarMat< float > VarMatf
typedef VarMat< int > VarMati
typedef VarMat< unsigned char > VarMatuc
typedef VarSMat< bool > VarSMatb
typedef VarSMat< char > VarSMatc
typedef VarSMat< double > VarSMatd
typedef VarSMat< float > VarSMatf
typedef VarSMat< int > VarSMati
typedef VarSMat< unsigned char > VarSMatuc
typedef VarVec< bool > VarVecb
typedef VarVec< char > VarVecc
typedef VarVec< double > VarVecd
typedef VarVec< float > VarVecf
typedef VarVec< int > VarVeci
typedef VarVec< unsigned char > VarVecuc
typedef Vec2< bool > Vec2b
typedef Vec2< char > Vec2c
typedef Vec2< double > Vec2d
typedef Vec2< float > Vec2f
typedef Vec2< int > Vec2i
typedef Vec2< unsigned char > Vec2uc
typedef Vec3< bool > Vec3b
typedef Vec3< signed char > Vec3c
typedef Vec3< double > Vec3d
typedef Vec3< float > Vec3f
typedef Vec3< int > Vec3i
typedef Vec3< signed short int > Vec3s
typedef Vec3< unsigned char > Vec3uc
typedef Vec3< unsigned int > Vec3ui
typedef Vec3< unsigned short int > Vec3us
typedef Vec4< bool > Vec4b
typedef Vec4< signed char > Vec4c
typedef Vec4< double > Vec4d
typedef Vec4< float > Vec4f
typedef Vec4< int > Vec4i
typedef Vec4< signed short int > Vec4s
typedef Vec4< unsigned char > Vec4uc
typedef Vec4< unsigned int > Vec4ui
typedef Vec4< unsigned short int > Vec4us
typedef Vec5< bool > Vec5b
typedef Vec5< signed char > Vec5c
typedef Vec5< double > Vec5d
typedef Vec5< float > Vec5f
typedef Vec5< int > Vec5i
typedef Vec5< signed short int > Vec5s
typedef Vec5< unsigned char > Vec5uc
typedef Vec5< unsigned int > Vec5ui
typedef Vec5< unsigned short int > Vec5us
typedef Vec6< bool > Vec6b
typedef Vec6< signed char > Vec6c
typedef Vec6< double > Vec6d
typedef Vec6< float > Vec6f
typedef Vec6< int > Vec6i
typedef Vec6< signed short int > Vec6s
typedef Vec6< unsigned char > Vec6uc
typedef Vec6< unsigned int > Vec6ui
typedef Vec6< unsigned short int > Vec6us
typedef std::vector< Face3D * > VecFace3D
typedef std::vector< Mesh3D * > VecMesh3D
typedef std::vector< Vertex3D * > VecVertex3D
typedef TriMesh::VertexHandle VertexHandle
typedef TriMesh::VertexIter VertexIter
typedef TriMesh::VertexVertexIter VertexVertexIter
typedef std::vector< VertexHandleVHandles
typedef OpenMesh::VPropHandleT
< int > 


enum  camera_state_t { IDLE, ROTATING, MOVING, ZOOMING }
enum  eGUIMode { GUI_MODE_3D, GUI_MODE_2D }
enum  eRenderMode { Immediate = 0, VertexBufferObjects = 1, DisplayLists = 2 }


bool ball_within_bounds (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &bc, float br)
bool ball_within_bounds (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &min, const Vec3f &max)
void bary (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
bool bary (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
void bary_fast (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &n, const Vec3f &t0, const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
long bevel_1d (const Vec2f &p)
long bevel_2d (const Vec2f &p)
bool bounds_overlap_ball (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &bc, float br)
bool bounds_overlap_ball (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &min, const Vec3f &max)
bool bounds_overlap_circle (const Vec2f &b, float r, const Vec2f &bc, float br)
bool circle_within_bounds (const Vec2f &b, float r, const Vec2f &bc, float br)
bool circle_within_bounds (const Vec2f &b, float r, const Vec2f &min, const Vec2f &max)
bool closer_on_line (const Vec2f &x, const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b, float &d2, Vec2f &cp)
bool closer_on_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d2, Vec3f &cp)
bool closer_on_lineseg (const Vec3f &x, Vec3f &cp, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d2)
bool closer_on_tri (const Vec3f &x, Vec3f &cp, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &d2)
Vec3uc color_to_vec (const Color &p)
void convertMeshToTriMesh (const Mesh3D &input, TriMesh &output)
void convertTriMeshToMesh (const TriMesh &input, Mesh3D &output)
Vec3f cross (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
Vec3f cross (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, const Vec3f &c)
float dist (const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b)
float dist (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
float dist2 (const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b)
float dist2 (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
void dist_to_line (const Vec2f &x, const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b, float &d, Vec2f &cp)
float dist_to_line (const Vec2f &x, const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b)
void dist_to_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d, Vec3f &cp)
float dist_to_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
void distance_point_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d2, Vec3f &cp)
void distance_point_tri (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &d2, Vec3f &cp)
float dot (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
template<class T >
bool fZero (T x)
Vec3f lerp (float t, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
Vec2f lerp (float t, const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b)
long lexical_cas_long (const std::string &str, const long lDefault=0)
 converts a string to a long
bool lexical_cast_bool (const std::string &str, const bool bDefault=false)
 converts a string to a bool
double lexical_cast_double (const std::string &str, const double dDefault=0.0)
 converts a string to a double
float lexical_cast_float (const std::string &str, const float fDefault=0.0f)
 converts a string to a float
int lexical_cast_int (const std::string &str, const int nDefault=0)
 converts a string to an integer
std::string lexical_cast_string (const double &var)
 converts a double to a string
std::string lexical_cast_string (const float &var)
 converts a float to a string
std::string lexical_cast_string (const bool &var)
 converts a bool to a string
std::string lexical_cast_string (const int &var)
 converts an integer to a string
bool line_outside_of_rect (const Vec2f &c, float s, const Vec2f &t1, const Vec2f &t2)
bool line_plane_X (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, Vec3f &x, float &dist)
bool line_plane_X (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &nrm, float d, Vec3f &x, float &dist)
bool line_rect_X (const Vec2f &t1, const Vec2f &t2, const Vec2f &c, float theta, float w, float l)
bool line_tri_X (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, Vec3f &x, float &d)
Vec3f normal_to_vec (const Normal &p)
void normalizeSecNSec (uint64_t &sec, uint64_t &nsec)
void normalizeSecNSec (uint32_t &sec, uint32_t &nsec)
void normalizeSecNSecSigned (int64_t &sec, int64_t &nsec)
void normalizeSecNSecSigned (int32_t &sec, int32_t &nsec)
void normalizeSecNSecUnsigned (int64_t &sec, int64_t &nsec)
template<class T , int M, int N>
Mat< T, M, N > operator* (const T a, const Mat< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T , int M, int N>
Vec< T, N > operator* (const Vec< T, M > &v, const Mat< T, M, N > &m)
template<class T , int M>
Vec< T, M > operator* (const T a, const Vec< T, M > &v)
template<class T >
VarMat< T > operator* (const T a, const VarMat< T > &m)
template<class T >
VarVec< T > operator* (const T a, const VarVec< T > &v)
template<class T >
VarVec< T > operator* (const VarVec< T > &v, const VarMat< T > &m)
template<class T , int M>
Vec< T, M > operator+ (const T a, const Vec< T, M > &v)
template<class T >
VarVec< T > operator+ (const T a, const VarVec< T > &v)
template<class T , int M>
Vec< T, M > operator- (const T a, const Vec< T, M > &v)
template<class T >
VarVec< T > operator- (const T a, const VarVec< T > &v)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Pose2D &pose)
template<class T , int K>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Array< T, K > &a)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Transform< T > &trans)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Duration &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WallDuration &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Time &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const WallTime &rhs)
template<class T , int M, int N>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Mat< T, M, N > &vec)
template<class T , int M>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Vec< T, M > &vec)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VarMat< T > &m)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VarVec< T > &vec)
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Pose3D< T > &pose)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Pose2D &pose)
template<class T , int K>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Array< T, K > &a)
template<class T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Transform< T > &trans)
template<class T , int M, int N>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Mat< T, M, N > &vec)
template<class T , int M>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Vec< T, M > &vec)
template<class T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, VarMat< T > &m)
template<class T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, VarVec< T > &vec)
template<class T >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Pose3D< T > &pose)
bool point_on_edge (const Vec2f &p1, const Vec2f &p2, float alpha, long mask)
bool point_outside_of_rect (const Vec2f &c, float s, const Vec2f &p)
bool point_outside_of_rect (const Vec2f &c, float xlen, float ylen, float rot_angle, const Vec2f &p)
Vec3f point_to_vec (const Point &p)
bool point_within_bounds (const Vec3f &c, const Vec3f &bc, float br)
float proj_dist_to_line (const Vec2f &x, const Vec2f &a, const Vec2f &b)
bool rect_rect_X (const Vec2f &c1, float theta1, float w1, float l1, const Vec2f &c2, float theta2, float w2, float l2)
template<class T >
int rInt (const T x)
template<class T >
roundTo (const T x, const T b)
double rtc_abs (const double &x)
 Absolute value.
float rtc_abs (const float &x)
int rtc_abs (const int &x)
long int rtc_abs (const long int &x)
long long int rtc_abs (const long long int &x)
float rtc_acos (float x)
 Arc cosine.
double rtc_acos (double x)
 Arc cosine.
float rtc_asin (float x)
 Arc sine.
double rtc_asin (double x)
 Arc sine.
float rtc_atan (float x)
 Arc tangent.
double rtc_atan (double x)
 Arc tangent.
float rtc_atan2 (float y, float x)
 Arc tangent of y/x.
double rtc_atan2 (double y, double x)
 Arc tangent of y/x.
template<class T >
void rtc_bary (const Vec2< T > &p, const Vec2< T > &t1, const Vec2< T > &t2, const Vec2< T > &t3, T &b1, T &b2, T &b3)
int rtc_carp_get_verbose (void)
void rtc_carp_set_output (FILE *output)
void void void void void void rtc_carp_set_verbose (int verbosity)
template<class T >
void rtc_cartesian_to_spherical (const T &x, const T &y, const T &z, T &r, T &theta, T &phi)
 converts cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates
template<class T >
rtc_clamp (const T x, const T a, const T b)
 clamp the given variable x to passed range [a,b]
template<class T >
int rtc_compare (const void *a, const void *b)
 compare floating point numbers (for sorts)
float rtc_cos (float x)
double rtc_cos (double x)
template<class T >
rtc_cube (const T x)
 cube a number
template<class T >
rtc_cuberoot (const T x)
 a number^3/2
void void void void rtc_die (const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
void void void void void rtc_die_syserror (const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
template<class T >
rtc_distance_point_to_line (const Vec2< T > &x, const Vec2< T > &a, const Vec2< T > &b)
template<class T >
rtc_distance_point_to_line_projected (const Vec2< T > &x, const Vec2< T > &a, const Vec2< T > &b)
template<class T >
rtc_distance_point_to_point (const Vec2< T > &a, const Vec2< T > &b)
bool rtc_find_commandline_parameter (int argc, char **argv, const char *param)
bool rtc_find_commandline_parameter (int argc, char **argv, const char *param, char *param_value)
template<class T >
rtc_lerp (const T &t0, const T &t1, float a)
template<class T >
rtc_max (const T x1, const T x2)
 return the maximum
template<class T >
rtc_max (const T x1, const T x2, const T x3)
 return the maximum
template<class T >
rtc_min (const T x1, const T x2)
 return the minimum
template<class T >
rtc_min (const T x1, const T x2, const T x3)
 return the minimum
template<class T >
rtc_normal_rand (T mean=T(0), T stdev=T(1))
 Returns a sample from a normal distribution.
template<class T >
void rtc_normalize_spherical (T &theta, T &phi)
 r in [0,inf), theta in [0,2PI), and phi in [0,PI],
template<class T >
rtc_normalize_theta (T theta)
 normalizes theta to a [-PI,PI] interval
void rtc_perror (const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
template<class T >
bool rtc_point_inside_triangle (const Vec2< T > &p, const Vec2< T > &t1, const Vec2< T > &t2, const Vec2< T > &t3)
template<class T , class U >
rtc_pow (const T &x, const U &y)
 x by the power of y
float rtc_pow< float, int > (const float &x, const int &y)
 x by the power of y
void rtc_progress_bar_print (double current, double total)
template<class T >
rtc_pythag (T a, T b)
 return (a^2 + b^2)^(1/2) without over/underflow
template<class T >
rtc_quart (const T x)
 take number to the 4th power
template<class T >
rtc_quint (const T x)
 take number to the 5th power
bool rtc_read (InputHandler &ih, Pose2D &data)
template<class T >
bool rtc_read (InputHandler &ih, const std::string &name, T &data)
template<class T >
bool rtc_read (InputHandler &ih, Pose3D< T > &data)
template<class T , int K>
bool rtc_read (InputHandler &ih, Array< T, K > &data)
template<class T , int M, int N>
bool rtc_read (InputHandler &ih, Mat< T, M, N > &data)
template<class T , int M>
bool rtc_read (InputHandler &ih, Vec< T, M > &data)
template<class T >
int rtc_round (const T x)
 rounds a value to the nearest integer.
template<class T >
rtc_safe_acos (T costheta)
void rtc_seed_rand (void)
template<class T >
rtc_sign (const T x)
 return the sign of a number
float rtc_sin (float x)
double rtc_sin (double x)
template<class T >
void rtc_spherical_to_cartesian (const T &r, const T &theta, const T &phi, T &x, T &y, T &z)
 converts spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates
template<class T >
rtc_sqr (const T x)
 square a number
template<class T >
rtc_sqrt (const T &x)
 Square root.
template<class T >
void rtc_swap (T &x1, T &x2)
 swap values
float rtc_tan (float x)
double rtc_tan (double x)
template<class T >
rtc_triangle_area (const Vec3< T > &t1, const Vec3< T > &t2, const Vec3< T > &t3)
template<class T >
rtc_triangle_area (const Vec2< T > &t1, const Vec2< T > &t2, const Vec2< T > &t3)
template<class T >
rtc_triangle_area_signed (const Vec2< T > &t1, const Vec2< T > &t2, const Vec2< T > &t3)
template<class T >
int rtc_trunc (const T x)
 returns the integral digits of the specified number x
template<class T >
rtc_uniform_rand (T lower=T(0), T upper=T(1))
 Returns a sample from a uniform distribution.
void void rtc_verbose (const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
void void void rtc_warn (const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
template<class T >
bool rtc_within (const T x, const T a, const T b)
 returns true if the given variable x is in passed range [a,b]
bool rtc_write (OutputHandler &oh, const Pose2D &data)
template<class T >
bool rtc_write (OutputHandler &oh, const std::string &name, const T &data)
template<class T >
bool rtc_write (OutputHandler &oh, const Pose3D< T > &data)
template<class T , int K>
bool rtc_write (OutputHandler &oh, const Array< T, K > &data)
template<class T , int M, int N>
bool rtc_write (OutputHandler &oh, const Mat< T, M, N > &data)
template<class T , int M>
bool rtc_write (OutputHandler &oh, const Vec< T, M > &data)
void seedRand (void)
 Seed pseudo-random number generator.
bool segment_on_edge (const Vec2f &p1, const Vec2f &p2, long outcode_diff)
void split_string (const std::string &str, std::vector< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &delimiters=" ")
 split string into a number of tokens
template<class T , void *(T::*)(void *) mem_fn>
void * threadCBWrapper (void *ptr)
std::string & trim (std::string &str)
 trim leading an trailing spaces
Color vec_to_color (const Vec3uc &v)
Normal vec_to_normal (const Vec3f &v)
Point vec_to_point (const Vec3f &v)


const GLfloat arrow_quad_normals [num_arrow_quad_vertices *3]
const GLfloat arrow_quad_vertices [num_arrow_quad_vertices *3]
const GLfloat arrow_triangle_normals [num_arrow_triangle_vertices *3]
const GLfloat arrow_triangle_vertices [num_arrow_triangle_vertices *3]
const Duration DURATION_MAX
const Duration DURATION_MIN
const int num_arrow_quad_faces = 16
const int num_arrow_quad_vertices = num_arrow_quad_faces*4
const int num_arrow_triangle_faces = 8
const int num_arrow_triangle_vertices = num_arrow_triangle_faces*3
Rendererrenderers [MAX_NUMBER_OF_RENDERERS]
static FILE * rtc_carp_output = NULL
static int rtc_carp_verbose = 1
static const Time TIME_MAX = rtc::Time(UINT_MAX, 999999999)
static const Time TIME_MIN = rtc::Time(0, 0)
static int use_glui = 1

Typedef Documentation

typedef Array1<bool> rtc::Array1b

Definition at line 64 of file rtcArray1.h.

typedef Array1<char> rtc::Array1c

Definition at line 65 of file rtcArray1.h.

typedef Array1<double> rtc::Array1d

Definition at line 69 of file rtcArray1.h.

typedef Array1<float> rtc::Array1f

Definition at line 68 of file rtcArray1.h.

typedef Array1<int> rtc::Array1i

Definition at line 67 of file rtcArray1.h.

typedef Array1<unsigned char> rtc::Array1uc

Definition at line 66 of file rtcArray1.h.

typedef Array2<bool> rtc::Array2b

Definition at line 77 of file rtcArray2.h.

typedef Array2<char> rtc::Array2c

Definition at line 78 of file rtcArray2.h.

typedef Array2<double> rtc::Array2d

Definition at line 82 of file rtcArray2.h.

typedef Array2<float> rtc::Array2f

Definition at line 81 of file rtcArray2.h.

typedef Array2<int> rtc::Array2i

Definition at line 80 of file rtcArray2.h.

typedef Array2<unsigned char> rtc::Array2uc

Definition at line 79 of file rtcArray2.h.

typedef Array3<bool> rtc::Array3b

Definition at line 69 of file rtcArray3.h.

typedef Array3<char> rtc::Array3c

Definition at line 70 of file rtcArray3.h.

typedef Array3<double> rtc::Array3d

Definition at line 74 of file rtcArray3.h.

typedef Array3<float> rtc::Array3f

Definition at line 73 of file rtcArray3.h.

typedef Array3<int> rtc::Array3i

Definition at line 72 of file rtcArray3.h.

typedef Array3<unsigned char> rtc::Array3uc

Definition at line 71 of file rtcArray3.h.

typedef TriMesh::Color rtc::Color

Definition at line 70 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::ConstEdgeIter rtc::ConstEdgeIter

Definition at line 64 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::ConstFaceFaceIter rtc::ConstFaceFaceIter

Definition at line 46 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::ConstFaceIter rtc::ConstFaceIter

Definition at line 45 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::ConstFaceVertexIter rtc::ConstFaceVertexIter

Definition at line 50 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::ConstVertexIter rtc::ConstVertexIter

Definition at line 56 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::ConstVertexVertexIter rtc::ConstVertexVertexIter

Definition at line 57 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef void(* rtc::display_func)(void)

Definition at line 28 of file rtcRenderer.h.

typedef TriMesh::EdgeHandle rtc::EdgeHandle

Definition at line 62 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::EdgeIter rtc::EdgeIter

Definition at line 63 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef OpenMesh::EPropHandleT<double> rtc::EPropDouble

Definition at line 66 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef EulerAngles<double> rtc::EulerAnglesd

Definition at line 103 of file rtcEulerAngles.h.

Definition at line 102 of file rtcEulerAngles.h.

typedef TriMesh::FaceHandle rtc::FaceHandle

Definition at line 43 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::FaceIter rtc::FaceIter

Definition at line 44 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::FaceVertexIter rtc::FaceVertexIter

Definition at line 49 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef std::vector<FaceHandle> rtc::FHandles

Definition at line 47 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef OpenMesh::FPropHandleT<int> rtc::FPropInt

Definition at line 48 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::HalfedgeHandle rtc::HalfedgeHandle

Definition at line 65 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef void(* rtc::idle_func)(void)

Definition at line 26 of file rtcRenderer.h.

Definition at line 97 of file rtcImage.h.

Definition at line 96 of file rtcImage.h.

Definition at line 95 of file rtcImage.h.

typedef Image<unsigned char> rtc::Imageuc

Definition at line 98 of file rtcImage.h.

typedef void(* rtc::keyboard_func)(unsigned char, int, int)

Definition at line 29 of file rtcRenderer.h.

typedef LinearSystem<double,2> rtc::LinearSystem2d

Definition at line 58 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

Definition at line 57 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

typedef LinearSystem<double,3> rtc::LinearSystem3d

Definition at line 60 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

Definition at line 59 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

typedef LinearSystem<double,4> rtc::LinearSystem4d

Definition at line 62 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

Definition at line 61 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

typedef LinearSystem<double,5> rtc::LinearSystem5d

Definition at line 64 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

Definition at line 63 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

typedef LinearSystem<double,6> rtc::LinearSystem6d

Definition at line 66 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

Definition at line 65 of file rtcLinearSystem.h.

typedef void(* rtc::motion_func)(int, int)

Definition at line 31 of file rtcRenderer.h.

typedef void(* rtc::mouse_func)(int, int, int, int)

Definition at line 30 of file rtcRenderer.h.

typedef TriMesh::Normal rtc::Normal

Definition at line 71 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef void(* rtc::passive_motion_func)(int, int)

Definition at line 32 of file rtcRenderer.h.

Definition at line 69 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef Point2D<double> rtc::Point2Dd

Definition at line 63 of file rtcPoint2D.h.

typedef Point2D<float> rtc::Point2Df

Definition at line 62 of file rtcPoint2D.h.

typedef Point2D<int> rtc::Point2Di

Definition at line 60 of file rtcPoint2D.h.

typedef Point2D<unsigned int> rtc::Point2Dui

Definition at line 61 of file rtcPoint2D.h.

typedef Point3D<double> rtc::Point3Dd

Definition at line 83 of file rtcPoint3D.h.

typedef Point3D<float> rtc::Point3Df

Definition at line 82 of file rtcPoint3D.h.

typedef Point3D<int> rtc::Point3Di

Definition at line 80 of file rtcPoint3D.h.

typedef Point3D<unsigned int> rtc::Point3Dui

Definition at line 81 of file rtcPoint3D.h.

typedef Pose3D<double> rtc::Pose3Dd

Definition at line 71 of file rtcPose3D.h.

typedef Pose3D<float> rtc::Pose3Df

Definition at line 70 of file rtcPose3D.h.

typedef Quaternion<double> rtc::Quaterniond

Definition at line 107 of file rtcQuaternion.h.

typedef Quaternion<float> rtc::Quaternionf

Definition at line 106 of file rtcQuaternion.h.

typedef rect<double> rtc::rectd

Definition at line 52 of file rtcMisc.h.

typedef rect<float> rtc::rectf

Definition at line 51 of file rtcMisc.h.

typedef rect<unsigned int> rtc::rectui

Definition at line 50 of file rtcMisc.h.

typedef Rotation2D<double> rtc::Rotation2Dd

Definition at line 70 of file rtcRotation2D.h.

typedef Rotation2D<float> rtc::Rotation2Df

Definition at line 69 of file rtcRotation2D.h.

typedef Rotation<double> rtc::Rotationd

Definition at line 105 of file rtcRotation.h.

typedef Rotation<float> rtc::Rotationf

Definition at line 104 of file rtcRotation.h.

typedef size<double> rtc::sized

Definition at line 66 of file rtcMisc.h.

typedef size<float> rtc::sizef

Definition at line 65 of file rtcMisc.h.

typedef size<unsigned int> rtc::sizeui

Definition at line 64 of file rtcMisc.h.

typedef SMat2<bool> rtc::SMat2b

Definition at line 75 of file rtcSMat2.h.

typedef SMat2<char> rtc::SMat2c

Definition at line 76 of file rtcSMat2.h.

typedef SMat2<double> rtc::SMat2d

Definition at line 80 of file rtcSMat2.h.

typedef SMat2<float> rtc::SMat2f

Definition at line 79 of file rtcSMat2.h.

typedef SMat2<int> rtc::SMat2i

Definition at line 78 of file rtcSMat2.h.

typedef SMat2<unsigned char> rtc::SMat2uc

Definition at line 77 of file rtcSMat2.h.

typedef SMat3<bool> rtc::SMat3b

Definition at line 78 of file rtcSMat3.h.

typedef SMat3<char> rtc::SMat3c

Definition at line 79 of file rtcSMat3.h.

typedef SMat3<double> rtc::SMat3d

Definition at line 83 of file rtcSMat3.h.

typedef SMat3<float> rtc::SMat3f

Definition at line 82 of file rtcSMat3.h.

typedef SMat3<int> rtc::SMat3i

Definition at line 81 of file rtcSMat3.h.

typedef SMat3<unsigned char> rtc::SMat3uc

Definition at line 80 of file rtcSMat3.h.

typedef SMat4<bool> rtc::SMat4b

Definition at line 77 of file rtcSMat4.h.

typedef SMat4<char> rtc::SMat4c

Definition at line 78 of file rtcSMat4.h.

typedef SMat4<double> rtc::SMat4d

Definition at line 82 of file rtcSMat4.h.

typedef SMat4<float> rtc::SMat4f

Definition at line 81 of file rtcSMat4.h.

typedef SMat4<int> rtc::SMat4i

Definition at line 80 of file rtcSMat4.h.

typedef SMat4<unsigned char> rtc::SMat4uc

Definition at line 79 of file rtcSMat4.h.

typedef SMat5<bool> rtc::SMat5b

Definition at line 78 of file rtcSMat5.h.

typedef SMat5<char> rtc::SMat5c

Definition at line 79 of file rtcSMat5.h.

typedef SMat5<double> rtc::SMat5d

Definition at line 83 of file rtcSMat5.h.

typedef SMat5<float> rtc::SMat5f

Definition at line 82 of file rtcSMat5.h.

typedef SMat5<int> rtc::SMat5i

Definition at line 81 of file rtcSMat5.h.

typedef SMat5<unsigned char> rtc::SMat5uc

Definition at line 80 of file rtcSMat5.h.

typedef SMat6<bool> rtc::SMat6b

Definition at line 81 of file rtcSMat6.h.

typedef SMat6<char> rtc::SMat6c

Definition at line 82 of file rtcSMat6.h.

typedef SMat6<double> rtc::SMat6d

Definition at line 86 of file rtcSMat6.h.

typedef SMat6<float> rtc::SMat6f

Definition at line 85 of file rtcSMat6.h.

typedef SMat6<int> rtc::SMat6i

Definition at line 84 of file rtcSMat6.h.

typedef SMat6<unsigned char> rtc::SMat6uc

Definition at line 83 of file rtcSMat6.h.

typedef void(* rtc::timer_func)(void)

Definition at line 27 of file rtcRenderer.h.

typedef Transform2D<double> rtc::Transform2Dd

Definition at line 94 of file rtcTransform2D.h.

Definition at line 93 of file rtcTransform2D.h.

typedef Transform<double> rtc::Transformd

Definition at line 93 of file rtcTransform.h.

typedef Transform<float> rtc::Transformf

Definition at line 92 of file rtcTransform.h.

typedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<TriMeshTraits> rtc::TriMesh

Definition at line 40 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef VarMat<bool> rtc::VarMatb

Definition at line 165 of file rtcVarMat.h.

typedef VarMat<char> rtc::VarMatc

Definition at line 166 of file rtcVarMat.h.

typedef VarMat<double> rtc::VarMatd

Definition at line 170 of file rtcVarMat.h.

typedef VarMat<float> rtc::VarMatf

Definition at line 169 of file rtcVarMat.h.

typedef VarMat<int> rtc::VarMati

Definition at line 168 of file rtcVarMat.h.

typedef VarMat<unsigned char> rtc::VarMatuc

Definition at line 167 of file rtcVarMat.h.

typedef VarSMat<bool> rtc::VarSMatb

Definition at line 88 of file rtcVarSMat.h.

typedef VarSMat<char> rtc::VarSMatc

Definition at line 89 of file rtcVarSMat.h.

typedef VarSMat<double> rtc::VarSMatd

Definition at line 93 of file rtcVarSMat.h.

typedef VarSMat<float> rtc::VarSMatf

Definition at line 92 of file rtcVarSMat.h.

typedef VarSMat<int> rtc::VarSMati

Definition at line 91 of file rtcVarSMat.h.

typedef VarSMat<unsigned char> rtc::VarSMatuc

Definition at line 90 of file rtcVarSMat.h.

typedef VarVec<bool> rtc::VarVecb

Definition at line 169 of file rtcVarVec.h.

typedef VarVec<char> rtc::VarVecc

Definition at line 170 of file rtcVarVec.h.

typedef VarVec<double> rtc::VarVecd

Definition at line 174 of file rtcVarVec.h.

typedef VarVec<float> rtc::VarVecf

Definition at line 173 of file rtcVarVec.h.

typedef VarVec<int> rtc::VarVeci

Definition at line 172 of file rtcVarVec.h.

typedef VarVec<unsigned char> rtc::VarVecuc

Definition at line 171 of file rtcVarVec.h.

typedef Vec2<bool> rtc::Vec2b

Definition at line 61 of file rtcVec2.h.

typedef Vec2<char> rtc::Vec2c

Definition at line 62 of file rtcVec2.h.

typedef Vec2<double> rtc::Vec2d

Definition at line 66 of file rtcVec2.h.

typedef Vec2<float> rtc::Vec2f

Definition at line 65 of file rtcVec2.h.

typedef Vec2<int> rtc::Vec2i

Definition at line 64 of file rtcVec2.h.

typedef Vec2<unsigned char> rtc::Vec2uc

Definition at line 63 of file rtcVec2.h.

typedef Vec3<bool> rtc::Vec3b

Definition at line 65 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<signed char> rtc::Vec3c

Definition at line 66 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<double> rtc::Vec3d

Definition at line 73 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<float> rtc::Vec3f

Definition at line 72 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<int> rtc::Vec3i

Definition at line 70 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<signed short int> rtc::Vec3s

Definition at line 68 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<unsigned char> rtc::Vec3uc

Definition at line 67 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<unsigned int> rtc::Vec3ui

Definition at line 71 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec3<unsigned short int> rtc::Vec3us

Definition at line 69 of file rtcVec3.h.

typedef Vec4<bool> rtc::Vec4b

Definition at line 58 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<signed char> rtc::Vec4c

Definition at line 59 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<double> rtc::Vec4d

Definition at line 66 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<float> rtc::Vec4f

Definition at line 65 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<int> rtc::Vec4i

Definition at line 63 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<signed short int> rtc::Vec4s

Definition at line 61 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<unsigned char> rtc::Vec4uc

Definition at line 60 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<unsigned int> rtc::Vec4ui

Definition at line 64 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec4<unsigned short int> rtc::Vec4us

Definition at line 62 of file rtcVec4.h.

typedef Vec5<bool> rtc::Vec5b

Definition at line 58 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<signed char> rtc::Vec5c

Definition at line 59 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<double> rtc::Vec5d

Definition at line 66 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<float> rtc::Vec5f

Definition at line 65 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<int> rtc::Vec5i

Definition at line 63 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<signed short int> rtc::Vec5s

Definition at line 61 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<unsigned char> rtc::Vec5uc

Definition at line 60 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<unsigned int> rtc::Vec5ui

Definition at line 64 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec5<unsigned short int> rtc::Vec5us

Definition at line 62 of file rtcVec5.h.

typedef Vec6<bool> rtc::Vec6b

Definition at line 60 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<signed char> rtc::Vec6c

Definition at line 61 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<double> rtc::Vec6d

Definition at line 68 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<float> rtc::Vec6f

Definition at line 67 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<int> rtc::Vec6i

Definition at line 65 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<signed short int> rtc::Vec6s

Definition at line 63 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<unsigned char> rtc::Vec6uc

Definition at line 62 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<unsigned int> rtc::Vec6ui

Definition at line 66 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef Vec6<unsigned short int> rtc::Vec6us

Definition at line 64 of file rtcVec6.h.

typedef std::vector<Face3D*> rtc::VecFace3D

Definition at line 51 of file rtcMesh3D.h.

typedef std::vector<Mesh3D*> rtc::VecMesh3D

Definition at line 33 of file rtcMeshSet3D.h.

typedef std::vector<Vertex3D*> rtc::VecVertex3D

Definition at line 50 of file rtcMesh3D.h.

typedef TriMesh::VertexHandle rtc::VertexHandle

Definition at line 53 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::VertexIter rtc::VertexIter

Definition at line 54 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef TriMesh::VertexVertexIter rtc::VertexVertexIter

Definition at line 55 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef std::vector<VertexHandle> rtc::VHandles

Definition at line 58 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

typedef OpenMesh::VPropHandleT<int> rtc::VPropInt

Definition at line 59 of file rtcTriMesh.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 24 of file rtcRenderer.h.


Definition at line 23 of file rtcRenderer.h.

This type defines the mode for rendering


Definition at line 31 of file rtcRenderNode.h.

Function Documentation

bool rtc::ball_within_bounds ( const Vec3f &  b,
float  r,
const Vec3f &  bc,
float  br 

Definition at line 89 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::ball_within_bounds ( const Vec3f &  b,
float  r,
const Vec3f &  min,
const Vec3f &  max 

Definition at line 104 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

void rtc::bary ( const Vec3f &  p,
const Vec3f &  t1,
const Vec3f &  t2,
const Vec3f &  t3,
float &  b1,
float &  b2,
float &  b3 

Definition at line 413 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::bary ( const Vec3f &  p,
const Vec3f &  dir,
const Vec3f &  t1,
const Vec3f &  t2,
const Vec3f &  t3,
float &  b1,
float &  b2,
float &  b3 

Definition at line 464 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

void rtc::bary_fast ( const Vec3f &  p,
const Vec3f &  n,
const Vec3f &  t0,
const Vec3f &  v1,
const Vec3f &  v2,
float &  b1,
float &  b2,
float &  b3 

Definition at line 166 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

long rtc::bevel_1d ( const Vec2f &  p)

Definition at line 227 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

long rtc::bevel_2d ( const Vec2f &  p)

Definition at line 238 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::bounds_overlap_ball ( const Vec3f &  b,
float  r,
const Vec3f &  bc,
float  br 

Definition at line 118 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::bounds_overlap_ball ( const Vec3f &  b,
float  r,
const Vec3f &  min,
const Vec3f &  max 

Definition at line 139 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::bounds_overlap_circle ( const Vec2f &  b,
float  r,
const Vec2f &  bc,
float  br 

Definition at line 175 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::circle_within_bounds ( const Vec2f &  b,
float  r,
const Vec2f &  bc,
float  br 

Definition at line 152 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::circle_within_bounds ( const Vec2f &  b,
float  r,
const Vec2f &  min,
const Vec2f &  max 

Definition at line 164 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::closer_on_line ( const Vec2f &  x,
const Vec2f &  a,
const Vec2f &  b,
float &  d2,
Vec2f &  cp 

Definition at line 106 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::closer_on_line ( const Vec3f &  x,
const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b,
float &  d2,
Vec3f &  cp 

Definition at line 497 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::closer_on_lineseg ( const Vec3f &  x,
Vec3f &  cp,
const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b,
float &  d2 

Definition at line 196 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::closer_on_tri ( const Vec3f &  x,
Vec3f &  cp,
const Vec3f &  t1,
const Vec3f &  t2,
const Vec3f &  t3,
float &  d2 

Definition at line 315 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

Vec3uc rtc::color_to_vec ( const Color &  p)

Definition at line 36 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

void rtc::convertMeshToTriMesh ( const Mesh3D &  input,
TriMesh &  output 

Definition at line 56 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

void rtc::convertTriMeshToMesh ( const TriMesh &  input,
Mesh3D &  output 

Definition at line 88 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

Vec3f rtc::cross ( const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b 

Definition at line 33 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

Vec3f rtc::cross ( const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b,
const Vec3f &  c 

Definition at line 39 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

float rtc::dist ( const Vec2f &  a,
const Vec2f &  b 

Definition at line 37 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

float rtc::dist ( const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b 

Definition at line 58 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

float rtc::dist2 ( const Vec2f &  a,
const Vec2f &  b 

Definition at line 32 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

float rtc::dist2 ( const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b 

Definition at line 50 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

void rtc::dist_to_line ( const Vec2f &  x,
const Vec2f &  a,
const Vec2f &  b,
float &  d,
Vec2f &  cp 

Definition at line 42 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

float rtc::dist_to_line ( const Vec2f &  x,
const Vec2f &  a,
const Vec2f &  b 

Definition at line 74 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

void rtc::dist_to_line ( const Vec3f &  x,
const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b,
float &  d,
Vec3f &  cp 

Definition at line 540 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

float rtc::dist_to_line ( const Vec3f &  x,
const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b 

Definition at line 573 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

void rtc::distance_point_line ( const Vec3f &  x,
const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b,
float &  d2,
Vec3f &  cp 

Definition at line 230 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

void rtc::distance_point_tri ( const Vec3f &  x,
const Vec3f &  t1,
const Vec3f &  t2,
const Vec3f &  t3,
float &  d2,
Vec3f &  cp 

Definition at line 263 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

float rtc::dot ( const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b 

Definition at line 27 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

template<class T >
bool rtc::fZero ( x) [inline]

Definition at line 30 of file rtcMisc.h.

Vec3f rtc::lerp ( float  t,
const Vec3f &  a,
const Vec3f &  b 

Definition at line 64 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

Vec2f rtc::lerp ( float  t,
const Vec2f &  a,
const Vec2f &  b 

Definition at line 249 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

long rtc::lexical_cas_long ( const std::string &  str,
const long  lDefault = 0 

converts a string to a long

Definition at line 80 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

bool rtc::lexical_cast_bool ( const std::string &  str,
const bool  bDefault = false 

converts a string to a bool

Definition at line 34 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

double rtc::lexical_cast_double ( const std::string &  str,
const double  dDefault = 0.0 

converts a string to a double

Definition at line 72 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

float rtc::lexical_cast_float ( const std::string &  str,
const float  fDefault = 0.0f 

converts a string to a float

Definition at line 64 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

int rtc::lexical_cast_int ( const std::string &  str,
const int  nDefault = 0 

converts a string to an integer

Definition at line 52 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

std::string rtc::lexical_cast_string ( const double &  var)

converts a double to a string

Definition at line 92 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

std::string rtc::lexical_cast_string ( const float &  var)

converts a float to a string

Definition at line 99 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

std::string rtc::lexical_cast_string ( const bool &  var)

converts a bool to a string

Definition at line 106 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

std::string rtc::lexical_cast_string ( const int &  var)

converts an integer to a string

Definition at line 114 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

bool rtc::line_outside_of_rect ( const Vec2f &  c,
float  s,
const Vec2f &  t1,
const Vec2f &  t2 

Definition at line 292 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::line_plane_X ( const Vec3f &  p,
const Vec3f &  dir,
const Vec3f &  t1,
const Vec3f &  t2,
const Vec3f &  t3,
Vec3f &  x,
float &  dist 

Definition at line 371 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::line_plane_X ( const Vec3f &  p,
const Vec3f &  dir,
const Vec3f &  nrm,
float  d,
Vec3f &  x,
float &  dist 

Definition at line 394 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

bool rtc::line_rect_X ( const Vec2f &  t1,
const Vec2f &  t2,
const Vec2f &  c,
float  theta,
float  w,
float  l 

Definition at line 436 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::line_tri_X ( const Vec3f &  p,
const Vec3f &  dir,
const Vec3f &  t1,
const Vec3f &  t2,
const Vec3f &  t3,
Vec3f &  x,
float &  d 

Definition at line 479 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

Vec3f rtc::normal_to_vec ( const Normal &  p)

Definition at line 31 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

void rtc::normalizeSecNSec ( uint64_t &  sec,
uint64_t &  nsec 
) [inline]

Definition at line 16 of file rtcTime.h.

void rtc::normalizeSecNSec ( uint32_t &  sec,
uint32_t &  nsec 
) [inline]

Definition at line 28 of file rtcTime.h.

void rtc::normalizeSecNSecSigned ( int64_t &  sec,
int64_t &  nsec 
) [inline]

Definition at line 16 of file rtcDuration.h.

void rtc::normalizeSecNSecSigned ( int32_t &  sec,
int32_t &  nsec 
) [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file rtcDuration.h.

void rtc::normalizeSecNSecUnsigned ( int64_t &  sec,
int64_t &  nsec 
) [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file rtcTime.h.

template<class T , int M, int N>
Mat< T, M, N > rtc::operator* ( const T  a,
const Mat< T, M, N > &  m 

Scalar-Matrix multiplication operator.

Definition at line 593 of file rtcMat.h.

template<class T , int M, int N>
Vec< T, N > rtc::operator* ( const Vec< T, M > &  v,
const Mat< T, M, N > &  m 

Vector-Matrix multiplication operator.

Definition at line 615 of file rtcMat.h.

template<class T , int M>
Vec< T, M > rtc::operator* ( const T  a,
const Vec< T, M > &  v 
) [inline]

Scalar-Vector multiplication operator.

athe scalar with which to multiply each element of vector
vthe vector

Definition at line 898 of file rtcVec.h.

template<class T >
VarMat< T > rtc::operator* ( const T  a,
const VarMat< T > &  m 

Scalar-Matrix multiplication operator.

Definition at line 657 of file rtcVarMat.h.

template<class T >
VarVec< T > rtc::operator* ( const T  a,
const VarVec< T > &  v 
) [inline]

Scalar-Vector multiplication operator.

athe scalar with which to multiply each element of vector
vthe vector

Definition at line 1015 of file rtcVarVec.h.

template<class T >
VarVec<T> rtc::operator* ( const VarVec< T > &  v,
const VarMat< T > &  m 

Vector-Matrix multiplication operator.

Definition at line 687 of file rtcVarMat.h.

template<class T , int M>
Vec< T, M > rtc::operator+ ( const T  a,
const Vec< T, M > &  v 
) [inline]

Scalar-Vector addition operator.

athe scalar to add to each element of vector
vthe vector

Definition at line 838 of file rtcVec.h.

template<class T >
VarVec< T > rtc::operator+ ( const T  a,
const VarVec< T > &  v 
) [inline]

Scalar-Vector addition operator.

athe scalar to add to each element of vector
vthe vector

Definition at line 955 of file rtcVarVec.h.

template<class T , int M>
Vec< T, M > rtc::operator- ( const T  a,
const Vec< T, M > &  v 
) [inline]

Scalar-Vector subtraction operator.

athe scalar to subtract from each element of vector
vthe vector

Definition at line 849 of file rtcVec.h.

template<class T >
VarVec< T > rtc::operator- ( const T  a,
const VarVec< T > &  v 
) [inline]

Scalar-Vector subtraction operator.

athe scalar to subtract from each element of vector
vthe vector

Definition at line 966 of file rtcVarVec.h.

std::ostream& rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Pose2D &  pose 
template<class T , int K>
std::ostream & rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Array< T, K > &  a 

Write state to stream as formated ASCII

Definition at line 433 of file rtcArray.h.

template<class T >
std::ostream & rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Transform< T > &  trans 

Write state to stream as formated ASCII

Definition at line 317 of file rtcTransform.h.

std::ostream& rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Duration &  rhs 
std::ostream& rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const WallDuration &  rhs 
std::ostream& rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Time &  rhs 
std::ostream& rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const WallTime &  rhs 
template<class T , int M, int N>
std::ostream & rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Mat< T, M, N > &  mat 

Write state to stream as formated ASCII

Definition at line 907 of file rtcMat.h.

template<class T , int M>
std::ostream & rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Vec< T, M > &  vec 

Write state to stream as formated ASCII

Definition at line 1067 of file rtcVec.h.

template<class T >
std::ostream & rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VarMat< T > &  mat 

Create matrix of samples from a multivariate gaussian distribution.

meanmean of normal distribution
stdevstandard deviation of normal distribution
matrix of normal samples Write state to stream as formated ASCII

Definition at line 954 of file rtcVarMat.h.

template<class T >
std::ostream & rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const VarVec< T > &  vec 

Write state to stream as formated ASCII

Definition at line 1277 of file rtcVarVec.h.

template<class T >
std::ostream& rtc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Pose3D< T > &  pose 

Write state to stream as formated ASCII

Definition at line 264 of file rtcPose3D.h.

std::istream& rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Pose2D &  pose 
template<class T , int K>
std::istream & rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Array< T, K > &  a 

Read state from stream of formated ASCII

Definition at line 450 of file rtcArray.h.

template<class T >
std::istream & rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Transform< T > &  trans 

Restores state data from formated ASCII stream supports reading old and new formats

Definition at line 335 of file rtcTransform.h.

template<class T , int M, int N>
std::istream & rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Mat< T, M, N > &  mat 

Restores state data from formated ASCII stream

Definition at line 947 of file rtcMat.h.

template<class T , int M>
std::istream & rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Vec< T, M > &  vec 

Restores state from formated ASCII stream

Definition at line 1081 of file rtcVec.h.

template<class T >
std::istream & rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
VarMat< T > &  mat 

Restores state data from formated ASCII stream

Definition at line 994 of file rtcVarMat.h.

template<class T >
std::istream & rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
VarVec< T > &  vec 

Restores state from formated ASCII stream

Definition at line 1291 of file rtcVarVec.h.

template<class T >
std::istream& rtc::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Pose3D< T > &  pose 

Restores state from formated ASCII stream

Definition at line 273 of file rtcPose3D.h.

bool rtc::point_on_edge ( const Vec2f &  p1,
const Vec2f &  p2,
float  alpha,
long  mask 

Definition at line 261 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::point_outside_of_rect ( const Vec2f &  c,
float  s,
const Vec2f &  p 

Definition at line 333 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::point_outside_of_rect ( const Vec2f &  c,
float  xlen,
float  ylen,
float  rot_angle,
const Vec2f &  p 

Definition at line 344 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

Vec3f rtc::point_to_vec ( const Point p)

Definition at line 26 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

bool rtc::point_within_bounds ( const Vec3f &  c,
const Vec3f &  bc,
float  br 

Definition at line 75 of file rtcGeometry3D.cpp.

float rtc::proj_dist_to_line ( const Vec2f &  x,
const Vec2f &  a,
const Vec2f &  b 

Definition at line 97 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

bool rtc::rect_rect_X ( const Vec2f &  c1,
float  theta1,
float  w1,
float  l1,
const Vec2f &  c2,
float  theta2,
float  w2,
float  l2 

Definition at line 359 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

template<class T >
int rtc::rInt ( const T  x) [inline]

Definition at line 33 of file rtcMisc.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::roundTo ( const T  x,
const T  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file rtcMisc.h.

double rtc::rtc_abs ( const double &  x) [inline]

Absolute value.

Definition at line 181 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_abs ( const float &  x) [inline]

Definition at line 182 of file rtcMath.h.

int rtc::rtc_abs ( const int &  x) [inline]

Definition at line 183 of file rtcMath.h.

long int rtc::rtc_abs ( const long int &  x) [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file rtcMath.h.

long long int rtc::rtc_abs ( const long long int &  x) [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_acos ( float  x) [inline]

Arc cosine.

Definition at line 297 of file rtcMath.h.

double rtc::rtc_acos ( double  x) [inline]

Arc cosine.

Definition at line 299 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_asin ( float  x) [inline]

Arc sine.

Definition at line 293 of file rtcMath.h.

double rtc::rtc_asin ( double  x) [inline]

Arc sine.

Definition at line 295 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_atan ( float  x) [inline]

Arc tangent.

Definition at line 301 of file rtcMath.h.

double rtc::rtc_atan ( double  x) [inline]

Arc tangent.

Definition at line 303 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_atan2 ( float  y,
float  x 
) [inline]

Arc tangent of y/x.

Definition at line 305 of file rtcMath.h.

double rtc::rtc_atan2 ( double  y,
double  x 
) [inline]

Arc tangent of y/x.

Definition at line 307 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
void rtc::rtc_bary ( const Vec2< T > &  p,
const Vec2< T > &  t1,
const Vec2< T > &  t2,
const Vec2< T > &  t3,
T &  b1,
T &  b2,
T &  b3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file rtcGeometry2D.h.

int rtc::rtc_carp_get_verbose ( void  )

Definition at line 125 of file rtcBase.cpp.

void rtc::rtc_carp_set_output ( FILE *  output)

Definition at line 115 of file rtcBase.cpp.

void rtc::rtc_carp_set_verbose ( int  verbosity)

Definition at line 120 of file rtcBase.cpp.

template<class T >
void rtc::rtc_cartesian_to_spherical ( const T &  x,
const T &  y,
const T &  z,
T &  r,
T &  theta,
T &  phi 
) [inline]

converts cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates

Definition at line 233 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_clamp ( const T  x,
const T  a,
const T  b 
) [inline]

clamp the given variable x to passed range [a,b]

Definition at line 59 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
int rtc::rtc_compare ( const void *  a,
const void *  b 
) [inline]

compare floating point numbers (for sorts)

Definition at line 139 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_cos ( float  x) [inline]


Definition at line 285 of file rtcMath.h.

double rtc::rtc_cos ( double  x) [inline]


Definition at line 287 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_cube ( const T  x) [inline]

cube a number

Definition at line 102 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_cuberoot ( const T  x) [inline]

a number^3/2

Definition at line 111 of file rtcMath.h.

void rtc::rtc_die ( const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 52 of file rtcBase.cpp.

void rtc::rtc_die_syserror ( const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 67 of file rtcBase.cpp.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_distance_point_to_line ( const Vec2< T > &  x,
const Vec2< T > &  a,
const Vec2< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 129 of file rtcGeometry2D.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_distance_point_to_line_projected ( const Vec2< T > &  x,
const Vec2< T > &  a,
const Vec2< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file rtcGeometry2D.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_distance_point_to_point ( const Vec2< T > &  a,
const Vec2< T > &  b 
) [inline]

Definition at line 123 of file rtcGeometry2D.h.

bool rtc::rtc_find_commandline_parameter ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
const char *  param 

Definition at line 147 of file rtcBase.cpp.

bool rtc::rtc_find_commandline_parameter ( int  argc,
char **  argv,
const char *  param,
char *  param_value 

Definition at line 129 of file rtcBase.cpp.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_lerp ( const T &  t0,
const T &  t1,
float  a 
) [inline]

Definition at line 87 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_max ( const T  x1,
const T  x2 
) [inline]

return the maximum

Definition at line 114 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_max ( const T  x1,
const T  x2,
const T  x3 
) [inline]

return the maximum

Definition at line 119 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_min ( const T  x1,
const T  x2 
) [inline]

return the minimum

Definition at line 124 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_min ( const T  x1,
const T  x2,
const T  x3 
) [inline]

return the minimum

Definition at line 129 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_normal_rand ( mean = T(0),
stdev = T(1) 
) [inline]

Returns a sample from a normal distribution.

Definition at line 148 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
void rtc::rtc_normalize_spherical ( T &  theta,
T &  phi 
) [inline]

r in [0,inf), theta in [0,2PI), and phi in [0,PI],

Definition at line 258 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_normalize_theta ( theta) [inline]

normalizes theta to a [-PI,PI] interval

Definition at line 208 of file rtcMath.h.

void rtc::rtc_perror ( const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 37 of file rtcBase.cpp.

template<class T >
bool rtc::rtc_point_inside_triangle ( const Vec2< T > &  p,
const Vec2< T > &  t1,
const Vec2< T > &  t2,
const Vec2< T > &  t3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 110 of file rtcGeometry2D.h.

template<class T , class U >
T rtc::rtc_pow ( const T &  x,
const U &  y 
) [inline]

x by the power of y

Definition at line 195 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_pow< float, int > ( const float &  x,
const int &  y 
) [inline]

x by the power of y

Definition at line 200 of file rtcMath.h.

void rtc::rtc_progress_bar_print ( double  current,
double  total 

Definition at line 166 of file rtcBase.cpp.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_pythag ( a,
) [inline]

return (a^2 + b^2)^(1/2) without over/underflow

Definition at line 92 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_quart ( const T  x) [inline]

take number to the 4th power

Definition at line 105 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_quint ( const T  x) [inline]

take number to the 5th power

Definition at line 108 of file rtcMath.h.

bool rtc::rtc_read ( InputHandler &  ih,
Pose2D &  data 
template<class T >
bool rtc::rtc_read ( InputHandler &  ih,
const std::string &  name,
T &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 86 of file rtcInputHandler.h.

template<class T >
bool rtc::rtc_read ( InputHandler &  ih,
Pose3D< T > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 292 of file rtcPose3D.h.

template<class T , int K>
bool rtc::rtc_read ( InputHandler &  ih,
Array< T, K > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 492 of file rtcArray.h.

template<class T , int M, int N>
bool rtc::rtc_read ( InputHandler &  ih,
Mat< T, M, N > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 1021 of file rtcMat.h.

template<class T , int M>
bool rtc::rtc_read ( InputHandler &  ih,
Vec< T, M > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 1136 of file rtcVec.h.

template<class T >
int rtc::rtc_round ( const T  x) [inline]

rounds a value to the nearest integer.

Definition at line 80 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_safe_acos ( costheta) [inline]

Definition at line 225 of file rtcMath.h.

void rtc::rtc_seed_rand ( void  )

Definition at line 20 of file rtcMath.cpp.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_sign ( const T  x) [inline]

return the sign of a number

Definition at line 70 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_sin ( float  x) [inline]


Definition at line 281 of file rtcMath.h.

double rtc::rtc_sin ( double  x) [inline]


Definition at line 283 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
void rtc::rtc_spherical_to_cartesian ( const T &  r,
const T &  theta,
const T &  phi,
T &  x,
T &  y,
T &  z 
) [inline]

converts spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates

Definition at line 246 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_sqr ( const T  x) [inline]

square a number

Definition at line 99 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_sqrt ( const T &  x) [inline]

Square root.

Definition at line 190 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
void rtc::rtc_swap ( T &  x1,
T &  x2 
) [inline]

swap values

Definition at line 134 of file rtcMath.h.

float rtc::rtc_tan ( float  x) [inline]


Definition at line 289 of file rtcMath.h.

double rtc::rtc_tan ( double  x) [inline]


Definition at line 291 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_triangle_area ( const Vec3< T > &  t1,
const Vec3< T > &  t2,
const Vec3< T > &  t3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 102 of file rtcGeometry3D.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_triangle_area ( const Vec2< T > &  t1,
const Vec2< T > &  t2,
const Vec2< T > &  t3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 162 of file rtcGeometry2D.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_triangle_area_signed ( const Vec2< T > &  t1,
const Vec2< T > &  t2,
const Vec2< T > &  t3 
) [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file rtcGeometry2D.h.

template<class T >
int rtc::rtc_trunc ( const T  x) [inline]

returns the integral digits of the specified number x

Definition at line 75 of file rtcMath.h.

template<class T >
T rtc::rtc_uniform_rand ( lower = T(0),
upper = T(1) 
) [inline]

Returns a sample from a uniform distribution.

Definition at line 173 of file rtcMath.h.

void rtc::rtc_verbose ( const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 98 of file rtcBase.cpp.

void rtc::rtc_warn ( const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 84 of file rtcBase.cpp.

template<class T >
bool rtc::rtc_within ( const T  x,
const T  a,
const T  b 
) [inline]

returns true if the given variable x is in passed range [a,b]

Definition at line 65 of file rtcMath.h.

bool rtc::rtc_write ( OutputHandler &  oh,
const Pose2D &  data 
template<class T >
bool rtc::rtc_write ( OutputHandler &  oh,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 89 of file rtcOutputHandler.h.

template<class T >
bool rtc::rtc_write ( OutputHandler &  oh,
const Pose3D< T > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 283 of file rtcPose3D.h.

template<class T , int K>
bool rtc::rtc_write ( OutputHandler &  oh,
const Array< T, K > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 483 of file rtcArray.h.

template<class T , int M, int N>
bool rtc::rtc_write ( OutputHandler &  oh,
const Mat< T, M, N > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 1012 of file rtcMat.h.

template<class T , int M>
bool rtc::rtc_write ( OutputHandler &  oh,
const Vec< T, M > &  data 

handler functions with standard storable interface

Definition at line 1127 of file rtcVec.h.

void rtc::seedRand ( void  )

Seed pseudo-random number generator.

bool rtc::segment_on_edge ( const Vec2f &  p1,
const Vec2f &  p2,
long  outcode_diff 

Definition at line 273 of file rtcGeometry2D.cpp.

void rtc::split_string ( const std::string &  str,
std::vector< std::string > &  tokens,
const std::string &  delimiters = " " 

split string into a number of tokens

Definition at line 122 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

template<class T , void *(T::*)(void *) mem_fn>
void* rtc::threadCBWrapper ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 70 of file rtcMisc.h.

std::string & rtc::trim ( std::string &  str)

trim leading an trailing spaces

Definition at line 142 of file rtcStringTools.cpp.

Color rtc::vec_to_color ( const Vec3uc &  v)

Definition at line 51 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

Normal rtc::vec_to_normal ( const Vec3f &  v)

Definition at line 46 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

Point rtc::vec_to_point ( const Vec3f &  v)

Definition at line 41 of file rtcTriMesh.cpp.

Variable Documentation

const GLfloat rtc::arrow_quad_normals

Definition at line 94 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

const GLfloat rtc::arrow_quad_vertices

Definition at line 60 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

Initial value:

Definition at line 43 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

Initial value:

Definition at line 29 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

const int rtc::num_arrow_quad_faces = 16

Definition at line 58 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

Definition at line 59 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

Definition at line 27 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

Definition at line 28 of file rtcGraphicsHelper.cpp.

Definition at line 12 of file rtcRenderManager.cpp.

FILE* rtc::rtc_carp_output = NULL [static]

Definition at line 33 of file rtcBase.cpp.

int rtc::rtc_carp_verbose = 1 [static]

Definition at line 34 of file rtcBase.cpp.

const Time rtc::TIME_MAX = rtc::Time(UINT_MAX, 999999999) [static]

Definition at line 122 of file rtcTime.h.

const Time rtc::TIME_MIN = rtc::Time(0, 0) [static]

Definition at line 123 of file rtcTime.h.

int rtc::use_glui = 1 [static]

Definition at line 16 of file rtcRenderManager.cpp.

Author(s): Benjamin Pitzer
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:04:54