
Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Eigen::internal::DlsInverseReturnType< MatrixType >Expression type for return value of MatrixInverter::dlsInverse(). Compute the damped least-squares inverse of a matrix
Eigen::internal::DlsSolveReturnType< MatrixType >Expression type for return value of MatrixInverter::dlsSolve(). Solve the linear system. TODO: Finish
Eigen::internal::LsInverseReturnType< MatrixType >Expression type for return value of MatrixInverter::lsInverse(). Compute the least-squares inverse of a matrix
Eigen::internal::LsSolveReturnType< MatrixType >Expression type for return value of MatrixInverter::lsSolve(). Solve the linear system. TODO: Finish
KDL::MatrixInverter< MatrixType >Least-squares and damped least-squares inverse computation for rectangular, real-valued matrices
Eigen::internal::traits< DlsInverseReturnType< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< DlsSolveReturnType< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< LsInverseReturnType< MatrixType > >
Eigen::internal::traits< LsSolveReturnType< MatrixType > >
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Author(s): Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian, Hilario Tome.
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 17:27:12 2013