File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions: [code]
msg/ [code] [code] [code]
basisdef.h [code]This file contains some basic definitions (defines, macros, datatypes)
canserial-esd.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cCANSerial_ESD, class to access CAN bus via ESD card on cygwin/linux
canserial-peak.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cCANSerial_PEAK, class to access CAN bus via PEAK card on cygwin/linux
cob_sdh.cpp [code]Implementation of ROS node for sdh
cob_sdh_demo.cpp [code]Simple script to do grasping using tactile sensor info feedback. See __help__ and online help ("-h" or "--help") for available options
cob_sdh_driver.cpp [code]
crc.h [code]This file contains interface to cCRC, a class to handle CRC calculation
dbg.h [code]This file contains interface and implementation of class SDH::cDBG, a class for colorfull debug messages
dsa.h [code]This file contains interface to SDH::cDSA, a class to communicate with the tactile sensors of the SDH
dsaboost.cpp [code]Helper stuff for the "boosted" DSA stuff [code] [code]
release.h [code]This file contains nothing but C/C++ defines with the name of the project itself (PROJECT_NAME) and the name of the release (PROJECT_RELEASE) of the whole project
rs232-cygwin.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cRS232, a class to access serial RS232 port on cygwin/linux
rs232-vcc.h [code]Implementation of class SDH::cRS232, a class to access serial RS232 port with VCC compiler on Windows
sdh.h [code]This file contains the interface to class SDH::cSDH, the end user class to access the SDH from a PC
sdh_codes.h [code]This file contains function to convert the binary command codes of the SDH. To use this from a non gcc compiler you might have to define SDH__attribute__ to nothing and SDH_USE_VCC to 1
sdh_command_codes.h [code]This file contains the binary command codes of the SDH. To use this from a non gcc compiler you might have to define SDH__attribute__ to nothing and SDH_USE_VCC to 1
sdh_return_codes.h [code]This file contains a typedef for a common Return Codes enum
sdhbase.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cSDHBase
sdhexception.h [code]Interface of the exception base class SDH::cSDHLibraryException and SDH::cMsg
sdhlibrary_settings.h [code]This file contains settings to make the SDHLibrary compile on differen systems:

  • gcc/Cygwin/Windows
  • gcc/Linux
  • VisualC++/Windows
sdhserial.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cSDHSerial
serialbase.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cSerialBase, a virtal base class to access serial communication channels like RS232 or CAN
simplestringlist.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cSimpleStringList
simpletime.h [code]Interface of auxilliary utility functions for SDHLibrary-CPP
simplevector.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cSimpleVector
TactileMatrix.h [code]
TactileSensor.h [code]
tcpserial.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cTCPSerial, class to access TCP port cygwin/linux
unit_converter.h [code]Interface of class SDH::cUnitConverter
util.h [code]Interface of auxilliary utility functions for SDHLibrary-CPP
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Florian Weisshardt
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 10:03:57 2013