38 #ifndef __OPENNI_DEVICE_PRIMESENSE__ 39 #define __OPENNI_DEVICE_PRIMESENSE__ 55 DevicePrimesense (xn::Context& context,
const xn::NodeInfo& device_node,
const xn::NodeInfo& image_node,
const xn::NodeInfo& depth_node,
const xn::NodeInfo& ir_node)
throw (
62 virtual
bool isImageResizeSupported (
unsigned input_width,
unsigned input_height,
unsigned output_width,
unsigned output_height) const throw ();
69 #endif // __OPENNI_DEVICE_PRIMESENSE__ virtual void startDepthStream()
virtual void enumAvailableModes()
virtual ~DevicePrimesense()
Driver class implemented as Singleton. This class contains the xn::Context object used by all devices...
virtual void startImageStream()
Image class containing just a reference to image meta data. Thus this class just provides an interfac...
Concrete implementation of the interface OpenNIDevice for a Primesense device.
DevicePrimesense(xn::Context &context, const xn::NodeInfo &device_node, const xn::NodeInfo &image_node, const xn::NodeInfo &depth_node, const xn::NodeInfo &ir_node)
virtual boost::shared_ptr< Image > getCurrentImage(boost::shared_ptr< xn::ImageMetaData > image_meta_data) const
virtual bool isImageResizeSupported(unsigned input_width, unsigned input_height, unsigned output_width, unsigned output_height) const
Class representing an astract device for Primesense or MS Kinect devices.