Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cvigir_gridmap_2d::GridMap2DStores a nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid in a convenient opencv cv::Mat as binary map (free: 255, occupied: 0) and as distance map (distance to closest obstacle in meter)
 Cvigir_footstep_planning::EuclideanHeuristicDetermining the heuristic value by the euclidean distance between two states
 Cvigir_footstep_planning::PathCostHeuristicDetermining the heuristic value by calculating a 2D path from each grid cell of the map to the goal and using the path length as expected distance
 Cvigir_footstep_planning::StepCostHeuristicDetermining the heuristic value by the euclidean distance between two states, the expected step costs to get from one state to the other and the difference between the orientation of the two states multiplied by some cost factor. (NOTE: choosing this angular difference cost might overestimate the heuristic value.)

Author(s): Alexander Stumpf
autogenerated on Sun Nov 17 2019 03:30:01