Public Member Functions | List of all members

Provides matrix-valued optimization variables. More...

#include <matrix_variable.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for MatrixVariable:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

MatrixVariable getCols (uint startIdx, uint endIdx) const
DMatrix getMatrix () const
MatrixVariable getRows (uint startIdx, uint endIdx) const
returnValue init (uint _nRows, uint _nCols, VariableType _type=VT_UNKNOWN, const char **const _names=0, const char **const _units=0, DVector _scaling=emptyVector, DVector _lb=emptyVector, DVector _ub=emptyVector, BooleanType _autoInit=defaultAutoInit)
 MatrixVariable ()
 MatrixVariable (uint _nRows, uint _nCols, VariableType _type=VT_UNKNOWN, const char **const _names=0, const char **const _units=0, DVector _scaling=emptyVector, DVector _lb=emptyVector, DVector _ub=emptyVector, BooleanType _autoInit=defaultAutoInit)
 MatrixVariable (const MatrixVariable &rhs)
 MatrixVariable (const DMatrix &_matrix, VariableType _type=VT_UNKNOWN)
MatrixVariableoperator= (const MatrixVariable &rhs)
MatrixVariableoperator= (const DMatrix &rhs)
 ~MatrixVariable ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GenericMatrix< double >
GenericMatrix absolute () const
GenericMatrixappendCols (const GenericMatrix &_arg)
GenericMatrixappendRows (const GenericMatrix &_arg)
 GenericMatrix (const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
 GenericMatrix (const Eigen::ReturnByValue< OtherDerived > &other)
 GenericMatrix (const Eigen::EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
GenericMatrix< double > getAbsolute () const
GenericVector< double > getCol (unsigned _idx) const
GenericMatrix getCols (unsigned _start, unsigned _end) const
double getConditionNumber () const
GenericVector< double > getDiag () const
unsigned getDim () const
double getMax () const
double getMean () const
double getMin () const
double getNorm () const
unsigned getNumCols () const
unsigned getNumRows () const
GenericVector< double > getRow (unsigned _idx) const
GenericMatrix getRows (unsigned _start, unsigned _end) const
double getTrace () const
void init (unsigned _nRows=0, unsigned _nCols=0)
bool isEmpty () const
bool isPositiveDefinite () const
bool isPositiveSemiDefinite () const
bool isSquare () const
bool isSymmetric () const
GenericMatrixmakeVector ()
GenericMatrix negative () const
bool operator!= (const GenericMatrix &arg) const
bool operator== (const GenericMatrix &arg) const
GenericMatrix positive () const
virtual returnValue print (std::ostream &_stream=std::cout, const std::string &_name=DEFAULT_LABEL, const std::string &_startString=DEFAULT_START_STRING, const std::string &_endString=DEFAULT_END_STRING, uint _width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, uint _precision=DEFAULT_PRECISION, const std::string &_colSeparator=DEFAULT_COL_SEPARATOR, const std::string &_rowSeparator=DEFAULT_ROW_SEPARATOR) const
virtual returnValue print (std::ostream &stream, const std::string &name, PrintScheme printScheme) const
virtual returnValue print (const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_name=DEFAULT_LABEL, const std::string &_startString=DEFAULT_START_STRING, const std::string &_endString=DEFAULT_END_STRING, uint _width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, uint _precision=DEFAULT_PRECISION, const std::string &_colSeparator=DEFAULT_COL_SEPARATOR, const std::string &_rowSeparator=DEFAULT_ROW_SEPARATOR) const
virtual returnValue print (const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_name, PrintScheme _printScheme) const
virtual returnValue read (std::istream &_stream)
virtual returnValue read (const std::string &_filename)
void setAll (const double &_value)
GenericMatrixsetCol (unsigned _idx, const GenericVector< double > &_arg)
GenericMatrixsetRow (unsigned _idx, const GenericVector< double > &_values)
GenericVector< double > sumCol () const
GenericVector< double > sumRow () const
returnValue symmetrize ()
virtual ~GenericMatrix ()
 GenericMatrix ()
 GenericMatrix (const double &_value)
 GenericMatrix (unsigned _nRows, unsigned _nCols)
 GenericMatrix (unsigned _nRows, unsigned _nCols, const double *const _values)
 GenericMatrix (unsigned _nRows, unsigned _nCols, std::vector< double > &_values)
 GenericMatrix (unsigned _nRows, unsigned _nCols, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &_values)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor|Eigen::AutoAlign >
Index innerStride () const
 Default constructor. More...
 Matrix (internal::constructor_without_unaligned_array_assert)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (Index dim)
 Constructs a vector or row-vector with given dimension. . More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (const T0 &x, const T1 &y)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (const Scalar &x, const Scalar &y, const Scalar &z)
 Constructs an initialized 3D vector with given coefficients. More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (const Scalar &x, const Scalar &y, const Scalar &z, const Scalar &w)
 Constructs an initialized 4D vector with given coefficients. More...
 Matrix (const Scalar *data)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
 Constructor copying the value of the expression other. More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (const Matrix &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (const ReturnByValue< OtherDerived > &other)
 Copy constructor with in-place evaluation. More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrix (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
 Copy constructor for generic expressions. More...
 Matrix (const RotationBase< OtherDerived, ColsAtCompileTime > &r)
 Constructs a Dim x Dim rotation matrix from the rotation r. More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrixoperator= (const Matrix &other)
 Assigns matrices to each other. More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrixoperator= (const MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrixoperator= (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
 Copies the generic expression other into *this. More...
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Matrixoperator= (const ReturnByValue< OtherDerived > &func)
Matrixoperator= (const RotationBase< OtherDerived, ColsAtCompileTime > &r)
Index outerStride () const
void swap (MatrixBase< OtherDerived > const &other)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >
Basebase ()
const Basebase () const
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Scalarcoeff (Index rowId, Index colId) const
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Scalarcoeff (Index index) const
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ScalarcoeffRef (Index rowId, Index colId)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE ScalarcoeffRef (Index index)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const ScalarcoeffRef (Index rowId, Index colId) const
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const ScalarcoeffRef (Index index) const
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index cols () const
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void conservativeResize (Index nbRows, Index nbCols)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void conservativeResize (Index nbRows, NoChange_t)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void conservativeResize (NoChange_t, Index nbCols)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void conservativeResize (Index size)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void conservativeResizeLike (const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Scalardata () const
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & lazyAssign (const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & operator= (const PlainObjectBase &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & operator= (const ReturnByValue< OtherDerived > &func)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & operator= (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<int LoadMode>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketScalar packet (Index rowId, Index colId) const
template<int LoadMode>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PacketScalar packet (Index index) const
 PlainObjectBase (internal::constructor_without_unaligned_array_assert)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PlainObjectBase (Index a_size, Index nbRows, Index nbCols)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE PlainObjectBase (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void resize (Index nbRows, Index nbCols)
void resize (Index size)
void resize (NoChange_t, Index nbCols)
void resize (Index nbRows, NoChange_t)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void resizeLike (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &_other)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Index rows () const
Derived & setConstant (Index size, const Scalar &value)
Derived & setConstant (Index rows, Index cols, const Scalar &value)
Derived & setOnes (Index size)
Derived & setOnes (Index rows, Index cols)
Derived & setRandom (Index size)
Derived & setRandom (Index rows, Index cols)
Derived & setZero (Index size)
Derived & setZero (Index rows, Index cols)
template<int StoreMode>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void writePacket (Index rowId, Index colId, const PacketScalar &val)
template<int StoreMode>
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void writePacket (Index index, const PacketScalar &val)
- Public Member Functions inherited from VariableSettings
returnValue appendSettings (const VariableSettings &rhs)
returnValue appendSettings (uint _dim, const char **const _names, const char **const _units, const DVector &_scaling=emptyConstVector, const DVector &_lb=emptyConstVector, const DVector &_ub=emptyConstVector)
BooleanType getAutoInit () const
double getLowerBound (uint idx) const
DVector getLowerBounds () const
returnValue getName (uint idx, char *_name) const
DVector getScaling () const
double getScaling (uint idx) const
VariableType getType () const
returnValue getUnit (uint idx, char *_unit) const
double getUpperBound (uint idx) const
DVector getUpperBounds () const
BooleanType hasLowerBounds () const
BooleanType hasNames () const
BooleanType hasScaling () const
BooleanType hasUnits () const
BooleanType hasUpperBounds () const
returnValue init ()
returnValue init (uint _dim, VariableType _type, const char **const _names, const char **const _units, const DVector &_scaling=emptyConstVector, const DVector &_lb=emptyConstVector, const DVector &_ub=emptyConstVector, BooleanType _autoInit=defaultAutoInit)
VariableSettingsoperator= (const VariableSettings &rhs)
returnValue setAutoInit (BooleanType _autoInit)
returnValue setLowerBound (uint idx, double _lb)
returnValue setLowerBounds (const DVector &_lb)
returnValue setName (uint idx, const char *const _name)
returnValue setScaling (const DVector &_scaling)
returnValue setScaling (uint idx, double _scaling)
returnValue setType (VariableType _type)
returnValue setUnit (uint idx, const char *const _unit)
returnValue setUpperBound (uint idx, double _ub)
returnValue setUpperBounds (const DVector &_ub)
 VariableSettings ()
 VariableSettings (uint _dim, VariableType _type=VT_UNKNOWN, const char **const _names=0, const char **const _units=0, const DVector &_scaling=emptyConstVector, const DVector &_lb=emptyConstVector, const DVector &_ub=emptyConstVector, BooleanType _autoInit=defaultAutoInit)
 VariableSettings (const VariableSettings &rhs)
 ~VariableSettings ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from GenericMatrix< double >
typedef Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor|Eigen::AutoAlignBase
- Public Types inherited from Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor|Eigen::AutoAlign >
typedef PlainObjectBase< MatrixBase
 Base class typedef. More...
typedef Base::PlainObject PlainObject
- Public Types inherited from Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >
enum  { Options = internal::traits<Derived>::Options }
enum  { NeedsToAlign = SizeAtCompileTime != Dynamic && (internal::traits<Derived>::Flags & AlignedBit) != 0 }
typedef Eigen::Map< Derived, AlignedAlignedMapType
typedef internal::dense_xpr_base< Derived >::type Base
typedef const Eigen::Map< const Derived, AlignedConstAlignedMapType
typedef const Eigen::Map< const Derived, UnalignedConstMapType
typedef Derived DenseType
typedef internal::traits< Derived >::Index Index
typedef Eigen::Map< Derived, UnalignedMapType
typedef internal::packet_traits< Scalar >::type PacketScalar
typedef NumTraits< Scalar >::Real RealScalar
typedef internal::traits< Derived >::Scalar Scalar
typedef internal::traits< Derived >::StorageKind StorageKind
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >
static EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void _check_template_params ()
static ConstMapType Map (const Scalar *data)
static MapType Map (Scalar *data)
static ConstMapType Map (const Scalar *data, Index size)
static MapType Map (Scalar *data, Index size)
static ConstMapType Map (const Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols)
static MapType Map (Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols)
static ConstAlignedMapType MapAligned (const Scalar *data)
static AlignedMapType MapAligned (Scalar *data)
static ConstAlignedMapType MapAligned (const Scalar *data, Index size)
static AlignedMapType MapAligned (Scalar *data, Index size)
static ConstAlignedMapType MapAligned (const Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols)
static AlignedMapType MapAligned (Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedConstMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type Map (const Scalar *data, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type Map (Scalar *data, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedConstMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type Map (const Scalar *data, Index size, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type Map (Scalar *data, Index size, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedConstMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type Map (const Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type Map (Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedConstAlignedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type MapAligned (const Scalar *data, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedAlignedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type MapAligned (Scalar *data, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedConstAlignedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type MapAligned (const Scalar *data, Index size, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedAlignedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type MapAligned (Scalar *data, Index size, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedConstAlignedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type MapAligned (const Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
template<int Outer, int Inner>
static StridedAlignedMapType< Stride< Outer, Inner > >::type MapAligned (Scalar *data, Index rows, Index cols, const Stride< Outer, Inner > &stride)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >
template<typename T0 , typename T1 >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void _init2 (Index nbRows, Index nbCols, typename internal::enable_if< Base::SizeAtCompileTime!=2, T0 >::type *=0)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void _init2 (const Scalar &val0, const Scalar &val1, typename internal::enable_if< Base::SizeAtCompileTime==2, T0 >::type *=0)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void _resize_to_match (const EigenBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & _set (const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)
 Copies the value of the expression other into *this with automatic resizing. More...
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE Derived & _set_noalias (const DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void _set_selector (const OtherDerived &other, const internal::true_type &)
template<typename OtherDerived >
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void _set_selector (const OtherDerived &other, const internal::false_type &)
template<typename OtherDerived >
void _swap (DenseBase< OtherDerived > const &other)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VariableSettings
returnValue clear ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from Eigen::PlainObjectBase< Derived >
DenseStorage< Scalar, Base::MaxSizeAtCompileTime, Base::RowsAtCompileTime, Base::ColsAtCompileTime, Optionsm_storage
- Protected Attributes inherited from VariableSettings
BooleanType autoInit
uint dim
DVector lb
char ** names
DVector scaling
VariableType type
DVector ub
char ** units

Detailed Description

Provides matrix-valued optimization variables.

The class MatrixVariable provides matrix-valued optimization variables by enhancing the DMatrix class with variable-specific settings.

Hans Joachim Ferreau, Boris Houska

Definition at line 55 of file matrix_variable.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO MatrixVariable::MatrixVariable ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 46 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

MatrixVariable::MatrixVariable ( uint  _nRows,
uint  _nCols,
VariableType  _type = VT_UNKNOWN,
const char **const  _names = 0,
const char **const  _units = 0,
DVector  _scaling = emptyVector,
DVector  _lb = emptyVector,
DVector  _ub = emptyVector,
BooleanType  _autoInit = defaultAutoInit 

Constructor which takes dimensions of the matrix as well as all variable settings.

[in]_nRowsNumber of rows of each matrix.
[in]_nColsNumber of columns of each matrix.
[in]_typeType of the variable.
[in]_namesArray containing name labels for each component of the variable.
[in]_unitsArray containing unit labels for each component of the variable.
[in]_scalingScaling for each component of the variable.
[in]_lbLower bounds for each component of the variable.
[in]_ubUpper bounds for each component of the variable.
[in]_autoInitFlag indicating whether variable is to be automatically initialized.

Definition at line 51 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

MatrixVariable::MatrixVariable ( const MatrixVariable rhs)

Copy constructor (deep copy).

@param[in] rhs      Right-hand side object.

Definition at line 65 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

MatrixVariable::MatrixVariable ( const DMatrix _matrix,
VariableType  _type = VT_UNKNOWN 

Copy constructor converting a matrix to a MatrixVariable (of given type).

@param[in] _matrix  DMatrix to be converted.
@param[in] _type    Type of the variable.

Definition at line 70 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

MatrixVariable::~MatrixVariable ( )


Definition at line 77 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

MatrixVariable MatrixVariable::getCols ( uint  startIdx,
uint  endIdx 
) const

Returns a MatrixVariable containing only the columns between given indices while keeping all rows.

[in]startIdxIndex of first column to be included.
[in]endIdxIndex of last column to be included.
Is not fully implemented yet!
DMatrix containing desired columns

Definition at line 148 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

DMatrix MatrixVariable::getMatrix ( ) const

Returns matrix containing the numerical values of the MatrixVariable.

\return DMatrix containing the numerical values
MatrixVariable MatrixVariable::getRows ( uint  startIdx,
uint  endIdx 
) const

Returns a MatrixVariable containing only the rows between given indices while keeping all columns.

[in]startIdxIndex of first row to be included.
[in]endIdxIndex of last row to be included.
Is not fully implemented yet!
DMatrix containing desired rows

Definition at line 128 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

returnValue MatrixVariable::init ( uint  _nRows,
uint  _nCols,
VariableType  _type = VT_UNKNOWN,
const char **const  _names = 0,
const char **const  _units = 0,
DVector  _scaling = emptyVector,
DVector  _lb = emptyVector,
DVector  _ub = emptyVector,
BooleanType  _autoInit = defaultAutoInit 

Initializes object with given dimensions of the matrix and given variable settings.

[in]_nRowsNumber of rows of each matrix.
[in]_nColsNumber of columns of each matrix.
[in]_typeType of the variable.
[in]_namesArray containing name labels for each component of the variable.
[in]_unitsArray containing unit labels for each component of the variable.
[in]_scalingScaling for each component of the variable.
[in]_lbLower bounds for each component of the variable.
[in]_ubUpper bounds for each component of the variable.
[in]_autoInitFlag indicating whether variable is to be automatically initialized.

Definition at line 107 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

MatrixVariable & MatrixVariable::operator= ( const MatrixVariable rhs)

Assignment operator (deep copy).

    @param[in] rhs  Right-hand side object.

Definition at line 82 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

MatrixVariable & MatrixVariable::operator= ( const DMatrix rhs)

Assignment operator converting a matrix to a MatrixVariable.

    @param[in] rhs  Right-hand side object.

Definition at line 94 of file matrix_variable.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:25