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Implements the Runge-Kutta-23 scheme for integrating ODEs. More...

#include <integrator_runge_kutta23.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for IntegratorRK23:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

virtual Integratorclone () const
 IntegratorRK23 ()
 IntegratorRK23 (const DifferentialEquation &rhs_)
 IntegratorRK23 (const IntegratorRK23 &arg)
virtual IntegratorRK23operator= (const IntegratorRK23 &arg)
virtual ~IntegratorRK23 ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IntegratorRK
virtual returnValue freezeAll ()
virtual returnValue freezeMesh ()
virtual int getNumberOfRejectedSteps () const
virtual int getNumberOfSteps () const
virtual double getStepSize () const
virtual returnValue init (const DifferentialEquation &rhs_)
returnValue init (const DifferentialEquation &rhs_, const Transition &trs_)
 IntegratorRK ()
 IntegratorRK (int dim_, double power_)
 IntegratorRK (const DifferentialEquation &rhs_, int dim_, double power_)
 IntegratorRK (const IntegratorRK &arg)
virtual IntegratorRKoperator= (const IntegratorRK &arg)
virtual returnValue setDxInitialization (double *dx0)
virtual returnValue step (int number)
virtual returnValue stop ()
virtual returnValue unfreeze ()
virtual ~IntegratorRK ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Integrator
virtual BooleanType canHandleImplicitSwitches () const
virtual returnValue deleteAllSeeds ()
returnValue getBackwardSensitivities (DVector &Dx_x0, DVector &Dx_p, DVector &Dx_u, DVector &Dx_w, int order) const
virtual double getDifferentialEquationSampleTime () const
returnValue getForwardSensitivities (DVector &Dx, int order) const
returnValue getForwardSensitivities (VariablesGrid &Dx, int order) const
returnValue getI (VariablesGrid &I) const
returnValue getX (DVector &xEnd) const
returnValue getX (VariablesGrid &X) const
returnValue getXA (DVector &xaEnd) const
returnValue getXA (VariablesGrid &XA) const
returnValue init (const DifferentialEquation &rhs, const Transition &trs)
returnValue integrate (double t0, double tend, double *x0, double *xa=0, double *p=0, double *u=0, double *w=0)
returnValue integrate (const Grid &t, double *x0, double *xa=0, double *p=0, double *u=0, double *w=0)
returnValue integrate (double t0, double tend, const DVector &x0, const DVector &xa=emptyVector, const DVector &p=emptyVector, const DVector &u=emptyVector, const DVector &w=emptyVector)
returnValue integrate (const Grid &t, const DVector &x0, const DVector &xa=emptyVector, const DVector &p=emptyVector, const DVector &u=emptyVector, const DVector &w=emptyVector)
returnValue integrateSensitivities ()
 Integrator ()
 Integrator (const Integrator &arg)
virtual BooleanType isDifferentialEquationAffine () const
virtual BooleanType isDifferentialEquationDefined () const
virtual returnValue printRunTimeProfile () const
returnValue setBackwardSeed (const int &order, const DVector &seed)
returnValue setForwardSeed (const int &order, const DVector &xSeed, const DVector &pSeed=emptyVector, const DVector &uSeed=emptyVector, const DVector &wSeed=emptyVector)
returnValue setTransition (const Transition &trs)
virtual ~Integrator ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from AlgorithmicBase
int addLogRecord (LogRecord &_record)
returnValue addOption (OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue addOption (OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue addOption (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue addOptionsList ()
 AlgorithmicBase ()
 AlgorithmicBase (UserInteraction *_userInteraction)
 AlgorithmicBase (const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)
returnValue get (OptionsName name, int &value) const
returnValue get (OptionsName name, double &value) const
returnValue get (OptionsName name, std::string &value) const
returnValue get (uint idx, OptionsName name, int &value) const
returnValue get (uint idx, OptionsName name, double &value) const
returnValue getAll (LogName _name, MatrixVariablesGrid &values) const
returnValue getFirst (LogName _name, DMatrix &firstValue) const
returnValue getFirst (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &firstValue) const
returnValue getLast (LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const
returnValue getLast (LogName _name, VariablesGrid &lastValue) const
Options getOptions (uint idx) const
BooleanType haveOptionsChanged () const
BooleanType haveOptionsChanged (uint idx) const
AlgorithmicBaseoperator= (const AlgorithmicBase &rhs)
returnValue plot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
returnValue printLogRecord (std::ostream &_stream, int idx, LogPrintMode _mode=PRINT_ITEM_BY_ITEM) const
returnValue replot (PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue set (OptionsName name, const std::string &value)
returnValue set (uint idx, OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue set (uint idx, OptionsName name, double value)
returnValue setAll (LogName _name, const MatrixVariablesGrid &values)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, int lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, double lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const DVector &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const DMatrix &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setLast (LogName _name, const VariablesGrid &lastValue, double time=-INFTY)
returnValue setOptions (const Options &arg)
returnValue setOptions (uint idx, const Options &arg)
virtual ~AlgorithmicBase ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initializeButcherTableau ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IntegratorRK
void allocateMemory ()
void constructAll (const IntegratorRK &arg)
void deleteAll ()
double determineEta45 ()
double determineEta45 (int number)
void determineEtaGForward (int number)
void determineEtaGForward2 (int number)
void determineEtaHBackward (int number)
void determineEtaHBackward2 (int number)
virtual returnValue evaluate (const DVector &x0, const DVector &xa, const DVector &p, const DVector &u, const DVector &w, const Grid &t_)
virtual returnValue evaluateSensitivities ()
virtual int getDim () const
virtual returnValue getProtectedBackwardSensitivities (DVector &Dx_x0, DVector &Dx_p, DVector &Dx_u, DVector &Dx_w, int order) const
virtual returnValue getProtectedForwardSensitivities (DMatrix *Dx, int order) const
virtual returnValue getProtectedX (DVector *xEnd) const
void initializeVariables ()
void interpolate (int jj, double *e1, double *d1, double *e2, VariablesGrid &poly)
void logCurrentIntegratorStep (const DVector &currentX=emptyConstVector)
void printIntermediateResults ()
virtual returnValue setBackwardSeed2 (const DVector &seed)
returnValue setForwardSeed2 (const DVector &xSeed, const DVector &pSeed, const DVector &uSeed, const DVector &wSeed)
virtual returnValue setProtectedBackwardSeed (const DVector &seed, const int &order)
virtual returnValue setProtectedForwardSeed (const DVector &xSeed, const DVector &pSeed, const DVector &uSeed, const DVector &wSeed, const int &order)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Integrator
virtual returnValue diffTransitionBackward (DVector &DX, DVector &DP, DVector &DU, DVector &DW, int &order)
virtual returnValue diffTransitionForward (DVector &DX, const DVector &DP, const DVector &DU, const DVector &DW, const int &order)
virtual returnValue evaluateTransition (const double time, DVector &xd, const DVector &xa, const DVector &p, const DVector &u, const DVector &w)
virtual int getDimX () const
void initializeOptions ()
virtual returnValue setupLogging ()
virtual returnValue setupOptions ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from IntegratorRK
double ** A
double * b4
double * b5
DVector bseed
DVector bseed2
double * c
int dim
double err_power
double * eta4
double * eta4_
double * eta5
double * eta5_
double * etaG
double * etaG2
double * etaG3
double * etaH
double * etaH2
double * etaH3
DVector fseed
DVector fseed2
double * G
double * G2
double * G3
double * H
double * H2
double * H3
double ** k
double ** k2
double ** l
double ** l2
int maxAlloc
double t
double * x
- Protected Attributes inherited from Integrator
int * alg_index
int * control_index
int count
int count2
int count3
int * ddiff_index
VariablesGrid ddxStore
int * diff_index
DVector diff_scale
int * disturbance_index
DVector dP
DVector dPb
DVector dU
DVector dUb
DVector dW
DVector dWb
DVector dX
DVector dXb
VariablesGrid dxStore
RealClock functionEvaluation
double * h
double hini
double hmax
double hmin
int * int_control_index
int * int_parameter_index
VariablesGrid iStore
int las
short int m
short int ma
int maxNumberOfSteps
short int md
short int mdx
short int mn
short int mp
short int mpi
short int mu
short int mui
short int mw
int nBDirs
int nBDirs2
int nFcnEvaluations
int nFDirs
int nFDirs2
int * parameter_index
int PrintLevel
StateOfAggregation soa
int time_index
Grid timeInterval
double TOL
RealClock totalTime
double tune
DVector xE
VariablesGrid xStore
- Protected Attributes inherited from AlgorithmicBase
int outputLoggingIdx
BooleanType useModuleStandalone

Detailed Description

Implements the Runge-Kutta-23 scheme for integrating ODEs.

The class IntegratorRK23 implements the Runge-Kutta-23 scheme for integrating ordinary differential equations (ODEs).

Boris Houska, Hans Joachim Ferreau

Definition at line 54 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO IntegratorRK23::IntegratorRK23 ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 52 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.cpp.

IntegratorRK23::IntegratorRK23 ( const DifferentialEquation rhs_)

Default constructor.

Definition at line 58 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.cpp.

IntegratorRK23::IntegratorRK23 ( const IntegratorRK23 arg)

Copy constructor (deep copy).

Definition at line 64 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.cpp.

IntegratorRK23::~IntegratorRK23 ( )


Definition at line 67 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

Integrator * IntegratorRK23::clone ( ) const

The (virtual) copy constructor

Implements IntegratorRK.

Definition at line 77 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.cpp.

void IntegratorRK23::initializeButcherTableau ( )

This routine initializes the coefficients of the Butcher Tableau.

Implements IntegratorRK.

Definition at line 82 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.cpp.

IntegratorRK23 & IntegratorRK23::operator= ( const IntegratorRK23 arg)

Assignment operator (deep copy).

Definition at line 69 of file integrator_runge_kutta23.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:25