Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright 2016 Intermodalics All Rights Reserved.
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 package eu.intermodalics.tango_ros_streamer.activities;
00019 import android.animation.AnimatorInflater;
00020 import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
00021 import;
00022 import;
00023 import android.content.Intent;
00024 import android.content.ServiceConnection;
00025 import android.content.SharedPreferences;
00026 import;
00027 import android.content.res.Configuration;
00028 import;
00029 import android.os.AsyncTask;
00030 import android.os.Bundle;
00031 import android.os.StrictMode;
00032 import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
00033 import;
00034 import;
00035 import android.text.format.Formatter;
00036 import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod;
00037 import android.util.Log;
00038 import android.view.Menu;
00039 import android.view.MenuInflater;
00040 import android.view.MenuItem;
00041 import android.view.View;
00042 import android.widget.Button;
00043 import android.widget.CompoundButton;
00044 import android.widget.Switch;
00045 import android.widget.ImageView;
00046 import android.widget.TextView;
00047 import android.widget.Toast;
00049 import;
00050 import org.ros.address.InetAddressFactory;
00051 import;
00052 import;
00053 import org.ros.exception.RosRuntimeException;
00054 import org.ros.node.ConnectedNode;
00055 import org.ros.node.DefaultNodeListener;
00056 import org.ros.node.NodeConfiguration;
00057 import org.ros.node.NodeListener;
00058 import org.ros.node.NodeMainExecutor;
00060 import;
00061 import;
00062 import java.util.ArrayList;
00063 import java.util.HashMap;
00064 import java.util.List;
00065 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
00067 import eu.intermodalics.nodelet_manager.TangoNodeletManager;
00068 import eu.intermodalics.nodelet_manager.TangoInitializationHelper;
00069 import eu.intermodalics.nodelet_manager.TangoInitializationHelper.DefaultTangoServiceConnection;
00071 import eu.intermodalics.tango_ros_common.Logger;
00072 import eu.intermodalics.tango_ros_common.MasterConnectionChecker;
00073 import eu.intermodalics.tango_ros_common.TangoServiceClientNode;
00074 import;
00075 import eu.intermodalics.tango_ros_streamer.nodes.ImuNode;
00076 import eu.intermodalics.tango_ros_common.ParameterNode;
00077 import eu.intermodalics.tango_ros_streamer.R;
00078 import;
00079 import tango_ros_messages.TangoConnectRequest;
00080 import tango_ros_messages.TangoConnectResponse;
00082 public class RunningActivity extends AppCompatRosActivity implements
00083         SaveMapDialog.CallbackListener, LoadOccupancyGridDialog.CallbackListener,
00084         TangoServiceClientNode.CallbackListener {
00085     private static final String TAG = RunningActivity.class.getSimpleName();
00086     private static final String TAGS_TO_LOG = TAG + ", " + "tango_client_api, " + "Registrar, "
00087             + "DefaultPublisher, " + "native, " + "DefaultPublisher" ;
00088     private static final int LOG_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH = 5000;
00089     private static final int MAX_TANGO_CONNECTION_TRY = 50;
00091     private static final String REQUEST_TANGO_PERMISSION_ACTION = "android.intent.action.REQUEST_TANGO_PERMISSION";
00092     public static final String EXTRA_KEY_PERMISSIONTYPE = "PERMISSIONTYPE";
00093     public static final String EXTRA_VALUE_ADF = "ADF_LOAD_SAVE_PERMISSION";
00094     private static final String EXTRA_VALUE_DATASET = "DATASET_PERMISSION";
00095     private static final int REQUEST_CODE_ADF_PERMISSION = 111;
00096     private static final int REQUEST_CODE_DATASET_PERMISSION = 112;
00097     public static final String RESTART_TANGO = "restart_tango";
00099     public static class StartSettingsActivityRequest {
00100         public static final int FIRST_RUN = 11;
00101         public static final int STANDARD_RUN = 12;
00102     }
00104     enum RosStatus {
00105         UNKNOWN,
00107         MASTER_CONNECTED
00108     }
00110     // Symmetric implementation to tango_ros_nodelet.h.
00111     enum TangoStatus {
00112         UNKNOWN,
00114         NO_FIRST_VALID_POSE,
00116     }
00118     private SharedPreferences mSharedPref;
00119     private TangoNodeletManager mTangoNodeletManager;
00120     private boolean mRunLocalMaster = false;
00121     private String mMasterUri = "";
00122     private CountDownLatch mRosConnectionLatch;
00123     private ParameterNode mParameterNode;
00124     private TangoServiceClientNode mTangoServiceClientNode;
00125     private ImuNode mImuNode;
00126     private RosStatus mRosStatus = RosStatus.UNKNOWN;
00127     private TangoStatus mTangoStatus = TangoStatus.UNKNOWN;
00128     private Logger mLogger;
00129     private boolean mCreateNewMap = false;
00130     private boolean mMapSaved = false;
00131     private HashMap<String, String> mUuidsNamesHashMap;
00132     // True after the user answered the ADF permission popup (the permission has not been necessarily granted).
00133     private boolean mAdfPermissionHasBeenAnswered = false;
00134     // True after the user answered the dataset permission popup (the permission has not been necessarily granted).
00135     private boolean mDatasetPermissionHasBeenAnswered = false;
00136     private ArrayList<String> mOccupancyGridNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
00138     // UI objects.
00139     private Menu mToolbarMenu;
00140     private TextView mUriTextView;
00141     private ImageView mRosLightImageView;
00142     private ImageView mTangoLightImageView;
00143     private Switch mlogSwitch;
00144     private boolean mDisplayLog = false;
00145     private TextView mLogTextView;
00146     private Button mSaveMapButton;
00147     private Button mLoadOccupancyGridButton;
00148     private Snackbar mSnackbarLoadNewMap;
00149     private Snackbar mSnackbarRosReconnection;
00151     public RunningActivity() {
00152         super("TangoRosStreamer", "TangoRosStreamer");
00153     }
00155     protected RunningActivity(String notificationTicker, String notificationTitle) {
00156         super(notificationTicker, notificationTitle);
00157     }
00162     ServiceConnection mTangoServiceConnection = new DefaultTangoServiceConnection(
00163         new DefaultTangoServiceConnection.AfterConnectionCallback() {
00164             @Override
00165             public void execute() {
00166                 if (TangoInitializationHelper.isTangoServiceBound()) {
00167                     if (TangoInitializationHelper.isTangoVersionOk()) {
00168                         Log.i(TAG, "Version of Tango is ok.");
00169                     } else {
00170                         updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus.SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED);
00171                         Log.e(TAG, getResources().getString(R.string.tango_version_error));
00172                         displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_version_error);
00173                     }
00174                 } else {
00175                     updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus.SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED);
00176                     Log.e(TAG, getString(R.string.tango_bind_error));
00177                     displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_bind_error);
00178                 }
00179             }
00180         }
00181     );
00183     private void updateRosStatus(RosStatus status) {
00184         if (mRosStatus != status) {
00185             mRosStatus = status;
00186         }
00187         switchRosLight(status);
00188         SharedPreferences.Editor editor = mSharedPref.edit();
00189         editor.putInt(getString(R.string.ros_status), status.ordinal());
00190         editor.commit();
00191     }
00193     private void switchRosLight(final RosStatus status) {
00194         runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
00195             @Override
00196             public void run() {
00197                 if (status == RosStatus.UNKNOWN) {
00198                     mRosLightImageView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.btn_radio_on_orange_light));
00199                 } else if (status == RosStatus.MASTER_CONNECTED) {
00200                     // Turn ROS light to green.
00201                     mRosLightImageView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.btn_radio_on_green_light));
00202                     // Dismiss ROS reconnection snackbar if necessary.
00203                     if (mSnackbarRosReconnection != null && mSnackbarRosReconnection.isShown()) {
00204                         mSnackbarRosReconnection.dismiss();
00205                     }
00206                     // Set settings icon color to white.
00207                     mToolbarMenu.findItem(;
00208                 } else if (status == RosStatus.MASTER_NOT_CONNECTED) {
00209                     // Turn ROS light to red.
00210                     mRosLightImageView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.btn_radio_on_red_light));
00211                     // Show snackbar with ROS reconnection button.
00212                     mSnackbarRosReconnection = Snackbar.make(findViewById(,
00213                             getString(R.string.snackbar_text_reconnect_ros), Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE);
00214                     mSnackbarRosReconnection.setAction(getString(R.string.snackbar_action_text_reconnect_ros),
00215                             new View.OnClickListener() {
00216                                 @Override
00217                                 public void onClick(View view) {
00218                                     mRunLocalMaster = mSharedPref.getBoolean(getString(R.string.pref_master_is_local_key), false);
00219                                     mMasterUri = mSharedPref.getString(getString(R.string.pref_master_uri_key),
00220                                             getResources().getString(R.string.pref_master_uri_default));
00221                                     mUriTextView.setText(mMasterUri);
00222                                     initAndStartRosJavaNode();
00223                                 }
00224                             }
00225                     );
00226                     View snackBarView = mSnackbarRosReconnection.getView();
00227                     snackBarView.setBackgroundColor(getResources().getColor(android.R.color.holo_red_dark));
00228           ;
00229                     // Highlight ROS Master URI.
00230                     AnimatorSet set = (AnimatorSet) AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(RunningActivity.this, R.animator.master_uri_text_animation);
00231                     set.setTarget(mUriTextView);
00232                     set.start();
00233                     // Set settings icon color to red.
00234                     mToolbarMenu.findItem(;
00235                 }
00236             }
00237         });
00238     }
00240     private void updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus status) {
00241         if (mTangoStatus != status) {
00242             mTangoStatus = status;
00243             switchTangoLight(status);
00244             if (status == TangoStatus.NO_FIRST_VALID_POSE) {
00245                 displayToastMessage(R.string.point_device);
00246             }
00247         }
00248     }
00250     private void switchTangoLight(final TangoStatus status) {
00251         runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
00252             @Override
00253             public void run() {
00254                 if (status == TangoStatus.UNKNOWN) {
00255                     mTangoLightImageView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.btn_radio_on_orange_light));
00256                 } else if (status == TangoStatus.SERVICE_CONNECTED) {
00257                     mTangoLightImageView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.btn_radio_on_green_light));
00258                 } else {
00259                     mTangoLightImageView.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.btn_radio_on_red_light));
00260                 }
00261             }
00262         });
00263     }
00265     private void updateLoadAndSaveMapButtons() {
00266         mCreateNewMap = mSharedPref.getBoolean(getString(R.string.pref_create_new_map_key), false);
00267         runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
00268             @Override
00269             public void run() {
00270                 mSaveMapButton.setEnabled(!mMapSaved);
00271                 if (mCreateNewMap) {
00272                     mSaveMapButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
00273                     mLoadOccupancyGridButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);
00274                 } else {
00275                     mSaveMapButton.setVisibility(View.GONE);
00276                     mLoadOccupancyGridButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
00277                 }
00278             }
00279         });
00280     }
00286     private void displayToastMessage(final int messageId) {
00287         runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
00288             @Override
00289             public void run() {
00290                 Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), messageId, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
00291             }
00292         });
00293     }
00295     private void showSaveMapDialog() {
00296         FragmentManager manager = getFragmentManager();
00297         SaveMapDialog saveMapDialog = new SaveMapDialog();
00298         saveMapDialog.setStyle(DialogFragment.STYLE_NORMAL,;
00299, "SaveMapDialog");
00300     }
00302     private void showLoadOccupancyGridDialog(boolean firstTry, java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.String> nameList) {
00303         FragmentManager manager = getFragmentManager();
00304         LoadOccupancyGridDialog loadOccupancyGridDialog = new LoadOccupancyGridDialog();
00305         Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
00306         bundle.putBoolean(getString(R.string.show_load_occupancy_grid_empty_key), nameList.isEmpty());
00307         bundle.putBoolean(getString(R.string.show_load_occupancy_grid_error_key), !firstTry);
00308         bundle.putStringArrayList(getString(R.string.list_names_occupancy_grid_key), nameList);
00309         loadOccupancyGridDialog.setArguments(bundle);
00310         loadOccupancyGridDialog.setStyle(DialogFragment.STYLE_NORMAL,;
00311, "LoadOccupancyGridDialog");
00312     }
00314     private void setupUI() {
00315         setContentView(R.layout.running_activity);
00316         Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
00317         setSupportActionBar(toolbar);
00318         mUriTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
00319         mUriTextView.setText(mMasterUri);
00320         mRosLightImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
00321         mTangoLightImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
00322         mlogSwitch = (Switch) findViewById(;
00323         mlogSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
00324             @Override
00325             public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean isChecked) {
00326                 mDisplayLog = isChecked;
00327                 mLogTextView.setVisibility(isChecked ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE);
00328             }
00329         });
00330         mLogTextView = (TextView)findViewById(;
00331         mLogTextView.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod());
00332         mSaveMapButton = (Button) findViewById(;
00333         mSaveMapButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
00334             @Override
00335             public void onClick(View view) {
00336                 showSaveMapDialog();
00337             }
00338         });
00339         mLoadOccupancyGridButton = (Button) findViewById(;
00340         mLoadOccupancyGridButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
00341             @Override
00342             public void onClick(View view) {
00343                 mOccupancyGridNameList = new ArrayList<String>();
00344                 try {
00345                     String directory = mParameterNode.getStringParam(getString(R.string.occupancy_grid_directory_key));
00346                     File occupancyGridDirectory = new File(directory);
00347                     if (occupancyGridDirectory != null && occupancyGridDirectory.isDirectory()) {
00348                         File[] files = occupancyGridDirectory.listFiles();
00349                         for (File file : files) {
00350                             if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()).equals("yaml")) {
00351                                 mOccupancyGridNameList.add(FilenameUtils.removeExtension(file.getName()));
00352                             }
00353                         }
00354                     }
00355                     showLoadOccupancyGridDialog(/* firstTry */ true, mOccupancyGridNameList);
00356                 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00357                     e.printStackTrace();
00358                 }
00359             }
00360         });
00361         updateLoadAndSaveMapButtons();
00362     }
00364     public void onClickOkSaveMapDialog(final String mapName) {
00365         assert(mapName !=null && !mapName.isEmpty());
00366         mSaveMapButton.setEnabled(false);
00367         new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
00368             @Override
00369             protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
00370                 mTangoServiceClientNode.callSaveMapService(mapName);
00371                 return null;
00372             }
00373         }.execute();
00374     }
00376     @Override
00377     public void onSaveMapServiceCallFinish(boolean success, final String message,
00378                                            final String mapName, final String mapUuid) {
00379         if (success) {
00380             mMapSaved = true;
00381             displayToastMessage(R.string.save_map_success);
00382             saveUuidsNamestoHashMap();
00383             runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
00384                 @Override
00385                 public void run() {
00386                     mSaveMapButton.setEnabled(!mMapSaved);
00387                     mSnackbarLoadNewMap = Snackbar.make(findViewById(,
00388                             getString(R.string.snackbar_text_load_new_map), Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE);
00389                     mSnackbarLoadNewMap.setAction(getString(R.string.snackbar_action_text_load_new_map), new View.OnClickListener() {
00390                         @Override
00391                         public void onClick(View view) {
00392                             try {
00393                                 mParameterNode.changeSettingsToLocalizeInMap(mapUuid, getString(R.string.pref_create_new_map_key),
00394                                         getString(R.string.pref_localization_mode_key), getString(R.string.pref_localization_map_uuid_key));
00395                                 restartTango();
00396                             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00397                                 e.printStackTrace();
00398                             }
00399                         }
00400                     });
00401           ;
00402                 }
00403             });
00404         } else {
00405             Log.e(TAG, "Error while saving map: " + message);
00406             displayToastMessage(R.string.save_map_error);
00407         }
00408     }
00410     public void onClickItemLoadOccupancyGridDialog(final String occupancyGridName) {
00411         assert(occupancyGridName !=null && !occupancyGridName.isEmpty());
00412         mLoadOccupancyGridButton.setEnabled(false);
00413         new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
00414             @Override
00415             protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
00416                 mTangoServiceClientNode.callLoadOccupancyGridService(occupancyGridName);
00417                 return null;
00418             }
00419         }.execute();
00420     }
00422     @Override
00423     public void onLoadOccupancyGridServiceCallFinish(boolean success, final String message,
00424                                                      boolean aligned, String mapUuid) {
00425         if (success) {
00426             if (aligned) {
00427                 displayToastMessage(R.string.load_occupancy_grid_success);
00428             } else {
00429                 displayToastMessage(R.string.load_occupancy_grid_not_aligned);
00430             }
00431             Log.i(TAG, message);
00432         } else {
00433             Log.e(TAG, "Error while loading occupancy grid: " + message);
00434             displayToastMessage(R.string.load_occupancy_grid_error);
00435             showLoadOccupancyGridDialog(/* firstTry */ false, mOccupancyGridNameList);
00436         }
00437         runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
00438             @Override
00439             public void run() {
00440                 mLoadOccupancyGridButton.setEnabled(true);
00441             }
00442         });
00443     }
00445     @Override
00446     public void onTangoConnectServiceFinish(int response, String message) {
00447         if (response != TangoConnectResponse.TANGO_SUCCESS) {
00448             Log.e(TAG, "Error connecting to Tango: " + response + ", message: " + message);
00449             displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_connect_error);
00450             return;
00451         }
00452         displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_connect_success);
00453     }
00455     @Override
00456     public void onTangoDisconnectServiceFinish(int response, String message) {
00457         if (response != TangoConnectResponse.TANGO_SUCCESS) {
00458             Log.e(TAG, "Error disconnecting from Tango: " + response + ", message: " + message);
00459             // Do not switch Tango lights in this case because Tango disconnect can never fail.
00460             // Failure occured due to something else, so Tango is still connected.
00461             displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_disconnect_error);
00462             return;
00463         }
00464         displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_disconnect_success);
00465     }
00467     @Override
00468     public void onTangoReconnectServiceFinish(int response, String message) {
00469         if (response != TangoConnectResponse.TANGO_SUCCESS) {
00470             Log.e(TAG, "Error reconnecting to Tango: " + response + ", message: " + message);
00471             displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_reconnect_error);
00472             return;
00473         }
00474         displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_reconnect_success);
00475     }
00477     public void onGetMapUuidsFinish(List<String> mapUuids, List<String> mapNames) {
00478         mUuidsNamesHashMap = new HashMap<>();
00479         if (mapUuids == null || mapNames == null) return;
00480         assert(mapUuids.size() == mapNames.size());
00481         for (int i = 0; i < mapUuids.size(); ++i) {
00482             mUuidsNamesHashMap.put(mapUuids.get(i), mapNames.get(i));
00483         }
00484         if(mParameterNode != null) {
00485             try {
00486                 mParameterNode.setPreferencesFromParameterServer();
00487             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00488                 e.printStackTrace();
00489             }
00490         }
00491         Intent settingsActivityIntent = new Intent(SettingsActivity.NEW_UUIDS_NAMES_MAP_ALERT);
00492         settingsActivityIntent.putExtra(getString(R.string.uuids_names_map), mUuidsNamesHashMap);
00493         this.sendBroadcast(settingsActivityIntent);
00494     }
00496     @Override
00497     public void onTangoStatus(int status) {
00498         if (status >= TangoStatus.values().length) {
00499             Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Tango status " + status);
00500             return;
00501         }
00502         if (status == TangoStatus.SERVICE_CONNECTED.ordinal() && mTangoStatus != TangoStatus.SERVICE_CONNECTED) {
00503             saveUuidsNamestoHashMap();
00504             try {
00505                 mParameterNode.setPreferencesFromParameterServer();
00506             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00507                 e.printStackTrace();
00508             }
00509             mMapSaved = false;
00510             if (mSnackbarLoadNewMap != null && mSnackbarLoadNewMap.isShown()) {
00511                 mSnackbarLoadNewMap.dismiss();
00512             }
00513         }
00514         updateLoadAndSaveMapButtons();
00515         updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus.values()[status]);
00516     }
00518     private void saveUuidsNamestoHashMap() {
00519         mTangoServiceClientNode.callGetMapUuidsService();
00520     }
00522     private void getTangoPermission(String permissionType, int requestCode) {
00523         Intent intent = new Intent();
00524         intent.setAction(REQUEST_TANGO_PERMISSION_ACTION);
00525         intent.putExtra(EXTRA_KEY_PERMISSIONTYPE, permissionType);
00526         startActivityForResult(intent, requestCode);
00527     }
00529     @Override
00530     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
00531         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
00532         Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
00533             public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
00534                 Log.e(TAG, "Uncaught exception of type " + e.getClass());
00535                 e.printStackTrace();
00536             }
00537         });
00538         // The following piece of code allows networking in main thread.
00539         // e.g. Restart Tango button calls a ROS service in UI thread.
00540         if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) {
00541             StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
00542             StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);
00543         }
00544         mSharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext());
00545         mRunLocalMaster = mSharedPref.getBoolean(getString(R.string.pref_master_is_local_key), false);
00546         mMasterUri = mSharedPref.getString(getString(R.string.pref_master_uri_key),
00547                 getResources().getString(R.string.pref_master_uri_default));
00548         mCreateNewMap = mSharedPref.getBoolean(getString(R.string.pref_create_new_map_key), false);
00549         String logFileName = mSharedPref.getString(getString(R.string.pref_log_file_key),
00550                 getString(R.string.pref_log_file_default));
00551         setupUI();
00552         mLogger = new Logger(this, mLogTextView, TAGS_TO_LOG, logFileName, LOG_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH);
00553     }
00555     @Override
00556     public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
00557         super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);
00558         setupUI();
00559         switchRosLight(mRosStatus);
00560         switchTangoLight(mTangoStatus);
00561         mlogSwitch.setChecked(mDisplayLog);
00562         mLogTextView.setText(mLogger.getLogText());
00563     }
00565     @Override
00566     public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
00567         MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
00568         inflater.inflate(, menu);
00569         mToolbarMenu = menu;
00570         return true;
00571     }
00573     @Override
00574     public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
00575         switch (item.getItemId()) {
00576             case
00577                 if(mParameterNode != null) {
00578                     try {
00579                         mParameterNode.setPreferencesFromParameterServer();
00580                     } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00581                         e.printStackTrace();
00582                     }
00583                 }
00584                 Intent settingsActivityIntent = new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class);
00585                 settingsActivityIntent.putExtra(getString(R.string.uuids_names_map), mUuidsNamesHashMap);
00586                 startActivityForResult(settingsActivityIntent, StartSettingsActivityRequest.STANDARD_RUN);
00587                 return true;
00588             case
00589                 mLogger.saveLogToFile();
00590                 Intent shareFileIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
00591                 shareFileIntent.setType("text/plain");
00592                 shareFileIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.fromFile(mLogger.getLogFile()));
00593                 startActivity(shareFileIntent);
00594                 return true;
00595             default:
00596                 return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
00597         }
00598     }
00600     private void unbindFromTango() {
00601         if (TangoInitializationHelper.isTangoServiceBound()) {
00602             Log.i(TAG, "Unbind tango service");
00603             TangoInitializationHelper.unbindTangoService(this, mTangoServiceConnection);
00604             updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus.SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED);
00605         }
00606     }
00608     @Override
00609     protected void onDestroy() {
00610         super.onDestroy();
00611         if (mParameterNode != null) {
00612             try {
00613                 mParameterNode.setPreferencesFromParameterServer();
00614             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00615                 e.printStackTrace();
00616             }
00617         }
00618         this.nodeMainExecutorService.forceShutdown();
00619     }
00621     @Override
00622     protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
00623         if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { // Result code returned when back button is pressed.
00624             // Upload new settings to parameter server.
00625             if ((requestCode == StartSettingsActivityRequest.STANDARD_RUN ||
00626                     requestCode == StartSettingsActivityRequest.FIRST_RUN) &&
00627                     mParameterNode != null) {
00628                 try {
00629                     mParameterNode.uploadPreferencesToParameterServer();
00630                 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00631                     e.printStackTrace();
00632                 }
00633             }
00635             if (data != null && data.getBooleanExtra(RESTART_TANGO, false)) {
00636                 restartTango();
00637             }
00639             if (requestCode == StartSettingsActivityRequest.FIRST_RUN) {
00640                 mRunLocalMaster = mSharedPref.getBoolean(getString(R.string.pref_master_is_local_key), false);
00641                 mMasterUri = mSharedPref.getString(getString(R.string.pref_master_uri_key),
00642                         getResources().getString(R.string.pref_master_uri_default));
00643                 mUriTextView.setText(mMasterUri);
00644                 String logFileName = mSharedPref.getString(getString(R.string.pref_log_file_key),
00645                         getString(R.string.pref_log_file_default));
00646                 mLogger.setLogFileName(logFileName);
00647                 mLogger.start();
00648                 getTangoPermission(EXTRA_VALUE_ADF, REQUEST_CODE_ADF_PERMISSION);
00649                 getTangoPermission(EXTRA_VALUE_DATASET, REQUEST_CODE_DATASET_PERMISSION);
00650                 updateLoadAndSaveMapButtons();
00651             } else if (requestCode == StartSettingsActivityRequest.STANDARD_RUN) {
00652                 // It is ok to change the log file name at runtime.
00653                 String logFileName = mSharedPref.getString(getString(R.string.pref_log_file_key),
00654                         getString(R.string.pref_log_file_default));
00655                 mLogger.setLogFileName(logFileName);
00656                 if (mRosStatus == RosStatus.MASTER_NOT_CONNECTED && mSnackbarRosReconnection != null) {
00657                     // Show snackbar with ROS reconnection button.
00658                     // It was dismissed when switching to the SettingsActivity.
00659          ;
00660                 }
00661             }
00662         }
00664         if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_ADF_PERMISSION || requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_DATASET_PERMISSION) {
00665             if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) {
00666                 // No Tango permissions granted by the user.
00667                 displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_permission_denied);
00668             }
00669             if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_ADF_PERMISSION) {
00670                 // The user answered the ADF permission popup (the permission has not been necessarily granted).
00671                 mAdfPermissionHasBeenAnswered = true;
00672             }
00673             if (requestCode ==  REQUEST_CODE_DATASET_PERMISSION) {
00674                 // The user answered the dataset permission popup (the permission has not been necessarily granted).
00675                 mDatasetPermissionHasBeenAnswered = true;
00676             }
00677             if (mAdfPermissionHasBeenAnswered && mDatasetPermissionHasBeenAnswered) {
00678                 // Both ADF and dataset permissions popup have been answered by the user, the node
00679                 // can start.
00680                 Log.i(TAG, "initAndStartRosJavaNode");
00681                 initAndStartRosJavaNode();
00682             }
00684         }
00685     }
00690     private void checkRosMasterConnection() {
00691         updateRosStatus(RosStatus.UNKNOWN);
00692         mRosConnectionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
00693         new MasterConnectionChecker(mMasterUri.toString(),
00694                 new MasterConnectionChecker.UserHook() {
00695                     @Override
00696                     public void onSuccess(Object o) {
00697                         updateRosStatus(RosStatus.MASTER_CONNECTED);
00698                         mRosConnectionLatch.countDown();
00699                     }
00701                     @Override
00702                     public void onError(Throwable t) {
00703                         updateRosStatus(RosStatus.MASTER_NOT_CONNECTED);
00704                         Log.e(TAG, getString(R.string.ros_init_error));
00705                         displayToastMessage(R.string.ros_init_error);
00706                         mRosConnectionLatch.countDown();
00707                     }
00708                 },
00709                 mRosConnectionLatch
00710         ).runTest();
00711         waitForLatchUnlock(mRosConnectionLatch, "ROS CONNECTION");
00712     }
00714     private void restartTango() {
00715         if (mParameterNode != null) {
00716             try {
00717                 mParameterNode.setPreferencesFromParameterServer();
00718             } catch (RuntimeException e) {
00719                 e.printStackTrace();
00720             }
00721         }
00722         mTangoServiceClientNode.callTangoConnectService(TangoConnectRequest.RECONNECT);
00723     }
00725     @Override
00726     protected void init(NodeMainExecutor nodeMainExecutor) {
00727         NodeConfiguration nodeConfiguration;
00728         try {
00729             nodeConfiguration = NodeConfiguration.newPublic(InetAddressFactory.newNonLoopback().getHostAddress());
00730             nodeConfiguration.setMasterUri(this.nodeMainExecutorService.getMasterUri());
00731         } catch (RosRuntimeException e) {
00732             e.printStackTrace();
00733             Log.e(TAG, getString(R.string.network_error));
00734             displayToastMessage(R.string.network_error);
00735             return;
00736         }
00737         checkRosMasterConnection();
00738         if (mRosStatus == RosStatus.MASTER_NOT_CONNECTED) {
00739             return;
00740         }
00742         HashMap<String, String> tangoConfigurationParameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
00743         tangoConfigurationParameters.put(getString(R.string.pref_create_new_map_key), "boolean");
00744         tangoConfigurationParameters.put(getString(R.string.pref_enable_depth_key), "boolean");
00745         tangoConfigurationParameters.put(getString(R.string.pref_enable_color_camera_key), "boolean");
00746         tangoConfigurationParameters.put(getString(R.string.pref_localization_mode_key), "int_as_string");
00747         tangoConfigurationParameters.put(getString(R.string.pref_localization_map_uuid_key), "string");
00748         mParameterNode = new ParameterNode(this, tangoConfigurationParameters);
00749         nodeConfiguration.setNodeName(mParameterNode.getDefaultNodeName());
00750         nodeMainExecutor.execute(mParameterNode, nodeConfiguration);
00751         // ServiceClient node which is responsible for calling ros services.
00752         mTangoServiceClientNode = new TangoServiceClientNode();
00753         mTangoServiceClientNode.setCallbackListener(this);
00754         nodeConfiguration.setNodeName(mTangoServiceClientNode.getDefaultNodeName());
00755         nodeMainExecutor.execute(mTangoServiceClientNode, nodeConfiguration);
00756         // Create node publishing IMU data.
00757         mImuNode = new ImuNode(this);
00758         nodeConfiguration.setNodeName(mImuNode.getDefaultNodeName());
00759         nodeMainExecutor.execute(mImuNode, nodeConfiguration);
00760         // Create and start Tango ROS Node
00761         nodeConfiguration.setNodeName(TangoNodeletManager.NODE_NAME);
00762         if (TangoInitializationHelper.loadTangoSharedLibrary() !=
00763                 TangoInitializationHelper.ARCH_ERROR &&
00764                 TangoInitializationHelper.loadTangoRosNodeSharedLibrary()
00765                         != TangoInitializationHelper.ARCH_ERROR) {
00766             mTangoNodeletManager = new TangoNodeletManager();
00767             TangoInitializationHelper.bindTangoService(this, mTangoServiceConnection);
00768             if (TangoInitializationHelper.isTangoVersionOk()) {
00769                 nodeMainExecutor.execute(mTangoNodeletManager, nodeConfiguration, new ArrayList<NodeListener>(){{
00770                     add(new DefaultNodeListener() {
00771                         @Override
00772                         public void onStart(ConnectedNode connectedNode) {
00773                             int count = 0;
00774                             while (count < MAX_TANGO_CONNECTION_TRY &&
00775                                     !mTangoServiceClientNode.callTangoConnectService(TangoConnectRequest.CONNECT)) {
00776                                 try {
00777                                     count++;
00778                                     Log.e(TAG, "Trying to connect to Tango, attempt " + count);
00779                                     Thread.sleep(200);
00780                                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
00781                                     e.printStackTrace();
00782                                 }
00783                             }
00784                             if (count >= MAX_TANGO_CONNECTION_TRY) {
00785                                 updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus.SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED);
00786                                 displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_connect_error);
00787                             }
00788                         }
00789                     });
00790                 }});
00791             } else {
00792                 updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus.SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED);
00793                 Log.e(TAG, getResources().getString(R.string.tango_version_error));
00794                 displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_version_error);
00795             }
00796         } else {
00797             updateTangoStatus(TangoStatus.SERVICE_NOT_CONNECTED);
00798             Log.e(TAG, getString(R.string.tango_lib_error));
00799             displayToastMessage(R.string.tango_lib_error);
00800         }
00801     }
00808     @Override
00809     public void startMasterChooser() {
00810         boolean appPreviouslyStarted = mSharedPref.getBoolean(getString(R.string.pref_previously_started_key), false);
00811         if (appPreviouslyStarted) {
00812             mLogger.start();
00813             getTangoPermission(EXTRA_VALUE_ADF, REQUEST_CODE_ADF_PERMISSION);
00815         } else {
00816             Intent intent = new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class);
00817             startActivityForResult(intent, StartSettingsActivityRequest.FIRST_RUN);
00818         }
00819     }
00824     private void initAndStartRosJavaNode() {
00825         this.nodeMainExecutorService.addListener(new NodeMainExecutorServiceListener() {
00826             @Override
00827             public void onShutdown(NodeMainExecutorService nodeMainExecutorService) {
00828                 unbindFromTango();
00829                 mLogger.saveLogToFile();
00830                 // This ensures to kill the process started by the app.
00831                 android.os.Process.killProcess(android.os.Process.myPid());
00832             }
00833         });
00834         if (mRunLocalMaster) {
00835             try {
00836                 this.nodeMainExecutorService.startMaster(/*isPrivate*/ false);
00837                 mMasterUri = this.nodeMainExecutorService.getMasterUri().toString();
00838                 // The URI returned by getMasterUri is correct but looks 'weird',
00839                 // e.g. 'http://android-c90553518bc67cf5:1131'.
00840                 // Instead of showing this to the user, we show the IP address of the device,
00841                 // which is also correct and less confusing.
00842                 WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(WIFI_SERVICE);
00843                 String deviceIP = Formatter.formatIpAddress(wifiManager.getConnectionInfo().getIpAddress());
00844                 mUriTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
00845                 mUriTextView.setText("http://" + deviceIP + ":11311");
00846             } catch (RosRuntimeException e) {
00847                 e.printStackTrace();
00848                 Log.e(TAG, getString(R.string.local_master_error));
00849                 displayToastMessage(R.string.local_master_error);
00850                 return;
00851             }
00852         }
00853         if (mMasterUri != null) {
00854             URI masterUri;
00855             try {
00856                 masterUri = URI.create(mMasterUri);
00857             } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
00858                 Log.e(TAG, "Wrong URI: " + e.getMessage());
00859                 return;
00860             }
00861             this.nodeMainExecutorService.setMasterUri(masterUri);
00862             new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
00863                 @Override
00864                 protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
00865                     RunningActivity.this.init(nodeMainExecutorService);
00866                     return null;
00867                 }
00868             }.execute();
00869         } else {
00870             Log.e(TAG, "Master URI is null");
00871         }
00872     }
00879     private void waitForLatchUnlock(CountDownLatch latch, String latchName) {
00880         try {
00881             Log.i(TAG, "Waiting for " + latchName + " latch release...");
00882             latch.await();
00883             Log.i(TAG, latchName + " latch released!");
00884         } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
00885             Log.w(TAG, "Warning: continuing before " + latchName + " latch was released");
00886         }
00887     }
00888 }

autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 19:49:58