Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************/
00008 #include "robodyn_controllers/RobotURDF.h"
00010 /***************************************************************************/
00020 RobotURDF::RobotURDF(const std::string& filename, const std::string& rootLink) : Robot()
00021 {
00022     parseFile(filename, rootLink);
00023 }
00025 /***************************************************************************/
00030 RobotURDF::~RobotURDF()
00031 {
00032 //    linkMap.clear();
00033 //    jointMap.clear();
00034 }
00036 /***************************************************************************/
00049 void RobotURDF::parseFile(const std::string& filename, const std::string& rootLink)
00050 {
00051     TiXmlDocument file(filename.c_str());
00053     if (!file.LoadFile())
00054     {
00055         std::stringstream err;
00056         err << "RobotURDF::parseFile could not load file " << filename;
00057         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.controllers.RobotURDF", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00058         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00059         return;
00060     }
00062     TiXmlHandle  doc(&file);
00063     TiXmlElement* robotElement;
00064     TiXmlElement* curElement;
00066     robotElement = doc.FirstChildElement("robot").Element();
00068     if (robotElement == NULL)
00069     {
00070         std::stringstream err;
00071         err << "RobotURDF::parseFile provided file does not contain a robot definition, file " << filename;
00072         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.controllers.RobotURDF", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00073         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00074         return;
00075     }
00077 //    PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseFile loading configuration for robot %s\n", robotElement->Attribute("name"));
00079     // load the links
00080 //    curElement = robotElement->FirstChildElement("link");
00081 //    while (curElement != NULL)
00082 //    {
00083 //       parseLink(curElement);
00084 //       curElement = curElement->NextSiblingElement("link");
00085 //    }
00087     // load the joints
00088     curElement = robotElement->FirstChildElement("joint");
00090     while (curElement != NULL)
00091     {
00092         parseJoint(curElement);
00093         curElement = curElement->NextSiblingElement("joint");
00094     }
00096     if (!kdl_parser::treeFromFile(filename, robotTree))
00097     {
00098         std::stringstream err;
00099         err << "RobotURDF::parseFile provided file does not contain a robot definition, file " << filename;
00100         NasaCommonLogging::Logger::log("gov.nasa.controllers.RobotURDF", log4cpp::Priority::ERROR, err.str());
00101         throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
00102     }
00104 //    PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseFile file loaded\n");
00105 //
00106 //    // build the tree
00107 //
00108 //     JointMap joints;
00109 //     getChildJoints(rootLink, &joints);
00110 //
00111 //     PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseFile building KDL Tree\n");
00112 //     JointMap::iterator ittr;
00113 //     for(ittr = joints.begin(); ittr != joints.end(); ittr++)
00114 //     {
00115 //        KDL::Chain chain;
00116 //        buildTree(chain, ittr->first, "root",
00117 //            ittr->first, ittr->second);
00118 //     }
00119 //     PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseFile KDL Tree complete\n");
00120 }
00122 /***************************************************************************/
00161 //void RobotURDF::buildTree(KDL::Chain& chain, const std::string chainName,
00162 //    const std::string chainHook, const std::string jointName,
00163 //    const Joint& baseJoint)
00164 //{
00165 //    if (linkMap.find(baseJoint.child) == linkMap.end())
00166 //    {
00167 //        PDEBUG("RobotURDF::buildTree missing child link (%s) of joint %s, assuming NULL link\n",
00168 //            baseJoint.child.c_str(), jointName.c_str());
00169 //
00170 //        KDL::Segment halfSeg(KDL::Segment("NullLink", KDL::Joint(jointName, baseJoint.type),
00171 //            KDL::Frame(KDL::Rotation::RPY(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), KDL::Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
00172 //            KDL::RigidBodyInertia() ));
00173 //
00174 //        chain.addSegment(halfSeg);
00175 //
00176 //        PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::buildTree  -------- addChain: %s  [null]\n", chainName.c_str());
00177 //        addChain(chainName, chain, chainHook);
00178 //    }
00179 //    else
00180 //    {
00181 //        KDL::RigidBodyInertia childLink = linkMap.find(baseJoint.child)->second;
00182 //
00183 //        JointMap joints;
00184 //        getChildJoints(baseJoint.child, &joints);
00185 //
00186 //        if (joints.size() == 0)
00187 //        {
00188 //            KDL::Segment lastSeg(KDL::Segment(baseJoint.child, KDL::Joint(jointName, baseJoint.type),
00189 //                KDL::Frame(KDL::Rotation::RPY(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), KDL::Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), childLink));
00190 //
00191 //            chain.addSegment(lastSeg);
00192 //
00193 //            PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::buildTree  -------- addChain: %s [end]\n", chainName.c_str());
00194 //            addChain(chainName, chain, chainHook);
00195 //        }
00196 //        else if (joints.size() == 1)
00197 //        {
00198 //            KDL::Segment midSeg(KDL::Segment(baseJoint.child, KDL::Joint(jointName, baseJoint.type),
00199 //                joints.begin()->second.frame, childLink));
00200 //
00201 //            chain.addSegment(midSeg);
00202 //
00203 //            buildTree(chain, chainName, chainHook,
00204 //                joints.begin()->first, joints.begin()->second);
00205 //        }
00206 //        else
00207 //        {
00208 //            KDL::Segment tailSeg(baseJoint.child, KDL::Joint(jointName, baseJoint.type),
00209 //                KDL::Frame(KDL::Rotation::RPY(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), KDL::Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), childLink);
00210 //            PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::buildTree  -------- addChain: %s [split]\n", chainName.c_str());
00211 //            chain.addSegment(tailSeg);
00212 //
00213 //            addChain(chainName, chain, chainHook);
00214 //            JointMap::iterator ittr;
00215 //            for(ittr = joints.begin(); ittr != joints.end(); ittr++)
00216 //            {
00217 //               KDL::Chain schain;
00218 //               buildTree(schain, ittr->second.child, chain.segments[chain.getNrOfSegments() -1].getName(),
00219 //                   ittr->first, ittr->second);
00220 //            }
00221 //        }
00222 //    }
00223 //}
00225 /***************************************************************************/
00235 //void RobotURDF::getChildJoints(std::string parentName, JointMap *jnts)
00236 //{
00237 //    jnts->clear();
00238 //
00239 //    JointMap::iterator ittr;
00240 //    for (ittr = jointMap.begin(); ittr != jointMap.end(); ittr++)
00241 //    {
00242 //        if (ittr-> == 0)
00243 //        {
00244 //            jnts->insert(std::pair<std::string, Joint>(ittr->first, ittr->second));
00245 //        }
00246 //    }
00247 //}
00249 /***************************************************************************/
00257 //void RobotURDF::parseLink(TiXmlElement *element)
00258 //{
00259 //    PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseLink %s\n", element->Attribute("name") );
00260 //
00261 //    double mass = 0.0;
00262 //    double ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz = 0.0;
00263 //
00264 //    TiXmlElement *inertial = element->FirstChildElement("inertial");
00265 //
00266 //    if (inertial == NULL)
00267 //    {
00268 //        PDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseLink URDF format incomplete, link %s does not contain an inertial child, using default inertial",
00269 //            element->Attribute("name"));
00270 //    }
00271 //    else
00272 //    {
00273 //        TiXmlElement *child = inertial->FirstChildElement("mass");
00274 //        if (child == NULL)
00275 //        {
00276 //            PDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseLink URDF format incomplete, link %s does not contain a mass element, using default mass",
00277 //                element->Attribute("name"));
00278 //        }
00279 //        else
00280 //        {
00281 //            child->QueryDoubleAttribute("value", &mass);
00282 //        }
00283 //
00284 //        child = inertial->FirstChildElement("inertia");
00285 //        if (child == NULL)
00286 //        {
00287 //            PDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseLink URDF format incomplete, link %s does not contain an inertia element, using default inertia",
00288 //                element->Attribute("name"));
00289 //        }
00290 //        else
00291 //        {
00292 //            child->QueryDoubleAttribute("ixx", &ixx);
00293 //            child->QueryDoubleAttribute("ixy", &ixy);
00294 //            child->QueryDoubleAttribute("ixz", &ixz);
00295 //            child->QueryDoubleAttribute("iyy", &iyy);
00296 //            child->QueryDoubleAttribute("iyz", &iyz);
00297 //            child->QueryDoubleAttribute("izz", &izz);
00298 //        }
00299 //
00300 //        child = inertial->FirstChildElement("origin");
00301 //        if (child != NULL)
00302 //        {
00303 //            // Currently, the origin element is not used by us, so print a warning
00304 //            // if someone is using it.  Code could be added to support this, but I
00305 //            // don't know how to turn the optional xyz and optional rpy elements
00306 //            // of the origin into a single KDL::Vector.
00307 //            PDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseLink URDF format unsupported, link %s contains an unsupported origin element that will be ignored\n",
00308 //                element->Attribute("name"));
00309 //            PDEBUG("    rpy=%s\n", child->Attribute("rpy"));
00310 //            PDEBUG("    xyz=%s\n", child->Attribute("xyz"));
00311 //        }
00312 //    }
00313 //
00314 //    linkMap[element->Attribute("name")] = KDL::RigidBodyInertia(mass, KDL::Vector(0,0,0),
00315 //        KDL::RotationalInertia(ixx, ixy, ixz, iyy, iyz, izz));
00316 //}
00318 /***************************************************************************/
00326 void RobotURDF::parseJoint(TiXmlElement* element)
00327 {
00328 //    PVDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseJoint %s\n", element->Attribute("name") );
00330 //    Joint joint;
00331     TiXmlElement* elmnt;
00333     // Get the joint axis, if not specified, z will be used
00334 //    int axis_x, axis_y, axis_z = 0;
00335 //    elmnt = element->FirstChildElement("axis");
00336 //    if (elmnt != NULL)
00337 //    {
00338 //        const char *aval = elmnt->Attribute("xyz");
00339 //        if (aval != NULL)
00340 //        {
00341 //            std::stringstream a;
00342 //            a << aval;
00343 //            a >> axis_x;
00344 //            a >> axis_y;
00345 //            a >> axis_z;
00346 //        }
00347 //    }
00349     // get the joint type
00350     const char* jtype = element->Attribute("type");
00351 //    if (strcmp(jtype, "revolute"  ) == 0)
00352 //    {
00353 //        if      (axis_x != 0) joint.type = KDL::Joint::RotX;
00354 //        else if (axis_y != 0) joint.type = KDL::Joint::RotY;
00355 //        else                  joint.type = KDL::Joint::RotZ;
00356 //    }
00357 //    else if (strcmp(jtype, "prismatic" ) == 0)
00358 //    {
00359 //        if      (axis_x != 0) joint.type = KDL::Joint::TransX;
00360 //        else if (axis_y != 0) joint.type = KDL::Joint::TransY;
00361 //        else                  joint.type = KDL::Joint::TransZ;
00362 //    }
00363 //    else if (strcmp(jtype, "fixed"     ) == 0)
00364 //    {
00365 //        joint.type = KDL::Joint::None;
00366 //    }
00367 //    else
00368 //    {
00369 //        // KDL::Joint::TransAxis and  KDL::Joint::RotAxis throw exceptions in KDL::Joint so don't
00370 //        // bother with them, just throw an exception now.  So URDF continuous and planar have no
00371 //        // useful mapping.
00372 //        THROW_RUNTIME("RobotURDF::parseJoint found a joint type %s, that does not translate to known KDL joint",
00373 //            jtype);
00374 //    }
00375 //
00376     // get the links that this joint connects
00377 //    elmnt = element->FirstChildElement("parent");
00378 //    if (elmnt == NULL)
00379 //    {
00380 //        THROW_RUNTIME("RobotURDF::parseJoint URDF format error, joint %s does not contain a parent element",
00381 //            element->Attribute("name"));
00382 //    }
00383 //    joint.parent = std::string(elmnt->Attribute("link"));
00384 //
00385 //    elmnt = element->FirstChildElement("child");
00386 //    if (elmnt == NULL)
00387 //    {
00388 //        THROW_RUNTIME("RobotURDF::parseJoint URDF format error, joint %s does not contain a child element",
00389 //            element->Attribute("name"));
00390 //    }
00391 //    joint.child = std::string(elmnt->Attribute("link"));
00393 //    double roll, pitch, yaw, x, y, z = 0.0;
00394 //    elmnt = element->FirstChildElement("origin");
00395 //    if (elmnt == NULL)
00396 //    {
00397 //        PDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseJoint URDF format incomplete, joint %s does not contain an origin element, using default origin",
00398 //            element->Attribute("name"));
00399 //    }
00400 //    else
00401 //    {
00402 //
00403 //        const char *vval = elmnt->Attribute("xyz");
00404 //        if (vval != NULL)
00405 //        {
00406 //            std::stringstream a;
00407 //            a << vval;
00408 //            a >> x;
00409 //            a >> y;
00410 //            a >> z;
00411 //        }
00412 //
00413 //        const char *rval = elmnt->Attribute("rpy");
00414 //        if (rval != NULL)
00415 //        {
00416 //            std::stringstream a;
00417 //            a << rval;
00418 //            a >> roll;
00419 //            a >> pitch;
00420 //            a >> yaw;
00421 //        }
00422 //
00423 //        const char *rotm = elmnt->Attribute("rotm");
00424 //        if (rotm != NULL)
00425 //        {
00426 //            double xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz = 0.0;
00427 //            std::stringstream a;
00428 //             a << rotm;
00429 //             a >> xx;
00430 //             a >> xy;
00431 //             a >> xz;
00432 //             a >> yx;
00433 //             a >> yy;
00434 //             a >> yz;
00435 //             a >> zx;
00436 //             a >> zy;
00437 //             a >> zz;
00438 //
00439 //            KDL::Rotation r(xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz);
00440 //
00441 //            double mr, mp, my;
00442 //            r.GetRPY(mr, mp, my);
00443 //
00444 //            printf("  %s rotm -> rpy=\"%10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\"\n", element->Attribute("name"), mr, mp, my);
00445 //        }
00446 //    }
00447 //    joint.frame = KDL::Frame(KDL::Rotation::RPY(roll, pitch, yaw), KDL::Vector(x, y, z));
00449     if ((strcmp(jtype, "revolute"  ) == 0) ||  (strcmp(jtype, "prismatic" ) == 0))
00450     {
00451         JointTraits* data = addJoint(element->Attribute("name"));
00453         elmnt = element->FirstChildElement("limit");
00455         if (elmnt == NULL)
00456         {
00457 //            PDEBUG("RobotURDF::parseJoint URDF format incomplete, joint %s does not contain a limit element, using default limits",
00458 //                element->Attribute("name"));
00459         }
00460         else
00461         {
00462             elmnt->QueryDoubleAttribute("lower", &data->minPosition);
00463             elmnt->QueryDoubleAttribute("upper", &data->maxPosition);
00464             elmnt->QueryDoubleAttribute("velocity", &data->maxVelocity);
00465             elmnt->QueryDoubleAttribute("effort", &data->maxTorque);
00466         }
00468         elmnt = element->FirstChildElement("traits");
00470         if (elmnt == NULL)
00471         {
00472             data->springConstant = 10.0;
00473             data->type = "SuperDriver";
00474         }
00475         else
00476         {
00477             elmnt->QueryDoubleAttribute("spring_k", &data->springConstant);
00479             if (elmnt->Attribute("type"))
00480             {
00481                 data->type = std::string(elmnt->Attribute("type"));
00482             }
00484             if (data->type == "")
00485             {
00486                 data->type = "SuperDriver";
00487             }
00488         }
00489     }
00491     // ad the joint to the map
00492 //    jointMap[element->Attribute("name")] = joint;
00493 }

autogenerated on Sat Jun 8 2019 20:20:53