Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*********************************************************************
00002  * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
00003  *
00004  *  Copyright (c) 2015-2019, Dataspeed Inc.
00005  *  All rights reserved.
00006  *
00007  *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00008  *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00009  *  are met:
00010  *
00011  *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00012  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00013  *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
00014  *     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
00015  *     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
00016  *     with the distribution.
00017  *   * Neither the name of Dataspeed Inc. nor the names of its
00018  *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
00019  *     from this software without specific prior written permission.
00020  *
00033  *********************************************************************/
00035 #include "DbwNode.h"
00036 #include <dbw_mkz_can/dispatch.h>
00037 #include <dbw_mkz_can/pedal_lut.h>
00038 #include <dbw_mkz_can/sonar_lut.h>
00040 namespace dbw_mkz_can
00041 {
00043 // Latest firmware versions
00044 PlatformMap FIRMWARE_LATEST({
00045   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_BPEC,  ModuleVersion(2,1,2))},
00046   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_TPEC,  ModuleVersion(2,1,2))},
00047   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_STEER, ModuleVersion(2,1,2))},
00048   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_SHIFT, ModuleVersion(2,1,2))},
00049   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_P5,  M_TPEC,  ModuleVersion(1,0,2))},
00050   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_P5,  M_STEER, ModuleVersion(1,0,2))},
00051   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_P5,  M_SHIFT, ModuleVersion(1,0,2))},
00052   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_P5,  M_ABS,   ModuleVersion(1,0,2))},
00053   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_P5,  M_BOO,   ModuleVersion(1,0,2))},
00054   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_C1,  M_TPEC,  ModuleVersion(0,0,1))},
00055   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_C1,  M_STEER, ModuleVersion(0,0,1))},
00056   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_C1,  M_SHIFT, ModuleVersion(0,0,1))},
00057   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_C1,  M_ABS,   ModuleVersion(0,0,1))},
00058   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_C1,  M_BOO,   ModuleVersion(0,0,1))},
00059   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_C1,  M_EPS,   ModuleVersion(0,0,1))},
00060 });
00062 // Minimum firmware versions required for the timeout bit
00063 PlatformMap FIRMWARE_TIMEOUT({
00064   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_BPEC,  ModuleVersion(2,0,0))},
00065   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_TPEC,  ModuleVersion(2,0,0))},
00066   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_STEER, ModuleVersion(2,0,0))},
00067 });
00069 // Minimum firmware versions required for forwarding the command type
00070 PlatformMap FIRMWARE_CMDTYPE({
00071   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_BPEC,  ModuleVersion(2,0,7))},
00072   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_TPEC,  ModuleVersion(2,0,7))},
00073 });
00075 // Minimum firmware versions required for using the new SVEL resolution of 4 deg/s
00077   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_CD4, M_STEER, ModuleVersion(2,2,0))},
00078   {PlatformVersion(P_FORD_P5,  M_STEER, ModuleVersion(1,1,0))},
00079 });
00081 DbwNode::DbwNode(ros::NodeHandle &node, ros::NodeHandle &priv_nh)
00082 : sync_imu_(10, boost::bind(&DbwNode::recvCanImu, this, _1), ID_REPORT_ACCEL, ID_REPORT_GYRO)
00083 , sync_gps_(10, boost::bind(&DbwNode::recvCanGps, this, _1), ID_REPORT_GPS1, ID_REPORT_GPS2, ID_REPORT_GPS3)
00084 {
00085   // Reduce synchronization delay
00086   sync_imu_.setInterMessageLowerBound(0, ros::Duration(0.003)); // 10ms period
00087   sync_imu_.setInterMessageLowerBound(1, ros::Duration(0.003)); // 10ms period
00088   sync_gps_.setInterMessageLowerBound(0, ros::Duration(0.3)); // 1s period
00089   sync_gps_.setInterMessageLowerBound(1, ros::Duration(0.3)); // 1s period
00090   sync_gps_.setInterMessageLowerBound(2, ros::Duration(0.3)); // 1s period
00092   // Initialize enable state machine
00093   prev_enable_ = true;
00094   enable_ = false;
00095   override_brake_ = false;
00096   override_throttle_ = false;
00097   override_steering_ = false;
00098   override_gear_ = false;
00099   fault_brakes_ = false;
00100   fault_throttle_ = false;
00101   fault_steering_ = false;
00102   fault_steering_cal_ = false;
00103   fault_watchdog_ = false;
00104   fault_watchdog_using_brakes_ = false;
00105   fault_watchdog_warned_ = false;
00106   timeout_brakes_ = false;
00107   timeout_throttle_ = false;
00108   timeout_steering_ = false;
00109   enabled_brakes_ = false;
00110   enabled_throttle_ = false;
00111   enabled_steering_ = false;
00112   gear_warned_ = false;
00114   // Frame ID
00115   frame_id_ = "base_footprint";
00116   priv_nh.getParam("frame_id", frame_id_);
00118   // Warn on received commands
00119   warn_cmds_ = true;
00120   priv_nh.getParam("warn_cmds", warn_cmds_);
00122   // Buttons (enable/disable)
00123   buttons_ = true;
00124   priv_nh.getParam("buttons", buttons_);
00126   // Pedal LUTs (local/embedded)
00127   pedal_luts_ = false;
00128   priv_nh.getParam("pedal_luts", pedal_luts_);
00130   // Ackermann steering parameters
00131   acker_wheelbase_ = 2.8498; // 112.2 inches
00132   acker_track_ = 1.5824; // 62.3 inches
00133   steering_ratio_ = 14.8;
00134   priv_nh.getParam("ackermann_wheelbase", acker_wheelbase_);
00135   priv_nh.getParam("ackermann_track", acker_track_);
00136   priv_nh.getParam("steering_ratio", steering_ratio_);
00138   // Initialize joint states
00139   joint_state_.position.resize(JOINT_COUNT);
00140   joint_state_.velocity.resize(JOINT_COUNT);
00141   joint_state_.effort.resize(JOINT_COUNT);
00142   joint_state_.name.resize(JOINT_COUNT);
00143   joint_state_.name[JOINT_FL] = "wheel_fl"; // Front Left
00144   joint_state_.name[JOINT_FR] = "wheel_fr"; // Front Right
00145   joint_state_.name[JOINT_RL] = "wheel_rl"; // Rear Left
00146   joint_state_.name[JOINT_RR] = "wheel_rr"; // Rear Right
00147   joint_state_.name[JOINT_SL] = "steer_fl";
00148   joint_state_.name[JOINT_SR] = "steer_fr";
00150   // Setup Publishers
00151   pub_can_ = node.advertise<can_msgs::Frame>("can_tx", 10);
00152   pub_brake_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeReport>("brake_report", 2);
00153   pub_throttle_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleReport>("throttle_report", 2);
00154   pub_steering_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringReport>("steering_report", 2);
00155   pub_gear_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReport>("gear_report", 2);
00156   pub_misc_1_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::Misc1Report>("misc_1_report", 2);
00157   pub_wheel_speeds_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::WheelSpeedReport>("wheel_speed_report", 2);
00158   pub_wheel_positions_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::WheelPositionReport>("wheel_position_report", 2);
00159   pub_tire_pressure_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::TirePressureReport>("tire_pressure_report", 2);
00160   pub_fuel_level_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::FuelLevelReport>("fuel_level_report", 2);
00161   pub_surround_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::SurroundReport>("surround_report", 2);
00162   pub_sonar_cloud_ = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("sonar_cloud", 2);
00163   pub_brake_info_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeInfoReport>("brake_info_report", 2);
00164   pub_throttle_info_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleInfoReport>("throttle_info_report", 2);
00165   pub_driver_assist_ = node.advertise<dbw_mkz_msgs::DriverAssistReport>("driver_assist_report", 2);
00166   pub_imu_ = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::Imu>("imu/data_raw", 10);
00167   pub_gps_fix_ = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::NavSatFix>("gps/fix", 10);
00168   pub_gps_vel_ = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>("gps/vel", 10);
00169   pub_gps_time_ = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::TimeReference>("gps/time", 10);
00170   pub_joint_states_ = node.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("joint_states", 10);
00171   pub_twist_ = node.advertise<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>("twist", 10);
00172   pub_vin_ = node.advertise<std_msgs::String>("vin", 1, true);
00173   pub_sys_enable_ = node.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("dbw_enabled", 1, true);
00174   publishDbwEnabled();
00176   // Setup Subscribers
00177   const ros::TransportHints NODELAY = ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay();
00178   sub_enable_ = node.subscribe("enable", 10, &DbwNode::recvEnable, this, NODELAY);
00179   sub_disable_ = node.subscribe("disable", 10, &DbwNode::recvDisable, this, NODELAY);
00180   sub_can_ = node.subscribe("can_rx", 100, &DbwNode::recvCAN, this, NODELAY);
00181   sub_brake_ = node.subscribe("brake_cmd", 1, &DbwNode::recvBrakeCmd, this, NODELAY);
00182   sub_throttle_ = node.subscribe("throttle_cmd", 1, &DbwNode::recvThrottleCmd, this, NODELAY);
00183   sub_steering_ = node.subscribe("steering_cmd", 1, &DbwNode::recvSteeringCmd, this, NODELAY);
00184   sub_gear_ = node.subscribe("gear_cmd", 1, &DbwNode::recvGearCmd, this, NODELAY);
00185   sub_turn_signal_ = node.subscribe("turn_signal_cmd", 1, &DbwNode::recvTurnSignalCmd, this, NODELAY);
00187   // Setup Timer
00188   timer_ = node.createTimer(ros::Duration(1 / 20.0), &DbwNode::timerCallback, this);
00189 }
00191 DbwNode::~DbwNode()
00192 {
00193 }
00195 void DbwNode::recvEnable(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& msg)
00196 {
00197   enableSystem();
00198 }
00200 void DbwNode::recvDisable(const std_msgs::Empty::ConstPtr& msg)
00201 {
00202   disableSystem();
00203 }
00205 void DbwNode::recvCAN(const can_msgs::Frame::ConstPtr& msg)
00206 {
00207   sync_imu_.processMsg(msg);
00208   sync_gps_.processMsg(msg);
00209   if (!msg->is_rtr && !msg->is_error && !msg->is_extended) {
00210     switch (msg->id) {
00211       case ID_BRAKE_REPORT:
00212         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgBrakeReport)) {
00213           const MsgBrakeReport *ptr = (const MsgBrakeReport*)msg->data.elems;
00214           faultBrakes(ptr->FLT1 || ptr->FLT2);
00215           faultWatchdog(ptr->FLTWDC, ptr->WDCSRC, ptr->WDCBRK);
00216           dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeReport out;
00217           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00219           out.pedal_input  = (float)ptr->PI / UINT16_MAX;
00220           out.pedal_cmd    = (float)ptr->PC / UINT16_MAX;
00221           out.pedal_output = (float)ptr->PO / UINT16_MAX;
00222           out.torque_input = brakeTorqueFromPedal(out.pedal_input);
00223           out.torque_cmd = brakeTorqueFromPedal(out.pedal_cmd);
00224           out.torque_output = brakeTorqueFromPedal(out.pedal_output);
00225           out.boo_input  = ptr->BI ? true : false;
00226           out.boo_cmd    = ptr->BC ? true : false;
00227           out.boo_output = ptr->BI || ptr->BC;
00228           out.enabled = ptr->ENABLED ? true : false;
00229           out.override = ptr->OVERRIDE ? true : false;
00230           out.driver = ptr->DRIVER ? true : false;
00231           out.watchdog_counter.source = ptr->WDCSRC;
00232           out.watchdog_braking = ptr->WDCBRK ? true : false;
00233           out.fault_wdc = ptr->FLTWDC ? true : false;
00234           out.fault_ch1 = ptr->FLT1 ? true : false;
00235           out.fault_ch2 = ptr->FLT2 ? true : false;
00236           out.fault_power = ptr->FLTPWR ? true : false;
00237           if (firmware_.findPlatform(M_BPEC) >= FIRMWARE_TIMEOUT) {
00238             timeoutBrake(ptr->TMOUT, ptr->ENABLED);
00239             out.timeout = ptr->TMOUT ? true : false;
00240           }
00241           overrideBrake(ptr->OVERRIDE, out.timeout);
00242           pub_brake_.publish(out);
00243           if (ptr->FLT1 || ptr->FLT2 || ptr->FLTPWR) {
00244             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Brake fault.    FLT1: %s FLT2: %s FLTPWR: %s",
00245                 ptr->FLT1 ? "true, " : "false,",
00246                 ptr->FLT2 ? "true, " : "false,",
00247                 ptr->FLTPWR ? "true" : "false");
00248           }
00249         }
00250         break;
00252       case ID_THROTTLE_REPORT:
00253         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgThrottleReport)) {
00254           const MsgThrottleReport *ptr = (const MsgThrottleReport*)msg->data.elems;
00255           faultThrottle(ptr->FLT1 || ptr->FLT2);
00256           faultWatchdog(ptr->FLTWDC, ptr->WDCSRC);
00257           dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleReport out;
00258           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00259           out.pedal_input  = (float)ptr->PI / UINT16_MAX;
00260           out.pedal_cmd    = (float)ptr->PC / UINT16_MAX;
00261           out.pedal_output = (float)ptr->PO / UINT16_MAX;
00262           out.enabled = ptr->ENABLED ? true : false;
00263           out.override = ptr->OVERRIDE ? true : false;
00264           out.driver = ptr->DRIVER ? true : false;
00265           out.watchdog_counter.source = ptr->WDCSRC;
00266           out.fault_wdc = ptr->FLTWDC ? true : false;
00267           out.fault_ch1 = ptr->FLT1 ? true : false;
00268           out.fault_ch2 = ptr->FLT2 ? true : false;
00269           out.fault_power = ptr->FLTPWR ? true : false;
00270           if (firmware_.findPlatform(M_TPEC) >= FIRMWARE_TIMEOUT) {
00271             timeoutThrottle(ptr->TMOUT, ptr->ENABLED);
00272             out.timeout = ptr->TMOUT ? true : false;
00273           }
00274           overrideThrottle(ptr->OVERRIDE, out.timeout);
00275           pub_throttle_.publish(out);
00276           if (ptr->FLT1 || ptr->FLT2 || ptr->FLTPWR) {
00277             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Throttle fault. FLT1: %s FLT2: %s FLTPWR: %s",
00278                 ptr->FLT1 ? "true, " : "false,",
00279                 ptr->FLT2 ? "true, " : "false,",
00280                 ptr->FLTPWR ? "true" : "false");
00281           }
00282         }
00283         break;
00285       case ID_STEERING_REPORT:
00286         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgSteeringReport)) {
00287           const MsgSteeringReport *ptr = (const MsgSteeringReport*)msg->data.elems;
00288           faultSteering(ptr->FLTBUS1 || ptr->FLTBUS2);
00289           faultSteeringCal(ptr->FLTCAL);
00290           faultWatchdog(ptr->FLTWDC);
00291           dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringReport out;
00292           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00293           out.steering_wheel_angle     = (float)ptr->ANGLE * (float)(0.1 * M_PI / 180);
00294           out.steering_wheel_cmd_type = ptr->TMODE ? dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringReport::CMD_TORQUE : dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringReport::CMD_ANGLE;
00295           if (out.steering_wheel_cmd_type == dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringReport::CMD_ANGLE) {
00296             out.steering_wheel_cmd = (float)ptr->CMD * (float)(0.1 * M_PI / 180);
00297           } else {
00298             out.steering_wheel_cmd = (float)ptr->CMD / 128.0f;
00299           }
00300           out.steering_wheel_torque = (float)ptr->TORQUE * (float)0.0625;
00301           out.speed = (float)ptr->SPEED * (float)(0.01 / 3.6) * (float)speedSign();
00302           out.enabled = ptr->ENABLED ? true : false;
00303           out.override = ptr->OVERRIDE ? true : false;
00304           out.fault_wdc = ptr->FLTWDC ? true : false;
00305           out.fault_bus1 = ptr->FLTBUS1 ? true : false;
00306           out.fault_bus2 = ptr->FLTBUS2 ? true : false;
00307           out.fault_calibration = ptr->FLTCAL ? true : false;
00308           out.fault_power = ptr->FLTPWR ? true : false;
00309           if (firmware_.findPlatform(M_STEER) >= FIRMWARE_TIMEOUT) {
00310             timeoutSteering(ptr->TMOUT, ptr->ENABLED);
00311             out.timeout = ptr->TMOUT ? true : false;
00312           }
00313           overrideSteering(ptr->OVERRIDE, out.timeout);
00314           pub_steering_.publish(out);
00315           geometry_msgs::TwistStamped twist;
00316           twist.header.stamp = out.header.stamp;
00317           twist.header.frame_id = frame_id_;
00318           twist.twist.linear.x = out.speed;
00319           twist.twist.angular.z = out.speed * tan(out.steering_wheel_angle / steering_ratio_) / acker_wheelbase_;
00320           pub_twist_.publish(twist);
00321           publishJointStates(msg->header.stamp, NULL, &out);
00322           if (ptr->FLTBUS1 || ptr->FLTBUS2 || ptr->FLTPWR) {
00323             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Steering fault. FLT1: %s FLT2: %s FLTPWR: %s",
00324                 ptr->FLTBUS1 ? "true, " : "false,",
00325                 ptr->FLTBUS2 ? "true, " : "false,",
00326                 ptr->FLTPWR  ? "true" : "false");
00327           } else if (ptr->FLTCAL) {
00328             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Steering calibration fault. Drive at least 25 mph for at least 10 seconds in a straight line.");
00329           }
00330         }
00331         break;
00333       case ID_GEAR_REPORT:
00334         if (msg->dlc >= 1) {
00335           const MsgGearReport *ptr = (const MsgGearReport*)msg->data.elems;
00336           overrideGear(ptr->OVERRIDE);
00337           dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReport out;
00338           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00339           out.state.gear = ptr->STATE;
00340           out.cmd.gear = ptr->CMD;
00341           out.override = ptr->OVERRIDE ? true : false;
00342           out.fault_bus = ptr->FLTBUS ? true : false;
00343           if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgGearReport)) {
00344             out.reject.value = ptr->REJECT;
00345             if (out.reject.value == dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReject::NONE) {
00346               gear_warned_ = false;
00347             } else if (!gear_warned_) {
00348               gear_warned_ = true;
00349               switch (out.reject.value) {
00350                 case dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReject::SHIFT_IN_PROGRESS:
00351                   ROS_WARN("Gear shift rejected: Shift in progress");
00352                   break;
00353                 case dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReject::OVERRIDE:
00354                   ROS_WARN("Gear shift rejected: Override on brake, throttle, or steering");
00355                   break;
00356                 case dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReject::ROTARY_LOW:
00357                   ROS_WARN("Gear shift rejected: Rotary shifter can't shift to Low");
00358                   break;
00359                 case dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReject::ROTARY_PARK:
00360                   ROS_WARN("Gear shift rejected: Rotary shifter can't shift out of Park");
00361                   break;
00362                 case dbw_mkz_msgs::GearReject::VEHICLE:
00363                   ROS_WARN("Gear shift rejected: Rejected by vehicle, try pressing the brakes");
00364                   break;
00365               }
00366             }
00367           }
00368           pub_gear_.publish(out);
00369         }
00370         break;
00372       case ID_MISC_REPORT:
00373         if (msg->dlc >= 3) {
00374           const MsgMiscReport *ptr = (const MsgMiscReport*)msg->data.elems;
00375           if (buttons_) {
00376             if (ptr->btn_cc_gap_inc || ptr->btn_cc_cncl) {
00377               buttonCancel();
00378             } else if ((ptr->btn_cc_set_dec && ptr->btn_cc_gap_dec) || (ptr->btn_cc_set_inc && ptr->btn_cc_off) || (ptr->btn_cc_set_dec && ptr->btn_cc_res)) {
00379               enableSystem();
00380             }
00381           }
00382           dbw_mkz_msgs::Misc1Report out;
00383           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00384           out.turn_signal.value = ptr->turn_signal;
00385           out.high_beam_headlights = ptr->head_light_hi ? true : false;
00386           out.wiper.status = ptr->wiper_front;
00387           out.ambient_light.status = ptr->light_ambient;
00388           out.btn_cc_on = ptr->btn_cc_on ? true : false;
00389           out.btn_cc_off = ptr->btn_cc_off ? true : false;
00390           out.btn_cc_on_off = ptr->btn_cc_on_off ? true : false;
00391           out.btn_cc_res = ptr->btn_cc_res ? true : false;
00392           out.btn_cc_cncl = ptr->btn_cc_cncl ? true : false;
00393           out.btn_cc_res_cncl = ptr->btn_cc_res_cncl ? true : false;
00394           out.btn_cc_res_inc = ptr->btn_cc_res_inc ? true : false;
00395           out.btn_cc_res_dec = ptr->btn_cc_res_dec ? true : false;
00396           out.btn_cc_set_inc = ptr->btn_cc_set_inc ? true : false;
00397           out.btn_cc_set_dec = ptr->btn_cc_set_dec ? true : false;
00398           out.btn_cc_gap_inc = ptr->btn_cc_gap_inc ? true : false;
00399           out.btn_cc_gap_dec = ptr->btn_cc_gap_dec ? true : false;
00400           out.btn_la_on_off = ptr->btn_la_on_off ? true : false;
00401           out.fault_bus = ptr->FLTBUS ? true : false;
00402           if (msg->dlc >= 5) {
00403             out.door_driver = ptr->door_driver ? true : false;
00404             out.door_passenger = ptr->door_passenger ? true : false;
00405             out.door_rear_left = ptr->door_rear_left ? true : false;
00406             out.door_rear_right = ptr->door_rear_right ? true : false;
00407             out.door_hood = ptr->door_hood ? true : false;
00408             out.door_trunk = ptr->door_trunk ? true : false;
00409             out.passenger_detect = ptr->pasngr_detect ? true : false;
00410             out.passenger_airbag = ptr->pasngr_airbag ? true : false;
00411             out.buckle_driver = ptr->buckle_driver ? true : false;
00412             out.buckle_passenger = ptr->buckle_pasngr ? true : false;
00413             out.btn_ld_ok = ptr->btn_ld_ok ? true : false;
00414             out.btn_ld_up = ptr->btn_ld_up ? true : false;
00415             out.btn_ld_down = ptr->btn_ld_down ? true : false;
00416             out.btn_ld_left = ptr->btn_ld_left ? true : false;
00417             out.btn_ld_right = ptr->btn_ld_right ? true : false;
00418           }
00419           if ((msg->dlc >= 8) && (ptr->outside_air_temp < 0xFE)) {
00420             out.outside_temperature = ((float)ptr->outside_air_temp * 0.5f) - 40.0f;
00421           } else {
00422             out.outside_temperature = NAN;
00423           }
00424           pub_misc_1_.publish(out);
00425         }
00426         break;
00428       case ID_REPORT_WHEEL_SPEED:
00429         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportWheelSpeed)) {
00430           const MsgReportWheelSpeed *ptr = (const MsgReportWheelSpeed*)msg->data.elems;
00431           dbw_mkz_msgs::WheelSpeedReport out;
00432           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00433           out.front_left  = (float)ptr->front_left  * 0.01f;
00434           out.front_right = (float)ptr->front_right * 0.01f;
00435           out.rear_left   = (float)ptr->rear_left   * 0.01f;
00436           out.rear_right  = (float)ptr->rear_right  * 0.01f;
00437           pub_wheel_speeds_.publish(out);
00438           publishJointStates(msg->header.stamp, &out, NULL);
00439         }
00440         break;
00442       case ID_REPORT_WHEEL_POSITION:
00443         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportWheelPosition)) {
00444           const MsgReportWheelPosition *ptr = (const MsgReportWheelPosition*)msg->data.elems;
00445           dbw_mkz_msgs::WheelPositionReport out;
00446           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00447           out.front_left  = ptr->front_left;
00448           out.front_right = ptr->front_right;
00449           out.rear_left   = ptr->rear_left;
00450           out.rear_right  = ptr->rear_right;
00451           pub_wheel_positions_.publish(out);
00452         }
00453         break;
00455       case ID_REPORT_TIRE_PRESSURE:
00456         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportTirePressure)) {
00457           const MsgReportTirePressure *ptr = (const MsgReportTirePressure*)msg->data.elems;
00458           dbw_mkz_msgs::TirePressureReport out;
00459           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00460           out.front_left  = (float)ptr->front_left;
00461           out.front_right = (float)ptr->front_right;
00462           out.rear_left   = (float)ptr->rear_left;
00463           out.rear_right  = (float)ptr->rear_right;
00464           pub_tire_pressure_.publish(out);
00465         }
00466         break;
00468       case ID_REPORT_FUEL_LEVEL:
00469         if (msg->dlc >= 2) {
00470           const MsgReportFuelLevel *ptr = (const MsgReportFuelLevel*)msg->data.elems;
00471           dbw_mkz_msgs::FuelLevelReport out;
00472           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00473           out.fuel_level  = (float)ptr->fuel_level * 0.108696f;
00474           if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportFuelLevel)) {
00475             out.battery_12v = (float)ptr->battery_12v * 0.0625f;
00476             out.battery_hev = (float)ptr->battery_hev * 0.5f;
00477             out.odometer = (float)ptr->odometer * 0.1f;
00478           }
00479           pub_fuel_level_.publish(out);
00480         }
00481         break;
00483       case ID_REPORT_SURROUND:
00484         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportSurround)) {
00485           const MsgReportSurround *ptr = (const MsgReportSurround*)msg->data.elems;
00486           dbw_mkz_msgs::SurroundReport out;
00487           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00488           out.cta_left_alert = ptr->l_cta_alert ? true : false;
00489           out.cta_right_alert = ptr->r_cta_alert ? true : false;
00490           out.cta_left_enabled = ptr->l_cta_enabled ? true : false;
00491           out.cta_right_enabled = ptr->r_cta_enabled ? true : false;
00492           out.blis_left_alert = ptr->l_blis_alert ? true : false;
00493           out.blis_right_alert = ptr->r_blis_alert ? true : false;
00494           out.blis_left_enabled = ptr->l_blis_enabled ? true : false;
00495           out.blis_right_enabled = ptr->r_blis_enabled ? true : false;
00496           out.sonar_enabled = ptr->sonar_enabled ? true : false;
00497           out.sonar_fault = ptr->sonar_fault ? true : false;
00498           if (out.sonar_enabled) {
00499             out.sonar[0] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_00);
00500             out.sonar[1] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_01);
00501             out.sonar[2] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_02);
00502             out.sonar[3] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_03);
00503             out.sonar[4] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_04);
00504             out.sonar[5] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_05);
00505             out.sonar[6] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_06);
00506             out.sonar[7] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_07);
00507             out.sonar[8] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_08);
00508             out.sonar[9] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_09);
00509             out.sonar[10] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_10);
00510             out.sonar[11] = sonarMetersFromBits(ptr->sonar_11);
00511           }
00512           pub_surround_.publish(out);
00513           sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloud;
00514           sonarBuildPointCloud2(cloud, out);
00515           pub_sonar_cloud_.publish(cloud);
00516         }
00517         break;
00519       case ID_REPORT_BRAKE_INFO:
00520         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportBrakeInfo)) {
00521           const MsgReportBrakeInfo *ptr = (const MsgReportBrakeInfo*)msg->data.elems;
00522           dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeInfoReport out;
00523           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00524           out.brake_torque_request = (float)ptr->brake_torque_request * 4.0f;
00525           out.brake_torque_actual = (float)ptr->brake_torque_actual * 4.0f;
00526           out.wheel_torque_actual = (float)ptr->wheel_torque * 4.0f;
00527           out.accel_over_ground = (float)ptr->accel_over_ground_est * 0.035f;
00528           out.brake_pedal_qf.value = ptr->bped_qf;
00529           out.hsa.status = ptr->hsa_stat;
00530           out.hsa.mode = ptr->hsa_mode;
00531           out.abs_active = ptr->abs_active ? true : false;
00532           out.abs_enabled = ptr->abs_enabled ? true : false;
00533           out.stab_active = ptr->stab_active ? true : false;
00534           out.stab_enabled = ptr->stab_enabled ? true : false;
00535           out.trac_active = ptr->trac_active ? true : false;
00536           out.trac_enabled = ptr->trac_enabled ? true : false;
00537           out.parking_brake.status = ptr->parking_brake;
00538           out.stationary = ptr->stationary;
00539           pub_brake_info_.publish(out);
00540           if (ptr->bped_qf != dbw_mkz_msgs::QualityFactor::OK) {
00541             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Brake pedal limp-home: %u", ptr->bped_qf);
00542           }
00543         }
00544         break;
00546       case ID_REPORT_THROTTLE_INFO:
00547         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportThrottleInfo)) {
00548           const MsgReportThrottleInfo *ptr = (const MsgReportThrottleInfo*)msg->data.elems;
00549           dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleInfoReport out;
00550           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00551           out.throttle_pc = (float)ptr->throttle_pc * 1e-3f;
00552           out.throttle_rate = (float)ptr->throttle_rate * 4e-4f;
00553           out.throttle_pedal_qf.value = ptr->aped_qf;
00554           out.engine_rpm = (float)ptr->engine_rpm * 0.25f;
00555           pub_throttle_info_.publish(out);
00556           if (ptr->aped_qf != dbw_mkz_msgs::QualityFactor::OK) {
00557             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Throttle pedal limp-home: %u", ptr->aped_qf);
00558           }
00559         }
00560         break;
00562       case ID_REPORT_DRIVER_ASSIST:
00563         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportDriverAssist)) {
00564           const MsgReportDriverAssist *ptr = (const MsgReportDriverAssist*)msg->data.elems;
00565           dbw_mkz_msgs::DriverAssistReport out;
00566           out.header.stamp = msg->header.stamp;
00567           out.decel = (float)ptr->decel * 0.0625f;
00568           out.decel_src     = ptr->decel_src;
00569           out.fcw_enabled   = ptr->fcw_enabled;
00570           out.fcw_active    = ptr->fcw_active;
00571           out.aeb_enabled   = ptr->aeb_enabled;
00572           out.aeb_precharge = ptr->aeb_precharge;
00573           out.aeb_braking   = ptr->aeb_braking;
00574           out.acc_enabled   = ptr->acc_enabled;
00575           out.acc_braking   = ptr->acc_braking;
00576           pub_driver_assist_.publish(out);
00577           if (out.fcw_active) {
00578             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Forward collision warning activated!");
00579           }
00580           if (out.aeb_braking) {
00581             ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(5.0, "Automatic emergency braking activated!");
00582           }
00583         }
00584         break;
00586       case ID_LICENSE:
00587         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgLicense)) {
00588           const MsgLicense *ptr = (const MsgLicense*)msg->data.elems;
00589           if (ptr->ready) {
00590             ROS_INFO_ONCE("DBW Licensing: Ready");
00591             if (ptr->trial) {
00592               ROS_WARN_ONCE("DBW Licensing: One or more features licensed as a counted trial. Visit http://dataspeedinc.com/maintenance/ to request a full license.");
00593             }
00594             if (ptr->expired) {
00595               ROS_WARN_ONCE("DBW Licensing: One or more feature licenses expired due to the firmware build date");
00596             }
00597           } else {
00598             ROS_INFO_THROTTLE(10.0, "DBW Licensing: Waiting to resolve VIN...");
00599           }
00600           if (ptr->mux == LIC_MUX_MAC) {
00601             ROS_INFO_ONCE("Detected firmware MAC: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
00602                           ptr->mac.addr0, ptr->mac.addr1,
00603                           ptr->mac.addr2, ptr->mac.addr3,
00604                           ptr->mac.addr4, ptr->mac.addr5);
00605           } else if (ptr->mux == LIC_MUX_DATE0) {
00606             if (date_.size() == 0) {
00607               date_.push_back(ptr->date0.date0);
00608               date_.push_back(ptr->date0.date1);
00609               date_.push_back(ptr->date0.date2);
00610               date_.push_back(ptr->date0.date3);
00611               date_.push_back(ptr->date0.date4);
00612               date_.push_back(ptr->date0.date5);
00613             }
00614           } else if (ptr->mux == LIC_MUX_DATE1) {
00615             if (date_.size() == 6) {
00616               date_.push_back(ptr->date1.date6);
00617               date_.push_back(ptr->date1.date7);
00618               date_.push_back(ptr->date1.date8);
00619               date_.push_back(ptr->date1.date9);
00620               ROS_INFO("Detected firmware build date: %s", date_.c_str());
00621             }
00622           } else if (ptr->mux == LIC_MUX_VIN0) {
00623             if (vin_.size() == 0) {
00624               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin0.vin00);
00625               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin0.vin01);
00626               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin0.vin02);
00627               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin0.vin03);
00628               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin0.vin04);
00629               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin0.vin05);
00630             }
00631           } else if (ptr->mux == LIC_MUX_VIN1) {
00632             if (vin_.size() == 6) {
00633               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin1.vin06);
00634               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin1.vin07);
00635               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin1.vin08);
00636               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin1.vin09);
00637               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin1.vin10);
00638               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin1.vin11);
00639             }
00640           } else if (ptr->mux == LIC_MUX_VIN2) {
00641             if (vin_.size() == 12) {
00642               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin2.vin12);
00643               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin2.vin13);
00644               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin2.vin14);
00645               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin2.vin15);
00646               vin_.push_back(ptr->vin2.vin16);
00647               std_msgs::String msg; msg.data = vin_;
00648               pub_vin_.publish(msg);
00649               ROS_INFO("Detected VIN: %s", vin_.c_str());
00650             }
00651           } else if (ptr->mux == LIC_MUX_F0) {
00652             const char * const NAME = "BASE"; // Base functionality
00653             if (ptr->license.enabled) {
00654               ROS_INFO_ONCE("DBW Licensing: Feature '%s' enabled%s", NAME, ptr->license.trial ? " as a counted trial" : "");
00655             } else if (ptr->ready) {
00656               ROS_WARN_ONCE("DBW Licensing: Feature '%s' not licensed. Visit http://dataspeedinc.com/maintenance/ to request a license.", NAME);
00657             }
00658             if (ptr->ready && (ptr->license.trial || !ptr->license.enabled)) {
00659               ROS_INFO_ONCE("DBW Licensing: Feature '%s' trials used: %u, remaining: %u", NAME,
00660                             ptr->license.trials_used, ptr->license.trials_left);
00661             }
00662           }
00663         }
00664         break;
00666       case ID_VERSION:
00667         if (msg->dlc >= sizeof(MsgVersion)) {
00668           const MsgVersion *ptr = (const MsgVersion*)msg->data.elems;
00669           const PlatformVersion version((Platform)ptr->platform, (Module)ptr->module, ptr->major, ptr->minor, ptr->build);
00670           const ModuleVersion latest = FIRMWARE_LATEST.findModule(version);
00671           const char * str_p = platformToString(version.p);
00672           const char * str_m = moduleToString(version.m);
00673           if (firmware_.findModule(version) != version.v) {
00674             firmware_.insert(version);
00675             if (latest.valid()) {
00676               ROS_INFO("Detected %s %s firmware version %u.%u.%u", str_p, str_m, ptr->major, ptr->minor, ptr->build);
00677             } else {
00678               ROS_WARN("Detected %s %s firmware version %u.%u.%u, which is unsupported. Platform: 0x%02X, Module: %u", str_p, str_m,
00679                        ptr->major, ptr->minor, ptr->build, ptr->platform, ptr->module);
00680             }
00681             if (version < latest) {
00682               ROS_WARN("Firmware %s %s has old  version %u.%u.%u, updating to %u.%u.%u is suggested.", str_p, str_m,
00683                        version.v.major(), version.v.minor(), version.v.build(),
00684                        latest.major(),  latest.minor(),  latest.build());
00685             }
00686           }
00687         }
00688         break;
00690       case ID_BRAKE_CMD:
00691         ROS_WARN_COND(warn_cmds_ && !((const MsgBrakeCmd*)msg->data.elems)->RES1,
00692                                   "DBW system: Another node on the CAN bus is commanding the vehicle!!! Subsystem: Brake. Id: 0x%03X", ID_BRAKE_CMD);
00693         break;
00694       case ID_THROTTLE_CMD:
00695         ROS_WARN_COND(warn_cmds_ && !((const MsgThrottleCmd*)msg->data.elems)->RES1,
00696                                   "DBW system: Another node on the CAN bus is commanding the vehicle!!! Subsystem: Throttle. Id: 0x%03X", ID_THROTTLE_CMD);
00697         break;
00698       case ID_STEERING_CMD:
00699         ROS_WARN_COND(warn_cmds_, "DBW system: Another node on the CAN bus is commanding the vehicle!!! Subsystem: Steering. Id: 0x%03X", ID_STEERING_CMD);
00700         break;
00701       case ID_GEAR_CMD:
00702         ROS_WARN_COND(warn_cmds_, "DBW system: Another node on the CAN bus is commanding the vehicle!!! Subsystem: Shifting. Id: 0x%03X", ID_GEAR_CMD);
00703         break;
00704       case ID_MISC_CMD:
00705         ROS_WARN_COND(warn_cmds_, "DBW system: Another node on the CAN bus is commanding the vehicle!!! Subsystem: Turn Signals. Id: 0x%03X", ID_MISC_CMD);
00706         break;
00707     }
00708   }
00709 #if 0
00710   ROS_INFO("ena: %s, clr: %s, brake: %s, throttle: %s, steering: %s, gear: %s",
00711            enabled() ? "true " : "false",
00712            clear() ? "true " : "false",
00713            override_brake_ ? "true " : "false",
00714            override_throttle_ ? "true " : "false",
00715            override_steering_ ? "true " : "false",
00716            override_gear_ ? "true " : "false"
00717        );
00718 #endif
00719 }
00721 void DbwNode::recvCanImu(const std::vector<can_msgs::Frame::ConstPtr> &msgs) {
00722   ROS_ASSERT(msgs.size() == 2);
00723   ROS_ASSERT(msgs[0]->id == ID_REPORT_ACCEL);
00724   ROS_ASSERT(msgs[1]->id == ID_REPORT_GYRO);
00725   if ((msgs[0]->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportAccel)) && (msgs[1]->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportGyro))) {
00726     const MsgReportAccel *ptr_accel = (const MsgReportAccel*)msgs[0]->data.elems;
00727     const MsgReportGyro *ptr_gyro = (const MsgReportGyro*)msgs[1]->data.elems;
00728     sensor_msgs::Imu out;
00729     out.header.stamp = msgs[0]->header.stamp;
00730     out.header.frame_id = frame_id_;
00731     out.orientation_covariance[0] = -1; // Orientation not present
00732     out.linear_acceleration.x = (double)ptr_accel->accel_long * 0.01;
00733     out.linear_acceleration.y = (double)ptr_accel->accel_lat * -0.01;
00734     out.linear_acceleration.z = (double)ptr_accel->accel_vert * -0.01;
00735     out.angular_velocity.x = (double)ptr_gyro->gyro_roll * 0.0002;
00736     out.angular_velocity.z = (double)ptr_gyro->gyro_yaw * 0.0002;
00737     pub_imu_.publish(out);
00738   }
00739 #if 0
00740   ROS_INFO("Time: %u.%u, %u.%u, delta: %fms",
00741            msgs[0]->header.stamp.sec, msgs[0]->header.stamp.nsec,
00742            msgs[1]->header.stamp.sec, msgs[1]->header.stamp.nsec,
00743            labs((msgs[1]->header.stamp - msgs[0]->header.stamp).toNSec()) / 1000000.0);
00744 #endif
00745 }
00747 void DbwNode::recvCanGps(const std::vector<can_msgs::Frame::ConstPtr> &msgs) {
00748   ROS_ASSERT(msgs.size() == 3);
00749   ROS_ASSERT(msgs[0]->id == ID_REPORT_GPS1);
00750   ROS_ASSERT(msgs[1]->id == ID_REPORT_GPS2);
00751   ROS_ASSERT(msgs[2]->id == ID_REPORT_GPS3);
00752   if ((msgs[0]->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportGps1)) && (msgs[1]->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportGps2)) && (msgs[2]->dlc >= sizeof(MsgReportGps3))) {
00753     const MsgReportGps1 *ptr1 = (const MsgReportGps1*)msgs[0]->data.elems;
00754     const MsgReportGps2 *ptr2 = (const MsgReportGps2*)msgs[1]->data.elems;
00755     const MsgReportGps3 *ptr3 = (const MsgReportGps3*)msgs[2]->data.elems;
00757     sensor_msgs::NavSatFix msg_fix;
00758     msg_fix.header.stamp =  msgs[0]->header.stamp;
00759     msg_fix.latitude = (double)ptr1->latitude / 3e6;
00760     msg_fix.longitude = (double)ptr1->longitude / 3e6;
00761     msg_fix.altitude = (double)ptr3->altitude * 0.25;
00762     msg_fix.position_covariance_type = sensor_msgs::NavSatFix::COVARIANCE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
00763     msg_fix.status.service = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::SERVICE_GPS;
00764     switch (ptr3->quality) {
00765       case 0:
00766       default:
00767         msg_fix.status.status = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_NO_FIX;
00768         break;
00769       case 1:
00770       case 2:
00771         msg_fix.status.status = sensor_msgs::NavSatStatus::STATUS_FIX;
00772         break;
00773     }
00774     pub_gps_fix_.publish(msg_fix);
00776     geometry_msgs::TwistStamped msg_vel;
00777     msg_vel.header.stamp = msgs[0]->header.stamp;
00778     double heading = (double)ptr3->heading * (0.01 * M_PI / 180);
00779     double speed = (double)ptr3->speed * 0.44704;
00780     msg_vel.twist.linear.x = cos(heading) * speed;
00781     msg_vel.twist.linear.y = sin(heading) * speed;
00782     pub_gps_vel_.publish(msg_vel);
00784     sensor_msgs::TimeReference msg_time;
00785     struct tm unix_time;
00786     unix_time.tm_year = ptr2->utc_year + 100; // [1900] <-- [2000]
00787     unix_time.tm_mon = ptr2->utc_month - 1;   // [0-11] <-- [1-12]
00788     unix_time.tm_mday = ptr2->utc_day;        // [1-31] <-- [1-31]
00789     unix_time.tm_hour = ptr2->utc_hours;      // [0-23] <-- [0-23]
00790     unix_time.tm_min = ptr2->utc_minutes;     // [0-59] <-- [0-59]
00791     unix_time.tm_sec = ptr2->utc_seconds;     // [0-59] <-- [0-59]
00792     msg_time.header.stamp = msgs[0]->header.stamp;
00793     msg_time.time_ref.sec = timegm(&unix_time);
00794     msg_time.time_ref.nsec = 0;
00795     pub_gps_time_.publish(msg_time);
00797 #if 0
00798     ROS_INFO("UTC Time: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
00799              2000 + ptr2->utc_year, ptr2->utc_month, ptr2->utc_day,
00800              ptr2->utc_hours, ptr2->utc_minutes, ptr2->utc_seconds);
00801 #endif
00802   }
00803 #if 0
00804   ROS_INFO("Time: %u.%u, %u.%u, %u.%u, delta: %fms",
00805            msgs[0]->header.stamp.sec, msgs[0]->header.stamp.nsec,
00806            msgs[1]->header.stamp.sec, msgs[1]->header.stamp.nsec,
00807            msgs[2]->header.stamp.sec, msgs[2]->header.stamp.nsec,
00808            std::max(std::max(
00809                labs((msgs[1]->header.stamp - msgs[0]->header.stamp).toNSec()),
00810                labs((msgs[2]->header.stamp - msgs[1]->header.stamp).toNSec())),
00811                labs((msgs[0]->header.stamp - msgs[2]->header.stamp).toNSec())) / 1000000.0);
00812 #endif
00813 }
00815 void DbwNode::recvBrakeCmd(const dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::ConstPtr& msg)
00816 {
00817   can_msgs::Frame out;
00818   out.id = ID_BRAKE_CMD;
00819   out.is_extended = false;
00820   out.dlc = sizeof(MsgBrakeCmd);
00821   MsgBrakeCmd *ptr = (MsgBrakeCmd*)out.data.elems;
00822   memset(ptr, 0x00, sizeof(*ptr));
00823   if (enabled()) {
00824     bool fwd_abs = firmware_.findModule(M_ABS).valid(); // Does the ABS braking module exist?
00825     bool fwd_bpe = firmware_.findPlatform(M_BPEC) >= FIRMWARE_CMDTYPE; // Minimum required BPEC firmware version
00826     bool fwd = !pedal_luts_; // Forward command type, or apply pedal LUTs locally
00827     fwd |= fwd_abs; // The local pedal LUTs are for the BPEC module, the ABS module requires forwarding
00828     fwd &= fwd_bpe; // Only modern BPEC firmware supports forwarding the command type
00829     switch (msg->pedal_cmd_type) {
00830       case dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_NONE:
00831         break;
00832       case dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_PEDAL:
00833         ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_PEDAL;
00834         ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, msg->pedal_cmd * UINT16_MAX));
00835         if (!firmware_.findModule(M_BPEC).valid() && firmware_.findModule(M_ABS).valid()) {
00836           ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(1.0, "Module ABS does not support brake command type PEDAL");
00837         }
00838         break;
00839       case dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_PERCENT:
00840         if (fwd) {
00841           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_PERCENT;
00842           ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, msg->pedal_cmd * UINT16_MAX));
00843         } else {
00844           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_PEDAL;
00845           ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, brakePedalFromPercent(msg->pedal_cmd) * UINT16_MAX));
00846         }
00847         break;
00848       case dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_TORQUE:
00849         if (fwd) {
00850           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_TORQUE;
00851           ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, msg->pedal_cmd));
00852         } else {
00853           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_PEDAL;
00854           ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, brakePedalFromTorque(msg->pedal_cmd) * UINT16_MAX));
00855         }
00856         if (!firmware_.findModule(M_BPEC).valid() && firmware_.findModule(M_ABS).valid()) {
00857           ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(1.0, "Module ABS does not support brake command type TORQUE");
00858         }
00859         break;
00860       case dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_TORQUE_RQ:
00861         if (fwd_abs || fwd_bpe) {
00862           // CMD_TORQUE_RQ must be forwarded, there is no local implementation
00863           fwd = true;
00864           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_TORQUE_RQ;
00865           ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, msg->pedal_cmd));
00866         } else if (fwd) {
00867           // Fallback to forwarded CMD_TORQUE
00868           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_TORQUE;
00869           ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, msg->pedal_cmd));
00870         } else {
00871           // Fallback to local CMD_TORQUE
00872           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_PEDAL;
00873           ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, brakePedalFromTorque(msg->pedal_cmd) * UINT16_MAX));
00874         }
00875         if (!firmware_.findModule(M_BPEC).valid() && firmware_.findModule(M_ABS).valid()) {
00876           ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(1.0, "Module ABS does not support brake command type TORQUE_RQ");
00877         }
00878         break;
00879       case dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_DECEL:
00880         // CMD_DECEL must be forwarded, there is no local implementation
00881         ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::BrakeCmd::CMD_DECEL;
00882         ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)10e3, msg->pedal_cmd * 1e3f));
00883         if (!firmware_.findModule(M_ABS).valid() && firmware_.findModule(M_BPEC).valid()) {
00884           ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(1.0, "Module BPEC does not support brake command type DECEL");
00885         }
00886         break;
00887       default:
00888         ROS_WARN("Unknown brake command type: %u", msg->pedal_cmd_type);
00889         break;
00890     }
00891 #if 1 // Manually implement auto BOO control (brake lights) for legacy firmware
00892     ptr->ABOO = 1;
00893     const PlatformVersion firmware_bpec = firmware_.findPlatform(M_BPEC);
00894     if (firmware_bpec.v.valid() && (firmware_bpec < FIRMWARE_CMDTYPE)) {
00895       const uint16_t BOO_THRESH_LO = 0.20 * UINT16_MAX;
00896       const uint16_t BOO_THRESH_HI = 0.22 * UINT16_MAX;
00897       static bool boo_status_ = false;
00898       if (boo_status_) {
00899         ptr->BCMD = 1;
00900       }
00901       if (!boo_status_ && (ptr->PCMD > BOO_THRESH_HI)) {
00902         ptr->BCMD = 1;
00903         boo_status_ = true;
00904       } else if (boo_status_ && (ptr->PCMD < BOO_THRESH_LO)) {
00905         ptr->BCMD = 0;
00906         boo_status_ = false;
00907       }
00908     }
00909 #endif
00910     if (msg->enable) {
00911       ptr->EN = 1;
00912     }
00913   }
00914   if (clear() || msg->clear) {
00915     ptr->CLEAR = 1;
00916   }
00917   if (msg->ignore) {
00918     ptr->IGNORE = 1;
00919   }
00920   ptr->COUNT = msg->count;
00921   pub_can_.publish(out);
00922 }
00924 void DbwNode::recvThrottleCmd(const dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleCmd::ConstPtr& msg)
00925 {
00926   can_msgs::Frame out;
00927   out.id = ID_THROTTLE_CMD;
00928   out.is_extended = false;
00929   out.dlc = sizeof(MsgThrottleCmd);
00930   MsgThrottleCmd *ptr = (MsgThrottleCmd*)out.data.elems;
00931   memset(ptr, 0x00, sizeof(*ptr));
00932   if (enabled()) {
00933     bool fwd = !pedal_luts_; // Forward command type, or apply pedal LUTs locally
00934     fwd &= firmware_.findPlatform(M_TPEC) >= FIRMWARE_CMDTYPE; // Minimum required firmware version
00935     float cmd = 0.0;
00936     switch (msg->pedal_cmd_type) {
00937       case dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleCmd::CMD_NONE:
00938         break;
00939       case dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleCmd::CMD_PEDAL:
00940         ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleCmd::CMD_PEDAL;
00941         cmd = msg->pedal_cmd;
00942         break;
00943       case dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleCmd::CMD_PERCENT:
00944         if (fwd) {
00945           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleCmd::CMD_PERCENT;
00946           cmd = msg->pedal_cmd;
00947         } else {
00948           ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::ThrottleCmd::CMD_PEDAL;
00949           cmd = throttlePedalFromPercent(msg->pedal_cmd);
00950         }
00951         break;
00952       default:
00953         ROS_WARN("Unknown throttle command type: %u", msg->pedal_cmd_type);
00954         break;
00955     }
00956     ptr->PCMD = std::max((float)0.0, std::min((float)UINT16_MAX, cmd * UINT16_MAX));
00957     if (msg->enable) {
00958       ptr->EN = 1;
00959     }
00960   }
00961   if (clear() || msg->clear) {
00962     ptr->CLEAR = 1;
00963   }
00964   if (msg->ignore) {
00965     ptr->IGNORE = 1;
00966   }
00967   ptr->COUNT = msg->count;
00968   pub_can_.publish(out);
00969 }
00971 void DbwNode::recvSteeringCmd(const dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringCmd::ConstPtr& msg)
00972 {
00973   can_msgs::Frame out;
00974   out.id = ID_STEERING_CMD;
00975   out.is_extended = false;
00976   out.dlc = sizeof(MsgSteeringCmd);
00977   MsgSteeringCmd *ptr = (MsgSteeringCmd*)out.data.elems;
00978   memset(ptr, 0x00, sizeof(*ptr));
00979   if (enabled()) {
00980     switch (msg->cmd_type) {
00981       case dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringCmd::CMD_ANGLE:
00982         ptr->SCMD = std::max((float)-INT16_MAX, std::min((float)INT16_MAX, (float)(msg->steering_wheel_angle_cmd * (180 / M_PI * 10))));
00983         if (fabsf(msg->steering_wheel_angle_velocity) > 0) {
00984           if (firmware_.findModule(M_EPS).valid() || (firmware_.findPlatform(M_STEER) >= FIRMWARE_HIGH_RATE_LIMIT)) {
00985             ptr->SVEL = std::max((float)1, std::min((float)254, (float)roundf(fabsf(msg->steering_wheel_angle_velocity) * 180 / M_PI / 4)));
00986           } else {
00987             ptr->SVEL = std::max((float)1, std::min((float)254, (float)roundf(fabsf(msg->steering_wheel_angle_velocity) * 180 / M_PI / 2)));
00988           }
00989         }
00990         ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringCmd::CMD_ANGLE;
00991         break;
00992       case dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringCmd::CMD_TORQUE:
00993         ptr->SCMD = std::max((float)-INT16_MAX, std::min((float)INT16_MAX, (float)(msg->steering_wheel_torque_cmd * 128)));
00994         ptr->CMD_TYPE = dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringCmd::CMD_TORQUE;
00995         if (!firmware_.findModule(M_EPS).valid() && firmware_.findModule(M_STEER).valid()) {
00996           ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(1.0, "Module STEER does not support steering command type TORQUE");
00997         }
00998         break;
00999       default:
01000         ROS_WARN("Unknown steering command type: %u", msg->cmd_type);
01001         break;
01002     }
01003     if (msg->enable) {
01004       ptr->EN = 1;
01005     }
01006   }
01007   if (clear() || msg->clear) {
01008     ptr->CLEAR = 1;
01009   }
01010   if (msg->ignore) {
01011     ptr->IGNORE = 1;
01012   }
01013   if (msg->quiet) {
01014     ptr->QUIET = 1;
01015   }
01016   ptr->COUNT = msg->count;
01017   pub_can_.publish(out);
01018 }
01020 void DbwNode::recvGearCmd(const dbw_mkz_msgs::GearCmd::ConstPtr& msg)
01021 {
01022   can_msgs::Frame out;
01023   out.id = ID_GEAR_CMD;
01024   out.is_extended = false;
01025   out.dlc = sizeof(MsgGearCmd);
01026   MsgGearCmd *ptr = (MsgGearCmd*)out.data.elems;
01027   memset(ptr, 0x00, sizeof(*ptr));
01028   if (enabled()) {
01029     ptr->GCMD = msg->cmd.gear;
01030   }
01031   if (clear() || msg->clear) {
01032     ptr->CLEAR = 1;
01033   }
01034   pub_can_.publish(out);
01035 }
01037 void DbwNode::recvTurnSignalCmd(const dbw_mkz_msgs::TurnSignalCmd::ConstPtr& msg)
01038 {
01039   can_msgs::Frame out;
01040   out.id = ID_MISC_CMD;
01041   out.is_extended = false;
01042   out.dlc = sizeof(MsgTurnSignalCmd);
01043   MsgTurnSignalCmd *ptr = (MsgTurnSignalCmd*)out.data.elems;
01044   memset(ptr, 0x00, sizeof(*ptr));
01045   if (enabled()) {
01046     ptr->TRNCMD = msg->cmd.value;
01047   }
01048   pub_can_.publish(out);
01049 }
01051 bool DbwNode::publishDbwEnabled()
01052 {
01053   bool change = false;
01054   bool en = enabled();
01055   if (prev_enable_ != en) {
01056     std_msgs::Bool msg;
01057     msg.data = en;
01058     pub_sys_enable_.publish(msg);
01059     change = true;
01060   }
01061   prev_enable_ = en;
01062   return change;
01063 }
01065 void DbwNode::timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
01066 {
01067   if (clear()) {
01068     can_msgs::Frame out;
01069     out.is_extended = false;
01071     if (override_brake_) {
01072       out.id = ID_BRAKE_CMD;
01073       out.dlc = 4; // Sending the full eight bytes will fault the watchdog counter (if enabled)
01074       memset(out.data.elems, 0x00, 8);
01075       ((MsgBrakeCmd*)out.data.elems)->CLEAR = 1;
01076       pub_can_.publish(out);
01077     }
01079     if (override_throttle_) {
01080       out.id = ID_THROTTLE_CMD;
01081       out.dlc = 4; // Sending the full eight bytes will fault the watchdog counter (if enabled)
01082       memset(out.data.elems, 0x00, 8);
01083       ((MsgThrottleCmd*)out.data.elems)->CLEAR = 1;
01084       pub_can_.publish(out);
01085     }
01087     if (override_steering_) {
01088       out.id = ID_STEERING_CMD;
01089       out.dlc = 4; // Sending the full eight bytes will fault the watchdog counter (if enabled)
01090       memset(out.data.elems, 0x00, 8);
01091       ((MsgSteeringCmd*)out.data.elems)->CLEAR = 1;
01092       pub_can_.publish(out);
01093     }
01095     if (override_gear_) {
01096       out.id = ID_GEAR_CMD;
01097       out.dlc = sizeof(MsgGearCmd);
01098       memset(out.data.elems, 0x00, 8);
01099       ((MsgGearCmd*)out.data.elems)->CLEAR = 1;
01100       pub_can_.publish(out);
01101     }
01102   }
01103 }
01105 void DbwNode::enableSystem()
01106 {
01107   if (!enable_) {
01108     if (fault()) {
01109       if (fault_steering_cal_) {
01110         ROS_WARN("DBW system not enabled. Steering calibration fault.");
01111       }
01112       if (fault_brakes_) {
01113         ROS_WARN("DBW system not enabled. Braking fault.");
01114       }
01115       if (fault_throttle_) {
01116         ROS_WARN("DBW system not enabled. Throttle fault.");
01117       }
01118       if (fault_steering_) {
01119         ROS_WARN("DBW system not enabled. Steering fault.");
01120       }
01121       if (fault_watchdog_) {
01122         ROS_WARN("DBW system not enabled. Watchdog fault.");
01123       }
01124     } else {
01125       enable_ = true;
01126       if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01127         ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01128       } else {
01129         ROS_INFO("DBW system enable requested. Waiting for ready.");
01130       }
01131     }
01132   }
01133 }
01135 void DbwNode::disableSystem()
01136 {
01137   if (enable_) {
01138     enable_ = false;
01139     publishDbwEnabled();
01140     ROS_WARN("DBW system disabled.");
01141   }
01142 }
01144 void DbwNode::buttonCancel()
01145 {
01146   if (enable_) {
01147     enable_ = false;
01148     publishDbwEnabled();
01149     ROS_WARN("DBW system disabled. Cancel button pressed.");
01150   }
01151 }
01153 void DbwNode::overrideBrake(bool override, bool timeout)
01154 {
01155   bool en = enabled();
01156   if (en && timeout) {
01157     override = false;
01158   }
01159   if (en && override) {
01160     enable_ = false;
01161   }
01162   override_brake_ = override;
01163   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01164     if (en) {
01165       ROS_WARN("DBW system disabled. Driver override on brake/throttle pedal.");
01166     } else {
01167       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01168     }
01169   }
01170 }
01172 void DbwNode::overrideThrottle(bool override, bool timeout)
01173 {
01174   bool en = enabled();
01175   if (en && timeout) {
01176     override = false;
01177   }
01178   if (en && override) {
01179     enable_ = false;
01180   }
01181   override_throttle_ = override;
01182   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01183     if (en) {
01184       ROS_WARN("DBW system disabled. Driver override on brake/throttle pedal.");
01185     } else {
01186       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01187     }
01188   }
01189 }
01191 void DbwNode::overrideSteering(bool override, bool timeout)
01192 {
01193   bool en = enabled();
01194   if (en && timeout) {
01195     override = false;
01196   }
01197   if (en && override) {
01198     enable_ = false;
01199   }
01200   override_steering_ = override;
01201   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01202     if (en) {
01203       ROS_WARN("DBW system disabled. Driver override on steering wheel.");
01204     } else {
01205       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01206     }
01207   }
01208 }
01210 void DbwNode::overrideGear(bool override)
01211 {
01212   bool en = enabled();
01213   if (en && override) {
01214     enable_ = false;
01215   }
01216   override_gear_ = override;
01217   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01218     if (en) {
01219       ROS_WARN("DBW system disabled. Driver override on shifter.");
01220     } else {
01221       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01222     }
01223   }
01224 }
01226 void DbwNode::timeoutBrake(bool timeout, bool enabled)
01227 {
01228   if (!timeout_brakes_ && enabled_brakes_ && timeout && !enabled) {
01229     ROS_WARN("Brake subsystem disabled after 100ms command timeout");
01230   }
01231   timeout_brakes_ = timeout;
01232   enabled_brakes_ = enabled;
01233 }
01235 void DbwNode::timeoutThrottle(bool timeout, bool enabled)
01236 {
01237   if (!timeout_throttle_ && enabled_throttle_ && timeout && !enabled) {
01238     ROS_WARN("Throttle subsystem disabled after 100ms command timeout");
01239   }
01240   timeout_throttle_ = timeout;
01241   enabled_throttle_ = enabled;
01242 }
01244 void DbwNode::timeoutSteering(bool timeout, bool enabled)
01245 {
01246   if (!timeout_steering_ && enabled_steering_ && timeout && !enabled) {
01247     ROS_WARN("Steering subsystem disabled after 100ms command timeout");
01248   }
01249   timeout_steering_ = timeout;
01250   enabled_steering_ = enabled;
01251 }
01253 void DbwNode::faultBrakes(bool fault)
01254 {
01255   bool en = enabled();
01256   if (fault && en) {
01257     enable_ = false;
01258   }
01259   fault_brakes_ = fault;
01260   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01261     if (en) {
01262       ROS_ERROR("DBW system disabled. Braking fault.");
01263     } else {
01264       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01265     }
01266   }
01267 }
01269 void DbwNode::faultThrottle(bool fault)
01270 {
01271   bool en = enabled();
01272   if (fault && en) {
01273     enable_ = false;
01274   }
01275   fault_throttle_ = fault;
01276   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01277     if (en) {
01278       ROS_ERROR("DBW system disabled. Throttle fault.");
01279     } else {
01280       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01281     }
01282   }
01283 }
01285 void DbwNode::faultSteering(bool fault)
01286 {
01287   bool en = enabled();
01288   if (fault && en) {
01289     enable_ = false;
01290   }
01291   fault_steering_ = fault;
01292   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01293     if (en) {
01294       ROS_ERROR("DBW system disabled. Steering fault.");
01295     } else {
01296       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01297     }
01298   }
01299 }
01301 void DbwNode::faultSteeringCal(bool fault)
01302 {
01303   bool en = enabled();
01304   if (fault && en) {
01305     enable_ = false;
01306   }
01307   fault_steering_cal_ = fault;
01308   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01309     if (en) {
01310       ROS_ERROR("DBW system disabled. Steering calibration fault.");
01311     } else {
01312       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01313     }
01314   }
01315 }
01317 void DbwNode::faultWatchdog(bool fault, uint8_t src, bool braking)
01318 {
01319   bool en = enabled();
01320   if (fault && en) {
01321     enable_ = false;
01322   }
01323   fault_watchdog_ = fault;
01324   if (publishDbwEnabled()) {
01325     if (en) {
01326       ROS_ERROR("DBW system disabled. Watchdog fault.");
01327     } else {
01328       ROS_INFO("DBW system enabled.");
01329     }
01330   }
01331   if (braking && !fault_watchdog_using_brakes_) {
01332     ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Alerting driver and applying brakes.");
01333   } else if (!braking && fault_watchdog_using_brakes_) {
01334     ROS_INFO("Watchdog event: Driver has successfully taken control.");
01335   }
01336   if (fault && src && !fault_watchdog_warned_) {
01337       switch (src) {
01338         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::OTHER_BRAKE:
01339           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Fault determined by brake controller");
01340           break;
01341         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::OTHER_THROTTLE:
01342           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Fault determined by throttle controller");
01343           break;
01344         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::OTHER_STEERING:
01345           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Fault determined by steering controller");
01346           break;
01347         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::BRAKE_COUNTER:
01348           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Brake command counter failed to increment");
01349           break;
01350         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::BRAKE_DISABLED:
01351           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Brake transition to disabled while in gear or moving");
01352           break;
01353         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::BRAKE_COMMAND:
01354           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Brake command timeout after 100ms");
01355           break;
01356         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::BRAKE_REPORT:
01357           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Brake report timeout after 100ms");
01358           break;
01359         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::THROTTLE_COUNTER:
01360           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Throttle command counter failed to increment");
01361           break;
01362         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::THROTTLE_DISABLED:
01363           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Throttle transition to disabled while in gear or moving");
01364           break;
01365         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::THROTTLE_COMMAND:
01366           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Throttle command timeout after 100ms");
01367           break;
01368         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::THROTTLE_REPORT:
01369           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Throttle report timeout after 100ms");
01370           break;
01371         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::STEERING_COUNTER:
01372           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Steering command counter failed to increment");
01373           break;
01374         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::STEERING_DISABLED:
01375           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Steering transition to disabled while in gear or moving");
01376           break;
01377         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::STEERING_COMMAND:
01378           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Steering command timeout after 100ms");
01379           break;
01380         case dbw_mkz_msgs::WatchdogCounter::STEERING_REPORT:
01381           ROS_WARN("Watchdog event: Steering report timeout after 100ms");
01382           break;
01383       }
01384       fault_watchdog_warned_ = true;
01385   } else if (!fault) {
01386     fault_watchdog_warned_ = false;
01387   }
01388   fault_watchdog_using_brakes_ = braking;
01389   if (fault && !fault_watchdog_using_brakes_ && fault_watchdog_warned_) {
01390     ROS_WARN_THROTTLE(2.0, "Watchdog event: Press left OK button on the steering wheel or cycle power to clear event.");
01391   }
01392 }
01394 void DbwNode::faultWatchdog(bool fault, uint8_t src) {
01395   faultWatchdog(fault, src, fault_watchdog_using_brakes_); // No change to 'using brakes' status
01396 }
01398 void DbwNode::publishJointStates(const ros::Time &stamp, const dbw_mkz_msgs::WheelSpeedReport *wheels, const dbw_mkz_msgs::SteeringReport *steering)
01399 {
01400   double dt = (stamp - joint_state_.header.stamp).toSec();
01401   if (wheels) {
01402     joint_state_.velocity[JOINT_FL] = wheels->front_left;
01403     joint_state_.velocity[JOINT_FR] = wheels->front_right;
01404     joint_state_.velocity[JOINT_RL] = wheels->rear_left;
01405     joint_state_.velocity[JOINT_RR] = wheels->rear_right;
01406   }
01407   if (steering) {
01408     const double L = acker_wheelbase_;
01409     const double W = acker_track_;
01410     const double r = L / tan(steering->steering_wheel_angle / steering_ratio_);
01411     joint_state_.position[JOINT_SL] = atan(L / (r - W/2));
01412     joint_state_.position[JOINT_SR] = atan(L / (r + W/2));
01413   }
01414   if (dt < 0.5) {
01415     for (unsigned int i = JOINT_FL; i <= JOINT_RR; i++) {
01416       joint_state_.position[i] = fmod(joint_state_.position[i] + dt * joint_state_.velocity[i], 2*M_PI);
01417     }
01418   }
01419   joint_state_.header.stamp = stamp;
01420   pub_joint_states_.publish(joint_state_);
01421 }
01423 } // namespace dbw_mkz_can

Author(s): Kevin Hallenbeck
autogenerated on Thu Jul 4 2019 20:08:17