Class OcTreeKey

Nested Relationships

Nested Types

Class Documentation

class OcTreeKey

OcTreeKey is a container class for internal key addressing. The keys count the number of cells (voxels) from the origin as discrete address of a voxel.

Public Functions

inline OcTreeKey()
inline OcTreeKey(key_type a, key_type b, key_type c)
inline OcTreeKey(const OcTreeKey &other)
inline bool operator==(const OcTreeKey &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const OcTreeKey &other) const
inline OcTreeKey &operator=(const OcTreeKey &other)
inline const key_type &operator[](unsigned int i) const
inline key_type &operator[](unsigned int i)

Public Members

key_type k[3]
struct KeyHash

Provides a hash function on Keys.

Public Functions

inline size_t operator()(const OcTreeKey &key) const