Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NmasterContains functions which allow you to query information about the master
 Nthis_nodeContains functions which provide information about this process' ROS node
 CAdvertiseOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a Publisher
 CAdvertiseServiceOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a ServiceServer
 CAsyncSpinnerAsyncSpinner is a spinner that does not conform to the abstract Spinner interface. Instead, it spins asynchronously when you call start(), and stops when either you call stop(), ros::shutdown() is called, or its destructor is called
 CCallbackInterfaceAbstract interface for items which can be added to a CallbackQueueInterface
 CCallbackQueueThis is the default implementation of the ros::CallbackQueueInterface
 CCallbackQueueInterfaceAbstract interface for a queue used to handle all callbacks within roscpp
 CConflictingSubscriptionExceptionThrown when a second (third,...) subscription is attempted with conflicting arguments
 CConnectionEncapsulates a connection to a remote host, independent of the transport type
 CIntraProcessPublisherLinkHandles a connection to a single publisher on a given topic. Receives messages from a publisher and hands them off to its parent Subscription
 CIntraProcessSubscriberLinkSubscriberLink handles broadcasting messages to a single subscriber on a single topic
 CInvalidNameExceptionThrown when an invalid graph resource name is specified to any roscpp function
 CInvalidNodeNameExceptionThrown when an invalid node name is specified to ros::init()
 CInvalidParameterExceptionThrown when an invalid parameter is passed to a method
 CInvalidPortExceptionThrown when an invalid port is specified
 CMultiThreadedSpinnerSpinner which spins in multiple threads
 CNodeHandleRoscpp's interface for creating subscribers, publishers, etc
 CParameterAdapterGenerally not for outside use. Adapts a function parameter type into the message type, event type and parameter. Allows you to retrieve a parameter type from an event type
 CParameterAdapter< boost::shared_ptr< M > >
 CParameterAdapter< boost::shared_ptr< M const > >
 CParameterAdapter< const boost::shared_ptr< M > & >
 CParameterAdapter< const boost::shared_ptr< M const > & >
 CParameterAdapter< const M & >
 CParameterAdapter< const ros::MessageEvent< M > & >
 CParameterAdapter< const ros::MessageEvent< M const > & >
 CPollSetManages a set of sockets being polled through the poll() function call
 CPublicationA Publication manages an advertised topic
 CPublisherManages an advertisement on a specific topic
 CPublisherLinkHandles a connection to a single publisher on a given topic. Receives messages from a publisher and hands them off to its parent Subscription
 CServiceCallbackHelperAbstract base class used by service servers to deal with concrete message types through a common interface. This is one part of the roscpp API that is not fully stable, so overloading this class is not recommended
 CServiceCallbackHelperTConcrete generic implementation of ServiceCallbackHelper for any normal service type
 CServiceClientProvides a handle-based interface to service client connections
 CServiceClientLinkHandles a connection to a single incoming service client
 CServiceClientOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a ServiceClient
 CServiceEventEvent type for services, ros::ServiceEvent<MReq, MRes>& can be used in your callback instead of MReq&, MRes&
 CServicePublicationManages an advertised service
 CServiceServerManages an service advertisement
 CServiceServerLinkHandles a connection to a service. If it's a non-persistent client, automatically disconnects when its first service call has finished
 CSingleSubscriberPublisherAllows publication of a message to a single subscriber. Only available inside subscriber connection callbacks
 CSingleThreadedSpinnerSpinner which runs in a single thread
 CSpinnerAbstract interface for classes which spin on a callback queue
 CStatisticsLoggerThis class logs statistics data about a ROS connection and publishs them periodically on a common topic
 CSteadyTimerManages a steady-clock timer callback
 CSteadyTimerEventStructure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::SteadyTimer
 CSteadyTimerOptionsEncapsulates all options available for starting a timer
 CSubscribeOptionsEncapsulates all options available for creating a Subscriber
 CSubscriberManages an subscription callback on a specific topic
 CSubscriptionManages a subscription on a single topic
 CSubscriptionCallbackHelperAbstract base class used by subscriptions to deal with concrete message types through a common interface. This is one part of the roscpp API that is not fully stable, so overloading this class is not recommended
 CSubscriptionCallbackHelperTConcrete generic implementation of SubscriptionCallbackHelper for any normal message type. Use directly with care, this is mostly for internal use
 CTimerManages a timer callback
 CTimerEventStructure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::Timer
 CTimerOptionsEncapsulates all options available for starting a timer
 CTransportAbstract base class that allows abstraction of the transport type, eg. TCP, shared memory, UDP..
 CTransportHintsProvides a way of specifying network transport hints to ros::NodeHandle::subscribe() and someday ros::NodeHandle::advertise()
 CTransportPublisherLinkHandles a connection to a single publisher on a given topic. Receives messages from a publisher and hands them off to its parent Subscription
 CTransportSubscriberLinkSubscriberLink handles broadcasting messages to a single subscriber on a single topic
 CTransportTCPTCPROS transport
 CTransportUDPUDPROS transport
 CWallTimerManages a wall-clock timer callback
 CWallTimerEventStructure passed as a parameter to the callback invoked by a ros::WallTimer
 CWallTimerOptionsEncapsulates all options available for starting a timer

Author(s): Morgan Quigley, Josh Faust, Brian Gerkey, Troy Straszheim, Dirk Thomas , Jacob Perron
autogenerated on Sat Sep 14 2024 02:59:36