Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018 Simbe Robotics, Inc.
3  * Author: Steve Macenski (stevenmacenski@gmail.com)
4  */
6 #include "ceres_solver.hpp"
7 #include <karto_sdk/Karto.h>
9 #include "ros/console.h"
14 namespace solver_plugins
15 {
17 /*****************************************************************************/
18 CeresSolver::CeresSolver() :
19  nodes_(new std::unordered_map<int, Eigen::Vector3d>()),
20  blocks_(new std::unordered_map<std::size_t,
21  ceres::ResidualBlockId>()),
22  problem_(NULL), was_constant_set_(false)
23 /*****************************************************************************/
24 {
25  ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
26  std::string solver_type, preconditioner_type, dogleg_type,
27  trust_strategy, loss_fn, mode;
28  nh.getParam("ceres_linear_solver", solver_type);
29  nh.getParam("ceres_preconditioner", preconditioner_type);
30  nh.getParam("ceres_dogleg_type", dogleg_type);
31  nh.getParam("ceres_trust_strategy", trust_strategy);
32  nh.getParam("ceres_loss_function", loss_fn);
33  nh.getParam("mode", mode);
34  nh.getParam("debug_logging", debug_logging_);
36  corrections_.clear();
37  first_node_ = nodes_->end();
39  // formulate problem
42  // choose loss function default squared loss (NULL)
44  if (loss_fn == "HuberLoss")
45  {
46  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using HuberLoss loss function.");
47  loss_function_ = new ceres::HuberLoss(0.7);
48  }
49  else if (loss_fn == "CauchyLoss")
50  {
51  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using CauchyLoss loss function.");
52  loss_function_ = new ceres::CauchyLoss(0.7);
53  }
55  // choose linear solver default CHOL
56  options_.linear_solver_type = ceres::SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY;
57  if (solver_type == "SPARSE_SCHUR")
58  {
59  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using SPARSE_SCHUR solver.");
60  options_.linear_solver_type = ceres::SPARSE_SCHUR;
61  }
62  else if (solver_type == "ITERATIVE_SCHUR")
63  {
64  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using ITERATIVE_SCHUR solver.");
65  options_.linear_solver_type = ceres::ITERATIVE_SCHUR;
66  }
67  else if (solver_type == "CGNR")
68  {
69  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using CGNR solver.");
70  options_.linear_solver_type = ceres::CGNR;
71  }
73  // choose preconditioner default Jacobi
74  options_.preconditioner_type = ceres::JACOBI;
75  if (preconditioner_type == "IDENTITY")
76  {
77  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using IDENTITY preconditioner.");
78  options_.preconditioner_type = ceres::IDENTITY;
79  }
80  else if (preconditioner_type == "SCHUR_JACOBI")
81  {
82  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using SCHUR_JACOBI preconditioner.");
83  options_.preconditioner_type = ceres::SCHUR_JACOBI;
84  }
86  if (options_.preconditioner_type == ceres::CLUSTER_JACOBI ||
87  options_.preconditioner_type == ceres::CLUSTER_TRIDIAGONAL)
88  {
89  //default canonical view is O(n^2) which is unacceptable for
90  // problems of this size
91  options_.visibility_clustering_type = ceres::SINGLE_LINKAGE;
92  }
94  // choose trust region strategy default LM
95  options_.trust_region_strategy_type = ceres::LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT;
96  if (trust_strategy == "DOGLEG")
97  {
98  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using DOGLEG trust region strategy.");
99  options_.trust_region_strategy_type = ceres::DOGLEG;
100  }
102  // choose dogleg type default traditional
103  if(options_.trust_region_strategy_type == ceres::DOGLEG)
104  {
105  options_.dogleg_type = ceres::TRADITIONAL_DOGLEG;
106  if (dogleg_type == "SUBSPACE_DOGLEG")
107  {
108  ROS_INFO("CeresSolver: Using SUBSPACE_DOGLEG dogleg type.");
109  options_.dogleg_type = ceres::SUBSPACE_DOGLEG;
110  }
111  }
113  // a typical ros map is 5cm, this is 0.001, 50x the resolution
114  options_.function_tolerance = 1e-3;
115  options_.gradient_tolerance = 1e-6;
116  options_.parameter_tolerance = 1e-3;
118  options_.sparse_linear_algebra_library_type = ceres::SUITE_SPARSE;
119  options_.max_num_consecutive_invalid_steps = 3;
120  options_.max_consecutive_nonmonotonic_steps =
121  options_.max_num_consecutive_invalid_steps;
122  options_.num_threads = 50;
123  options_.use_nonmonotonic_steps = true;
124  options_.jacobi_scaling = true;
126  options_.min_relative_decrease = 1e-3;
128  options_.initial_trust_region_radius = 1e4;
129  options_.max_trust_region_radius = 1e8;
130  options_.min_trust_region_radius = 1e-16;
132  options_.min_lm_diagonal = 1e-6;
133  options_.max_lm_diagonal = 1e32;
135  if(options_.linear_solver_type == ceres::SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY)
136  {
137  options_.dynamic_sparsity = true;
138  }
140  if (mode == std::string("localization"))
141  {
142  // doubles the memory footprint, but lets us remove contraints faster
143  options_problem_.enable_fast_removal = true;
144  }
146  problem_ = new ceres::Problem(options_problem_);
148  return;
149 }
151 /*****************************************************************************/
153 /*****************************************************************************/
154 {
155  if ( loss_function_ != NULL)
156  {
157  delete loss_function_;
158  }
159  if (nodes_ != NULL)
160  {
161  delete nodes_;
162  }
163  if (problem_ != NULL)
164  {
165  delete problem_;
166  }
167 }
169 /*****************************************************************************/
171 /*****************************************************************************/
172 {
173  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
175  if (nodes_->size() == 0)
176  {
177  ROS_ERROR("CeresSolver: Ceres was called when there are no nodes."
178  " This shouldn't happen.");
179  return;
180  }
182  // populate contraint for static initial pose
183  if (!was_constant_set_ && first_node_ != nodes_->end())
184  {
185  ROS_DEBUG("CeresSolver: Setting first node as a constant pose:"
186  "%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f.", first_node_->second(0),
187  first_node_->second(1), first_node_->second(2));
188  problem_->SetParameterBlockConstant(&first_node_->second(0));
189  problem_->SetParameterBlockConstant(&first_node_->second(1));
190  problem_->SetParameterBlockConstant(&first_node_->second(2));
192  }
194  const ros::Time start_time = ros::Time::now();
195  ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
196  ceres::Solve(options_, problem_, &summary);
197  if (debug_logging_)
198  {
199  std::cout << summary.FullReport() << '\n';
200  }
202  if (!summary.IsSolutionUsable())
203  {
204  ROS_WARN("CeresSolver: "
205  "Ceres could not find a usable solution to optimize.");
206  return;
207  }
209  // store corrected poses
210  if (!corrections_.empty())
211  {
212  corrections_.clear();
213  }
214  corrections_.reserve(nodes_->size());
215  karto::Pose2 pose;
216  ConstGraphIterator iter = nodes_->begin();
217  for ( iter; iter != nodes_->end(); ++iter )
218  {
219  pose.SetX(iter->second(0));
220  pose.SetY(iter->second(1));
221  pose.SetHeading(iter->second(2));
222  corrections_.push_back(std::make_pair(iter->first, pose));
223  }
225  return;
226 }
228 /*****************************************************************************/
230 /*****************************************************************************/
231 {
232  return corrections_;
233 }
235 /*****************************************************************************/
237 /*****************************************************************************/
238 {
239  corrections_.clear();
240 }
242 /*****************************************************************************/
244 /*****************************************************************************/
245 {
246  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
248  corrections_.clear();
249  was_constant_set_ = false;
251  if (problem_)
252  {
253  delete problem_;
254  }
256  if (nodes_)
257  {
258  delete nodes_;
259  }
261  if (blocks_)
262  {
263  delete blocks_;
264  }
266  nodes_ = new std::unordered_map<int, Eigen::Vector3d>();
267  blocks_ = new std::unordered_map<std::size_t, ceres::ResidualBlockId>();
268  problem_ = new ceres::Problem(options_problem_);
269  first_node_ = nodes_->end();
272 }
274 /*****************************************************************************/
276 /*****************************************************************************/
277 {
278  // store nodes
279  if (!pVertex)
280  {
281  return;
282  }
284  karto::Pose2 pose = pVertex->GetObject()->GetCorrectedPose();
285  Eigen::Vector3d pose2d(pose.GetX(), pose.GetY(), pose.GetHeading());
287  const int id = pVertex->GetObject()->GetUniqueId();
289  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
290  nodes_->insert(std::pair<int,Eigen::Vector3d>(id,pose2d));
292  if (nodes_->size() == 1)
293  {
294  first_node_ = nodes_->find(id);
295  }
296 }
298 /*****************************************************************************/
300 /*****************************************************************************/
301 {
302  // get IDs in graph for this edge
303  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
305  if (!pEdge)
306  {
307  return;
308  }
310  const int node1 = pEdge->GetSource()->GetObject()->GetUniqueId();
311  GraphIterator node1it = nodes_->find(node1);
312  const int node2 = pEdge->GetTarget()->GetObject()->GetUniqueId();
313  GraphIterator node2it = nodes_->find(node2);
315  if (node1it == nodes_->end() ||
316  node2it == nodes_->end() || node1it == node2it)
317  {
318  ROS_WARN("CeresSolver: Failed to add constraint, could not find nodes.");
319  return;
320  }
322  // extract transformation
323  karto::LinkInfo* pLinkInfo = (karto::LinkInfo*)(pEdge->GetLabel());
324  karto::Pose2 diff = pLinkInfo->GetPoseDifference();
325  Eigen::Vector3d pose2d(diff.GetX(), diff.GetY(), diff.GetHeading());
327  karto::Matrix3 precisionMatrix = pLinkInfo->GetCovariance().Inverse();
328  Eigen::Matrix3d sqrt_information;
329  sqrt_information(0,0) = precisionMatrix(0,0);
330  sqrt_information(0,1) = sqrt_information(1,0) = precisionMatrix(0,1);
331  sqrt_information(0,2) = sqrt_information(2,0) = precisionMatrix(0,2);
332  sqrt_information(1,1) = precisionMatrix(1,1);
333  sqrt_information(1,2) = sqrt_information(2,1) = precisionMatrix(1,2);
334  sqrt_information(2,2) = precisionMatrix(2,2);
336  // populate residual and parameterization for heading normalization
337  ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = PoseGraph2dErrorTerm::Create(pose2d(0),
338  pose2d(1), pose2d(2), sqrt_information);
339  ceres::ResidualBlockId block = problem_->AddResidualBlock(
340  cost_function, loss_function_,
341  &node1it->second(0), &node1it->second(1), &node1it->second(2),
342  &node2it->second(0), &node2it->second(1), &node2it->second(2));
343  problem_->SetParameterization(&node1it->second(2),
345  problem_->SetParameterization(&node2it->second(2),
348  blocks_->insert(std::pair<std::size_t, ceres::ResidualBlockId>(
349  GetHash(node1, node2), block));
350  return;
351 }
353 /*****************************************************************************/
355 /*****************************************************************************/
356 {
357  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
358  GraphIterator nodeit = nodes_->find(id);
359  if (nodeit != nodes_->end())
360  {
361  nodes_->erase(nodeit);
362  }
363  else
364  {
365  ROS_ERROR("RemoveNode: Failed to find node matching id %i", (int)id);
366  }
367 }
369 /*****************************************************************************/
371 /*****************************************************************************/
372 {
373  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
374  std::unordered_map<std::size_t, ceres::ResidualBlockId>::iterator it_a =
375  blocks_->find(GetHash(sourceId, targetId));
376  std::unordered_map<std::size_t, ceres::ResidualBlockId>::iterator it_b =
377  blocks_->find(GetHash(targetId, sourceId));
378  if (it_a != blocks_->end())
379  {
380  problem_->RemoveResidualBlock(it_a->second);
381  blocks_->erase(it_a);
382  }
383  else if (it_b != blocks_->end())
384  {
385  problem_->RemoveResidualBlock(it_b->second);
386  blocks_->erase(it_b);
387  }
388  else
389  {
390  ROS_ERROR("RemoveConstraint: Failed to find residual block for %i %i",
391  (int)sourceId, (int)targetId);
392  }
393 }
395 /*****************************************************************************/
396 void CeresSolver::ModifyNode(const int& unique_id, Eigen::Vector3d pose)
397 /*****************************************************************************/
398 {
399  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
400  GraphIterator it = nodes_->find(unique_id);
401  if (it != nodes_->end())
402  {
403  double yaw_init = it->second(2);
404  it->second = pose;
405  it->second(2) += yaw_init;
406  }
407 }
409 /*****************************************************************************/
410 void CeresSolver::GetNodeOrientation(const int& unique_id, double& pose)
411 /*****************************************************************************/
412 {
413  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
414  GraphIterator it = nodes_->find(unique_id);
415  if (it != nodes_->end())
416  {
417  pose = it->second(2);
418  }
419 }
421 /*****************************************************************************/
422 std::unordered_map<int, Eigen::Vector3d>* CeresSolver::getGraph()
423 /*****************************************************************************/
424 {
425  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(nodes_mutex_);
426  return nodes_;
427 }
429 } // end namespace
#define NULL
std::unordered_map< int, Eigen::Vector3d >::iterator first_node_
int32_t kt_int32s
Definition: Types.h:51
Matrix3 Inverse() const
Definition: Karto.h:2543
EdgeLabel * GetLabel()
Definition: Mapper.h:457
virtual void AddConstraint(karto::Edge< karto::LocalizedRangeScan > *pEdge)
karto::ScanSolver::IdPoseVector corrections_
virtual void RemoveNode(kt_int32s id)
std::size_t GetHash(const int &x, const int &y)
Definition: ceres_utils.h:14
const Pose2 & GetCorrectedPose() const
Definition: Karto.h:5560
std::unordered_map< int, Eigen::Vector3d > * nodes_
ceres::LocalParameterization * angle_local_parameterization_
IMETHOD Vector diff(const Vector &p_w_a, const Vector &p_w_b, double dt=1)
const Matrix3 & GetCovariance()
Definition: Mapper.h:219
virtual void RemoveConstraint(kt_int32s sourceId, kt_int32s targetId)
virtual const karto::ScanSolver::IdPoseVector & GetCorrections() const
Vertex< T > * GetTarget() const
Definition: Mapper.h:448
std::unordered_map< int, Eigen::Vector3d >::const_iterator ConstGraphIterator
#define ROS_WARN(...)
T * GetObject() const
Definition: Mapper.h:319
virtual std::unordered_map< int, Eigen::Vector3d > * getGraph()
kt_int32s GetUniqueId() const
Definition: Karto.h:5161
virtual void ModifyNode(const int &unique_id, Eigen::Vector3d pose)
ceres::LossFunction * loss_function_
#define ROS_INFO(...)
bool getParam(const std::string &key, std::string &s) const
static ceres::LocalParameterization * Create()
Definition: ceres_utils.h:44
static ceres::CostFunction * Create(double x_ab, double y_ab, double yaw_ab_radians, const Eigen::Matrix3d &sqrt_information)
Definition: ceres_utils.h:89
kt_double GetX() const
Definition: Karto.h:2097
ceres::Solver::Options options_
virtual void AddNode(karto::Vertex< karto::LocalizedRangeScan > *pVertex)
Vertex< T > * GetSource() const
Definition: Mapper.h:439
virtual void GetNodeOrientation(const int &unique_id, double &pose)
ceres::Problem::Options options_problem_
std::vector< std::pair< kt_int32s, Pose2 > > IdPoseVector
Definition: Mapper.h:953
static Time now()
void SetHeading(kt_double heading)
Definition: Karto.h:2160
void SetX(kt_double x)
Definition: Karto.h:2106
kt_double GetY() const
Definition: Karto.h:2115
std::unordered_map< size_t, ceres::ResidualBlockId > * blocks_
#define PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(class_type, base_class_type)
#define ROS_ERROR(...)
void SetY(kt_double y)
Definition: Karto.h:2124
std::unordered_map< int, Eigen::Vector3d >::iterator GraphIterator
const Pose2 & GetPoseDifference()
Definition: Mapper.h:210
#define ROS_DEBUG(...)
kt_double GetHeading() const
Definition: Karto.h:2151

Author(s): Steve Macenski
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:46:48