Go to the documentation of this file.
1 package com.generalrobotix.ui.util;
3 import;
4 import;
5 import;
6 import java.util.Vector;
7 import java.util.regex.*;
9 import jp.go.aist.hrp.simulator.AppearanceInfo;
10 import jp.go.aist.hrp.simulator.MaterialInfo;
11 import jp.go.aist.hrp.simulator.ShapeInfo;
12 import jp.go.aist.hrp.simulator.ShapePrimitiveType;
13 import jp.go.aist.hrp.simulator.TextureInfo;
22 public class GrxVrmlExporter {
29  public static boolean export(GrxModelItem model, String exportPath){
30  // TODO check existence of exportPath
31  int idx = exportPath.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar);
32  if(idx==-1)
33  idx = exportPath.lastIndexOf('/');
34  String exportDir = exportPath.substring(0, idx);
36  BufferedWriter writer = null;
37  try {
38  writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(exportPath));
40  writer.write("#VRML V2.0 utf8\n");
41  writer.write("\n");
42  writer.write("PROTO Joint [\n");
43  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f center 0 0 0\n");
44  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode children []\n");
45  writer.write(" exposedField MFFloat llimit []\n");
46  writer.write(" exposedField MFFloat lvlimit []\n");
47  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation limitOrientation 0 0 1 0\n");
48  writer.write(" exposedField SFString name \"\"\n");
49  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0\n");
50  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f scale 1 1 1\n");
51  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0\n");
52  writer.write(" exposedField MFFloat stiffness [ 0 0 0 ]\n");
53  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0\n");
54  writer.write(" exposedField MFFloat ulimit []\n");
55  writer.write(" exposedField MFFloat uvlimit []\n");
56  writer.write(" exposedField SFString jointType \"\"\n");
57  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 jointId -1\n");
58  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f jointAxis 0 0 1\n");
59  writer.write("\n");
60  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat gearRatio 1\n");
61  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat rotorInertia 0\n");
62  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat rotorResistor 0\n");
63  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat torqueConst 1\n");
64  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat encoderPulse 1\n");
65  writer.write("]\n");
66  writer.write("{\n");
67  writer.write(" Transform {\n");
68  writer.write(" center IS center\n");
69  writer.write(" children IS children\n");
70  writer.write(" rotation IS rotation\n");
71  writer.write(" scale IS scale\n");
72  writer.write(" scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation\n");
73  writer.write(" translation IS translation\n");
74  writer.write(" }\n");
75  writer.write("}\n");
76  writer.write("\n");
77  writer.write("PROTO Segment [\n");
78  writer.write(" field SFVec3f bboxCenter 0 0 0\n");
79  writer.write(" field SFVec3f bboxSize -1 -1 -1\n");
80  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f centerOfMass 0 0 0\n");
81  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode children [ ]\n");
82  writer.write(" exposedField SFNode coord NULL\n");
83  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode displacers [ ]\n");
84  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat mass 0 \n");
85  writer.write(" exposedField MFFloat momentsOfInertia [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]\n");
86  writer.write(" exposedField SFString name \"\"\n");
87  writer.write(" eventIn MFNode addChildren\n");
88  writer.write(" eventIn MFNode removeChildren\n");
89  writer.write("]\n");
90  writer.write("{\n");
91  writer.write(" Group {\n");
92  writer.write(" addChildren IS addChildren\n");
93  writer.write(" bboxCenter IS bboxCenter\n");
94  writer.write(" bboxSize IS bboxSize\n");
95  writer.write(" children IS children\n");
96  writer.write(" removeChildren IS removeChildren\n");
97  writer.write(" }\n");
98  writer.write("}\n");
99  writer.write("\n");
100  writer.write("PROTO Humanoid [\n");
101  writer.write(" field SFVec3f bboxCenter 0 0 0\n");
102  writer.write(" field SFVec3f bboxSize -1 -1 -1\n");
103  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f center 0 0 0\n");
104  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode humanoidBody [ ]\n");
105  writer.write(" exposedField MFString info [ ]\n");
106  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode joints [ ]\n");
107  writer.write(" exposedField SFString name \"\"\n");
108  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0\n");
109  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f scale 1 1 1\n");
110  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0\n");
111  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode segments [ ]\n");
112  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode sites [ ]\n");
113  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0\n");
114  writer.write(" exposedField SFString version \"1.1\"\n");
115  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode viewpoints [ ]\n");
116  writer.write("]\n");
117  writer.write("{\n");
118  writer.write(" Transform {\n");
119  writer.write(" bboxCenter IS bboxCenter\n");
120  writer.write(" bboxSize IS bboxSize\n");
121  writer.write(" center IS center\n");
122  writer.write(" rotation IS rotation\n");
123  writer.write(" scale IS scale\n");
124  writer.write(" scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation\n");
125  writer.write(" translation IS translation\n");
126  writer.write(" children [\n");
127  writer.write(" Group {\n");
128  writer.write(" children IS viewpoints\n");
129  writer.write(" }\n");
130  writer.write(" Group {\n");
131  writer.write(" children IS humanoidBody \n");
132  writer.write(" }\n");
133  writer.write(" ]\n");
134  writer.write(" }\n");
135  writer.write("}\n");
136  writer.write("\n");
137  writer.write("PROTO VisionSensor [\n");
138  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0\n");
139  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0\n");
140  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode children [ ]\n");
141  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat fieldOfView 0.785398\n");
142  writer.write(" exposedField SFString name \"\"\n");
143  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat frontClipDistance 0.01\n");
144  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat backClipDistance 10.0\n");
145  writer.write(" exposedField SFString type \"NONE\"\n");
146  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 sensorId -1\n");
147  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 width 320\n");
148  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 height 240\n");
149  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat frameRate 30\n");
150  writer.write("]\n");
151  writer.write("{\n");
152  writer.write(" Transform {\n");
153  writer.write(" rotation IS rotation\n");
154  writer.write(" translation IS translation\n");
155  writer.write(" children IS children\n");
156  writer.write(" }\n");
157  writer.write("}\n");
158  writer.write("\n");
159  writer.write("\n");
160  writer.write("PROTO ForceSensor [ \n");
161  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f maxForce -1 -1 -1\n");
162  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f maxTorque -1 -1 -1\n");
163  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0\n");
164  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0\n");
165  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode children [ ]\n");
166  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 sensorId -1\n");
167  writer.write("]\n");
168  writer.write("{\n");
169  writer.write(" Transform {\n");
170  writer.write(" translation IS translation\n");
171  writer.write(" rotation IS rotation\n");
172  writer.write(" children IS children\n");
173  writer.write(" }\n");
174  writer.write("}\n");
175  writer.write("\n");
176  writer.write("PROTO Gyro [\n");
177  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f maxAngularVelocity -1 -1 -1\n");
178  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0\n");
179  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0\n");
180  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode children [ ]\n");
181  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 sensorId -1\n");
182  writer.write("]\n");
183  writer.write("{\n");
184  writer.write(" Transform {\n");
185  writer.write(" translation IS translation\n");
186  writer.write(" rotation IS rotation\n");
187  writer.write(" children IS children\n");
188  writer.write(" }\n");
189  writer.write("}\n");
190  writer.write("\n");
191  writer.write("PROTO AccelerationSensor [\n");
192  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f maxAcceleration -1 -1 -1\n");
193  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0\n");
194  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0\n");
195  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode children [ ]\n");
196  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 sensorId -1\n");
197  writer.write("]\n");
198  writer.write("{\n");
199  writer.write(" Transform {\n");
200  writer.write(" translation IS translation\n");
201  writer.write(" rotation IS rotation\n");
202  writer.write(" children IS children\n");
203  writer.write(" }\n");
204  writer.write("}\n");
205  writer.write("\n");
206  writer.write("PROTO RangeSensor [\n");
207  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0\n");
208  writer.write(" exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0\n");
209  writer.write(" exposedField MFNode children [ ]\n");
210  writer.write(" exposedField SFInt32 sensorId -1\n");
211  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat scanAngle 3.14159 #[rad]\n");
212  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat scanStep 0.1 #[rad]\n");
213  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat scanRate 10 #[Hz]\n");
214  writer.write(" exposedField SFFloat maxDistance 10\n");
215  writer.write("]\n");
216  writer.write("{\n");
217  writer.write(" Transform {\n");
218  writer.write(" translation IS translation\n");
219  writer.write(" rotation IS rotation\n");
220  writer.write(" children IS children\n");
221  writer.write(" }\n");
222  writer.write("}\n");
223  writer.write("\n");
224  writer.write("PROTO Plane [\n");
225  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f size 10 10 0\n");
226  writer.write("]\n");
227  writer.write("{\n");
228  writer.write(" Box {\n");
229  writer.write(" size IS size\n");
230  writer.write(" }\n");
231  writer.write("}\n");
232  writer.write("\n");
233  writer.write("PROTO ExtraJoint [\n");
234  writer.write(" exposedField SFString link1Name \"\"\n");
235  writer.write(" exposedField SFString link2Name \"\"\n");
236  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f link1LocalPos 0 0 0\n");
237  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f link2LocalPos 0 0 0\n");
238  writer.write(" exposedField SFString jointType \"xyz\"\n");
239  writer.write(" exposedField SFVec3f jointAxis 1 0 0\n");
240  writer.write("]\n");
241  writer.write("{\n");
242  writer.write("}\n");
243  writer.write("\n");
244  writer.write("NavigationInfo {\n");
245  writer.write(" avatarSize 0.5\n");
246  writer.write(" headlight TRUE\n");
247  writer.write(" type [\"EXAMINE\", \"ANY\"]\n");
248  writer.write("}\n");
249  writer.write("\n");
250  writer.write("Background {\n");
251  writer.write(" skyColor 0.4 0.6 0.4\n");
252  writer.write("}\n");
253  writer.write("\n");
254  writer.write("Viewpoint {\n");
255  writer.write(" position 3 0 0.835\n");
256  writer.write(" orientation 0.5770 0.5775 0.5775 2.0935\n");
257  writer.write("}\n");
258  writer.write("\n");
259  for(int i=0; i<model.extraJoints_.size(); i++){
260  exportExtraJoint(writer, model.extraJoints_.get(i));
261  writer.write("\n");
262  }
263  writer.write("DEF "+model.getName()+" Humanoid{\n");
264  writer.write(" humanoidBody [\n");
265  Vector<GrxLinkItem> links = exportLink(writer, model.rootLink(), " ", exportDir, model.getURL(false));
266  writer.write(" ]\n");
267  writer.write(" joints [\n");
268  for (int i=0; i<links.size(); i++){
269  writer.write(" USE "+links.get(i).getName()+",\n");
270  }
271  writer.write(" ]\n");
272  writer.write(" segments [\n");
273  for (int i=0; i<links.size(); i++){
274  GrxLinkItem link = links.get(i);
275  for (int j=0; j<link.children_.size(); j++){
276  if (link.children_.get(j) instanceof GrxSegmentItem){
277  writer.write(" USE "+link.children_.get(j).getName()+",\n");
278  }
279  }
280  }
281  writer.write(" ]\n");
282  writer.write("}\n");
283  return true;
284  } catch (Exception e) {
285  e.printStackTrace();
286  } finally {
287  try {
288  if (writer != null) {
289  writer.flush();
290  writer.close();
291  }
292  } catch (Exception e) {
293  }
294  }
295  return false;
296  }
307  public static Vector<GrxLinkItem> exportLink(BufferedWriter writer, GrxLinkItem link, String indent,
308  String exportDir, String mainPath){
309  Vector<GrxLinkItem> links = new Vector<GrxLinkItem>();
310  links.add(link);
311  try{
312  writer.write(indent+"DEF "+link.getName()+" Joint {\n");
313  writer.write(indent+" jointType \""+link.jointType_+"\"\n");
314  if (link.jointId_ != -1) writer.write(indent+" jointId "+link.jointId_+"\n");
315  if (link.jointType_.equals("rotate") || link.jointType_.equals("slide")){
316  writer.write(indent+" jointAxis "+link.getProperty("jointAxis")+"\n");
317  }
318  if (!valueEquals(link.getProperty("translation"),"0.0 0.0 0.0 ")){
319  writer.write(indent+" translation "+link.getProperty("translation")+"\n");
320  }
321  if (!isZero(link.getProperty("rotation"),3)){
322  writer.write(indent+" rotation "+link.getProperty("rotation")+"\n");
323  }
324  if (!link.getProperty("ulimit").equals("")) writer.write(indent+" ulimit ["+link.getProperty("ulimit")+"]\n");
325  if (!link.getProperty("llimit").equals("")) writer.write(indent+" llimit ["+link.getProperty("llimit")+"]\n");
326  if (!link.getProperty("uvlimit").equals("")) writer.write(indent+" uvlimit ["+link.getProperty("uvlimit")+"]\n");
327  if (!link.getProperty("lvlimit").equals("")) writer.write(indent+" lvlimit ["+link.getProperty("lvlimit")+"]\n");
328  if (link.gearRatio_ != 1.0) writer.write(indent+" gearRatio "+link.gearRatio_+"\n");
329  if (link.rotorInertia_ != 0.0) writer.write(indent+" rotorInertia "+link.rotorInertia_+"\n");
330  if (link.rotorResistor_ != 0.0) writer.write(indent+" rotorResistor "+link.rotorResistor_+"\n");
331  if (link.torqueConst_ != 1.0) writer.write(indent+" torqueConst "+link.torqueConst_+"\n");
332  if (link.encoderPulse_ != 1.0) writer.write(indent+" encoderPulse "+link.encoderPulse_+"\n");
333  writer.write(indent+" children[\n");
334  for (int i=0; i<link.children_.size(); i++){
335  if (link.children_.get(i) instanceof GrxSensorItem){
336  exportSensor(writer, (GrxSensorItem)link.children_.get(i), indent+" ", exportDir, mainPath);
337  }
338  }
339  for (int i=0; i<link.children_.size(); i++){
340  if (link.children_.get(i) instanceof GrxSegmentItem){
341  exportSegment(writer, (GrxSegmentItem)link.children_.get(i), indent+" ", exportDir, mainPath);
342  }
343  }
344  for (int i=0; i<link.children_.size(); i++){
345  if (link.children_.get(i) instanceof GrxLinkItem){
346  Vector<GrxLinkItem> childLinks = exportLink(writer, (GrxLinkItem)link.children_.get(i),
347  indent+" ", exportDir, mainPath);
348  links.addAll(childLinks);
349  }
350  }
351  writer.write(indent+" ]\n");
352  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
353  }catch(Exception ex){
354  ex.printStackTrace();
355  }
356  return links;
357  }
359  public static void exportSegment(BufferedWriter writer, GrxSegmentItem segment, String indent, String exportDir, String mainPath){
360  try{
361  String translation = segment.getProperty("translation");
362  String rotation = segment.getProperty("rotation");
363  boolean useTransform = false;
364  if(!valueEquals(translation, "0.0 0.0 0.0 " ) || !isZero(rotation, 3 )){
365  useTransform = true;
366  writer.write(indent+"Transform {\n");
367  writer.write(indent+" translation "+translation+"\n");
368  writer.write(indent+" rotation "+rotation+"\n");
369  writer.write(indent+" children[\n");
370  indent += " ";
371  }
372  writer.write(indent+"DEF "+segment.getName()+" Segment{\n");
373  writer.write(indent+" centerOfMass "+segment.getProperty("centerOfMass")+"\n");
374  writer.write(indent+" mass "+segment.getProperty("mass")+"\n");
375  writer.write(indent+" momentsOfInertia [ "+segment.getProperty("momentsOfInertia")+"]\n");
376  writer.write(indent+" children[\n");
377  for (int i=0; i<segment.children_.size(); i++){
378  if (segment.children_.get(i) instanceof GrxShapeItem){
379  GrxShapeItem shape = (GrxShapeItem)segment.children_.get(i);
380  exportShape(writer, shape, indent+" ", exportDir, mainPath);
381  }
382  }
383  writer.write(indent+" ]\n");
384  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
385  if(useTransform){
386  writer.write(indent+" ]\n");
387  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
388  }
389  }catch(Exception ex){
390  ex.printStackTrace();
391  }
392  }
402  public static void exportSensor(BufferedWriter writer, GrxSensorItem sensor, String indent, String exportDir, String mainPath){
403  try{
404  String nodeType="unknown";
405  if (sensor.type_.equals("Force")){
406  nodeType = "ForceSensor";
407  }else if(sensor.type_.equals("RateGyro")){
408  nodeType = "Gyro";
409  }else if(sensor.type_.equals("Acceleration")){
410  nodeType = "AccelerationSensor";
411  }else if(sensor.type_.equals("Vision")){
412  nodeType = "VisionSensor";
413  }else if(sensor.type_.equals("Range")){
414  nodeType = "RangeSensor";
415  }
416  writer.write(indent+"DEF "+sensor.getName()+" "+nodeType+" {\n");
417  writer.write(indent+" sensorId "+sensor.id_+"\n");
418  if (!valueEquals(sensor.getProperty("translation"),"0.0 0.0 0.0 ")){
419  writer.write(indent+" translation "+sensor.getProperty("translation")+"\n");
420  }
421  if (!isZero(sensor.getProperty("rotation"),3)){
422  writer.write(indent+" rotation "+sensor.getProperty("rotation")+"\n");
423  }
424  // sensor specific parameters
425  if (nodeType.equals("VisionSensor")){
426  if (!valueEquals(sensor.getProperty("fieldOfView"),"0.785398")){
427  writer.write(indent+" fieldOfView "+sensor.getProperty("fieldOfView")+"\n");
428  }
429  if (!valueEquals(sensor.getProperty("frontClipDistance"),"0.01")){
430  writer.write(indent+" frontClipDistance "+sensor.getProperty("frontClipDistance")+"\n");
431  }
432  if (!valueEquals(sensor.getProperty("backClipDistance"),"10.0")){
433  writer.write(indent+" backClipDistance "+sensor.getProperty("backClipDistance")+"\n");
434  }
435  if (!valueEquals(sensor.getProperty("width"),"320")){
436  writer.write(indent+" width "+sensor.getProperty("width")+"\n");
437  }
438  if (!valueEquals(sensor.getProperty("height"),"240")){
439  writer.write(indent+" height "+sensor.getProperty("height")+"\n");
440  }
441  if (!valueEquals(sensor.getProperty("frameRate"),"30.0")){
442  writer.write(indent+" frameRate "+sensor.getProperty("frameRate")+"\n");
443  }
444  if (!sensor.getProperty("cameraType").equals("NONE")){
445  writer.write(indent+" type \""+sensor.getProperty("cameraType")+"\"\n");
446  }
447  if (!sensor.getProperty("name").equals("")){
448  writer.write(indent+" name \""+sensor.getProperty("name")+"\"\n");
449  }
450  }else if(nodeType.equals("ForceSensor")){
451  String maxf = sensor.getProperty("maxForce");
452  if (!valueEquals(maxf, "-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 ")){
453  writer.write(indent+" maxForce "+maxf+"\n");
454  }
455  String maxt = sensor.getProperty("maxTorque");
456  if (!valueEquals(maxt, "-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 ")){
457  writer.write(indent+" maxTorque "+maxt+"\n");
458  }
459  }else if(nodeType.equals("Gyro")){
460  String max = sensor.getProperty("maxAngularVelocity");
461  if (!valueEquals(max, "-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 ")){
462  writer.write(indent+" maxAngularVelocity "+max+"\n");
463  }
464  }else if(nodeType.equals("AccelerationSensor")){
465  String max = sensor.getProperty("maxAcceleration");
466  if (!valueEquals(max, "-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 ")){
467  writer.write(indent+" maxAcceleration "+max+"\n");
468  }
469  }else if(nodeType.equals("RangeSensor")){
470  String angle = sensor.getProperty("scanAngle");
471  if (!valueEquals(angle, "3.14159")){
472  writer.write(indent+" scanAngle "+angle+"\n");
473  }
474  String step = sensor.getProperty("scanStep");
475  if (!valueEquals(step, "0.1")){
476  writer.write(indent+" scanStep "+step+"\n");
477  }
478  String rate = sensor.getProperty("scanRate");
479  if (!valueEquals(rate, "10")){
480  writer.write(indent+" scanRate "+rate+"\n");
481  }
482  String distance = sensor.getProperty("maxDistance");
483  if (!valueEquals(distance, "10")){
484  writer.write(indent+" maxDistance "+distance+"\n");
485  }
486  }
487  if (sensor.children_.size() > 0){
488  writer.write(indent+" children[\n");
489  for (int i=0; i<sensor.children_.size(); i++){
490  if (sensor.children_.get(i) instanceof GrxShapeItem){
491  exportShape(writer, (GrxShapeItem)sensor.children_.get(i), indent+" ", exportDir, mainPath);
492  }
493  }
494  writer.write(indent+" ]\n");
495  }
496  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
497  }catch(Exception ex){
498  ex.printStackTrace();
499  }
500  }
510  public static void exportShape(BufferedWriter writer, GrxShapeItem shape, String indent, String exportDir, String mainPath){
511  System.out.println("mainPath = "+ mainPath);
512  System.out.println("url of shape = "+shape.getURL(false));
513  try{
514  // If this model is created from scratch and this shape is primitive, shape.getUrl() == null
515  // If this shape is loaded by Inline node, mainPath != shape.getUrl()
516  // If this shape is directry written in the main file, mainPath == shape.getUrl()
517  if (!shape.isInline_){
518  writer.write(indent+"Transform {\n");
519  if (!valueEquals(shape.getProperty("translation"),"0.0 0.0 0.0 ")){
520  writer.write(indent+" translation "+shape.getProperty("translation")+"\n");
521  }
522  if (!isZero(shape.getProperty("rotation"),3)){
523  writer.write(indent+" rotation "+shape.getProperty("rotation")+"\n");
524  }
525  writer.write(indent+" children[\n");
526  writer.write(indent+" Shape{\n");
527  exportGeometry(writer, shape, indent+" ");
528  if (shape.appearances_[0] != null){
529  writer.write(indent+" appearance Appearance{\n");
530  if (shape.materials_[0] != null){
531  MaterialInfo mat = shape.materials_[0];
532  writer.write(indent+" material Material{\n");
533  writer.write(indent+" diffuseColor "
534  +mat.diffuseColor[0]+" "+mat.diffuseColor[1]+" "+mat.diffuseColor[2]+"\n");
535  writer.write(indent+" }\n");
536  }
537  if(shape.textures_[0] != null){
538  TextureInfo tex = shape.textures_[0];
539  writer.write(indent+" texture ImageTexture {\n");
540  String url = tex.url;
541  url = url.replace('\\','/');
542  writer.write(indent+" url \""+_absPath2relPath(url, exportDir)+"\"\n");
543  writer.write(indent+" }\n");
544  }
545  writer.write(indent+" }\n");
546  }
547  writer.write(indent+" }\n");
548  writer.write(indent+" ]\n");
549  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
550  }else{
551  writer.write(indent+"Transform {\n");
552  if (!valueEquals(shape.getProperty("translation"),"0.0 0.0 0.0 ")){
553  writer.write(indent+" translation "+shape.getProperty("translation")+"\n");
554  }
555  if (!isZero(shape.getProperty("rotation"),3)){
556  writer.write(indent+" rotation "+shape.getProperty("rotation")+"\n");
557  }
558  writer.write(indent+" children[\n");
559  writer.write(indent+"Inline { url \""+_absPath2relPath(shape.getURL(false), exportDir)+"\" }\n");
560  writer.write(indent+" ]\n");
561  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
562  }
563  }catch(Exception ex){
564  ex.printStackTrace();
565  }
566  }
568  public static void exportExtraJoint(BufferedWriter writer, GrxExtraJointItem extraJoint){
569  try{
570  writer.write("DEF "+extraJoint.getName()+" ExtraJoint{\n");
571  writer.write(" link1Name \""+extraJoint.getProperty("link1Name")+"\"\n");
572  writer.write(" link2Name \""+extraJoint.getProperty("link2Name")+"\"\n");
573  writer.write(" link1LocalPos "+extraJoint.getProperty("link1LocalPos")+"\n");
574  writer.write(" link2LocalPos "+extraJoint.getProperty("link2LocalPos")+"\n");
575  writer.write(" jointType \""+extraJoint.getProperty("jointType")+"\"\n");
576  writer.write(" jointAxis "+extraJoint.getProperty("jointAxis")+"\n");
577  writer.write("}\n");
578  }catch(Exception ex){
579  ex.printStackTrace();
580  }
581  }
589  private static String _absPath2relPath(String absPath, String baseDir){
590  Pattern localPattern = Pattern.compile("\\\\");
591  //Matcher localMatcher = localPattern.matcher(File.separator); は使わないで、すべて"/"として扱えるように前処理する
592  Matcher localMatcher = localPattern.matcher("/");
593  String localStr = localMatcher.replaceAll("\\\\\\\\");
595  String [] dirs1 = absPath.split( localStr );
596  String [] dirs2 = baseDir.split( localStr );
597  String relPath = "";
598  int cnt=0;
599  //Linux MacOSの場合とWindowsの場合で処理を分岐する
600  if (System.getProperty("").equals("Linux") || System.getProperty("").equals("Mac OS X")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
601  while (cnt < dirs1.length && cnt < dirs2.length && dirs1[cnt].equals(dirs2[cnt])) cnt++;
602  for (int i=0; i<dirs2.length-cnt; i++) relPath += "../";
603  for (int i=cnt; i<dirs1.length; i++){
604  relPath += dirs1[i];
605  if (i != dirs1.length-1) relPath += "/";
606  }
607  }else{
608  if(dirs1[0].equals(dirs2[0])) {
609  while (cnt < dirs1.length && cnt < dirs2.length && dirs1[cnt].equals(dirs2[cnt])) cnt++;
610  for (int i=0; i<dirs2.length-cnt; i++) relPath += "../";
611  }
612  for (int i=cnt; i<dirs1.length; i++){
613  relPath += dirs1[i];
614  if (i != dirs1.length-1) relPath += "/";
615  }
616  }
617  return relPath;
618  }
620  public static void exportGeometry(BufferedWriter writer, GrxShapeItem shape, String indent){
621  try{
622  ShapeInfo info = shape.shapes_[0];
623  ShapePrimitiveType ptype = info.primitiveType;
624  float [] pparams = info.primitiveParameters;
626  if (ptype == ShapePrimitiveType.SP_MESH){
627  writer.write(indent+"geometry IndexedFaceSet {\n");
628  writer.write(indent+"ccw TRUE\n");
629  writer.write(indent+"coord Coordinate {\n");
630  writer.write(indent+"point [\n");
631  for(int i=0; i<info.vertices.length;)
632  writer.write(indent+info.vertices[i++]+" "+info.vertices[i++]+" "+info.vertices[i++]+",\n");
633  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
634  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
635  writer.write(indent+"coordIndex [\n");
636  for(int i=0; i<info.triangles.length;)
637  writer.write(indent+info.triangles[i++]+" "+info.triangles[i++]+" "+info.triangles[i++]+" -1,\n");
638  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
639  AppearanceInfo appinfo = shape.appearances_[0];
640  if(appinfo != null){
641  if(appinfo.normals.length != 0){
642  if(!appinfo.normalPerVertex)
643  writer.write(indent+"normalPerVertex FALSE\n");
644  writer.write(indent+"normal Normal {\n");
645  writer.write(indent+"vector [\n");
646  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.normals.length;)
647  writer.write(indent+appinfo.normals[i++]+" "+appinfo.normals[i++]+" "+appinfo.normals[i++]+",\n");
648  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
649  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
650  }
651  if(appinfo.normalIndices.length != 0){
652  writer.write(indent+"normalIndex [\n");
653  if(appinfo.normalPerVertex){
654  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.normalIndices.length;)
655  writer.write(indent+appinfo.normalIndices[i++]+" "+appinfo.normalIndices[i++]+" "+appinfo.normalIndices[i++]+" -1,\n");
656  }else{
657  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.normalIndices.length; i++){
658  if(i%3==0) writer.write(indent+" ");
659  writer.write(appinfo.normalIndices[i]+" ");
660  if(i%3==2) writer.write("\n");
661  }
662  }
663  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
664  }
665  if(!appinfo.solid)
666  writer.write(indent+"solid FALSE\n");
667  if (appinfo.creaseAngle != 0.0f)
668  writer.write(indent+"creaseAngle "+ appinfo.creaseAngle+"\n");
669  if(appinfo.colors.length != 0){
670  if(!appinfo.colorPerVertex)
671  writer.write(indent+"colorPerVertex FALSE\n");
672  writer.write(indent+"color Color {\n");
673  writer.write(indent+"color [\n");
674  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.colors.length;)
675  writer.write(indent+appinfo.colors[i++]+" "+appinfo.colors[i++]+" "+appinfo.colors[i++]+",\n");
676  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
677  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
678  }
679  if(appinfo.colorIndices.length != 0){
680  writer.write(indent+"colorIndex [\n");
681  if(appinfo.colorPerVertex){
682  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.colorIndices.length;)
683  writer.write(indent+appinfo.colorIndices[i++]+" "+appinfo.colorIndices[i++]+" "+appinfo.colorIndices[i++]+" -1,\n");
684  }else{
685  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.colorIndices.length; i++){
686  if(i%3==0) writer.write(indent+" ");
687  writer.write(appinfo.colorIndices[i]+" ");
688  if(i%3==2) writer.write("\n");
689  }
690  }
691  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
692  }
693  TextureInfo texinfo = shape.textures_[0];
694  if(texinfo != null){
695  writer.write(indent+"texCoord TextureCoordinate {\n");
696  writer.write(indent+"point [\n");
697  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.textureCoordinate.length;)
698  writer.write(indent+appinfo.textureCoordinate[i++]+" "+appinfo.textureCoordinate[i++]+",\n");
699  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
700  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
701  writer.write(indent+"texCoordIndex [\n");
702  for(int i=0; i<appinfo.textureCoordIndices.length;)
703  writer.write(indent+appinfo.textureCoordIndices[i++]+" "+appinfo.textureCoordIndices[i++]+" "+appinfo.textureCoordIndices[i++]+" -1,\n");
704  writer.write(indent+"]\n");
705  }
706  }
707  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
708  }else if (ptype == ShapePrimitiveType.SP_BOX){
709  writer.write(indent+"geometry Box{\n");
710  writer.write(indent+" size "
711  +pparams[0]+" "
712  +pparams[1]+" "
713  +pparams[2]+"\n");
714  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
715  }else if (ptype == ShapePrimitiveType.SP_CYLINDER){
716  writer.write(indent+"geometry Cylinder{\n");
717  writer.write(indent+" radius "+pparams[0]+"\n");
718  writer.write(indent+" height "+pparams[1]+"\n");
719  if (pparams[2]==0){
720  writer.write(indent+" top FALSE\n");
721  }
722  if (pparams[3]==0){
723  writer.write(indent+" bottom FALSE\n");
724  }
725  if (pparams[4]==0){
726  writer.write(indent+" side FALSE\n");
727  }
728  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
729  }else if (ptype == ShapePrimitiveType.SP_CONE){
730  writer.write(indent+"geometry Cone{\n");
731  writer.write(indent+" bottomRadius "+pparams[0]+"\n");
732  writer.write(indent+" height "+pparams[1]+"\n");
733  if (pparams[2]==0){
734  writer.write(indent+" bottom FALSE\n");
735  }
736  if (pparams[3]==0){
737  writer.write(indent+" side FALSE\n");
738  }
739  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
740  }else if (ptype == ShapePrimitiveType.SP_SPHERE){
741  writer.write(indent+"geometry Sphere{\n");
742  writer.write(indent+" radius "+pparams[0]+"\n");
743  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
744  }else if (ptype == ShapePrimitiveType.SP_PLANE){
745  writer.write(indent+"geometry Plane{\n");
746  writer.write(indent+" size "+pparams[0]+" "+pparams[1]+" "+pparams[2]+"\n");
747  writer.write(indent+"}\n");
748  }
749  }catch(Exception ex){
750  ex.printStackTrace();
751  }
752  }
754  private static boolean valueEquals(String s1, String s2){
755  final double EPS = 0.00000001;
756  String[] ss1 = s1.split(" ");
757  String[] ss2 = s2.split(" ");
758  int n = ss1.length;
759  if(n!=ss2.length)
760  return false;
761  for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
762  try{
763  if( Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(ss1[i]) - Double.parseDouble(ss2[i])) > EPS )
764  return false;
765  }catch(Exception ex){
766  return false;
767  }
768  }
769  return true;
770  }
772  private static boolean isZero(String s1, int i){
773  String[] ss1 = s1.split(" ");
774  if(i < ss1.length ){
775  try{
776  if( Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(ss1[i])) < 1e-10 )
777  return true;
778  else
779  return false;
780  }catch(Exception ex){
781  return false;
782  }
783  }else
784  return false;
785  }
786 }
png_voidp s1
Definition: png.h:2110
#define null
our own NULL pointer
Definition: IceTypes.h:57
item corresponds to a robot model
boolean equals(Object obj)
check whether obj equals to this
#define EPS
png_uint_32 i
Definition: png.h:2735
static Vector< GrxLinkItem > exportLink(BufferedWriter writer, GrxLinkItem link, String indent, String exportDir, String mainPath)
export link information
Vector< GrxExtraJointItem > extraJoints_
static void exportGeometry(BufferedWriter writer, GrxShapeItem shape, String indent)
static void exportShape(BufferedWriter writer, GrxShapeItem shape, String indent, String exportDir, String mainPath)
export shape item
static void exportSegment(BufferedWriter writer, GrxSegmentItem segment, String indent, String exportDir, String mainPath)
GrxLinkItem rootLink()
get root link
static boolean export(GrxModelItem model, String exportPath)
export model item to a VRML97 file
static boolean valueEquals(String s1, String s2)
png_voidp png_voidp s2
Definition: png.h:2110
backing_store_ptr info
Definition: jmemsys.h:181
static void exportSensor(BufferedWriter writer, GrxSensorItem sensor, String indent, String exportDir, String mainPath)
static boolean isZero(String s1, int i)
static void exportExtraJoint(BufferedWriter writer, GrxExtraJointItem extraJoint)
void * writer(void *arg)
static int max(int a, int b)
static String _absPath2relPath(String absPath, String baseDir)
convert absolute path into relative path

Author(s): AIST, General Robotix Inc., Nakamura Lab of Dept. of Mechano Informatics at University of Tokyo
autogenerated on Thu Sep 8 2022 02:24:03