const std::shared_ptr< CALIBRATION > | calibration () const |
Base::Cameras | cameras (const Values &values) const override |
bool | equals (const NonlinearFactor &p, double tol=1e-9) const override |
| equals More...
double | error (const Values &values) const override |
void | print (const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const override |
| SmartProjectionPoseFactor () |
| SmartProjectionPoseFactor (const SharedNoiseModel &sharedNoiseModel, const std::shared_ptr< CALIBRATION > K, const SmartProjectionParams ¶ms=SmartProjectionParams()) |
| SmartProjectionPoseFactor (const SharedNoiseModel &sharedNoiseModel, const std::shared_ptr< CALIBRATION > K, const std::optional< Pose3 > body_P_sensor, const SmartProjectionParams ¶ms=SmartProjectionParams()) |
| ~SmartProjectionPoseFactor () override |
void | computeJacobiansWithTriangulatedPoint (typename Base::FBlocks &Fs, Matrix &E, Vector &b, const Cameras &cameras) const |
std::shared_ptr< RegularHessianFactor< Base::Dim > > | createHessianFactor (const Cameras &cameras, const double lambda=0.0, bool diagonalDamping=false) const |
| Create a Hessianfactor that is an approximation of error(p). More...
std::shared_ptr< JacobianFactorQ< Base::Dim, 2 > > | createJacobianQFactor (const Cameras &cameras, double lambda) const |
| Create JacobianFactorQ factor. More...
std::shared_ptr< JacobianFactorQ< Base::Dim, 2 > > | createJacobianQFactor (const Values &values, double lambda) const |
| Create JacobianFactorQ factor, takes values. More...
std::shared_ptr< JacobianFactor > | createJacobianSVDFactor (const Cameras &cameras, double lambda) const |
| Different (faster) way to compute a JacobianFactorSVD factor. More...
std::shared_ptr< RegularImplicitSchurFactor< PinholePose< CALIBRATION > > > | createRegularImplicitSchurFactor (const Cameras &cameras, double lambda) const |
bool | decideIfTriangulate (const Cameras &cameras) const |
| Check if the new linearization point is the same as the one used for previous triangulation. More...
bool | equals (const NonlinearFactor &p, double tol=1e-9) const override |
| equals More...
double | error (const Values &values) const override |
| Calculate total reprojection error. More...
bool | isDegenerate () const |
bool | isFarPoint () const |
bool | isOutlier () const |
bool | isPointBehindCamera () const |
bool | isValid () const |
| Is result valid? More...
std::shared_ptr< GaussianFactor > | linearize (const Values &values) const override |
| linearize More...
std::shared_ptr< GaussianFactor > | linearizeDamped (const Cameras &cameras, const double lambda=0.0) const |
std::shared_ptr< GaussianFactor > | linearizeDamped (const Values &values, const double lambda=0.0) const |
virtual std::shared_ptr< RegularHessianFactor< Base::Dim > > | linearizeToHessian (const Values &values, double lambda=0.0) const |
| Linearize to a Hessianfactor. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< RegularImplicitSchurFactor< PinholePose< CALIBRATION > > > | linearizeToImplicit (const Values &values, double lambda=0.0) const |
| Linearize to an Implicit Schur factor. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< JacobianFactorQ< Base::Dim, 2 > > | linearizeToJacobian (const Values &values, double lambda=0.0) const |
| Linearize to a JacobianfactorQ. More...
TriangulationResult | point () const |
TriangulationResult | point (const Values &values) const |
void | print (const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const override |
Vector | reprojectionErrorAfterTriangulation (const Values &values) const |
| Calculate vector of re-projection errors, before applying noise model. More...
| SmartProjectionFactor () |
| SmartProjectionFactor (const SharedNoiseModel &sharedNoiseModel, const SmartProjectionParams ¶ms=SmartProjectionParams()) |
double | totalReprojectionError (const Cameras &cameras, std::optional< Point3 > externalPoint={}) const |
bool | triangulateAndComputeE (Matrix &E, const Cameras &cameras) const |
bool | triangulateAndComputeE (Matrix &E, const Values &values) const |
bool | triangulateAndComputeJacobians (typename Base::FBlocks &Fs, Matrix &E, Vector &b, const Values &values) const |
| Version that takes values, and creates the point. More...
bool | triangulateAndComputeJacobiansSVD (typename Base::FBlocks &Fs, Matrix &Enull, Vector &b, const Values &values) const |
| takes values More...
bool | triangulateForLinearize (const Cameras &cameras) const |
| Possibly re-triangulate before calculating Jacobians. More...
TriangulationResult | triangulateSafe (const Cameras &cameras) const |
| Call gtsam::triangulateSafe iff we need to re-triangulate. More...
| ~SmartProjectionFactor () override |
void | add (const Z &measured, const Key &key) |
void | add (const ZVector &measurements, const KeyVector &cameraKeys) |
| Add a bunch of measurements, together with the camera keys. More...
void | add (const SFM_TRACK &trackToAdd) |
Pose3 | body_P_sensor () const |
void | computeJacobians (FBlocks &Fs, Matrix &E, Vector &b, const Cameras &cameras, const POINT &point) const |
void | computeJacobiansSVD (FBlocks &Fs, Matrix &Enull, Vector &b, const Cameras &cameras, const POINT &point) const |
virtual void | correctForMissingMeasurements (const Cameras &cameras, Vector &ue, typename Cameras::FBlocks *Fs=nullptr, Matrix *E=nullptr) const |
void | correctForMissingMeasurements (const Cameras &cameras, Vector &ue, OptArgs &&... optArgs) const |
std::shared_ptr< RegularHessianFactor< Dim > > | createHessianFactor (const Cameras &cameras, const Point3 &point, const double lambda=0.0, bool diagonalDamping=false) const |
| Linearize to a Hessianfactor. More...
std::shared_ptr< JacobianFactorQ< Dim, ZDim > > | createJacobianQFactor (const Cameras &cameras, const Point3 &point, double lambda=0.0, bool diagonalDamping=false) const |
| Return Jacobians as JacobianFactorQ. More...
std::shared_ptr< JacobianFactor > | createJacobianSVDFactor (const Cameras &cameras, const Point3 &point, double lambda=0.0) const |
std::shared_ptr< RegularImplicitSchurFactor< PinholePose< CALIBRATION > > > | createRegularImplicitSchurFactor (const Cameras &cameras, const Point3 &point, double lambda=0.0, bool diagonalDamping=false) const |
| Return Jacobians as RegularImplicitSchurFactor with raw access. More...
size_t | dim () const override |
| Return the dimension (number of rows!) of the factor. More...
const ZVector & | measured () const |
| Return the 2D measurements (ZDim, in general). More...
| SmartFactorBase () |
| Default Constructor, for serialization. More...
| SmartFactorBase (const SharedNoiseModel &sharedNoiseModel, std::optional< Pose3 > body_P_sensor={}, size_t expectedNumberCameras=10) |
| Construct with given noise model and optional arguments. More...
double | totalReprojectionError (const Cameras &cameras, const POINT &point) const |
Vector | unwhitenedError (const Cameras &cameras, const POINT &point, typename Cameras::FBlocks *Fs=nullptr, Matrix *E=nullptr) const |
Vector | unwhitenedError (const Cameras &cameras, const POINT &point, OptArgs &&... optArgs) const |
void | updateAugmentedHessian (const Cameras &cameras, const Point3 &point, const double lambda, bool diagonalDamping, SymmetricBlockMatrix &augmentedHessian, const KeyVector allKeys) const |
Vector | whitenedError (const Cameras &cameras, const POINT &point) const |
void | whitenJacobians (FBlocks &F, Matrix &E, Vector &b) const |
| Whiten the Jacobians computed by computeJacobians using noiseModel_. More...
| ~SmartFactorBase () override |
| Virtual destructor, subclasses from NonlinearFactor. More...
| NonlinearFactor () |
template<typename CONTAINER > |
| NonlinearFactor (const CONTAINER &keys) |
double | error (const HybridValues &c) const override |
virtual bool | active (const Values &) const |
virtual shared_ptr | clone () const |
virtual shared_ptr | rekey (const std::map< Key, Key > &rekey_mapping) const |
virtual shared_ptr | rekey (const KeyVector &new_keys) const |
virtual bool | sendable () const |
virtual | ~Factor ()=default |
| Default destructor. More...
bool | empty () const |
| Whether the factor is empty (involves zero variables). More...
Key | front () const |
| First key. More...
Key | back () const |
| Last key. More...
const_iterator | find (Key key) const |
| find More...
const KeyVector & | keys () const |
| Access the factor's involved variable keys. More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
const_iterator | end () const |
size_t | size () const |
virtual void | printKeys (const std::string &s="Factor", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const |
| print only keys More...
bool | equals (const This &other, double tol=1e-9) const |
| check equality More...
KeyVector & | keys () |
iterator | begin () |
iterator | end () |
template<class CALIBRATION>
class gtsam::SmartProjectionPoseFactor< CALIBRATION >
If you are using the factor, please cite: L. Carlone, Z. Kira, C. Beall, V. Indelman, F. Dellaert, Eliminating conditionally independent sets in factor graphs: a unifying perspective based on smart factors, Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014. This factor assumes that camera calibration is fixed, and that the calibration is the same for all cameras involved in this factor. The factor only constrains poses (variable dimension is 6). This factor requires that values contains the involved poses (Pose3). If the calibration should be optimized, as well, use SmartProjectionFactor instead!
Definition at line 45 of file SmartProjectionPoseFactor.h.