| EvaluationFactor () |
| EvaluationFactor (Key key, double z, const SharedNoiseModel &model, const size_t N, double x) |
| Construct a new EvaluationFactor object. More...
| EvaluationFactor (Key key, double z, const SharedNoiseModel &model, const size_t N, double x, double a, double b) |
| Construct a new EvaluationFactor object. More...
virtual | ~EvaluationFactor () |
NonlinearFactor::shared_ptr | clone () const override |
Vector | evaluateError (const Vector ¶ms, OptionalMatrixType H) const override |
| FunctorizedFactor () |
| FunctorizedFactor (Key key, const double &z, const SharedNoiseModel &model, const std::function< double(Vector, OptionalMatrixType)> func) |
| ~FunctorizedFactor () override |
void | print (const std::string &s="", const KeyFormatter &keyFormatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const override |
| print More...
bool | equals (const NonlinearFactor &other, double tol=1e-9) const override |
Key | key () const |
| ~NoiseModelFactorN () override |
| NoiseModelFactorN () |
| Default Constructor for I/O. More...
| NoiseModelFactorN (const SharedNoiseModel &noiseModel, KeyType< ValueTypes >... keys) |
| NoiseModelFactorN (const SharedNoiseModel &noiseModel, CONTAINER keys) |
Vector | unwhitenedError (const Values &x, OptionalMatrixVecType H=nullptr) const override |
virtual Vector | evaluateError (const ValueTypes &... x, OptionalMatrixTypeT< ValueTypes >... H) const=0 |
Vector | evaluateError (const ValueTypes &... x, MatrixTypeT< ValueTypes > &... H) const |
Vector | evaluateError (const ValueTypes &... x) const |
AreAllMatrixRefs< Vector, OptionalJacArgs... > | evaluateError (const ValueTypes &... x, OptionalJacArgs &&... H) const |
AreAllMatrixPtrs< Vector, OptionalJacArgs... > | evaluateError (const ValueTypes &... x, OptionalJacArgs &&... H) const |
Key | key1 () const |
Key | key2 () const |
Key | key3 () const |
Key | key4 () const |
Key | key5 () const |
Key | key6 () const |
shared_ptr | cloneWithNewNoiseModel (const SharedNoiseModel newNoise) const |
size_t | dim () const override |
double | error (const Values &c) const override |
std::shared_ptr< GaussianFactor > | linearize (const Values &x) const override |
const SharedNoiseModel & | noiseModel () const |
| access to the noise model More...
| NoiseModelFactor () |
template<typename CONTAINER > |
| NoiseModelFactor (const SharedNoiseModel &noiseModel, const CONTAINER &keys) |
Vector | unweightedWhitenedError (const Values &c) const |
Vector | unwhitenedError (const Values &x, std::vector< Matrix > &H) const |
double | weight (const Values &c) const |
Vector | whitenedError (const Values &c) const |
| ~NoiseModelFactor () override |
| NonlinearFactor () |
template<typename CONTAINER > |
| NonlinearFactor (const CONTAINER &keys) |
double | error (const HybridValues &c) const override |
virtual bool | active (const Values &) const |
virtual shared_ptr | rekey (const std::map< Key, Key > &rekey_mapping) const |
virtual shared_ptr | rekey (const KeyVector &new_keys) const |
virtual bool | sendable () const |
virtual | ~Factor ()=default |
| Default destructor. More...
bool | empty () const |
| Whether the factor is empty (involves zero variables). More...
Key | front () const |
| First key. More...
Key | back () const |
| Last key. More...
const_iterator | find (Key key) const |
| find More...
const KeyVector & | keys () const |
| Access the factor's involved variable keys. More...
const_iterator | begin () const |
const_iterator | end () const |
size_t | size () const |
virtual void | printKeys (const std::string &s="Factor", const KeyFormatter &formatter=DefaultKeyFormatter) const |
| print only keys More...
bool | equals (const This &other, double tol=1e-9) const |
| check equality More...
KeyVector & | keys () |
iterator | begin () |
iterator | end () |
enum | |
| N is the number of variables (N-way factor) More...
using | ValueType = typename std::tuple_element< I - 1, std::tuple< ValueTypes... > >::type |
typedef std::shared_ptr< This > | shared_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< This > | shared_ptr |
typedef KeyVector::const_iterator | const_iterator |
| Const iterator over keys. More...
typedef KeyVector::iterator | iterator |
| Iterator over keys. More...
using | Base = NoiseModelFactor |
using | KeyType = Key |
using | MatrixTypeT = Matrix |
using | OptionalMatrixTypeT = Matrix * |
using | This = NoiseModelFactorN< ValueTypes... > |
using | IsConvertible = typename std::enable_if< std::is_convertible< From, To >::value, void >::type |
using | IndexIsValid = typename std::enable_if<(I >=1) &&(I<=N), void >::type |
using | ContainerElementType = typename std::decay< decltype(*std::declval< Container >().begin())>::type |
using | IsContainerOfKeys = IsConvertible< ContainerElementType< Container >, Key > |
using | AreAllMatrixRefs = std::enable_if_t<(... &&std::is_convertible< Args, Matrix &>::value), Ret > |
using | IsMatrixPointer = std::is_same< typename std::decay_t< Arg >, Matrix *> |
using | IsNullpointer = std::is_same< typename std::decay_t< Arg >, std::nullptr_t > |
using | AreAllMatrixPtrs = std::enable_if_t<(... &&(IsMatrixPointer< Args >::value||IsNullpointer< Args >::value)), Ret > |
typedef NonlinearFactor | Base |
typedef NoiseModelFactor | This |
typedef Factor | Base |
typedef NonlinearFactor | This |
| NoiseModelFactor (const SharedNoiseModel &noiseModel) |
| Factor () |
template<typename CONTAINER > |
| Factor (const CONTAINER &keys) |
template<typename ITERATOR > |
| Factor (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last) |
template<typename CONTAINER > |
static Factor | FromKeys (const CONTAINER &keys) |
template<typename ITERATOR > |
static Factor | FromIterators (ITERATOR first, ITERATOR last) |
SharedNoiseModel | noiseModel_ |
KeyVector | keys_ |
| The keys involved in this factor. More...
template<class BASIS>
class gtsam::EvaluationFactor< BASIS >
Factor for enforcing the scalar value of the polynomial BASIS representation at x
is the same as the measurement z
when using a pseudo-spectral parameterization.
- Template Parameters
Example, degree 8 Chebyshev polynomial measured at x=0.5: EvaluationFactor<Chebyshev2> factor(key, measured, model, 8, 0.5);
Definition at line 39 of file BasisFactors.h.