20 #ifndef EIGEN_BDCSVD_H 21 #define EIGEN_BDCSVD_H 27 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 28 IOFormat bdcsvdfmt(8, 0,
", ",
" [",
31 template<
typename _MatrixType>
class BDCSVD;
35 template<
typename _MatrixType>
66 template<
typename _MatrixType>
82 RowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime,
83 ColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime,
85 MaxRowsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxRowsAtCompileTime,
86 MaxColsAtCompileTime = MatrixType::MaxColsAtCompileTime,
88 MatrixOptions = MatrixType::Options
119 : m_algoswap(16), m_numIters(0)
121 allocate(rows, cols, computationOptions);
135 : m_algoswap(16), m_numIters(0)
137 compute(matrix, computationOptions);
154 BDCSVD& compute(
const MatrixType&
unsigned int computationOptions);
164 return compute(matrix, this->m_computationOptions);
169 eigen_assert(s>3 &&
"BDCSVD the size of the algo switch has to be greater than 3");
174 void allocate(
Index rows,
Index cols,
unsigned int computationOptions);
176 void computeSVDofM(
Index firstCol,
Index n, MatrixXr& U, VectorType& singVals, MatrixXr& V);
177 void computeSingVals(
const ArrayRef& col0,
const ArrayRef& diag,
const IndicesRef& perm, VectorType& singVals, ArrayRef shifts, ArrayRef mus);
178 void perturbCol0(
const ArrayRef& col0,
const ArrayRef& diag,
const IndicesRef& perm,
const VectorType& singVals,
const ArrayRef& shifts,
const ArrayRef& mus, ArrayRef zhat);
179 void computeSingVecs(
const ArrayRef& zhat,
const ArrayRef& diag,
const IndicesRef& perm,
const VectorType& singVals,
const ArrayRef& shifts,
const ArrayRef& mus, MatrixXr& U, MatrixXr& V);
183 template<
typename HouseholderU,
typename HouseholderV,
typename NaiveU,
typename NaiveV>
184 void copyUV(
const HouseholderU &householderU,
const HouseholderV &householderV,
const NaiveU &naiveU,
const NaiveV &naivev);
186 static RealScalar secularEq(RealScalar
const ArrayRef& col0,
const ArrayRef& diag,
const IndicesRef &perm,
const ArrayRef& diagShifted, RealScalar shift);
197 using Base::m_singularValues;
198 using Base::m_diagSize;
199 using Base::m_computeFullU;
200 using Base::m_computeFullV;
201 using Base::m_computeThinU;
202 using Base::m_computeThinV;
203 using Base::m_matrixU;
204 using Base::m_matrixV;
205 using Base::m_isInitialized;
206 using Base::m_nonzeroSingularValues;
214 template<
typename MatrixType>
217 m_isTranspose = (cols > rows);
219 if (Base::allocate(rows, cols, computationOptions))
222 m_computed = MatrixXr::Zero(m_diagSize + 1, m_diagSize );
223 m_compU = computeV();
224 m_compV = computeU();
228 if (m_compU) m_naiveU = MatrixXr::Zero(m_diagSize + 1, m_diagSize + 1 );
229 else m_naiveU = MatrixXr::Zero(2, m_diagSize + 1 );
231 if (m_compV) m_naiveV = MatrixXr::Zero(m_diagSize, m_diagSize);
233 m_workspace.resize((m_diagSize+1)*(m_diagSize+1)*3);
234 m_workspaceI.resize(3*m_diagSize);
237 template<
typename MatrixType>
240 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 241 std::cout <<
243 allocate(matrix.rows(), matrix.cols(), computationOptions);
249 if(matrix.cols() < m_algoswap)
253 if(computeU()) m_matrixU = jsvd.
254 if(computeV()) m_matrixV = jsvd.
257 m_isInitialized =
262 RealScalar scale = matrix.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff();
265 if (m_isTranspose) copy = matrix.adjoint()/scale;
266 else copy = matrix/scale;
276 m_computed.topRows(m_diagSize) = bid.
277 m_computed.template bottomRows<1>().setZero();
278 divide(0, m_diagSize - 1, 0, 0, 0);
281 for (
int i=0; i<m_diagSize; i++)
284 m_singularValues.coeffRef(i) = a * scale;
287 m_nonzeroSingularValues = i;
288 m_singularValues.tail(m_diagSize - i - 1).setZero();
291 else if (i == m_diagSize - 1)
293 m_nonzeroSingularValues = i + 1;
298 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 305 m_isInitialized =
310 template<
typename MatrixType>
311 template<
typename HouseholderU,
typename HouseholderV,
typename NaiveU,
typename NaiveV>
312 void BDCSVD<MatrixType>::copyUV(
const HouseholderU &householderU,
const HouseholderV &householderV,
const NaiveU &naiveU,
const NaiveV &naiveV)
317 Index Ucols = m_computeThinU ? m_diagSize : householderU.cols();
318 m_matrixU = MatrixX::Identity(householderU.cols(), Ucols);
319 m_matrixU.topLeftCorner(m_diagSize, m_diagSize) = naiveV.template cast<Scalar>().
topLeftCorner(m_diagSize, m_diagSize);
320 householderU.applyThisOnTheLeft(m_matrixU);
324 Index Vcols = m_computeThinV ? m_diagSize : householderV.cols();
325 m_matrixV = MatrixX::Identity(householderV.cols(), Vcols);
326 m_matrixV.topLeftCorner(m_diagSize, m_diagSize) = naiveU.template cast<Scalar>().
topLeftCorner(m_diagSize, m_diagSize);
327 householderV.applyThisOnTheLeft(m_matrixV);
339 template<
typename MatrixType>
355 if( (A.col(j).head(n1).array()!=
Literal(0)).any() )
357 A1.col(k1) = A.col(j).head(n1);
358 B1.row(k1) = B.row(j);
361 if( (A.col(j).tail(n2).array()!=
Literal(0)).any() )
363 A2.col(k2) = A.col(j).tail(n2);
364 B2.row(k2) = B.row(j);
369 A.topRows(n1).noalias() = A1.leftCols(k1) * B1.topRows(k1);
370 A.bottomRows(n2).noalias() = A2.leftCols(k2) * B2.topRows(k2);
390 template<
typename MatrixType>
397 const Index n = lastCol - firstCol + 1;
412 m_naiveU.block(firstCol, firstCol, n + 1, n + 1).real() = b.
415 m_naiveU.row(0).segment(firstCol, n + 1).real() = b.
416 m_naiveU.row(1).segment(firstCol, n + 1).real() = b.
418 if (m_compV) m_naiveV.block(firstRowW, firstColW, n, n).real() = b.
419 m_computed.block(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift, n + 1, n).setZero();
420 m_computed.diagonal().segment(firstCol + shift, n) = b.
424 alphaK = m_computed(firstCol + k, firstCol + k);
425 betaK = m_computed(firstCol + k + 1, firstCol + k);
429 divide(k + 1 + firstCol, lastCol, k + 1 + firstRowW, k + 1 + firstColW, shift);
430 divide(firstCol, k - 1 + firstCol, firstRowW, firstColW + 1, shift + 1);
434 lambda = m_naiveU(firstCol + k, firstCol + k);
435 phi = m_naiveU(firstCol + k + 1, lastCol + 1);
439 lambda = m_naiveU(1, firstCol + k);
440 phi = m_naiveU(0, lastCol + 1);
442 r0 =
abs(alphaK * lambda) *
abs(alphaK * lambda)) +
abs(betaK * phi) *
abs(betaK * phi));
445 l = m_naiveU.row(firstCol + k).segment(firstCol, k);
446 f = m_naiveU.row(firstCol + k + 1).segment(firstCol + k + 1, n - k - 1);
450 l = m_naiveU.row(1).segment(firstCol, k);
451 f = m_naiveU.row(0).segment(firstCol + k + 1, n - k - 1);
453 if (m_compV) m_naiveV(firstRowW+k, firstColW) =
461 c0 = alphaK * lambda / r0;
462 s0 = betaK * phi / r0;
465 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 466 assert(m_naiveU.allFinite());
467 assert(m_naiveV.allFinite());
468 assert(m_computed.allFinite());
473 MatrixXr q1 (m_naiveU.col(firstCol + k).segment(firstCol, k + 1));
475 for (
Index i = firstCol + k - 1; i >= firstCol; i--)
476 m_naiveU.col(i + 1).segment(firstCol, k + 1) = m_naiveU.col(i).segment(firstCol, k + 1);
478 m_naiveU.col(firstCol).segment( firstCol, k + 1) = (q1 * c0);
480 m_naiveU.col(lastCol + 1).segment(firstCol, k + 1) = (q1 * ( - s0));
482 m_naiveU.col(firstCol).segment(firstCol + k + 1, n - k) = m_naiveU.col(lastCol + 1).segment(firstCol + k + 1, n - k) * s0;
484 m_naiveU.col(lastCol + 1).segment(firstCol + k + 1, n - k) *= c0;
490 for (
Index i = firstCol + k - 1; i >= firstCol; i--)
491 m_naiveU(0, i + 1) = m_naiveU(0, i);
493 m_naiveU(0, firstCol) = (q1 * c0);
495 m_naiveU(0, lastCol + 1) = (q1 * ( - s0));
497 m_naiveU(1, firstCol) = m_naiveU(1, lastCol + 1) *s0;
499 m_naiveU(1, lastCol + 1) *= c0;
500 m_naiveU.row(1).segment(firstCol + 1, k).setZero();
501 m_naiveU.row(0).segment(firstCol + k + 1, n - k - 1).setZero();
504 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 505 assert(m_naiveU.allFinite());
506 assert(m_naiveV.allFinite());
507 assert(m_computed.allFinite());
510 m_computed(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift) = r0;
511 m_computed.col(firstCol + shift).segment(firstCol + shift + 1, k) = alphaK * l.transpose().real();
512 m_computed.col(firstCol + shift).segment(firstCol + shift + k + 1, n - k - 1) = betaK * f.transpose().real();
514 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 515 ArrayXr tmp1 = (m_computed.block(firstCol+shift, firstCol+shift, n, n)).jacobiSvd().singularValues();
518 deflation(firstCol, lastCol, k, firstRowW, firstColW, shift);
519 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 520 ArrayXr tmp2 = (m_computed.block(firstCol+shift, firstCol+shift, n, n)).jacobiSvd().singularValues();
521 std::cout <<
"\n\nj1 = " << tmp1.transpose().format(bdcsvdfmt) <<
522 std::cout <<
"j2 = " << tmp2.transpose().format(bdcsvdfmt) <<
523 std::cout <<
"err: " << ((tmp1-tmp2).
abs()>1e-12*tmp2.abs()).transpose() <<
524 static int count = 0;
525 std::cout <<
"# " << ++count <<
526 assert((tmp1-tmp2).
matrix().norm() < 1e-14*tmp2.matrix().norm());
534 computeSVDofM(firstCol + shift, n, UofSVD, singVals, VofSVD);
536 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 537 assert(UofSVD.allFinite());
538 assert(VofSVD.allFinite());
542 structured_update(m_naiveU.block(firstCol, firstCol, n + 1, n + 1), UofSVD, (n+2)/2);
546 tmp.noalias() = m_naiveU.middleCols(firstCol, n+1) * UofSVD;
547 m_naiveU.middleCols(firstCol, n + 1) = tmp;
550 if (m_compV) structured_update(m_naiveV.block(firstRowW, firstColW, n, n), VofSVD, (n+1)/2);
552 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 553 assert(m_naiveU.allFinite());
554 assert(m_naiveV.allFinite());
555 assert(m_computed.allFinite());
558 m_computed.block(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift, n, n).setZero();
559 m_computed.block(firstCol + shift, firstCol + shift, n, n).diagonal() = singVals;
570 template <
typename MatrixType>
575 ArrayRef col0 = m_computed.col(firstCol).segment(firstCol, n);
576 m_workspace.head(n) = m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n, n).diagonal();
577 ArrayRef diag = m_workspace.head(n);
583 if (m_compV) V.
resize(n, n);
585 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 586 if (col0.hasNaN() || diag.hasNaN())
587 std::cout <<
"\n\nHAS NAN\n\n";
594 while(actual_n>1 && diag(actual_n-1)==
Literal(0)) --actual_n;
596 for(
Index k=0;k<actual_n;++k)
597 if(
598 m_workspaceI(m++) = k;
605 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 606 std::cout <<
"computeSVDofM using:\n";
607 std::cout <<
" z: " << col0.transpose() <<
608 std::cout <<
" d: " << diag.transpose() <<
612 computeSingVals(col0, diag, perm, singVals, shifts, mus);
614 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 615 std::cout <<
" j: " << (m_computed.block(firstCol, firstCol, n, n)).jacobiSvd().singularValues().transpose().reverse() <<
616 std::cout <<
" sing-val: " << singVals.transpose() <<
617 std::cout <<
" mu: " << mus.transpose() <<
618 std::cout <<
" shift: " << shifts.transpose() <<
622 while(actual_n>1 &&
abs(col0(actual_n-1))<considerZero) --actual_n;
623 std::cout <<
"\n\n mus: " << mus.head(actual_n).transpose() <<
624 std::cout <<
" check1 (expect0) : " << ((singVals.array()-(shifts+mus)) / singVals.array()).
head(actual_n).transpose() <<
625 std::cout <<
" check2 (>0) : " << ((singVals.array()-diag) / singVals.array()).
head(actual_n).transpose() <<
626 std::cout <<
" check3 (>0) : " << ((diag.segment(1,actual_n-1)-singVals.head(actual_n-1).array()) / singVals.head(actual_n-1).array()).transpose() <<
627 std::cout <<
" check4 (>0) : " << ((singVals.segment(1,actual_n-1)-singVals.head(actual_n-1))).transpose() <<
631 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 632 assert(singVals.allFinite());
633 assert(mus.allFinite());
634 assert(shifts.allFinite());
638 perturbCol0(col0, diag, perm, singVals, shifts, mus, zhat);
639 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 640 std::cout <<
" zhat: " << zhat.transpose() <<
643 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 644 assert(zhat.allFinite());
647 computeSingVecs(zhat, diag, perm, singVals, shifts, mus, U, V);
649 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 650 std::cout <<
"U^T U: " << (U.transpose() * U -
cols()))).norm() <<
651 std::cout <<
"V^T V: " << (V.transpose() * V -
cols()))).norm() <<
654 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 655 assert(U.allFinite());
656 assert(V.allFinite());
657 assert((U.transpose() * U -
cols()))).norm() < 1e-14 *
658 assert((V.transpose() * V -
cols()))).norm() < 1e-14 *
659 assert(m_naiveU.allFinite());
660 assert(m_naiveV.allFinite());
661 assert(m_computed.allFinite());
666 for(
Index i=0; i<actual_n-1; ++i)
668 if(singVals(i)>singVals(i+1))
671 swap(singVals(i),singVals(i+1));
672 U.col(i).
673 if(m_compV) V.col(i).
679 singVals.head(actual_n).reverseInPlace();
680 U.leftCols(actual_n).rowwise().reverseInPlace();
681 if (m_compV) V.leftCols(actual_n).rowwise().reverseInPlace();
683 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 685 std::cout <<
" * j: " << jsvd.singularValues().transpose() <<
686 std::cout <<
" * sing-val: " << singVals.transpose() <<
691 template <
typename MatrixType>
694 Index m = perm.size();
696 for(
Index i=0; i<m; ++i)
701 res += (col0(j) / (diagShifted(j) - mu)) * (col0(j) / (diag(j) + shift + mu));
707 template <
typename MatrixType>
719 while(actual_n>1 && col0(actual_n-1)==
Literal(0)) --actual_n;
721 for (
Index k = 0; k <
n; ++k)
723 if (col0(k) ==
Literal(0) || actual_n==1)
727 singVals(k) = k==0 ? col0(0) : diag(k);
729 shifts(k) = k==0 ? col0(0) : diag(k);
737 right = (diag(actual_n-1) + col0.matrix().norm());
751 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 752 std::cout << right-left <<
753 std::cout <<
"fMid = " << fMid <<
" " << secularEq(mid-left, col0, diag, perm, diag-left, left) <<
" " << secularEq(mid-right, col0, diag, perm, diag-right, right) <<
754 std::cout <<
" = " << secularEq(0.1*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
755 <<
" " << secularEq(0.2*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
756 <<
" " << secularEq(0.3*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
757 <<
" " << secularEq(0.4*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
758 <<
" " << secularEq(0.49*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
759 <<
" " << secularEq(0.5*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
760 <<
" " << secularEq(0.51*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
761 <<
" " << secularEq(0.6*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
762 <<
" " << secularEq(0.7*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
763 <<
" " << secularEq(0.8*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0)
764 <<
" " << secularEq(0.9*(left+right), col0, diag, perm, diag, 0) <<
770 diagShifted = diag - shift;
777 if (k == actual_n-1) muCur = right - left;
778 else muCur = (right - left) *
786 RealScalar fPrev = secularEq(muPrev, col0, diag, perm, diagShifted, shift);
787 RealScalar fCur = secularEq(muCur, col0, diag, perm, diagShifted, shift);
788 if (
abs(fPrev) <
796 bool useBisection = fPrev*fCur>
802 RealScalar a = (fCur - fPrev) / (Literal(1)/muCur - Literal(1)/muPrev);
806 RealScalar fZero = secularEq(muZero, col0, diag, perm, diagShifted, shift);
814 if (shift == left && (muCur < Literal(0) || muCur > right - left)) useBisection =
815 if (shift == right && (muCur < -(right - left) || muCur > Literal(0))) useBisection =
816 if (
abs(fPrev)) useBisection =
822 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 823 std::cout <<
"useBisection for k = " << k <<
", actual_n = " << actual_n <<
836 rightShifted = (k==actual_n-1) ? right : ((right - left) *
840 leftShifted = -(right - left) *
847 RealScalar fLeft = secularEq(leftShifted, col0, diag, perm, diagShifted, shift);
849 #if defined EIGEN_INTERNAL_DEBUGGING || defined EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 850 RealScalar fRight = secularEq(rightShifted, col0, diag, perm, diagShifted, shift);
853 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 854 if(!(fLeft * fRight<0))
856 std::cout <<
"fLeft: " << leftShifted <<
" - " << diagShifted.head(10).transpose() <<
"\n ; " << bool(left==shift) <<
" " << (left-shift) <<
857 std::cout << k <<
" : " << fLeft <<
" * " << fRight <<
" == " << fLeft * fRight <<
" ; " << left <<
" - " << right <<
" -> " << leftShifted <<
" " << rightShifted <<
" shift=" << shift <<
864 RealScalar midShifted = (leftShifted + rightShifted) / Literal(2);
865 fMid = secularEq(midShifted, col0, diag, perm, diagShifted, shift);
866 if (fLeft * fMid < Literal(0))
868 rightShifted = midShifted;
872 leftShifted = midShifted;
877 muCur = (leftShifted + rightShifted) / Literal(2);
880 singVals[k] = shift + muCur;
894 template <
typename MatrixType>
901 Index m = perm.size();
907 Index last = perm(m-1);
909 for (
Index k = 0; k <
n; ++k)
917 RealScalar prod = (singVals(last) + dk) * (mus(last) + (shifts(last) - dk));
919 for(
Index l = 0; l<m; ++l)
924 Index j = i<k ? i : perm(l-1);
925 prod *= ((singVals(j)+dk) / ((diag(i)+dk))) * ((mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)) / ((diag(i)-dk)));
926 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 927 if(i!=k &&
std::abs(((singVals(j)+dk)*(mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)))/((diag(i)+dk)*(diag(i)-dk)) - 1) > 0.9 )
928 std::cout <<
" " << ((singVals(j)+dk)*(mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk)))/((diag(i)+dk)*(diag(i)-dk)) <<
" == (" << (singVals(j)+dk) <<
" * " << (mus(j)+(shifts(j)-dk))
929 <<
") / (" << (diag(i)+dk) <<
" * " << (diag(i)-dk) <<
933 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 934 std::cout <<
"zhat(" << k <<
") = sqrt( " << prod <<
") ; " << (singVals(last) + dk) <<
" * " << mus(last) + shifts(last) <<
" - " << dk <<
937 zhat(k) = col0(k) >
Literal(0) ? tmp : -tmp;
943 template <
typename MatrixType>
949 Index m = perm.size();
951 for (
Index k = 0; k <
n; ++k)
955 U.col(k) = VectorType::Unit(n+1, k);
956 if (m_compV) V.col(k) = VectorType::Unit(n, k);
961 for(
Index l=0;l<m;++l)
964 U(i,k) = zhat(i)/(((diag(i) - shifts(k)) - mus(k)) )/( (diag(i) + singVals[k]));
967 U.col(k).normalize();
972 for(
Index l=1;l<m;++l)
975 V(i,k) = diag(i) * zhat(i) / (((diag(i) - shifts(k)) - mus(k)) )/( (diag(i) + singVals[k]));
978 V.col(k).normalize();
982 U.col(n) = VectorType::Unit(n+1, n);
989 template <
typename MatrixType>
995 Index start = firstCol + shift;
1001 m_computed(start+i, start+i) =
1004 m_computed(start,start) = r;
1005 m_computed(start+i, start) =
1006 m_computed(start+i, start+i) =
1009 if (m_compU) m_naiveU.middleRows(firstCol, size+1).applyOnTheRight(firstCol, firstCol+i, J);
1010 else m_naiveU.applyOnTheRight(firstCol, firstCol+i, J);
1018 template <
typename MatrixType>
1025 RealScalar c = m_computed(firstColm+i, firstColm);
1026 RealScalar s = m_computed(firstColm+j, firstColm);
1028 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1029 std::cout <<
"deflation 4.4: " << i <<
"," << j <<
" -> " << c <<
" " << s <<
" " << r <<
" ; " 1030 << m_computed(firstColm + i-1, firstColm) <<
" " 1031 << m_computed(firstColm + i, firstColm) <<
" " 1032 << m_computed(firstColm + i+1, firstColm) <<
" " 1033 << m_computed(firstColm + i+2, firstColm) <<
1034 std::cout << m_computed(firstColm + i-1, firstColm + i-1) <<
" " 1035 << m_computed(firstColm + i, firstColm+i) <<
" " 1036 << m_computed(firstColm + i+1, firstColm+i+1) <<
" " 1037 << m_computed(firstColm + i+2, firstColm+i+2) <<
1041 m_computed(firstColm + i, firstColm + i) = m_computed(firstColm + j, firstColm + j);
1046 m_computed(firstColm + i, firstColm) = r;
1047 m_computed(firstColm + j, firstColm + j) = m_computed(firstColm + i, firstColm + i);
1048 m_computed(firstColm + j, firstColm) =
1051 if (m_compU) m_naiveU.middleRows(firstColu, size+1).applyOnTheRight(firstColu + i, firstColu + j, J);
1052 else m_naiveU.applyOnTheRight(firstColu+i, firstColu+j, J);
1053 if (m_compV) m_naiveV.middleRows(firstRowW, size).applyOnTheRight(firstColW + i, firstColW + j, J);
1058 template <
typename MatrixType>
1063 const Index length = lastCol + 1 - firstCol;
1074 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 1075 assert(m_naiveU.allFinite());
1076 assert(m_naiveV.allFinite());
1077 assert(m_computed.allFinite());
1080 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1081 std::cout <<
"\ndeflate:" << diag.head(k+1).transpose() <<
" | " << diag.segment(k+1,length-k-1).transpose() <<
1085 if (diag(0) < epsilon_coarse)
1087 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1088 std::cout <<
"deflation 4.1, because " << diag(0) <<
" < " << epsilon_coarse <<
1090 diag(0) = epsilon_coarse;
1094 for (
Index i=1;i<length;++i)
1095 if (
abs(col0(i)) < epsilon_strict)
1097 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1098 std::cout <<
"deflation 4.2, set z(" << i <<
") to zero because " <<
abs(col0(i)) <<
" < " << epsilon_strict <<
" (diag(" << i <<
")=" << diag(i) <<
1104 for (
Index i=1;i<length; i++)
1105 if (diag(i) < epsilon_coarse)
1107 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1108 std::cout <<
"deflation 4.3, cancel z(" << i <<
")=" << col0(i) <<
" because diag(" << i <<
")=" << diag(i) <<
" < " << epsilon_coarse <<
1110 deflation43(firstCol, shift, i, length);
1113 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 1114 assert(m_naiveU.allFinite());
1115 assert(m_naiveV.allFinite());
1116 assert(m_computed.allFinite());
1118 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1119 std::cout <<
"to be sorted: " << diag.transpose() <<
1124 bool total_deflation = (col0.tail(length-1).array()<considerZero).all();
1128 Index *permutation = m_workspaceI.data();
1134 for(
Index i=1; i<length; ++i)
1135 if(
1136 permutation[p++] = i;
1139 for( ; p < length; ++p)
1141 if (i > k) permutation[p] = j++;
1142 else if (j >= length) permutation[p] = i++;
1143 else if (diag(i) < diag(j)) permutation[p] = j++;
1144 else permutation[p] = i++;
1151 for(
Index i=1; i<length; ++i)
1153 Index pi = permutation[i];
1154 if(
abs(diag(pi))<considerZero || diag(0)<diag(pi))
1155 permutation[i-1] = permutation[i];
1158 permutation[i-1] = 0;
1165 Index *realInd = m_workspaceI.data()+length;
1166 Index *realCol = m_workspaceI.data()+2*length;
1168 for(
int pos = 0; pos< length; pos++)
1174 for(
Index i = total_deflation?0:1; i < length; i++)
1176 const Index pi = permutation[length - (total_deflation ? i+1 : i)];
1177 const Index J = realCol[pi];
1181 swap(diag(i), diag(J));
1182 if(i!=0 && J!=0)
swap(col0(i), col0(J));
1185 if (m_compU) m_naiveU.col(firstCol+i).segment(firstCol, length + 1).swap(m_naiveU.col(firstCol+J).segment(firstCol, length + 1));
1186 else m_naiveU.col(firstCol+i).segment(0, 2) .swap(m_naiveU.col(firstCol+J).segment(0, 2));
1187 if (m_compV) m_naiveV.col(firstColW + i).segment(firstRowW, length).swap(m_naiveV.col(firstColW + J).segment(firstRowW, length));
1190 const Index realI = realInd[i];
1197 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1198 std::cout <<
"sorted: " << diag.transpose().format(bdcsvdfmt) <<
1199 std::cout <<
" : " << col0.transpose() <<
1205 while(i>0 && (
abs(diag(i))<considerZero ||
abs(col0(i))<considerZero)) --i;
1209 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_DEBUG_VERBOSE 1210 std::cout <<
"deflation 4.4 with i = " << i <<
" because " << (diag(i) - diag(i-1)) <<
" < " <<
NumTraits<RealScalar>::epsilon()*diag(i) <<
1213 deflation44(firstCol, firstCol + shift, firstRowW, firstColW, i-1, i, length);
1217 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 1218 for(
Index j=2;j<length;++j)
1219 assert(diag(j-1)<=diag(j) ||
1222 #ifdef EIGEN_BDCSVD_SANITY_CHECKS 1223 assert(m_naiveU.allFinite());
1224 assert(m_naiveV.allFinite());
1225 assert(m_computed.allFinite());
1236 template<
typename Derived>
BDCSVD & compute(const MatrixType &matrix)
Method performing the decomposition of given matrix using current options.
Map< Matrix< T, Dynamic, Dynamic, ColMajor >, 0, OuterStride<> > matrix(T *data, int rows, int cols, int stride)
EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC half pow(const half &a, const half &b)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Derived & setZero(Index size)
const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > & conj(const AutoDiffScalar< DerType > &x)
void computeSVDofM(Index firstCol, Index n, MatrixXr &U, VectorType &singVals, MatrixXr &V)
BDCSVD< PlainObject > bdcSvd(unsigned int computationOptions=0) const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void swap(DenseBase< OtherDerived > &other)
const HouseholderVSequenceType householderV()
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC bool() isfinite(const T &x)
Matrix< Scalar, Dynamic, Dynamic, ColMajor > MatrixX
Base::MatrixUType MatrixUType
Matrix< RealScalar, Dynamic, Dynamic, ColMajor > MatrixXr
void setSwitchSize(int s)
A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing array of data.
const MatrixUType & matrixU() const
void deflation44(Index firstColu, Index firstColm, Index firstRowW, Index firstColW, Index i, Index j, Index size)
void copyUV(const HouseholderU &householderU, const HouseholderV &householderV, const NaiveU &naiveU, const NaiveV &naivev)
Array< RealScalar, Dynamic, 1 > ArrayXr
const HouseholderUSequenceType householderU() const
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const SqrtReturnType sqrt() const
static constexpr size_t size(Tuple< Args... > &)
Provides access to the number of elements in a tuple as a compile-time constant expression.
Rotation given by a cosine-sine pair.
Holds information about the various numeric (i.e. scalar) types allowed by Eigen. ...
void computeSingVals(const ArrayRef &col0, const ArrayRef &diag, const IndicesRef &perm, VectorType &singVals, ArrayRef shifts, ArrayRef mus)
Base::MatrixVType MatrixVType
MatrixType A(a, *n, *n, *lda)
NumTraits< Scalar >::Real RealScalar
Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size sub-vector.
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE const Abs2ReturnType abs2() const
BDCSVD(Index rows, Index cols, unsigned int computationOptions=0)
Default Constructor with memory preallocation.
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() swap(int *n, RealScalar *px, int *incx, RealScalar *py, int *incy)
Ref< ArrayXi > IndicesRef
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE void resize(Index rows, Index cols)
Base class of SVD algorithms.
void computeSingVecs(const ArrayRef &zhat, const ArrayRef &diag, const IndicesRef &perm, const VectorType &singVals, const ArrayRef &shifts, const ArrayRef &mus, MatrixXr &U, MatrixXr &V)
static RealScalar secularEq(RealScalar x, const ArrayRef &col0, const ArrayRef &diag, const IndicesRef &perm, const ArrayRef &diagShifted, RealScalar shift)
The Index type as used for the API.
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC SegmentReturnType head(Index n)
This is the const version of head(Index).
void deflation43(Index firstCol, Index shift, Index i, Index size)
BDCSVD & compute(const MatrixType &matrix, unsigned int computationOptions)
Method performing the decomposition of given matrix using custom options.
BDCSVD(const MatrixType &matrix, unsigned int computationOptions=0)
Constructor performing the decomposition of given matrix.
void deflation(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index k, Index firstRowW, Index firstColW, Index shift)
void perturbCol0(const ArrayRef &col0, const ArrayRef &diag, const IndicesRef &perm, const VectorType &singVals, const ArrayRef &shifts, const ArrayRef &mus, ArrayRef zhat)
MatrixType::Scalar Scalar
class Bidiagonal Divide and Conquer SVD
NumTraits< RealScalar >::Literal Literal
A matrix or vector expression mapping an existing expression.
Array< Index, 1, Dynamic > ArrayXi
This is the const version of topLeftCorner(Index, Index).
const BidiagonalType & bidiagonal() const
Expression of a fixed-size or dynamic-size block.
Index nonzeroSingularValues() const
void divide(Index firstCol, Index lastCol, Index firstRowW, Index firstColW, Index shift)
Default Constructor.
Two-sided Jacobi SVD decomposition of a rectangular matrix.
const SingularValuesType & singularValues() const
Matrix< RealScalar, Dynamic, 1 > VectorType
const MatrixVType & matrixV() const
void allocate(Index rows, Index cols, unsigned int computationOptions)
Expression of a diagonal/subdiagonal/superdiagonal in a matrix.
int EIGEN_BLAS_FUNC() copy(int *n, RealScalar *px, int *incx, RealScalar *py, int *incy)
Base::SingularValuesType SingularValuesType
MatrixType B(b, *n, *nrhs, *ldb)
NumTraits< typename MatrixType::Scalar >::Real RealScalar
#define eigen_internal_assert(x)
void structured_update(Block< MatrixXr, Dynamic, Dynamic > A, const MatrixXr &B, Index n1)
void swap(scoped_array< T > &a, scoped_array< T > &b)