uuv_gazebo_plugins Directory Reference


file  BuoyantObject.hh [code]
 Description of a buoyant object.
file  Def.hh [code]
 General definitions.
file  Dynamics.hh [code]
 1D dynamic models
file  FinPlugin.hh [code]
 Model plugin for description of a submarine's fin.
file  HydrodynamicModel.hh [code]
 This file contains the definition for different classes of hydrodynamic models for submerged objects.
file  LiftDragModel.hh [code]
 Various Lift&Drag models for Fins.
file  ThrusterConversionFcn.hh [code]
 Description of the conversion function fo a thruster.
file  ThrusterPlugin.hh [code]
 Model plugin for description of the thruster dynamics.
file  UmbilicalModel.hh [code]
 Various umbilical models.
file  UmbilicalPlugin.hh [code]
 Model plugin for the umbilical (tether) of an ROV.
file  UnderwaterObjectPlugin.hh [code]
 Class declaration for the underwater objects subject to buoyancy, lift and drag forces.

Author(s): Musa Morena Marcusso Manhaes , Sebastian Scherer , Luiz Ricardo Douat
autogenerated on Mon Jul 1 2019 19:39:12